evil spirit

Chapter 105 Perverted Instimiction

Chapter 105 [Perverted Intimidation] My silence lasted for less than half a minute, and then I quickly laughed.

Anyway, I have thought about it before I came. This concession is what I have to do, so it's better to admit my fate honestly now. Instead of trying to refuse, it's better to think about how to get more benefits for yourself.

After making up my mind, I immediately piled up a smiling face: "Mr. Solin, my business has indeed achieved a little recently, but of course, I'm afraid I can't do this without the support of your strong ally."

Then, I pretended to be as if I had just remembered, with a "surprise" face and said, "Ah, by the way, I suddenly had a good attention. I'm a little unable to do business at sea now... Well, since you are also interested in this business, why don't we talk about it? Maybe everyone has the opportunity to .

Mr. Solin, I wonder if you are interested in doing some investment in offshore business? ***, this is my inferior situation! Obviously, he suppressed people with his power and forced me to bow my head, and I had to make a voluntary appearance to "invite" him into the game.

I swear in my heart that I will definitely find a chance to get it back in the future!! However, I thought so, but I didn't show half of it on my face.

Solin looked at me so "on the road" and immediately glanced at Yang Wei with deep meaning. He was probably very satisfied with the work results of Yang Wei, a "toptic".

However, this guy is a bitch and has to set up an archway. At this moment, he deliberately made a difficult expression. He also thought about it sideways and said slowly, "Oh.

I think your proposal is very interesting. Well, although I have been short of funds recently, but.

Since we are allies, and I have always been willing to help young people... Well, Chen Yang, I'm very interested in your proposal. Why don't we go back and find a quiet place to have a good chat.

Mom, are you interested in my proposal? If I don't say this "proposal", I'm afraid you will show your knife to me! My heart was full of anger, but my face smiled more and more calmly: "Okay, I'm very happy."

"Okay, Weiwei.

It seems that I'm going to borrow your male companion for a while.

Solin still smiled happily and said to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei immediately nodded: POK, I can just walk around, Uncle Solin.

I happen to be very interested in the racecourse behind you. Oh, I miss Garros so much... I know it's late now, but if you don't mind, I want to see the horse.

For this kind of small requirement.

Of course, Solin will not refuse, not to mention that Yang Wei has just made a great contribution to him and successfully "persuished" me.

Solin waved his hand.

Immediately let people take Yang Wei to the back of the racecourse.

Solin smiled at me: "Come on, young man, I'll show you something interesting."

I followed Solin around the left side of the castle. The cobblestone road and the carefully trimmed tree walls on both sides highlighted the grandience of the whole castle and the somewhat dignified nobility.

"Do you like this place?" We walked slowly all the way away from the lively banquet hall. There were no more people here.

Solin walked slowly and said with a smile, "How about my castle?" This is simply a royal palace.

I sighed and admired it from the bottom of my heart.

"Ha ha, the road you are taking now is completely modeled after the round road in the King's Palace.

Even the round Ding I invited is French. They have been engaged in the work of round Ding for eleven generations.

In those years, they were all royal personnel of the French royal family.

When Solin said these words, he was a little proud.

Under the corner of the castle, under the base of large pieces of white marble, there are various exquisite carvings, and at several exquisitely designed angles, there are huge searchlights playing up, dyeing the castle with a dazzling color at night.

We walked all the way to the back of this road and passed through a fenced quarantine area, where there were some bodyguards under Solin.

"This is an area for non-tourists to enter."

Solin smiled and pointed to himself: "Because here, I got some special toys, and these things I usually don't let guests see.

You see, although I'm old, I always have a little secret, don't I?

I walked to the left side of the castle and walked down from this road. Although there were still tree walls and lush on both sides, I had faintly seen the iron fence behind the tree wall, but it was blocked by the tree wall, which was not so obvious.

I just feel that this place is getting more and more gloomy. There is no wealth in the castle for a long time, but a little more like death... Well, it's like a prison! There was another fence door. I followed Solin in, and immediately Solin's men closed the door.

In front of me is a large yard surrounded by tree walls. Although it is still green, it smells a little bloody.

There is a row of low stone houses in this yard. To my surprise, these houses are very short. Obviously, ** on the surface is only part of the building, and part of it should be underground.

And in the middle of the yard, there is a pool four or five times bigger than my swimming pool! But obviously, this is definitely not a swimming pool. Although I also heard the sound of water in the pool, the circle of cement tables outside the pool is as high as my chest, and there is a high iron fence on it!! Look, this is my little toy."

Solin took me to the side of the pool with a smile.

In the external test of the cement platform on the left side of the pool, this area of about ten meters was built up to three meters high, and there were steps all the way up. The two of us walked to the steps and looked down, and the whole pool fell into our eyes.

The pool below is five times larger than my swimming pool. The bottom of the pool shows a slope, and the pool water is only half, so that about one-third of the area is ** dry ground outside the water, and there are some scattered stones piled up and some strange plants, among which I even saw a few... I was stunned! The hard leather skin, narrow but long body, lies on the ground, quiet like a ghost.

The pointed long crocodile, thick, and the smallest one is at least three meters long... "Amazon man-eating crocodile."

Solin's eyes flashed almost cruelly, and the smile on his face didn't look so kind now: "Look, this is my little toy - my favorite little toy."

He seemed to be very excited in the face of his "toys" and said much faster: "You see, there are four here... Well, I originally raised a total of six.

But you know, this is North America, Toronto, Canada. This kind of small thing that lives in the tropics is a little uncomfortable here. Although I have spent a lot of money to take care of them and installed all the necessary equipment here, two are still dead.

But fortunately, these four are still thriving.

I counted silently. There were only three on the ground, and then I saw a slight fluctuation in the water. A huge shadow emerged from the water, revealing a little body, and then approached the shore... A crocodile nearly four meters long slowly climbed up, and the huge body came from the water. When he came out, he was like a monster.

"Oh, this is Jamie. Look, Jamie, this is the name I gave her... Oh, you're right. I'm talking about 'her'. This is one of my favorite girls, because she is very good at eating and very good at eating."

Solin was smiling, and then waved, and the people around him immediately handed over two cigars.

Solin took a branch himself and handed me one at the same time.

I silently lit the cigar and glanced at the dark pool below.

Just then, with a bang, four high-power searchlights were turned on on the four railings around the pool! The strong light hit the pool, and suddenly everything became so clear!! Solin smoked a cigar, with obvious enjoyment in his eyes. Then he smiled and said, "I come here every time I'm in a bad mood or in a good mood."

He took a look at me deliberately: "At the way, let you see something interesting again."

He snapped his finger... Then, Solin's two men immediately dragged a sack out of the low house behind him! From the volume of the sack and the squirming shape, I judged that there was a person in it! Sure enough, he untied the sack and revealed a white man in a white man with a bloody face. The man had collapsed. He was thrown under the steps where we stood, and his hands and feet were tied. As soon as he saw Solin, he immediately shouted loudly, and then seemed to struggle to jump on Saurin's legs, but he had just After a moment, he was kicked away by Solin's hand.

"Dear Mr. Larry."

Solin said lightly, "You are my old friend... As an old friend, you should understand that being betrayed is a very sad thing... You see, how good your life was when you were my friend, but why did you betray me? Since the day you betrayed me, you have chosen to stand in the position of my enemy.

You should know that I am not soft-hearted to the enemy.

The guy named Larry struggled like crazy. He stuttered and begged for something, but I couldn't hear what he said... Later, I saw that his full teeth were knocked off, and even his tongue was cut off!! Solin's face was cold. He stopped looking at the guy in front of him and said lightly, "Throw it down... Jamie should be hungry. Give her some dinner."

Next, in my surprised eyes, two of Sorin's men raised the guy who was still struggling without changing their faces. When they walked to the steps, a man took out a dagger, quickly cut the rope on his feet, and threw him into the crocodile pond!! Judging from their calm faces, this is obviously not the first time they have done such a thing.

Bang! With a dull sound, the guy was thrown off the three-meter-high platform and landed on the ground in the pool. He was immediately smashed and screamed, and then he screamed to the extreme!! The degree of the scream almost made me a little unbearable! He screamed as if his heart was about to break, and his voice trembled badly.

Under the searchlight, everything that happened below fell into my eyes so clearly: the guy named Larry fell to the ground and immediately caused the reaction of the four crocodiles around them. They seemed to have a tendency to approach slowly, but they didn't dare to rush up for a while.

Larry struggled on the ground and had already seen the situation around him. He seemed to try desperately to stand up, but then I found that one of his legs had obviously been broken.

People's desire to survive in a desperate situation is amazing! Although he broke a leg.

His hands were still tied, but he struggled to stand up, although I saw that the expression on his face had been distorted! I don't know if it's painful or because of panic.

He endured the severe pain of his broken leg and stood up desperately.

Then he rushed to the edge of the pool and tried to climb up, but the high cement wall on the edge of the pool was very smooth, without any gaps, and his leg was broken and he couldn't jump at all, so he struggled for a long time and couldn't get up, and Solin stood beside me with a smile on his face.

Looking at all this... The four crocodiles have begun to move, and the biggest crocodile named Jamie seems to be a little impatient. It moves the fastest.

has approached Larry. Larry was crazy and suddenly saw hope... Just opposite the pool water, the cement table on the opposite side seemed to be shorter than here. It seemed to be visual.

It can probably make people climb up.

Larry turned around and surrounded by four crocodiles, shouted in despair, and then turned around and rushed to the pool.

It's hard to imagine that in a desperate situation, a person with a broken leg can still run! Although he just limped away, his speed was not slow! Finally, he fell into the water and struggled desperately to swim across the pool.

However, despite his hard work, he broke a leg.

And even the hands are tied! He can't swim in the water at all.

And behind, the biggest crocodile, Jamie, had slipped into the water like an arrow... It was like a predatory monster... Larry had swam for several meters, but under the probe lamp, I clearly saw the underwater, behind him, the terrible huge under the water. The shadow caught up with him almost instantly... Then... I don't think I'll forget this scream for the rest of my life! Under the water, the crocodile opened a huge front crocodile, and then bit him from Larry's waist!! The huge bite force on the crocodile's mouth is amazing! Larry screamed almost to a broken throat. The man was struggling desperately, splashing everywhere, with a faint red... Then, a black shadow turned over the water and immediately dragged Larry to sink into the water... The water was quickly dyed red, and I only saw some bubbles coming out of the water... Half a minute later, the big crocodile's mouth Barry dragged a corpse, slowly crawled out of the water, and returned to the shore. Larry was dead, and half of his body was bitten by it in his huge mouth. The flesh and blood was still flowing... Then the other three crocodiles also leaned over and began to grab food.

The big crocodile named Jamie was obviously fierce and domineering, and he bit the other three crocodiles twice before giving up a little food... Larry's upper body! And Larry's lower body, I almost watched in the crocodile's mouth, which was "swallowed" by it for a while.

"See... damn it!" I cursed in a low voice, and then suddenly I had a desire to hold the wall and vomit.

I turned my head and really didn't want to continue to see the crocodiles eating a person's body, and Solin, with a cigar in his hand, still smiled with a happy face and quietly watched the whole process... God, I can almost hear the hoarse sound of the teeth below... This sound makes me sick! Finally, it was all over. Solin laughed, then waved his hand, and the light went out.

I feel that my legs are a little weak... It's not that I haven't killed anyone, nor have I tortured my enemies and enemies... But in such a scene, watching a few crocodiles cruelly prey on a human of my kind, and it's just under my eyes... People who have never experienced it can never imagine such a thing How "terrible" love is!! Walking down the steps, Solin still looked calm... He even smiled.

Such a smile fell in my heart, and I lacked a sense of awe for the old man.

This guy is a pervert! It's crazy! It's crazy!!!! Solin seemed to be very satisfied with my expression and my reaction. He patted me with a smile: "How's it going? Chen Yang, was the performance just now wonderful? I took a few deep breaths and forced a smile on my face, but I knew that my current smile must be ugly.

"Wonderful... I won't use this word to describe what happened just now."

I gritted my teeth.

"What's the matter? Mr. Chen Yang, the underground godfather of the famous Vancouver.

Are you afraid of blood? Solin shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly.

I tried my best to close my eyes and try to erase the scene I had just seen from my mind without thinking about it.

Then I took a deep breath: "Sorry, I'm just not used to such a scene... Seeing this kind of thing.

will make me have nightmares.

And... Damn it, fortunately I didn't eat anything tonight."

"Haha..." Solin laughed a few times.

He pulled me and sat down on the row of chairs next to him.

"Maybe you think I'm cruel and think I'm crazy..." Solin curled his lips, with a gloomy expression on his old face: "But I don't think so.

In my dictionary, it's either a friend or an enemy.

I will never be kind to the enemy, let alone be soft-hearted.

I will be my enemy.

Kill them all without mercy... This is my philosophy of life.

"..." I was so surprised tonight.

I thought so.

Although Solin is famous, he is known as the underground godfather of Vancouver.

But I always feel that although he is more than majestic, he doesn't seem to be so terrible... I even think.

Has this old man been polished for a long time?

It's like an old lion, with its teeth falling out and hair falling out.

Although he is still strong, I don't think he is terrible.

Moreover, he has been pursuing bleaching.

also gives me an illusion... It seems that he is already a man with little lethality.

But tonight, all my feelings have changed!! After all, Solin is Solin! He is the one who is cruel.

Cruel and cold-blooded, perverted, the biggest scum in the Canadian underworld!!!" Oh, my friend, I'm sorry, if the scene just now scared you..." Solin is smiling, and his eyes are no longer as peaceful at this moment... Or, his eyes are still peaceful, but I have seen the essence of it! Fierce! Poison! Like a rattlesnake!! I immediately said, "Oh.

No, you don't have to apologize.

I'm not afraid of anything, it's just... I'm not used to such a scene.

Solin raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, is that so? Then I'm relieved.

By the way, do you like my little toys? Of course, these little toys are just a means I use to punish my enemies.

When Solin said this, he deliberately paused and looked at me deeply: "I am ruthless to the enemy, but I am full of kindness to my friends."

Look at his shining eyes.

I suddenly remembered Yang Wei's words... Since he is nothing more than two means, coercion, or inducement... As long as you hold on... In fact, he dares not do anything to you now..." I calmed down, and suddenly, my heart calmed down.

I even smiled calmly.

Looking at my smile, Solin frowned slightly, but then he hid it.

"Mr. Solin."

I laughed and said jokingly, "I'm glad now. Fortunately, I'm your friend.

Isn't it? Moreover, I suddenly found that I have the same views as you.

Generally speaking, my friends live a good life... and those who are my enemies have paid the price.

Solin looked at me. He added his lips and smiled: "Yes, we are indeed friends.

Okay...Young man, the program is over. Next... Let's talk about business."

He snapped his finger, and immediately his men brought a simple table and put it in front of us, and then some documents.

"You see, Chen Yang, I said that I have always been generous to my friends, so about your proposal to join the offshore business... I think I don't have enough liquidity recently, so I'm afraid I can't provide you too much help... However, as a friend, I'm still willing to express my kindness... ...So, I am willing to provide you with 10 million US dollars, and the cost, of course, is very small. I only need to own 10% of the company's shares.

After he finished speaking, he looked at me.

I twitched in my heart and took a deep breath. I looked at him, and the smile on my face faded bit by bit. Then I said slowly and softly in a calm and almost cold voice, "Mr. Solin, I have to say that your joke is really interesting... really, very interesting."