evil spirit

Chapter 125 Meet the Old Man in Another Country

Chapter 125 [Anger in Another Country]

Shangri-La Street in Lijiang City is facing the Yulong Snow Mountain in the distance, which is also the most prosperous street in this small city.

At the same time, because of this special geographical environment and special scenery, the house price of the land here is also very high... Who doesn't want to live in the house and open the window every day to see the towering and beautiful Yulong Snow Mountain in the distance?

I know that many rich people in China like to buy a villa on Shangri-La Street as a holiday palace. Today, since we decided to stay in Lijiang for one more day, Yan Di and I came out of the hotel and stood on the street and looked at the towering snowy mountains in the distance...

"Is there still more than 5,000 meters in the snowy mountain?" I thought about it and said with a smile, "Do you want to go and have a look?"

Yan Di thought for a moment and smiled sweetly: "I'll just follow you."

I'm also a little tempted, but considering the time, I'll forget it. And Yan Di is a little tired. At this time, I took her to the snowy mountains. I was worried that she would have a high mountain reaction.

"Then let's buy a villa here." I saw that there was a high-end villa area not far away that was obviously not built soon. It must be the location for rich people to buy the palace: "In this way, we can also come to travel in the future... Well, if we have a chance in the future, can we travel here again?"

Yan Di thought for a moment and still looked at me so softly: "I'll listen to you."

Anyway, it was a casual trip. Our group simply broke up and walked separately. I only took Yan Di with me, and there was only a hammer beside me as my bodyguard. Originally, the little girl really wanted to follow me. But she was knocked on the head by Lei Xiaohu and whispered, "You little light bulb!" Then he dragged her away.

The ancient city of Lijiang really lives up to its reputation.

The blue and leisurely stone road is completely like a house in the south of the Yangtze River. Small bridge, running water...

Here, I'm really relieved.

Uncle Seven's work has been done. The stone that has been pressing on my heart these days seems to have finally been far away from me since the moment I left Xiaowanggou last night.

Looking at the shops of accessories with the national characteristics of the local Naxi people all the way, what interests me most is a foreign fast food restaurant built in the north of the ancient town... All the menus on the wall outside the store have actually made a special version of the Naxi ancient hieroglyph... It's very interesting.

Yan Di also seems to be very happy. After all, I spend time to be completely casual. There is too little time to play with her... I thought about it, even in Canada. It has been more than half a year, but I don't seem to have gone out with her even once... Of course, not to mention traveling. And this girl follows me silently every day, warming me with her gentleness day after day.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little more guilty about the tenderness of the girls around me.

I walked to the north entrance of the town. We saw a big water truck that looked very distinctive from afar. We wanted to have a look, but we approached. But I found that I was stopped. Someone outside here stopped the way, and there was also a quarantine area. There were people with work cards hanging. It was very polite to ask us not to continue to approach. It seemed that there was a company here to shoot the outdoor scene of the announcement and temporarily rented this small place, accompanied by the staff of the ancient town scenic area here. Same.

They are very polite, and I will naturally not make trouble for no reason. Just stand in the distance and look. But I saw the front of a camera, and the staff were nervously debugging the lens, lighting, and so on.

We watched it for a while, and there will probably be a model... Because I heard from other onlookers next to me say that it seems that this company is shooting a female model... And others lamented that the beauty of the female model... At this time, it seems that they have gone to the back to change makeup. Maybe it's really a beautiful woman. I was lucky enough to see the real people watching before, but they didn't leave for a long time - of course, most of them were men.

I was bored when I heard it, and the legendary beautiful female model hasn't come out yet, and I'm not interested in watching it. But Yan Di begged me to watch it for a while.

My heart moved and I understood it immediately. All girls, especially beautiful women, will always be very interested in other beautiful women, because even girls like Yan Di can't avoid vulgarity. If they hear that there are other beautiful women, they will unconsciously want to compare with themselves...

I didn't say anything about the little thought of the girl's family, so I smiled and waited with her for a while.

Just as Yan Di stretched out his neck and waited to see the beautiful woman who was praised as a fairy by others appear, I suddenly heard a voice behind me with a surprised and happy smile, "Yi? Xiao Wu? Is that you?"

Looking back, I saw Aze standing not far behind him. He was wearing a strange printed T-shirt, and his hair was a little messy, but it highlighted his slightly decadent temperament.

And the words printed on the T-shirt make me a little stunned...

On the chest are the four big words "couple to die"! And when he came over and patted me on the shoulder, I saw a line of big words behind me, "Go to Die".

"Winter Friday? Is it really you? When I saw you from afar just now, I thought I was wrong!" Aze stared at me with a surprised face, and then looked at Yan Di and deliberately looked like a pervert: "Aha, beauty, I haven't seen you for a long time. Come on, let's have a warm and pure friendship hug!" Yan Di has known Aze for a long time. Naturally, he knew that he liked to make such jokes, and he just smiled.

I pulled him aside with a smile, and then looked at him curiously: "Why are you in Lijiang?"

"That... Well, I should ask you, right?" Aze smiled and said, "Can't you get along in Vancouver anymore? Do you want to come here to live in seclusion for retirement?

"Damn it!" I punched him in the chest, then looked at him and couldn't help but open my arms and gave him a warm hug. But this bastard deliberately shouted, "No! Don't hug me! A handsome man like me, I don't want to be misunderstood that I'm gay!!"

"Okay, stop it." I smiled in a low voice: "I'm here to do something. I just finished it and I'm going to take a day off. I'm going back tomorrow. What about you?"

"I?" Aze smiled, but he smiled mysteriously: "I'm here... Well, I'm also doing things. However, you must not have guessed what's going on!"

I'm not very interested in his affairs. This guy is always picking up girls again, right?

And what I really want to know... is actually...

I hesitated for a moment, coughed, pulled Aze to the side, looked left and right, and said, "Well... Are you the only one who came to Lijiang this time? Others... Well, wood... and, Jojo! They didn't come?"

Aze smiled cunningly. He squinted at me for a long time, and then sighed and shook his head: "I disappoint you."

I was a little dissatisfied and asked, "What does it mean? Is it that the wood didn't come... or Joe didn't come?

"Nonsense." Aze deliberately said with a mocking smile, "If you are just worried about wood, will you show such an urgent look? He also pulled me aside to avoid Yan Di's little beauty... Humph, I said Xiaowu, it's fast enough for you to do it... But, my God, when I was in Nanjing, I was just joking about you, but I didn't expect you to be with her??

I couldn't help blushing: "What and her..."

"All right!" Aze deliberately smiled: "You have been friends for so many years, you really think we are blind! What is Qiao Qiao's feelings for you? We can see it in Vietnam... Alas, but you are disappointed. I was the only one who came to Lijiang this time, and neither Wood nor Qiaoqiao came. Wood? He has always been too lazy to go out. And Qiao Qiao..." He said this and frowned slightly: "But this time it's a little troublesome. In recent months, Miss Qiao and I have only seen each other a few times. She said that she was forcibly taken back by her old man in Canada and was locked up for a week after returning home. Moreover, Qiaoqiao said that she had tried countless ways to escape from home. Unfortunately, her old man looked too closely. This time, she arranged four bodyguards, two men and two women, almost all-weather! When you go to bed at night, stand two outside the window and two at the door! It's so horrible! Alas, this is what I heard from Qiaoqiao last time I met her, and when we met, the four bodyguards were still staring at her from a distance!"

Unfortunately, this guy just said a few words, and the pervert's nature was revealed. He seemed to recall, then turned his mouth and smiled, "Well, but one of her female bodyguards has a great figure."

I ignored his sangling face and frowned when I heard the words: "How could this happen?"

"Well, in fact, it's not that serious. Those bodyguards don't limit her freedom. Miss Joe can still go out freely. It doesn't matter to meet us, but it's impossible to run away. It is said that Miss Qiao was anxious to slip away, and she even had the heart to drill the exhaust ventilation pipe, but she had gained a little weight recently. She tried it once, but she was stuck in it, and the bodyguard saved her... She was so angry that Miss Qiao didn't eat meat for a month and announced that she would lose weight... Hahahahahaha... "