evil spirit

Chapter 37 Bloody Storm from Me!

Chapter 37 [Bloody wind and rain start from me!] Regardless of the pain on my body, I immediately turned over and sat up. The medical staff next to me quickly came up and tried to hold me down.

"Call me!! I need to call! Hurry up!!" I struggled to shout.

The medical staff tried to calm me down: "Sir, you can't move... Otherwise..." "Damn it!" I was furious and shouted, "Call me! Otherwise, I can make you lose your job with just one phone call!! This telephone relationship is very important. You can't afford it!" The medical staff were still there, but the white policeman helped me this time. He also shouted, "Give him the phone, hurry up!" After all, he is a policeman, and it can be seen from his uniform that his level is not low.

The medical staff immediately picked up the phone in the car and handed it to me.

I quickly dialed the number, which is Doug's! The phone was quickly connected, and I immediately shouted, "Mr. Doug, this is Chen Yang! There is a very important thing now... That guy, the fugitive who died on the roof, I suspect that he was deliberately caught and sneaked into the police station!!" The signal on the phone was not very good, and Doug's voice was accompanied by noise: "What did you say... deliberately caught? Smuddle into the police station? Chen Yang... I need you to make it clear..." Sha Sha... Sha Sha... "What's going on?" I took the phone furiously, and there was only noise and no signal!" We are... crossing the tunnel."

The medical staff next to

smiled bitterly.

I threw away my phone and looked at the dim light outside.

The tunnel is very long, and the terrible thing is that there was a traffic jam for two minutes. It took us five minutes to cross the tunnel.

The car just drove out of the tunnel. I picked up the phone again and dialed the Doug Land number, but this time I couldn't get through..." I tried several times and finally gave up.

But the ominous signs in my heart are getting stronger and stronger! Finally, just as the car was about to arrive at the hospital, the on-board phone rang!! The medical staff picked up the phone and answered it. His face collapsed in an instant, and his face was full of surprise. Then he put down the phone, looked at me and the white policeman, opened his lips, and seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, "It seems that we are going to be busy today... Gentlemen.

After taking you to the hospital immediately, our car will rush back to the police station immediately..." His tone was strange and solemn: "It was said on the phone just now that there was a bomb explosion in the police station."

I saw it.

The expression of the white policeman has collapsed.

"Cracked ribs, 16 bruises on the body, sprained feet, and slight brain oscillations.

It seems that you were injured again. You were injured in order to catch the gangster.

I think the police should give you a reward.

Yang Wei stood in front of my bed and looked at me with a smile.

Although she was laughing, there was worry in her eyes: "Winter Five.

You shouldn't work so hard. Why? Why did you get involved in this matter? I lay sick**, half of my body was a little numb, and shook my head: "That guy, he has a cobra tattoo on his body... And I had some conversations with him on the roof... It's strange.

But I'm sure he has something to do with the Vietnamese.

Yang Wei took advantage of his face; "Anyway, I think this matter is a little out of control now! Xiao Wu... Gangsters can fight and kill within the limit of tolerance... But.

Bomb attacks in the police station... Such a thing is completely different in nature! Do you know that?" I sneered, but it touched the wound, and the pain made me inhale: "Where's Doug? He must be in a hurry now.

"You're wrong. It's not Doug who is worried, but the poor Mr. Norton. Although he did not announce his resignation, now Doug has temporarily taken over all power.

Just now, when the doctor treated your wound, Doug had held an emergency press conference. He publicly announced in strong words that the police would take strict measures to crack down on anyone and organizations that dared to provoke the police! The situation is so bad that there is no room for manoeuvre.

"Hey!" I smiled feebly: "What a broken boat! I admire those Vietnamese now.

How dare you play so big.

Yang Wei thought sideways and thought, "I don't think it's reasonable. Why do Vietnamese attack the police station... Unless they want to kill all the gang leaders involved in the negotiations in this police station? But obviously, the bomb attack was on the second floor of the police station.

The people who negotiated upstairs were not harmed, so I think this attack means more.

I think the Vietnamese want to anger the authorities and simply start a purge.

"Their purpose and simplicity."

I sighed: "Now the most honest thing is that they are Vietnamese.

They have contracted all their strength! Now that the police station has been attacked, the police must be next to be a thunderous anti-crime campaign! All the fields of the underworld in Vancouver are waiting to be cleaned up over and over again! But the losses of the Vietnamese are undoubtedly the smallest... Because they have already contracted their strength.

And the most unfortunate thing is the Chinese gang, Arabs, Indians, Iranians... Of course, our big circle is also lucky, at least I don't think Doug will attack us.

Moreover, we have been acting very well recently.

"This is just a plan."

Yang Wei smiled bitterly: "It seems that the head of the Vietnamese is really not a simple person... If you make a fish in troubled water, they simply don't do it, never stop, and make things completely make a big deal! Now in such a scene, the police have torn their faces. At this time, you can only bear it obediently and can no longer sit in any action! You planned to mix the water with the action plan, and it has gone bankrupt.

I shook my head, but I was not discouraged at all: "Well, winning or losing is a common thing for soldiers.

I'm young, and I'm also in charge for the first time.

It's not a shame to lose the first game.

Let's find a way to get it back! Humph... I'm not worried about that.

It's just that the Vietnamese are making such a big fuss. In fact, they also have losses, at least this police anti-crime campaign.

It can't calm down without two or three months.

Everyone closes the door and doesn't do business... Let's see who loses a lot!" After a pause, my eyes were clear, and I said slowly, "What I'm most concerned about now is the way of this 'cobra'!" The guy I killed on the roof is not Vietnamese at all! It's a white man! But I talked to him. Obviously, the cobra he said is an organization, not a person! It seems that there are so many people who are code-named Cobra.

What is the relationship between these guys and the Vietnamese? And... Cobra owes us a lot of blood debt! I've finally found the creditor now!" You...wait a moment."

Yang Wei's eyes are complicated: "I have some new discoveries here."

Then she walked out of the ward.

After a while, Hansen came in.

The tall black man slowly walked to my bedside with an indifferent face.

Then he sat in the chair. His resolute face seemed to be a little hesitant and looked at Yang Wei.

"Hansen, tell him what you know."

Yang Wei sighed.

"Yes, miss."

A trace of evil spirit flashed on Hansen's dark face.

Look at me and say slowly, "Mr. Chen Yang, about 'cobra'.

I know some information.

I once served in a special forces unit of the U.S. military and participated in some secret operations overseas... I know that there is a very active mercenary organization in Africa called Cobra.

We have worked with them.

These people are very powerful and do things well.

At that time, they served a small African country.

But later, there was a coup in that country, with the participation of Western political forces, and the small state power was subverted.

Cobra, a mercenary organization, lost its boss.

has become a completely independent and free mercenary organization.

According to what I later heard, they have now completely transformed into a free movement and an organization that takes business around the world, and the price is very high... I think maybe the place you met this time is the people in this mercenary regiment... It is likely that the Vietnamese hired them to do things.

After a pause, Hansen looked at me, and his thick eyebrows frowned: "I'm sorry, because you didn't tell me about the unfortunate incident of several of your men being killed on that island before.

However, after Miss Yang Wei told me that today, I have to tell you one thing.

The kind of killing the enemy, cutting off the opponent's head, and putting it in a row... This kind of behavior is the style of cobra that I am familiar with! Vietnamese won't do that, but cobras will.

I once knew that they had slaughtered some small villages and other small armed forces in Africa. After winning, they would slaughter all the prisoners of war, cut off their heads and put them in a row to deter the enemy in this way.

After a pause, Hansen said slowly, "In Africa, in many small countries with a chaotic political situation, there are a lot of killing phenomena, which is simply a world full of cruelty and killing!" So I need to remind you that what you are in trouble with this time is not a gangster, but a group of...war machines that have fun killing people.

After saying this, he stood up and walked to Yang Weidi.

The black bodyguard suddenly said in a serious tone, "Miss Yang Wei, my duty is to protect your safety.

But in the current situation, your friend is at the rise of a group of highly skilled murderers.

I need to remind you that the current situation is not completely safe. I'm afraid that I can't fully protect your safety just by your side, so I suggest that you'd better leave here and go home as soon as possible... Of course, I'm just a suggestion to you. If you want to stay, I will continue to stay by your side. Take care of you... But I will report the special situation here to the family.

This is for your safety.

He said this in a hard tone, but there was a trace of care in his eyes, and then the black man strode out of the room.

Yang Wei looked at me with a complicated look for a while and said slowly, "Chen Yang, I'm afraid you have to think about some additional questions now.

Your current enemy is no longer a simple gangster.

I'm going out to make a phone call now to see if I can find some help from some of my old friends.

She shook my hand gently and slowly walked out of the room.

I leaned on the pillow and meditated for a while... Humph, mercenary? Mercenaries from Africa? Vietnamese are willing to pay a lot of money to hire a throb!! I pondered for a long time, thought about it back and forth, and finally I made up my mind! I took out my phone from under the pillow and quickly dialed a number.

"Hello?" After the phone was connected, I said slowly in a calm voice, "Fat Fang?" ..." The voice on the other end of the phone was very clear, and there was a cheerful voice of Fatty Fang, but his tone was a little emotional: "Good boy, I heard that you are making a lot of trouble in Vancouver... Lao Ba... Alas, I heard that you are in charge now. What's wrong? What can I do for you? I said calmly, "Dude, I'm really in some trouble now.

The Vietnamese found a group of professional mercenaries to be thugs. Now it's all in chaos here. They blew up the police station today. It is estimated that all of us will be targeted by the police in the next few days! My brother here, I'm afraid it's difficult to do anything... So..." Before I finished what I meant, the fat man on the phone suddenly laughed: "Haha... blew up the police station? Shit! Those Vietnamese monkeys really dare to do it!! I see what you mean... Boy, let's not say anything else. I'll try to transfer a team of 'airborne troops' to support you. How about that?" Thank you. That's exactly what I need now."

I said slowly.

"Good!" The fat man's voice was resolute: "I can promise you now!" People will be transferred to you soon, but the rules are still in accordance with the old rules... Don't worry, I will convince those old men here! You can't see our people being bullied overseas! If the old guys above refuse to send someone, our fat man will carry his own gun to help you!" I was silent for a while and said, "Brother, thank you!" Put down the phone and I looked out of the window.

The windows in the hospital are well lit, and the sky outside is very bright.

But on this bright day, I... or, we.

We are about to set off a bloody storm in Vancouver! Humph...cobra? Everyone knows that the "airborne soldiers" in the big circle are the most elite crowd in the big circle! Many of them are made up of war or veterans! Humph, airborne troops against African mercenaries... Come on! Cobra? Who is afraid of Who!!!