evil spirit

Chapter 104 Luxury

Chapter 104 [Luxury] It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Zhuang Yuan came to the old Solin.

After getting off the extended Lincoln car, Yang Wei held my arm beside me. Both of us were dressed for dinner, which could be called a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

Yang Wei wore a pearl-colored Versace lady's evening dress, and I wore an Armani suit carefully selected by Yang Wei for me.

I have to say that these women are really talented about how to dress up.

At this point, men can't be compared anyway.

In my opinion, it was enough to attend the dinner party by taking a shower, then changing into a clean and refreshing shirt, and wearing a formal suit outside to show respect for the host.

But Yang Wei later knew my plan, so she couldn't help sighing, and then made fun of me for this kind of social thing. In the end, she almost dragged me back to my room and helped me dress up for an hour!! I also asked the hotel to hire a hairstylist to get my hair done.

At the same time, I bought a limited edition Omega men's watch. I only know the logo of this brand, but I don't know which one it is.

Anyway, it was selected by Yang Wei.

What I admire more is that while Yang Wei helped me dress up, she did not slow down her own speed at all.

She almost changed her clothes in my room, and even took a shower in my room - which somewhat embarrassed me.

When we arrived at Zhuangyuan in Solin at eight o'clock, I had a new look from head to toe, just like a little more aristocratic style, especially when I was tall and tall.

The eyebrows have cultivated a little awe-inspiring momentum, and Yang Wei followed me with a quiet smile... Such a combination, and in a world where most people around are white faces, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Old Solin's Zhuangyuan... To be honest.

In my opinion, this is almost a king's land castle!!! The white building in front of us is completely built in the Gothic castle style... pure white marble, plus the strong Gothic style.

Of course, this huge building is not a medieval antique, but a new one built here six years ago at a high cost!! It can be said that this is the royal palace of the underground kingdom of Solimdi! The huge round swimming pool, those lawns are a kind of expensive broad-leaved grass imported from the Netherlands. It is said that this kind of grass can be kept green for most of the year! And I only saw part of this flower circle.

It's at least 1,000 square meters! Many luxury cars have been parked in the parking lot in front of the castle, and seven or eight big men in black suits are serving as welcome guests.

And behind the castle, there is also a private golf course.

The racecourse, a helipad... What makes me sigh more is that because Solin likes racing very much, he even built a standard racing track behind his castle! It was prepared for his collection of four Ferrari racing prototypes.

Yang Wei obviously didn't come here for the first time. She introduced me in a low voice beside me.

Then he laughed and said, "However, after the track was built, it is said that it has not been used once.

Because of Solin's age, it is really not suitable to drive a Ferrari F1 car.

The racecourse is quite good. Solin has two precious pure-blooded horses.

I looked at the castle in front of me, listened to Yang Wei's introduction, and couldn't help sighing.

Really, people are more than people. It's so annoying! It turns out that my wish is just to live in a big house with flowers and a swimming pool. I feel that my life is already very luxurious and luxurious... But compared with old Solin... It's simply the life of a beggar.

"In fact, everyone knows the strange habits of old Solin.

This guy is said to have the blood of a European aristocrat.

It's just that I don't know how many generations ago it was.

Old Solin didn't have a good life when he was young, but after he made his fortune, he especially liked this kind of aristocratic luxurious life... You will know when you go in and look at the interior of the castle.

Yang Wei squeezed his lips and smiled.

"How much money does he have..." I couldn't help sighing: "Such a castle costs every year just to maintain..." "At least five million dollars.

The maintenance of the helipad, the maintenance of the helicopter, the professional racing lane, the maintenance of the racing car.

The maintenance of the racecourse, the breeding of those purebred horse racing horses, and the relevant personnel... The maintenance of the lawn, the renewal, and the maintenance of other buildings of the castle itself, as well as some daily expenses... This Zhuangyuan alone, Solin spends at least 5 million dollars a year.

And please note that this is far from the cost of the banquet he held here... Every time this kind of banquet is held, it costs a lot of money, and old Solin holds many banquets here every year.

I whistled.

That is to say, if I give him the 5% of the shares, the annual profit will only be enough for him to barely maintain the most basic expenses of such a Zhuangyuan?! On such days, Bill Gates is nothing more than that.

I smiled bitterly.

"Do you think Bill Gates is really the richest man in the world?" Yang Wei curled his lips and said, "That's calculated by the media.

There are more people in the world who are richer than Bill, but no one will disclose their property.

There are quite a lot of guests tonight. We walked into the gate of the castle. The row of ceramic columns on both sides can only be held by at least two people.

The dinner is divided into two venues inside and outside.

On the lawn outside, there is a row of dining tables with sterling silver, polite waiters, even wearing wigs, suits and bow ties... To my surprise, they all speak French! This is a French waiter hired at a high price.

Yang smiled and said, "It is also a feature of the luxury life most advocated by European aristocrats."

Yang Wei seems to be very familiar with this place, and in just two minutes after we walked in, she had already said hello to three guests.

"This is the mayor of Toronto... Well, this is the provincial senator... Yang Weiwei whispered to introduce the guests to me.

whispered, "The specifications of tonight's banquet are much higher than those in the hotel where we attended last time.

Old Solin seems to have spent a lot of thought.

It seems that Solin still values me as a guest. We just walked into the castle hall for two minutes.

I was also enjoying the gorgeous murals on the surrounding walls, as well as the reliefs full of European style - Yang Wei told me that many of them were authentic - two minutes later, Solin came to us.

Old Solin's silver hair was obviously dyed. He looked very energetic. He wore a classical dress, with a noble temperament in his stability, and held a cane with a sterling silver handle in his hand.

His eyes were very bright, with a bright laugh.

came to me: "Oh, Chen Yang, young man.

Welcome to your arrival... Ah, Weiwei, you are more beautiful than when I saw you here."

Yang Wei smiled and thanked me modestly, and I was about to shake hands with Solin.

He couldn't help but say that he gave me a hug when he came up.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly to avoid embarrassment.


Young man, I have long seen that you are an excellent guy!" Solin smiled happily: "You see, it's not long before you are now the famous fifth master of the West Coast.

You have done a much better job than Mr. Fang.

At this point, he casually said, "Oh, by the way, I regret the misfortune of my husband. Well, you must have received my condolence gift."


Thank you.

I answered firmly.

At Ba Ye's funeral, Solin sent a gift.

Today, Solin blushed and looked refreshed. He was followed by two middle-aged people, one of whom was a very powerful guy.

is probably a bodyguard or something, and the other one, with deep eyes, should be a solint close assistant.

"Well, young man, since you are here, let's enjoy this wonderful night."

Solin winked at me, completely like an old friend's intimate tone: "There are many warm and beautiful girls here tonight. Oh, I think they will be interested in you, a famous young talent now."

Then he turned his head and looked at Yang Wei and said with a smile, "Oh, Weiwei, don't you mind if I say so?" Of course not."

Yang Wei still smiled in a measured way.

Solin was so affectionate to me that he even asked me to follow him closely, then took me around the banquet hall, and then enthusiastically introduced me to those prominent guests, watching him pat me on the shoulder and praise me with praise in front of others, I even felt a sense of absurdity... as if a father was praising his son.

I'm really uncomfortable with his intimate attitude... You know, I haven't known him for a long time, and the contact time is even shorter.

Of course, I also know that this is the rule of the game, so I try my best to cooperate with him.

Finally, when Solin took me to a relatively quiet environment, he gently raised his hand, and a waiter came to deliver a few glasses of wine. We divided it with one person and took a glass. Solin seemed to remember. He looked at me with a gentle smile: "Chen Yang, I heard that you have been doing well in Vancouver recently. Wrong!! Your maritime business is booming.

I sneered in my heart: I heard? Humph, I'm afraid my eyes are red with jealousy! When I came here tonight, I was sure that Solin would get a 5% share! With his wealth, he spends so much money to maintain a Zhuangyuan every year... How can such a person care about 5% of that area?! Obviously, he wants this 5%, not for the annual dividend profit of 5 million! He wants more!! What he wants is a chance to enter this game! He wants to enter the game!! He looked at me with a smile, so enthusiastic and full of pleasant taste... But I felt like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake!