evil spirit

Chapter 162 Short Soldiers

Chapter 162 [Short Soldiers] Behind the curtain should be a row of booths, just like that kind of luxurious half-box, but now it should be empty... Because I saw that the lights were not turned on behind the curtain! I have flashed quickly, and at the same time I have picked up a chair and waved hard... Bang! A strong drum beat blocked my sound! With a collective cheer from the audience, the ** woman took off the last cover of her whole body - her underwear! The men in the audience began to scream, and the dancers flirted with amorous feelings, holding the steel pipe and twisting. At this moment, there were only lights on the stage! And under the stage, there was only a lot of people... I waved the chair in my hand and heard a bang behind me! Then I faintly heard a faint "shh" sound! I know, it's a pistol with a silencer! The man hidden in the curtain was hit by the chair I waved, and the shot missed! The bullet hit the ceiling and smashed the light bulb of a chandelier! But in the noise, the sound was not noticed! Then I threw myself into the curtain! My hands touched the other party's neck, but he was very strong and reacted quickly. He immediately pinched my wrist and tried to break me over, but I pressed him. I could feel his elbow against my ribs, and then it was a fierce blow... I gasped in pain, and then pressed my thumb. His throat... In the dark, neither the other party nor me, we tacitly shouted or made any sound, but I obviously felt that his reach was quite good, because in a very difficult position, he could even bend his knees and push me away with the strength of his legs! I was pushed away and fell on the sofa next to me. It was darker than outside, and the curtain blocked almost all the light.

I can only vaguely see a big man in front of me! After he overturned me, he did not rush at me immediately, but picked up the gun that fell to the ground first! I immediately raised my foot, kicked the gun away, and kicked him in the face at the same time. The man snorted and fell backwards.

I pressed his neck, and the other hand pressed his chest... I felt a little wet on the back of my hand.

I realized that this was the blood of the other party! Then I tightened my fingers hard... He was still struggling, but after a heavy blow from me, he was obviously hurt.

The strength is also much less... As I got stuck in his throat.

He began to struggle with less strength due to lack of oxygen... All this only happened in just a few seconds! By the time I finally subdued him, Ciro had rushed in from the other side of the booth and saw that I had pressed on this person. He made a safe gesture to me.

I'm relieved.

This guy has no companion! It was still noisy outside, but it was quieter now. I just pressed this guy. Ciro came up and helped me hold him down together. Then I motioned to him. Ciro immediately understood and bent down and began to untie his shoelaces! I tied this guy's wrist with Ciro's shoelaces, and then simply cut his palm on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Do you have any paper towels?" I gasped a few times.

But I immediately knew that my questions were a little superfluous.

How can an old man bring paper towels when he goes out? I simply picked up the cloth on the sofa next to me and wiped the blood stains on my hands.

Ciro nervously lifted the corner of the curtain and looked outside.

Fortunately, no one has noticed it yet! I don't want to get into trouble... The problem now is to take this guy back to his room! I carefully took out my mobile phone, took advantage of the light of the mobile phone, looked at the man's face, hurriedly wiped the blood stains on his face, then took off his coat, covered his wrist, and half helped him out.

Ciro groped on the ground first, picked up the man's gun and hid it in his waist.

Ciro and I are holding him on the left and right.

When we walked across the stage, no one paid attention... Everyone's attention was attracted by the two ** women on the stage... It was obviously a pair of sisters, who looked very similar, with a small figure, and were twisting together to do some very seductive movements.

Ciro and I walked to the back door with the man on our back door, and the waiter at the door looked at us: "Do you need any help? "Mr.?" I shook my head faintly: "My friend has drunk too much. I'll help him back."

There was no problem, and the waiter didn't doubt it. We walked out of the door.

The nightclub has two doors, one through the hall. I'm afraid that a comatose person will attract attention, so I'm going through another back door! The back door goes directly through the corridor and leads to the deck outside.

When I went out, I saw the ponytail waiting at the door. He and Tiger were waiting in front of each other at the back door in order to guard the periphery.

The ponytail was leaning against the railing and pretending to smoke. Seeing that we actually came out with a man, he immediately threw the cigarette butt into the sea, and then pretended to come over inadvertently.

I gave him a look, and the ponytail immediately agreed. He walked past us and headed into the nightclub.

Now, he will replace us and continue to monitor the fat man named Hong Da! I think that guy is probably still foolishly watching the strip show! I didn't know that I saved his life just now... There was no one on the deck. It was so late that many tourists slept, and even if they didn't sleep, most of them were in nightclubs or casinos on the boat. There were only the bow and sterns outside.

Ciro and I put this man on the left and right and headed for a stairway in front of us.

There is a passage, and you can go back to the room directly.

Suddenly, just at the door, the guy who was dragged all the way by us suddenly opened his eyes! He quickly twisted Ciro's hand, then raised his shoulder and threw Ciro away! As soon as Silo turned over, he turned out of the railing! Fortunately, he grabbed the railing in time, but he couldn't help exclaiming! Then I already reacted! I immediately kicked the man's lower abdomen. He wanted to hide sideways, but the narrow deck passage made it impossible for him to fully unfold. I kicked him to the railing. As I went to twist his arms, when I had already twisted his arm, his eyes suddenly flashed a faint look... ...I was knocked away by him, but my fingers still hooked his sleeves! His body has been hung on the railing, on the outside! Then I heard a sneer, the clothes cracked, and I saw him fall off the railing with my own eyes... Plop! The sea was splashing everywhere... When I stretched out my head to look, there was no trace anymore... I looked at the remaining half of the broken clothes in my hand and recovered slightly. At this moment, Ciro finally barely turned up from behind the railing. His arm was a little injured, gasping, and his face was a little painful. .

"What should I do?" He looked depressed and looked at the sea under the boat.

At this moment, the cruise ship is still sailing, and the waves on the sea are not big.

"There's nothing we can do."

I sighed.

The man jumped down, and it seemed that he had made up his mind to die! He is the kind of killer with the determination to die... In the vast sea, jumping directly into the sea without any tools is no different from suicide.

I have a deep understanding of this!" I can jump down to get him..." I smiled and said quickly, "Don't talk nonsense. The boat is flying very fast. If you jump down and can't find him, you can't get up by yourself. We can't let the boat stop! Besides, you will be rolled in by the propeller and hanged!" I pulled Ciro down the stairs quickly. The pedestrians I met along the way did not have any doubts about us. I even saw two crew members walking past us and said "good evening" to us kindly.

After returning to the room, I immediately locked the door and took out the half-finished clothes.

This is a very ordinary coat, dark, and the style is very popular. I touched the top pocket in it. Unexpectedly, I found a key in it! No, this is a card! A door card! It's the door card of a guest room cabin on the ship! That is to say, this guy, like us, gets on the boat as a tourist! Three, twenty! This room is also on our floor! I took a look at Ciro, then thought for a moment and said, "Give me that gun."

Then I thought about it and said, "Let's go and have a look. You wait outside the corridor. I'll go in and have a look... If anything happens, I'll call you... If someone rushes out of the inside... stop him!" Ciro nodded.

I could see that he was a little nervous. I smiled and patted him on the cheek: "Okay, just think of it as an exercise."

I held the gun and covered it with my coat. The other hand held the room card and pushed the door and went out. Ciro followed, about a few steps away from me. I motioned him not to get too close. I walked to the door of the room and looked at the left and right corridors first. There was no one, and then carefully put my I listened carefully on the door, and there was no sound inside... This is the last room at the end of the corridor. I was about to open the door with my room card when I suddenly heard a voice behind me: "Sir, what can I do for you?"