evil spirit

Chapter 124 That Mountain, That Man

Chapter 124 [That Mountain, That Man] You can reach Lijiang in about 40 minutes by plane from Kunming.

Obviously, Lijiang is a well-known tourist city in the country, especially the ancient city of Lijiang, which has the reputation of "Jiangnan Town on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau".

However, we are not here to travel.

After leaving the airport, the first thing was to find a car rented by a local car company and a driver, and then immediately ran to Xiaowanggou without stopping.

Originally, the car took more than six hours to drive, and it was all mountain roads to get to the place.

I feel a little sorry for Yan Di, and I don't want her to experience this kind of long-distance rush.

It is recommended that she stay in Lijiang and take a day off to visit the scenery here.

But Yan Di refused, and she must be by my side.

It's a six-hour journey, and the car we rented is not a high-end car. On the rugged and bumpy mountain road, six hours in a car without a good shock absorber system, almost scattering people's bones.

In the evening, in the evening, we arrived at the destination... Get out of the car, and our group, unless Lei Xiaohu and I practiced from the beginning, our bodies could support it, and everyone else, including the driver, could hardly straighten up.

And the little girl was almost exhausted and almost rolled out of the car at the end.

And Yan Di was held in my arms in the car all the way. With me as a meat cushion below, it slightly avoided some bumps.

But I'm also very tired.

This is a typical mountain village far away from the city and modern prosperity.

The surrounding mountains are lush.

is continuous, and between the two mountains, there is a small river that is not very urgent. The river is a bridge piled up with stones.

Walking through this bridge, it seemed to be low. I even saw some people's chimneys still smoking... It's already evening, and the sun was about to set behind the mountain, but I didn't see any lights in the village... Although a telegraph pole was erected at the entrance of the village, it was also the whole village The only one.

The mobile phone is no longer available. Obviously, this is a blind spot without a signal.

Because the bridge is too narrow, I'm afraid only bicycles can pass on the bridge, so we parked our car at this end of the bridge.

Obviously, this is a relatively closed place.

Our arrival immediately aroused the curiosity of a group of children here on the bridge.

From the costumes of these children, I can see that there is still extreme poverty here.

Some small children.

Only wear small belly pockets made of earthen cloth, and older children wear some old gray clothes that can't be distinguished.

And most of them don't wear shoes. Occasionally, one or two slightly older children wear yellow-green liberation shoes that have long disappeared in the city... After our group walked into the village.

immediately aroused the curiosity of the local villagers about us outsiders, and of course, some vigilance and vigilance.

I held a jar in my arms.

Inside are Uncle Seven's ashes, walking at the end.

The driver stayed at the bridge. He wanted to check the car. We carried gasoline in the car, which was enough for us to drive out of the mountain area to the nearest gas station when we went back.

After some confirmation, we are sure that this place should be the place where Uncle Seven and Master Ba lived in those years! Yan Yazhou and I worked hard for a long time, accompanied by the driver who came to the place together.) Only the driver can barely understand the dialect of the people here), and we even found one or two people who are said to know Uncle Seven.

These people should be about the same age as Uncle Seven.

But because of the hard work in the mountains, they look like they are in their sixties.

I'm a little curious about everything in this mountain village, because I'm the only one who heard Uncle Seven tell his story back then.

The village is not big, with a population of more than 200.

We first found the village head, and then communicated with him.

It's time for dinner... To be honest, the poor environment here is far beyond my expectations... This village probably belongs to the poorest area. Almost all the people in the village are farmers and mountain people. There is no restaurant in the village, and there are few outsiders. There is no store here. It is said that the goods are bought by villagers in a town about 15 kilometers away from here every once in a while.

But to my surprise, there is still a school here... If it can still be regarded as a school.

A dilapidated adobe house, the roof has at least four loopholes from the visual point of view, and the blackboard on it is completely a substitute painted with sediment at the bottom of the pot.

To my surprise, there is one in this classroom in the few lights in the village! The textbooks are old, the tables and chairs are incomplete, and the back is simply replaced by stones.

What surprised me more is that this primary school was organized by the only group of people who went to the countryside with Uncle Seven and others who did not return to the city. Unfortunately, the old gentleman passed away last year, and the grave was located at the end of the village.

I inquired about the "Awang" that Uncle Seven once had a relationship entanglement in those years. Of course, if she was still alive, she should be 50 years old.

This was found out, and we even found Awang's home... There was only a little wall left in a dirt house that had already collapsed, and most of it had been changed into a cowshed.

After inquiry, I learned that Awang married to Lincun in order to save the seventh uncle, and just after the seventh uncle and his group left here and returned to the city, Awang's parents who lived in the village died of illness. After Awang married to Lincun, it is said that there was no news later, and the village in Lincun is not In a plan to develop the mountainous area of the government, the whole village has been relocated to another place.

Everything is broken, and there is no trace that can be found.

Originally, when I came here, I even hoped to find some traces left by the seventh uncle or the eighth master here... But unfortunately, decades have passed and everything has disappeared.

Even the two local villagers who may know Uncle Seven and Master, they can't even remember Uncle Seven and Master.

After thinking about it for a while, I walked straight to the end of the village. On the edge of the small ditch here, there is an old tree, and not far away, it is a lonely grave.

That's the grave of the old people who went to the countryside with the seventh uncle who built the primary school here.

I hesitated a little and gave up my original plan... Originally, I wanted to find a feng shui treasure here and then bury Uncle Seven... But now it seems that the conditions here are too bad to make any scenery burial, let alone do anything here that is too luxurious and high-end graves. I'm at home.

I stood on the edge of the river, smoked cigarettes for a while, and then suddenly opened the urn jar in my arms... I just stood by the river, one by one, and sprinkled Uncle Seven's ashes down the river.

The white ashes flew, fell quietly on the river, and soon flowed away... "Uncle Seven, maybe you have a reason to choose this place."

I looked at the sky and the mountains, and looked back at the lonely grave in the distance. I sighed and muttered, "Uncle Qi, I've spilled your ashes here. Along this river, you can stay quietly in this village... There is also an old friend who accompanies you. You must recognize it. Know him."

After scattering the ashes, I clapped my hands gently and looked back at my companions standing behind me.

When I spilled my ashes just now, all of them stood a few meters behind me. Everyone looked serious. Even the little girl, although she was at a loss, did not dare to say a word.

"Let's go.

Let's go back."

I made the decision quickly.

Yan Di didn't say anything. He came to me and gently grabbed me.

Before we left, I asked everyone to take out all the cash on hand, the part of the reward left for the driver, and all the rest, a total of more than 100,000 yuan, all of which were donated to the primary school in this village.

In the name of the donor, I left the word "Zhang Jianhua" neatly.

This is the real name of Uncle Seven. After more than six hours of bumps, when our group finally returned to Lijiang City, it was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. We checked into the best hotel in Lijiang on the most prosperous Xianggola Street in Lijiang City... Fortunately, it's not the peak tourist season now, otherwise we may not even be able to book a room.

Yan Di saw that I was in a bad mood, and this night was deliberately gentle to me.

When I got up the next day, I saw everyone talking to me carefully... After all, I'm the leader of everyone. If I always take advantage of my face to be in a bad mood, I'm afraid everyone will feel very depressed.

Although it has been a night's rest, it was so bumpy the day before that everyone's face was a little tired.

Looking at the woman beside me and these brothers who followed me all the way, I suddenly smiled and said, "Well, everyone, our work has been done... Thank you for your hard work these days. Let's stroll around the ancient city of Lijiang today. Stay here for another day, and we will go back tomorrow."

"Oh!!!" Although the adults were very happy, they didn't call out, and only the little girl couldn't help dancing.

What I didn't expect was to stay in Lijiang for one more day... This decision brought me some wonderful changes.