evil spirit

Chapter 161 Fragrant Killing

Chapter 161 [** Killing] The one in front is very fat, tall and fat. He walks a little wobbly, and behind him, a tall man follows half a step away, with a serious expression and is his follower.

This fat man's name is Hong Da.

I don't know if this is his real name or nickname. Anyway, all I know is that this time, he is our goal! His identity is very special! Hong Da's ostensibly identity is a Chinese, but he does not belong to the Canadian Chinese Gang or any organization in the big circle. It can be said that he is a marginal person, wandering among the major Chinese forces in North America... And his speciality is that... He has an inextricable relationship with drug cartels in Southeast Asia... It can even be said One of the agents of Southeast Asian drug trafficking groups in North America... But in fact, Hong Da is half Vietnamese. He is proficient in Chinese and can also speak Vietnamese.

Originally, he had a lot of contacts with the Chinatown Chinese community in Canada. The drug trade of the Chinatown community in Canada and those Chinese gangs usually come from Southeast Asia, and their contact is Hongda! But now, Hong Da has changed! The compromise of the Chinese Gang to our big circle made Hong Da fall to the Vietnamese Gang... In fact, a marginal person like him has no habit of being loyal to any organization.

Hongda has something to do with many drug trafficking organizations in Southeast Asia, as well as many forces in the Golden Triangle region. Once he turns to the Vietnamese, the Vietnamese can get a lot of chips from him... Get more sources of drugs, and at the same time, it is equivalent to mastering the sales networks that originally belonged to the Chinatown Gang of Canada. The information of the network.

Vietnamese people are our biggest rival in the deal with Hell Angels... And Hong Da, now ready to provide help for the Vietnamese in the drug trade... So, there are not many reasons.

For this reason alone, he has become the first on the list of must-kill! And our task is very clear: follow him to Vietnam, and then kill him with the contact person when he is in contact with the Vietnamese! But no one can touch him until he contacts him! I don't understand why.

But our task is so simple, the specific reasons, those reasons for twists and turns.

It's the matter that the leaders of the eighth master are considering that has nothing to do with me.

I casually took out the money and bought two lottery tickets for Kangle Ball, and then found a table that was not too close to Hongda, about five or six meters away. I pretended to chat with Ciro and picked up the mobile phone and played with it. In fact, I carefully observed the target through the reflection of the mobile phone screen.

Tiger and the ponytail did not stay here. They pretended to wander around, which was purely in caution.

They walk around to find out if there are any other eye-catching characters around... We don't want to make the problem of hunters turning into prey! We sat for more than ten minutes, and the chips I bought for more than 200 yuan quickly lost.

But when Tiger came over.

secretly made a gesture to me to show my safety.

Our morning gestures are very simple, when walking, if his arms swing naturally.

There is something wrong with clenching your hands into fists! Danger, get away! If the palm is unfolded, there is no problem. Go on! Cruise ships are still sailing at sea, and most of the tourists around them are a little bored. In fact, many tourists choose to take this kind of oil tanker to Vietnam instead of flying, which is also the reason.

Because there are many activities on board! The ship is registered in Panama, so the ship will sail to the high seas at two o'clock.

And at that time, some special entertainment items on the ship will be open! For example, "adult performances" that are illegal in China, as well as casinos, can be opened.

On the high seas, there are no legal restrictions on these.

Hong Da and his follower sat there until two o'clock. In the middle, I went to the toilet once. When I deliberately approached him, I saw the fat man's face a little bored. He fiddled with the lottery ticket in his hand at will and kept looking at the time. Obviously, he had nothing to do.

After two o'clock, Guangboli reminded that the adult program in the nightclub will start at night, but the ticket will be 400 yuan.

I saw that Hong Da immediately stood up and took his follower to a gate inside, which was connected to a nightclub.

I smiled at Silo and said, "Let's go, let's see ** go."

Ciro's face was a little red. I smiled and patted him: "Damn, you're not a virgin, are you?

Canada is not a sexually conservative country.

In the nightclub, the light was already dark when we entered. Around a round stage, we sat around the audience. When I saw Hong Da, I sat in the first row.

The seats here are also graded. If you tip the waiter, he will take you to the first row.

As soon as we came in, a waiter on the ship led us in enthusiastically with a flashlight. He asked me in a low voice. I quickly took out two bills from my pocket and gave them to him. He quickly put them in his sleeves and then led us to the first row.

My position is right opposite Hongda. The fat man has a happy smile, and there is a bottle of beer on the table next to him.

At this time, the music is ringing! The lights that were already very dim in the audience were suddenly extinguished! I'm a little unnatural, because the darkness of the moment made me lose control of the goal! But soon, a beam of light hit the stage, and then a demonic figure slowly came out under the light... This was a girl. Her hair deliberately tied a palace bun and a mask in one hand, which just covered her face. She was wearing a three-point-style dress, full of shining. At the same time, she was wearing a furry shawl... Her other hand raised the shawl, twisted her buttocks and came over, and then quickly raised the shawl and threw it on the ground in the cheers of the crowd.

Someone is starting to whistle! The girl deliberately hooked the steel pipe in the middle of the stage, sank and twisted the span a few times. It could be seen that she had a lot of dance skills.

** It's not just shameless! In the whistles of the crowd, the music began to become powerful! The girl twisted a few times, and then knelt on the ground. Her cross-section began to twist violently, constantly doing all the seductive movements... Then, with the light flash, she threw away the mask in her hand and finally revealed her face... She was not too beautiful, but she covered it with makeup. Well, the natural defect of the hand hitting her face looked very gorgeous. She stood up deliberately, and then slowly turned around. She didn't know what she did. The button behind the bra on her upper body automatically opened... I heard the whole audience cheering, and then with the action, the girl twisted and jumped, facing the scene from time to time. Do a few seductive movements... Then she raised one leg, took off her high-heeled shoes with a golden chicken independent difficult movement, and then the other... She began to go down the stage barefoot and approached the audience around her. Her fingers were raised, as if seducing every audience, but the other hand, The bra that always covered her chest made the corridor of her chest loom... Finally, with a burst of turbulent music, she raised her bra, revealing two points on her chest... At this time, the audience began to roar.

The girl touched one hand from top to bottom, then took the bra and put it on her **, made a few pulling movements, and at the same time, her waist was twisted... The audience began to boil, and some people had taken out the money and flew in their hands! At this time, the ** girl walked off the stage again. This time she walked in front of three audiences, and all three audiences seemed to want to reach out to pull her.

But she cleverly dodged me. Finally, he seemed to see me, and then gently separated his legs with the dance movements and sat on my legs, but in fact, her waist was lifted. She began to press my shoulder, twisted her buttocks, and made some ** movements... I have to admit that she was very experienced. The ** girl, she first pressed my shoulder to prevent my hand from moving around and not touching her too much, but in the end she let go of my hand.

I just smiled, and then a piece of money in my hand gently stuffed into the belt on the edge of her underwear.

** The woman smiled charmingly at me and then gave me a kiss.

The light flashed, and the dancer slowly walked to Hong Da. With a bill in Hong's hand, the dancer began to twist around him. Finally, in the whistle of the audience around him, the dancer sat in Hong Da's arms... At this time, in the flashing light, the light in the whole hall was dim... I suddenly A hint of warning!!! This is purely a natural feeling for me... It is also the complete biological instinct that I have exercised after strict training and so many life and death hardships! My heart sank, which made me feel very bad! I stood up. Because of my standing, the people in the back row called me to sit down very dissatisfiedly. I turned around and pushed him away, and then quickly spared from behind. I knocked over a guest's table all the way, attracting a lot of scolding, but I stared at Hong Da... The dancer was still wriggling on him. But behind him... behind him, there is a curtain! Behind the curtain, it was already faint, as if something had stretched out... Dark, round... Ciro followed me tightly, and I shouted to him in a low voice, "His behind him! Go over from the left!" I was on my waist, and in the noise, I rushed to the curtain, and there was still noise and shouting in front of the stage...