evil spirit

Chapter 39 The night here is quiet

Chapter 39 [Quiet Night Here] (Part I) Twenty minutes later, I looked at the dust rising on the road in the distance, and then threw away the cigarette butt: "I'm coming."

A sealed pickup truck drove from a distance and bumped all the way.

This is the kind of truck specially used by the port terminal fishery company to transport marine products. The cargo compartment behind it is sealed with ice cubes inside.

I remember that when I first came to Vancouver, after the case was put on, Wick used this kind of pickup truck to carry me away from the inspectors on the dock and transported me to the city.

The pickup truck drove fast all the way. It slowed down when it was close from afar, but did not stop, but turned on the headlights first.

I honked the horn twice here.

It was confirmed that it was correct, and the car slowly drove and stopped in front of us.

Ciro and I have jumped out of the car and stood by the roadside.

A man jumped into the cab in front of the truck. I saw that he was happy. He was an old acquaintance.

It was the other day that I parachuted back to Vancouver and robbed a group of Wick on the way, one of whom was the big man I beat up.

He saw that I was a little embarrassed and rubbed my nose, as if he didn't know what to say.

I smiled and said, "How's it going? Is it safe on the road?" Now the sea is very tight.

But we had a smooth journey.

He smiled shyly: "Okay, your guests are in the back of the car."

He went to the back and opened the cargo hold, and immediately there was a trace of cool air inside.

There were a lot of huge ice cubes piled up in the cargo hold behind the car, and then twenty men jumped down one by one from the cargo compartment! These people jumped out of the car and came to me.

I immediately felt a sharp momentum! He is the first big man, tall and burly, with a square face and sharp edges and corners.

The upper body is a plaid coarse cloth shirt, the floor on the body is tight, and underneath is a pair of dirty rusty breeches, and there are some ice chips on the leather boots.

The man's board was straight, and there was a faint power in his eyes. His electric eyes swept and immediately fell on me. Then he strode to my side and stretched out his hand: "I'm a high mountain! I led these brothers this time... You can call me Stone.

Are you Chen Yang? I nodded: "Yes, I'm Chen Yang.

You can also call me Xiaowu.

I shook hands with him and felt that his palm was wide and thick, full of cocoons.

But the nails are neatly built.

Those men behind him, the youngest, look about the same age as me, and the older ones, I'm afraid they are thirty or forty years old.

But it's all the same, and everyone's eyes are firm.

The body is straight, and most importantly, these people are very strong.

And the hands and feet are clearly and well-trained.

"Thank you for your hard work all the way, everyone."

I smiled, and then patted Wickland's men: "Okay, your business is done. I'll thank Mr. Wick for me when I get back."

The white man muttered a few words and went back to drive away.

I took this team of airborne soldiers to my van and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, guys, the situation here has been tense recently. This car was brought on the last minute.

Let's squeeze in first.

These people were obviously some long-tested soldiers. None of them showed any expression on their faces. They pulled the door and got into the car one after another. So many people squeezed into the broken bread. Ciro and I whistled and then started the car to leave.

Along the way, these people in the car didn't say anything. I asked them a few questions. These people seemed to be very disciplined. All the questions were answered by the nicknamed "stone", and the other men sat in the back without saying a word.

Naturally, I won't take these people back to the repair yard. Now the police are staring at me. Maybe the Vietnamese and those cobras are also staring at me. Of course, I won't expose such a group of secret troops.

I had already made plans and drove directly to the seaside. I had hidden the boat here for a long time. The last time I was on the lighthouse island, I left a boat on the shore, then abandoned the car and boarded the boat, carrying these people back to the lighthouse island.

"The situation is different now. Brothers, let's put up with it for a few days now."

I led them into the lighthouse. The last time we stayed here, we left some simple beds and some simple supplies: "Let's drink some water and eat something first.

Then I'll talk about the current situation."

The stone glanced at the crowd and shook his head: "No, let's talk about the situation first.

We have been sleeping at sea for a whole day, and now we just want to do activities as soon as possible.

I found that when he had a straight face, he was still a little righteous... But when he opened the corners of his mouth and smiled, he showed a little murderousness. Such a strange expression surprised me.

Stone waved his hand, and these airborne soldiers immediately gathered in a circle. Everyone sat together, and then Stone looked at me and said, "Chen Yang, we were ordered to come here to help you with your work.

From now on, we have a total of 20 people, and we will leave it to you for command!" He looked back at these people and said slowly, "This time I brought all the elites there. These men have been done by real knives and guns in the jungle!" We just had a fierce fight with a group of drug lords who colluded with government forces in the Golden Triangle.

These brothers can fight and work hard! I think even if you want to have a small riot in Vancouver, we will have enough.

Ciro and I looked at each other and laughed.

"There is no riot, but this time our brothers here are all stared at by the police. We can't do it, so we can only rely on your help."

I said slowly, "Okay, since everyone is in a hurry, I'll talk about the situation first."

I pointed to the picture of the cobra drawn with blood on the wall... When I evacuated here, the blood stains and other traces on the ground were cleaned by us, but only the picture of the cobra was deliberately left.

When I want to stay here, I can see this pattern every day! Remind yourself that there is still a blood debt waiting for me to pay it back!" Did everyone look at this thing on the wall? I pointed to the wall.

said coldly, "This thing was left here by our target not long ago..." Then I tried to describe a series of recent events in a short way.

From the contradictions and hatred between us and the Vietnamese, to the assassination of the eighth master.

Our drug demolition was killed. The five brothers left behind on the island were brutally killed, and the other party even left a bloody demonstration... When I came here, these men's eyes showed anger, and Stone, the big man, said in a sullen voice, "Huh! It's Vietnamese again!" I saw hatred in his eyes, flashing sparks.

Then I put a series of recent events, including some information I got, the cobras hired by the Vietnamese, and the recent riots in Vancouver, which are now chaotic.

I've probably said it all.

After saying that, I took out two boxes of cigarettes and threw them to everyone, and then distributed them: "That's the general situation.

Now the police are staring at us almost 24 hours a day.

All my brothers here have been seen dead at home.

This time, even I came out trying to avoid the sight of the police.

My brothers can't do things on a large scale.

That's why I have to ask you for help.

Everyone is their own brother, and our local name is Daquan. This time, it is clear that it is the revenge of the Vietnamese, and the cobra.

Killed several of our brothers with his own hands, and this blood debt can't be but begged... To tell you the truth, a few of our brothers here now.

The mourning hall is located in the car repair yard! I made a poisonous oath! Be sure to catch the enemy and sacrifice it in front of the dead brother's tablet! Otherwise, there will be no revenge for a day, no burial for a day!!" ..." The stone glanced at me. He skillfully lit the cigarette, and then patted me gently: "Okay! He's a good brother! Since someone provoked us and owes us such a big blood debt, even if we risk our lives this time, we will definitely do it with you to the end!" After saying that, he sneered: "Cobra? What is a cobra?

I've never heard of it! I have worked in the jungle of Southeast Asia and the top ten mercenary organizations in the world. What hellfire, wolf teeth, I know... Cobra? Humph, a group of people will only smash civilians in Africa.

"Good! In this case, time is waiting for no one now, so I won't be polite to everyone! When we finish this ticket, I will treat you well! Let's do it tonight and do it with those Vietnamese!" I pulled out the dagger, grabbed it, and inserted it heavily on the table! The stone narrowed his eyes, looked carefully at my dagger, and suddenly smiled: "Well, this is an old cat's thing... Hey! I met Lao Mao and Lao Kong last month. I heard that Lao Mao taught an apprentice when he was in Canada. It turned out to be you.

Several boxes were moved out of the cellar of the lighthouse, and I kicked open the lid of the box, revealing the arms inside! Long guns, short guns, magazine grenades, military thorn daggers, and several military crossbows.

"The things are all here. It has been checked strictly recently, and many big guys can't be shipped here. Let's make do with it first."

I smiled.

The stone came over first, turned over the box twice, and showed a satisfied expression on his face: "Very good. That's enough."

He picked up a K pistol, pulled the bolt, scratched it in his hand, picked up a belt, tied the gun in, and stuffed four more magazines.

picked up an M9 saber and weighed it in his hand.

I saw the small and sharp M9 saber flipping up and down on his fingers. Although it was just a few simple movements, the sophistication was very obvious! Then the twenty men behind came up one by one and picked some of their favorite guns and weapons from several boxes. I saw a guy who was not tall and slightly thin, but stuffed five or six grenades into his pocket in one breath, and then picked a crossbow.

"Stone, I'm going out to see if I can find anything in the sea.

This crossbow is good, but it's better to put something on it.

When he spoke, his voice was very strange, as if it were a voice that came out of his voice.

I looked at him carefully and found a shocking scar on his neck! It was obviously cut with a knife, across the throat, the meat on both sides of the wound was faintly turned up, and the muscles of the wound part were very deep.

Obviously, the injury was very serious at that time! Aware of my eyes, the thin man smiled and calmed his eyes: "Oh, my neck has been injured, so my voice is a little unpleasant."

I was stunned. Before I could say anything, the stone had already put his arms around the thin man's shoulder and said with a smile, "This is a scorpion, but we all call him a poisonous scorpion. This guy is the most vicious and most vicious guy among our group of people. He doesn't like to use guns, but Ampthesia.

As for the wound on his neck... It was left by us the year before last when we had a fight with an anti-government guerrilla in the Philippines.

At that time, the group of people robbed a batch of our goods at sea, and we went to grab it back and had a big fight with them.

When the scorpion went to touch their sentry, he was blocked. He was cut in the neck and almost killed... But he was not ashamed..." At this point, the stone glanced at the thin scorpion.

Scorpion's tone was very calm and said lightly, "Oh, I killed six of them with a dagger."

He was so calm and said in an understatement, but I sighed faintly when I heard it.

You can imagine what a life-and-death battle it is!! Generally, you can't use a gun to touch the other party's sentry in order not to disturb the other party.

Because as soon as the gun is fired, it will alarm the enemy! This thin man is good at using knives and crossbows. He must be very good at it! When Silo listened to these words, he raised his eyebrows, and I saw that his eyes were full of hope and envy.

And I'm a little excited! I looked at the scorpion solemnly and said, "Sorry, brother, I just saw that you didn't mean anything else!" Don't take it to heart."

After a pause, I laughed and said, "You like to apply some medicine. I can help you with this... Aren't you going to go to the sea? There are two sets of diving equipment hidden in the cellar. I'll help you carry it up later."