evil spirit

Chapter 15 Attempted Under

Chapter 15 [Attempted] (Part 2)

I have a splitting headache!

I felt that the sense of my body came back bit by bit, but the soreness of my whole body felt bursts of attacks. It was a kind of extremely weak fatigue. It took me a lot of effort to open my eyes, and my little fingertip trembled a little...

But there is a strange situation that although my whole body feels very weak,... the "some part" of my body is extremely strong, as hard as iron...

Such a strange feeling made me feel a little confused. With the feeling of my headache stimulating my sensory nerves one after another, I couldn't help opening my mouth and making a soft hum.

Dry lips.

Just when I made my first voice, finally, a good face with a strange smile slowly stretched out and looked at me condescendingly.

Slined eyebrows, calm temperament, beautiful face, and a cunning and wise smile.

My consciousness woke up, and then I exhaled with a wry smile: "Yang Wei? What's wrong with me?"

I tried to get dusty, but my body was a little out of control. I can only feel that I am lying on a **. The only part I can control is my neck.

I turned my neck, but as soon as I turned my head, I saw someone else lying beside me!

The princess lay beside me, covered with a thin sheet. From the ** part of her shoulder, I judged that it was under the sheet. She should be **.

She was sleeping, with her head sideways and facing me. Her eyes were closed, with a strange blush on her face, which seemed to be a little charming. Her breath was sweet, as if with a faint sense of spring...

I was shocked. In retrospect immediately, I should have fainted, and I should have been drugged!

But then I struggled for a while, and when I turned my head back, I found that there was also a person lying on the other side of me!!

This person really shocked me!!

This is a man. The body is very strong, with brown hair. His face lay down **, his upper body **, revealing his muscular back, and naturally drooping from his hands, I judged that the man should have fainted, and his lower body was covered with a blanket... Should he also be naked?

My surprise is not a small thing! When I woke up, I lay a naked man and woman on my left and right, and I was in a weak state, and it was obvious that I also seemed to be naked...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then open your eyes. Now I woke up again. When I saw Yang Wei standing at the end of the bed, she looked at me with a smile, with her hands behind her back. She was still wearing the blue clothes from the banquet today, with her hands behind her back leisurely.

"What's going on?" I tried to speak.

Yang smiled proudly. But her answer made me laugh bitterly.

"Oh, it's very simple..." She deliberately said lightly, "You're 'almost're raped."

I had a little bitterness in my mouth: "Did you almost? Rape?"

The memories in my mind came back little by little, and the fragments before I fainted were pieced together in my mind. It is not difficult for me to draw a conclusion.

I drank a glass of wine handed to me by the princess, and then fainted! Obviously, the princess took the medicine.

Looking around, here is a room, which is exquisitely decorated, with a large European aristocratic-style bed, which is enough for five or six people to lie side by side! Looking up, there is also a huge mirror on the ceiling! The room is full of a strange fragrance, which is not much like a woman's perfume, but something that can stimulate human hormones. And a circle of candles around...

God, I even saw a leather whip by the bedside!

I took a deep breath and came back little by little. I tried to support my upper body, but I still pulled the sheet on my body with one hand, so as to prevent myself from leaking the spring light.


I immediately found the "doorway" of this room!!

This is obviously the kind of place specially used for ** wandering! This room is not big. A large oversized bed has occupied most of the area, and next to it, the front wall is just a huge flat transparent glass! And the side of the glass is... the bathroom!

That is to say, from the room, you can see the bathroom without hindrance... This is obviously a ** interesting design.

Soft Persian carpet, concubine chair, high heels on the ground, leather whip, leather coat, leather skirt, candle... Damn it, I actually saw one or two "fun tools" scattered on the ground, especially a string of transparent beads stringed with something special... I knew at a glance what it was for!

And I saw the unconscious man beside me, with two faint whip marks on his back...

Yang Wei's smiling eyes stabbed at me. My scalp was numb, and I was really embarrassed by her. I quickly sat up and wrapped myself in the quilt.

"What the hell is going on?" I feel that my voice is very guilty.

"Oh, I just said that you were almost raped." Yang smiled happily: "But fortunately, today I staged a good show of a beautiful woman to save the hero, although it's a little cliché."

After I fainted, I was immediately taken away by the princess. The medicine the princess gave me was so strange that it would make people look like they were drunk. According to Yang Wei, when she came out to see me later, she knew that I was drunk and was taken away by the princess, and she immediately chased me out.

The group of bodyguards with Yang Wei was really powerful, and he soon stared at the princess's car.

And here is a "nest" of the princess.

"So...who is this guy?" I took a look at the unconscious man beside me.

Yang Wei's face was a little embarrassed, but he soon became natural and blinked: "It should be a face of Her Royal Highness... Moreover, if I guess correctly, he should still rank high in the face of Her Royal Highness!"


Yang Wei smiled mysteriously, bent down to pick up something from the ground, and shook it in front of me.

I just took a look and was stunned!

This is a golden mask!!

That day, he was taken to the ** party by the princess. At the ** ceremony, the man who presided over the ceremony was wearing this golden mask!!

Is this guy lying next to me the leader who hosted the ** party that day?

"His name is Pierre. It is said that he also has a little royal blood, and his father also owns an earl's head street. Their happy family has business in both Europe and the United States. This Mr. Pierre is the eldest son of the family. He has lived in Canada for many years and is responsible for the family's business in North America... He is not a nobody!" Yang Weiyou said, "It's just that I didn't expect that he was the core figure of the 'Golden Thirteen' organization of Her Royal Highness."

The count's son?

I was stunned for a moment and looked at the man beside me. He looked very strong and his hair was thick, but he couldn't see his face clearly...

Yang Wei sighed: "To be honest, when I arrived here, I was also surprised to see Pierre... This guy is very open-minded in Canada's upper-class ***. His performance to the outside world is full of a gentleman, rich and powerful, and powerful family background, with noble titles, European royal family. Bloodline, it's simply a rare young talent in Canada's upper-class ***... He and I have met him twice in other places before, and he has always had a good impression of this guy. I think of it..."

Her tone was a little mocking. She looked at me and deliberately said coldly, "However, it seems that in the princess's heart, your position is actually higher than the count's son! Because obviously, the princess is going to eat some appetizers first, and then enjoy the big meal... As for the count's son, it's an appetizer, and you are naturally the main meal!"

I understand.

When Yang Wei came, probably the princess and the count's son were doing "something"

"Oh, by the way, you have to thank me." Yang smiled maliciously: "If I hadn't arrived in time, your anger would have been great today..."


Yang Wei sighed. She seemed to hesitate for a moment and finally didn't say it directly... But she explained a fact to me in more implicit language...

is... lying in **, the count's son, this guy.

The display of some "** toys" collected from the scene, as well as all other information held by Yang Wei. This Pierre should be a...


That is to say...

Damn it!!

I almost spit it out on the spot!!

If Yang Wei hadn't arrived in time...

Knowing this, my first reaction was to jump up from **, rushed into the toilet, and vomit with the toilet in my arms! Then I rushed back to the room and carried the man down from ** with one foot, regardless of whether it was three or seven or twenty-one, and it was a punch and foot.

I just hit it a few times. Yang Wei quickly stopped me and said with a wry smile, "Don't fight. Anyway, you didn't lose anything..."

I stared and shouted, "Damn it! If I suffer a loss, can I still be a man for the rest of my life!!!"

I held my feet angrily, and Yang Wei had stopped me: "Well, my bodyguard Hansen has taught him a lesson. He can't wake up for a day. Now... you can't be impulsive yet."