evil spirit

Chapter 39 The night here is quiet

Chapter 39 [Quiet Night Here] (Bottom) When night fell, our group left the island and returned to the shore.

We stole two pickup trucks on the road and divided them into two roads. At 12 o'clock at midnight, we arrived at the West End of Vancouver.

A region here is relatively complex, including many immigrant residential areas, and some blocks, which belong to the edge of several gangs dividing territory with each other. It can be said that every time something happens in the underworld of Vancouver, this area is the first to make trouble.

Area B is a gathering place for Vietnamese immigrants, and more than 30% of the residents here are from Vietnam.

There are many Vietnamese visits on the street.

This area is also the territory of the traditional Vietnamese gang.

It's just that more and more other gangs have stretched their tentacles recently.

According to the information I got, there are two fixed assets belonging to the Vietnamese.

It's like on the site I was distributed to at that time, there was a restaurant of our own, which was regarded as a base camp by me and Ciro.

On this street, there is a construction and decoration company that is the industry of the Vietnamese gang.

A few years ago, it was very profitable to do real estate in Canada, and it was also very profitable to do home decoration.

Vietnamese naturally intervened in this business.

A home decoration construction company here is the industry of Vietnamese people.

Last time our people came to this place, all the Vietnamese retreated.

Leave an empty space for us, and there are no Vietnamese in nightclubs, bars and nightclubs.

And this company is in an old-fashioned building, and our people did not choose it as a hands-on target.

And after our people were empty, the police soon arrived.

But tonight.

is different.

Our car was parked in the alley behind the building. The window was closed. Ciro and I smoked. Ciro looked at his watch from time to time and was a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

I smiled and said, "These airborne brothers are very strong. This little thing can't be done well."

After a pause, I continued, "But I envy you very much now."

I said this to the stone sitting in the back.

"Huh?" I envy you for having such a strong group of men.

I shook my head: "No wonder many large circles have come to North America to do business over the years.

But something happened to you, but you seldom ask us for help.

It turns out that your individual soldier quality is much better than ours.

The stone was silent for a few seconds and grinned: "This is different.

I've been to Canada three times before.

Here you are.

The enemies every day are just some gangsters. If you have nothing to do, you can take a few pistols and two AK47s to sweep the street, and you will be called bandits.

These people are just gangsters.

You and these people don't need to be good skills.

But we are different.

The situation in the forests of small countries in Southeast Asia is different from that in North America.

If you are in a civilized world.

Then we are in a place, and we are full of killing.

Golden Triangle, India and Pakistan.

Lao, Nepal, where coups continue, and those small island countries in Southeast Asia full of guerrillas and rebels... Among other things, I have been to the Philippines alone six times.

Our opponents are all those drug lords, either government troops, or rebels, guerrillas... Those people, not to mention guns... They all have planes and cannons! We fight with such people all day.

Of course, I have practiced a mixed knife and meat.

I am silent.

Ciro was young and quick-mouthed, shook his head and said, "Alas, it's all big circles. Isn't it useless for us to practice so well..." The boy looked a little depressed.

I smiled, and the stone also smiled. He stretched out his broad palm full of cocoons and patted Ciro's body hard and said with a smile, "Young man! I don't know how many recruits like you have seen in those years.

We are all brothers from the same lineage. What's good or not... Anyway, without the help of big brothers in other places, we can't work hard in Southeast Asia.

It always costs money to make a lot of money. Where does the money come from? Isn't it the land earned by you brothers in the civilized world! The eighth master of Canada has to support a large amount of dollars to us every year, so that our brothers can have good weapons and dead brothers have money to settle down! We worked hard to get the country, and the goods we got should also be handled by you.

Ciro's mood was a little better, but what else did he want to say? I patted him and looked out of the window: "Okay! They've come down!" At night, several brothers jumped off the platform on the second floor of the building in black clothes, and the last brother slid down with a rope, because he was holding a huge thing in his hand.

After coming down, they quickly closed the rope and got back into the car.

"How's it going?" It's done."

The talking was a thin scorpion. He gasped and clapped the thing held in his clapping his hand with a black cloth.

"Quick! Let's get out of here quickly."

I took a breath: "The monitoring probes on both sides of the street have been broken for us. From the warranty to the police to send someone to check, it's 20 minutes at most. Now we don't have much time."

When Silo heard this, he immediately started the car, and we quickly left here.

As soon as our car drove half of the street, we heard a loud noise on a certain floor of the building behind us! The outer glass was all broken, and flames and thick smoke rushed out of it! Because it's not far away, we can even feel that strong vibration in the car!" Shit, how many things did you put in it? The stone frowned and looked at the flames on the building behind him.

"Not much, twenty grenades."

The scorpion sighed: "Unfortunately, there are no bombs on the island.

I don't even have a detonator, and the time is too short, otherwise I can make a bomb myself.

I laughed and said, "Well, it's like this now.

I think this Vietnamese company will not take over the business in the future.

Scorpion's voice was very unpleasant, but he was in a high mood and laughed, "Damn it, you don't know. When I dismantled their telephone exchange, I saw a lot of phone records stored in it, all *** are international yellow calls... Shit! It turns out that the Vietnamese do this kind of tone in the office all day.

"I've finished my work, and I'll leave it to the manager."

The scorpion gave what he was holding in his arms to a brother sitting in the back row of the car.

This brother's eyes are very small, but he is very bright.

Pick up something and open the wrapped cloth on it and take a look.

Skip his lips: "In an ordinary telephone exchange, the encryption program is very simple, and it is not difficult to get it... Find a place.

If there is equipment, I can do it in ten minutes at most.

Is there a telephone company nearby? There is equipment in the computer room of the telephone company.

Stone suddenly laughed and scolded, "Aha, fortunately, we are abroad. If we are at home, it will be really difficult to do."

"Why?" The foreign telephone communication industry is public.

And it is a non-monopoly industry, and there are many telephone companies.

We need local equipment, and we can find any phone company to get it.

But in China.

We can only break into "China Telecom" at night.

That's not an ordinary company. It's run by the state. If you break into China Telecom's computer room, it's equivalent to openly against the state, and the meaning is different.

With this telephone exchange, we plan to find a way to find out all the phone records in it, and we can always find the hiding place of the Vietnamese now! Because this company is the original nest of Vietnamese in any case! It is an important stronghold in their business, the company's telephone.

It's impossible not to leave any clues.

Of course, in fact, the easiest way is to take a few guns to sweep around the residential areas of Vietnamese immigrants to ensure that the Vietnamese can be drawn out.

After all, the Vietnamese gang is different from ours. Most of the gangsters in the Vietnamese gang have families and families in the local area... The underworld is also human! But we can't do this kind of thing.

can only be checked.

Grabbing the telephone exchange is just a plan. We blew up their construction company, the files in the construction company, even if the information is not important... But if a company was attacked by terrorism, it is still engaged in construction... Let's see who dares to do business with them in the future! Breaking into a telephone company in the middle of the night is a piece of cake for us gangsters.

There is a master like Scorpion, who can single-handedly touch off other people's sentries when dealing with guerrillas! What's more, dealing with the security guards in the telephone company? It's just that he left his hand and didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. He just fainted.

In the computer room of the telephone company, the brother named Guan Dai really took only ten minutes to extract all the call records in the telephone exchange.

Then in the computer room of the telephone company, we checked the phone number that had a lot of calls in the past two days, checked the address of the phone number with the equipment of the telephone company, and quickly found out two or three addresses.

Among them, one of the most called numbers in recent days is a restaurant specializing in delivering takeaway food.

"There is something wrong with this restaurant."

I said immediately.

"Oh?" I thought for a moment: "Look at the address of this restaurant... They are takeaway.

But the address of this restaurant is far away from the Vietnamese construction company, not even in the same area! If the Vietnamese construction company calls itself to order takeout, there is no reason to find a restaurant so far away! But they call this restaurant every day. They must have asked them to deliver takeaway, but where to send it? I quickly pulled out a map of Vancouver, opened it and looked for it, pointing to a street above: "Look, according to the address, the restaurant is on this street, and there are more than a dozen streets away from Vietnamese construction companies!! That's definitely not a takeaway delivery to Vietnamese construction companies.

Speaking of this, I slowly said slowly, "The Vietnamese hide all the elite soldiers and generals under their own... So many people, they have to eat every day! They are different from us. We can get some water and cans on the island for a few days... But these Vietnamese, after all, they don't have the quality of our big circle! And they have been hiding for many days. If they only eat canned food, they won't be able to survive for so many days! A large group of people want to eat and drink... So it seems that it is necessary for us to go to this restaurant specializing in takeaway delivery!"