evil spirit

Chapter 48 Buying Conditions

Chapter 48 [Life-buying conditions] Probably no one would have thought that the war situation has not been settled and the situation has not been calmed down, but I didn't do it, so I stretched out my hand to the smuggling trade at sea in such a hurry.

And I have another intention: After all, Wick has been in this industry for many years, and he is familiar with all aspects and well-informed.

I need him to provide me with information... At least, I can't let the cobra leave Vancouver under my nose! " Where to go?" Ciro asked me.

I frowned, gently rubbed the pain behind my shoulder, gritted my teeth and said, "Go... see the stones."

Along the way, Ciro focused on driving, paying attention to the front and back of our car, and made sure that no one was following us. Then we arrived at a place prepared in advance... This is an old factory, in which we hid a car for the middle.

Here we have changed to a pre-prepared pickup truck back on the road, which can minimize the possibility of being tracked.

My mind is not very stable. From time to time, I look at the time on my watch and can't help taking out my mobile phone to see it.

All of this was seen by Ciro.

He didn't ask at first. Later, when I had looked at my mobile phone for the third time, he said, "Are you waiting for the phone?" Um... I hope I guess I'm right."

I smiled bitterly and looked out of the window.

Well, the news of the death of the eighth master has been transmitted from the stone to Asia... Now the time has passed a long time.

Such an important thing.

Fatty Fang must have got the news at the first time... Moreover, here in Canada, the Eighth Master dies, and I am the most.

Everyone understands this result! But now it's been a few hours... With my personal relationship with Fang Pangzi, he didn't even call me... Is there something wrong? Or do you want to admit that I, the eighth master, is the successor in Asia? Just when I was looking at my mobile phone for the fourth time, my phone finally rang.

It's just that I saw a string of strange numbers... Looking at this strange number, my heart was moved! A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth... "Hello!" I picked up the phone.

"Mr. Chen Yang?" A hoarse man's voice came from the other party: "I'm Da Ruan!" It's Chinese, and it speaks fluently.

I'm not surprised at all: "Oh, Mr. Da Ruan.

You finally took the initiative to find me.

I don't know why you came to me? Is it a negotiation... Hey hey, but I'm afraid the hatred between us can't be solved by negotiation.

"You and I both understand this."

Da Ruan said coldly, "Don't worry about ***... My brother is in your hands!" Yi?" I was surprised and said, "Why do you think so?" Except for you.

No one else can do such a thing."

Da Ruan's voice was full of deep resentment, and his voice was difficult and unpleasant: "But I admit that you played beautifully this time!" I'm flattered."

I said lightly, "Then you call me this number.

What does

mean?" My brother... I want to get my brother's life back!" Da Ruan said slowly.

"Alas..." I sighed deliberately and sneered, "This joke is not funny at all! Da Ruan, the hatred between us now is as deep as the sea! Xiao Ruan fell into my hands. Do you think it's possible for me to put him back to you? ...If..." Da Ruan's voice was very gloomy: "What if my offer is high enough!" High enough? How high can it be? I said in a clear tone, "Can you give me back the life of my dead brother?" Humph!" Da Ruan said proudly and shouted, "Chen Yang.

You are also the boss! Since the two sides are at war, of course, it is inevitable that there will be casualties, and I have many dead men.

The loss is much heavier than yours! Humph... You reported the stronghold that the police just copied not long ago, did you?" I smiled and didn't speak.

"I'll give you back the drugs."

Da Ruan quickly offered the conditions.

I sneered.

"I can take my men out of Vancouver! All my territory belongs to you! In the future, with your little fifth brother in Vancouver, I, Da Ruan, will definitely take a step here!" I still sneered, but the more I laughed, the more I became. I almost laughed out loud, and then said in an infinitely mocking tone, "Da Ruan, do you think I'm an idiot? Or are you an idiot in the first place?" The other party was tongue-tied, and I didn't hesitate.

He said slowly, "Humph... Return my drugs, cede all the territory, you Vietnamese withdraw from Vancouver... If it had been put in the past, the price would have been high enough! However, in the current situation, the price you opened is almost worth a dime!" The other party was speechless, and I said harshly, "Drugs are not drugs... Even if you keep it... Humph, in this case, you Vietnamese are street rats! If you keep drugs, does Hell's Angel dare to cooperate with you? Whoever touches you now will be unlucky! As for you cede the territory to me... the people with you will leave Vancouver forever... Joke! A big joke! Now you are the number one public enemy of the police! The police have made up their mind to completely eradicate you Vietnamese! You don't have to cede your territory, just put it there... Won't I reach out to get it myself? Humph! As for whether you can leave Vancouver or not... Do you dare not? If you don't retreat and stay here, you will be killed by the police!!" After another period of silence, Da Ruan's tone seemed to compromise a lot. He seemed to sigh helplessly: "Well, what conditions do you need to let my brother go!" I pondered for a moment and sneered, "Okay, you promised me three conditions, and I'll consider keeping Xiao Ruan's life!" Say it!" The first condition is that I want a cobra! You found these guys... I want all the lives of these people!" Da Ruan seemed to be a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment, but he said, "I'm afraid I can't do it... I'm understaffed now. These people are very powerful. I'm afraid my local people may not be able to kill them all."

I smiled and said, "You don't need to do it. Just sell them to me, and I'll do it myself!" Yes!" The second condition... I want money! After the war, the defeated party will compensate for the military expenses. This is an international practice, right? Not much, 20 million dollars!" I sneered, "The price is not low... But since you, Da Ruan, plan to quit Vancouver from now on, take your brother back to Vietnam for retirement... So you don't have to keep too much money in a low-cost place in Vietnam, right?" Money is not a problem."

Da Ruan answered happily this time.

Indeed, if everyone is gone, why do you still keep the money?" The third condition... I want to be alone!!" I held the phone in one hand, but I clenched my fist in the other hand! He gritted his teeth and said slowly, "I know, you buried a nail here!" This man, you must give it to me! I'm going to peel him and cramp him!" Deal!" Da Ruan seemed to have done nothing to save his brother's life.

I casually reported an account, which is a Swiss bank account. Da Ruan immediately said that he would remit 20 million US dollars to the account within 24 hours at the latest.

"I will keep your brother's life first... When you have done all these three conditions, come to me again."

I hung up the phone and closed my eyes.

"Winter Friday, do you really want to let Xiao Ruan go?" Ciro asked in the interrogation.

I smiled and pulled the corners of my mouth: "I just said to keep him alive, but I didn't say to let him go."

"But if you want a cobra and the traitor, I understand... You want 20 million dollars... Why?" I smiled bitterly, patted Ciro on the shoulder, and looked at this guy seriously: "Ciro, Ciro... You don't know how expensive you are! Since I took over this stall, I have fought with people, the arms used, the pensions of the dead and wounded brothers, the afterths... Don't spend money like that? But we haven't made any entry for a long time! Now most of the brothers in the repair yard don't know, only the account manager and I know... The little money in our repair yard is almost at the bottom! Shit, do you think our family is Jinshan and Yinshan? The eighth master used to take the financial power too strictly, and the money was in his hands. Now he is dead. Legally speaking, those are all the property in his name. What if he can't get it? With so many brothers eating with me, I can't be empty-handed.

Hey..." Seeing that Ciro didn't say anything, I continued, "Don't worry about the money. I've asked Piggy to find Lawyer Zhou.

The documents of the property controlled by the eighth master must be placed with Lawyer Zhou. Lawyer Zhou is one of us, so there must be no big problem.

Moreover, we have been having a hard time recently, and other gangs are also having a hard time! Now that the police are so strict, which market dares to open the door to do business? They are all out of food, and they are all eating and storing food! If the police continue to investigate like this, we don't need to fight in less than half a month. Those gangsters, if they don't have money, they will riot! They come out to fool around with the underworld. If they don't have money to take it, who will do it!" I have the intention to explain this carefully to Ciro.

I really want Silo to get rid of his inner knot as soon as possible. The best way is to find more things for him... Moreover, it makes me feel that I am very difficult now and need him as a brother!" What about the bottom? What else is there to do next? Ciro said, "Are we going back? Or go somewhere else?" I restrained my smile and said slowly, "No... let's go..." I reported an address.

There are some things, it's time for Ciro to know!