evil spirit

Chapter 36 Go to hell!

Chapter 36 [Go to hell!] I used almost all my strength, but the climbing speed was much slower than that of the guy above, just barely hanging far below.

But seeing that he was getting faster and faster, I was still anxious.

At this time, I had climbed to the elevator cabin parked in mid-air. I stood on the elevator cabin and took a breath.

I stepped on the roof of the elevator cabin, and there was a big hole under my feet. The guy must have shot through the lock on the lid on the top of the elevator cabin with bullets in the elevator and climbed out.

Looking down, the poor white policeman was paralyzed in the elevator, but it seemed that he was still angry. It seemed that the other party did not kill him.

I hesitated for a second and took out the mobile phone in my pocket and threw it to him. No matter whether he could return to his mind or not, I shouted loudly, "Come on! Inform the people outside by phone and say that he is heading to the roof of the roof!" The white policeman picked up the mobile phone pitifully and looked at me blankly. I had no time to pay attention to him. I took a deep breath and continued to pull the steel cable up.

This building of the police station is an old-fashioned building, only about seven or eight floors... Fortunately, otherwise, if there are twenty-seven or twenty-eight floors, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted.

The sound I just spoke shocked the guy above. He looked down at me. In a loom, I seemed to feel the fierce light in his eyes. Then I saw him suddenly stop and pull out the gun... I instinctively flashed and jumped out from the steel cable to the left.

I heard two gunshots in my ear, and the bullet shot at my original place, hitting a little spark with the metal steel plate! I just fell into a slot on the left, which could barely block most of my body.

The guy above saw that two shots didn't hit me.

Continue to climb up without hesitation.

My arms are sore, especially on my shoulders, and my muscles are torn after a little too hard, but at this moment I force myself to endure... Not for anything else, just because of the tattoo on this guy's shoulder! That cobra!! I don't know how long I climbed the height of the seven or eight floors, but when I climbed up, the police had already opened the door of the elevator room in the elevator room about the fifth floor below and looked inside with a flashlight.

And the police shouted, and I shouted at these guys, "Fools! He went up! On the roof!! The roof!!" I don't care whether the police understands or not. Keep going up.

The guy above has disappeared from my sight.

This makes me a little anxious.

When I finally got to the top, I found that this was the top floor of the elevator room, the January circle steel cable above, the huge earth machine... There is also a small iron gate next to it, which is the repair exit! Very narrow.

Only one person can barely get in and out.

The door is open and the lock is broken.

There is a strong light outside.

I moved over and supported it with both hands.

Then his legs kicked out first, and then with such a delivery, the whole person slid out of the small door.

But before my legs fell to the ground, I felt a strong wind on the side... Then my waist hurt, my body shook, and flew out and hit the ground.

** The skin rubbed on the ground, and I felt severe pain in the lower ribs on the left side! Before I could stand up, I saw a foot in front of me and stepped on my head.

I quickly rolled on the ground.

Try to get yourself out of the distance. Then I gritted my teeth and endured the pain, jumped from the ground, and saw this guy looking at me with a ferocious smile.

I looked down. At the bottom ribs on my left side, there was a shoe print on my clothes. Obviously, after this guy came out first, he hid aside and attacked me. When I just came out, he kicked me hard! I took a deep breath, and half of my body was numb with pain! This guy's feet are really hard! I suspect that this kick will break my ribs! At least it's a bone fracture! The distance between me and him is about three or five steps. My hands are empty, and he is handcuffed with both hands, but the chain has been broken. He probably broke it with a gun.

But fortunately, it is obvious that his gun is out of bullets. Otherwise, when I came out just now, if he didn't kick me with his foot, but with a gun, I'm afraid I've hung up now.

We looked at each other a few times, and then I glanced at the ground quietly. My dagger fell to the ground, which fell when I fell to the ground just now.

He carefully approached me a few steps, his feet were very stable, and his pace was very flexible.

My left rib was injured, which made it inconvenient for my left arm to move. As soon as I lift my left arm, it will cause severe pain in my ribs.

Suddenly, just as I staggered slightly, he moved! He was very good at the opportunity. When I moved to the left, his body naturally tilted to one side because of the pain. He held his hands together in an instant and smashed me in the face with the ironcuffs on his wrist... I dodged quickly under my feet, but got out of his hand, but he kicked at the same time. When I came out, I was kicking on my lap, and my feet were soft. Fortunately, my usual work was still solid. Although I staggered, fortunately, I finally didn't fall down.

But this guy is not only quick to reach out, but also more vicious than a poisonous snake! He almost kept stopping. As soon as he turned around, he turned sideways behind me, and then his backhand was an elbow, hitting my back! I immediately felt a darkness in front of me! The whole person rushed forward, and at the same time, there was almost no bleeding in his mouth! In my busy schedule, I supported my hands, bumped down on the ground without a face, and then tried to fall to the ground with my back. This guy didn't allow me to gasp at all, and he rushed up again! I immediately held the ground with my hands secretly. When he approached, a fierce "hare turned over" and stood up from the ground, and at the same time, my legs kicked heavily on his chin! He immediately fell out in a few steps, and then twisted his body. He finally stood up straight, but the corners of his chin and mouth were full of blood.

Both of us were hit hard by each other. Both of us gasped a few times, stared at each other, walked two steps, and then rushed up again! He shot quickly. He raised his hand and hit me to the point of my throat. I dodged my head sideways and didn't dodge. I hit him on my shoulder. He punched like the wind. He punched me like a storm in a row. One punch was harder than the other! I fought a few times, but his fist was really hard. In a few times, he opened my arms and punched my heart. I almost lost my breath.

But he didn't feel well. I was kicked on my stomach, screamed in pain, and took two steps back.

I lost my nature at this moment and rushed over with a roar. The two of them twisted together quickly. He twisted my neck, and I pressed his eyes with both hands! The two of us rolled into a ball on the ground. He was very insidious. He deliberately freed his hand and punched the injured ribs under my left side twice in a row. These two punches almost made me vomit blood, but I couldn't help fighting. I strangled him by the neck with one hand and punched him with the other

Pump! He vomited a mouthful of blood, and then his body suddenly struggled to bounce away and rolled out on the ground, while I took the opportunity to pick up the dagger on the ground.

When he stood up again, I shouted loudly and rushed at him. At the same time, the dagger in my hand shot at him.

A trace of tension flashed in his eyes, and he dodged the dagger sideways, but I was already in front of him! I leaned sideways, supported the ground with my left foot, raised my right leg high, and then shouted with the help of the whole person rushing forward, and kicked him heavily.

This blow was up to me. He immediately flew out and flew directly three or five meters away! The body hit the two steel pipes on the roof! With a muffled sound, the steel pipe was bent and concave by him. He was trapped in the hollow of the steel pipe, and his mouth was sprayed with blood.

I limped over, first grabbed his collar, and then raised my hand and punched him on the front door.

His front teeth suddenly burst, and then I picked him up. His body was completely soft, and his whole body was like an empty sack, carried by me.

I grabbed his neck with one hand and clenched my fist with the other hand. I punched his chest and abdomen! My heart was full of anger and hatred. I didn't know how many fists I hit, which made my arm sore. The left rib, which was already in severe pain, almost made me faint, so I forced myself to stop.

He has fallen to the ground, and his mouth and nose are full of blood.

At this time, I heard a sound from the door on the roof of the roof in the distance behind me. I knew that the police were about to rush up. I immediately grabbed a broken steel pipe on the ground, walked over, and inserted the steel pipe into the doorknob with my backhand.

In this way, no matter how the police hit the door inside, unless they have the strength to remove the whole door, they will not be able to get out for a while! I turned back to this man and bent down to hold his collar tightly: "Whoareyou?" His face had been beaten like a pig's head by me, and his face was covered with blood. Hearing my questioning, he suddenly smiled. His eyes were as vicious as a poisonous snake. His eyes were so swollen that they could not open them, but they still stared at me.

I was so angry with his laughter that I picked up the dagger on the ground with my backhand, and then put it on his shoulder! He screamed, and his body trembled violently.

"Say it, or not!" My tone was so clear that he closed his mouth and didn't say anything. He pulled out the dagger and quickly pricked it on the other side of his shoulder! Ah!!" In his scream, I looked cold. I held the handle of the dagger in my hand and deliberately rotated it in a clockwise direction... Suddenly, the blade made his wound bloody! What? Or don't you say it?" I looked at him coldly: "I'll ask you again, who are you!" Haha! Haha! Hahahahaha..." His expression on his painful face was distorted, but he suddenly laughed wildly.

I pulled out the dagger and stabbed the root of his thigh again! He screamed again, and then his already scattered eyes suddenly became sharp. He stared at me and shouted viciously, "You're dead!" You will die miserably!! The eye snake will kill you!!" Cobra?! Humph!" I sneered, put two fingers into his mouth, and then clasped his mouth and cheeks, dragging him all the way to the other side of the roof! He screamed.

struggling, but his whole body was injured, and he had no power to resist.

In front of me is a white house more than two meters high. In fact, I know.

This is the central air conditioning compressor of the whole building! The huge compressor made a roar, which was deafening. The strong wind with abundant power and gas messed up my hair! Outside is a panel made of special materials, mesh-like. I leaned him against it, then stood up and kicked him! Kkaze! His body immediately recessed in, and the front grid wrench was crushed! I bent down and said coldly, "Do you know what you are lying on now? Below is the air conditioning compressor of the whole building! Did you hear the wind inside? Let me tell you.

The horsepower of this fan is stronger than the propeller of the helicopter! If a person falls, it will be stirred into a ball of meat mud! Would you like to have a taste? My voice at this moment is full of infinite evil and murderous atmosphere.

The expression is like a devil!" The eye snake will avenge me!" His voice was trembling with fear, but his eyes were still very vicious and uncompromising: "You will die under the cobra, and you will die miserably!" OK."

I know I can't ask anything.

I said slowly, "I just ask you, where are the Vietnamese now? What do you mean by ground cobra? What I was answered was a desperate and crazy sneer.

I stood up.

Then he looked at him coldly and raised his feet... Bang! I kicked it out, his body broke the grid plate, and his whole body fell into the spiral below... I stood on it, listening to the terrible sound like a meat mixer, but at first my heart was cold! There is no loosening at all!! The terrible sound sounded for more than ten seconds, and then it seemed that the machine was stuck and made a noise, but I walked away slowly.

I only took two steps.

I felt severe pain all over my body, and it was dark in front of my eyes, as if I was going to fall down at any time.

I walked to the entrance of the rooftop. The door had been smashed and banged. The police shouted inside, and some people shot at the door lock, but the outside was crossed the door with a steel pipe. Even if the door lock was broken, they could not get out.

I staggered over and shouted, "Don't shoot, it's me!!" I shouted three times in a row, and someone in me responded to me. Then I walked over, took down the steel pipe with my backhand, and opened the door.

It was full of police, some of whom were fully armed. Seeing that I was holding a dagger in my hand, some policemen immediately pointed a gun at me, but I didn't bother to pay attention to these fools. I staggered into two steps, and my feet softened. Looking at these nervous guys, I sneered, "That

Can you carry me down now? I need an ambulance."

I finally lay on the stretcher of the ambulance, covered with a blanket, and there was a lot of noise in the front and back. The police station was in a mess, and many policemen went in and out, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Yang Wei was by my side, holding the stretcher in one hand. The usual calm appearance on his face had long disappeared, replaced by anxiety and anger.

A policeman tried to get close to me, and was immediately driven away by Yang Wei furiously. The police wanted to follow me to the ambulance, but Yang Wei refused. Later, Doug came forward and argued.

In fact, the police will definitely not let me go. After all, I chased that guy to the roof, and I finally killed that guy... Of course, there are many ways to solve the trouble afterwards, which can be solved by lawyers.

Anyway, as long as I insist on two points: First, I'm just "acting bravely" to catch the gangsters.

Second, I killed the gangster in the process of fighting, but it can be defined as the last resort I took to protect my life.

Listening to the noisy sound of me, I closed my eyes.

The stretcher is very hard, but I feel that my whole body is soft.

But my mind is very clear, and even a lot of perceptions are extremely sensitive.

Originally, when I was on the roof, the pain on my body almost made me faint, but I really lay down, and my mind was full of all kinds of ideas, but I couldn't sleep.

Even the pain is much stronger and clearer than usual.

There are still a lot of messy people outside, and I also saw a reporter... Humph, it's messy, it's all messy.

As soon as Norton appeared, he was immediately stopped by the reporters. The poor old man was already pale. Although he forcibly stopped his waist, the depression in his eyes could not be concealed.

A series of things happened one after another. It seems that this guy can't sit in his position for too long.

The ambulance crew carried me into the ambulance. Although Yang Wei insisted, he still couldn't get on the ambulance, but followed behind.

But before I left, Yang Wei whispered in my ear, "No matter what questions others ask you, remember not to answer! Don't answer a word! Don't say anything! I have found someone to deal with this matter.

After the door of the ambulance was closed, the narrow car was full of the smell of drugs. Some medical staff did some simple treatment for me, but what surprised me was that on one side of me, I saw a man lying on another stretcher beside me.

That white policeman! The unlucky man who was robbed by the gangster and kidnapped.

He was shot in the leg and had been stopped. His face was pale and depressed. Suddenly, he saw me, and a strange expression flashed on his face.

The two of us lay side by side and looked at each other several times. Then I first opened my mouth and smiled: "Mr. Officer, I didn't expect that we would meet again on this occasion."

His face was ugly, but he opened his lips and muttered, "Anyway, Chen Yang, thank you. I heard that the bastard was killed by you on the rooftop?" I smiled and didn't answer this question.

Looking at this guy's angry face, I guess he is really annoyed... Well, because of his work mistakes, he was escaped by that guy, robbed his gun, and took him hostage... In the future, this matter will undoubtedly give him a job. Leave a shadow! He will also be treated as a joke.

Maybe he will be punished.

Poor guy, he must hate that gangster to death now.

But at this moment, I don't have the heart to pity him. I have more important questions to ask him.

"Officer, can I ask you a question?" I said slowly, "Who the hell is this guy? Why was he caught in the police station? What did he do? But why did he suddenly escape again? The white policeman looked even worse.

He said angrily, "Only God knows!" It's too messy outside these two days. We don't know how many people have been arrested, but there are still so many gangsters on the street.

This guy was just inadvertently caught by a group of my men in front of a restaurant today. At that time, some of them were fighting, maybe a fight between gangsters or fighting for territory or something.

And this guy was also captured.

Damn it, I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful... When he came back from catching him, he didn't resist at all... Moreover, we once locked him in the room for an hour, but he didn't run away.

It's really a strange thing.

After hearing this, I immediately had an ominous sign in my heart... That guy's skills were very strong. With such a man, he could escape from the police station, but when he was arrested by the police, he did not even resist... What is the meaning of this?! I immediately shouted, "He was deliberately caught!!"