evil spirit

Chapter 173 Awe

Chapter 173 [Awe]

In fact, the nightlife of Los Angeles is quite famous. It's just that since I came to Los Angeles, I've been busy with work, film companies, various negotiations, high-profile attendance at media events, etc. Every day. I also stay at home to rest.

And today, under the boredom in my heart, I suddenly feel that I really want to go out and vent.

I drove all the way along the road, but after driving for a long time, I found that after going out at night, I didn't even know where to go. Because I have no idea about the nightlife in Los Angeles.

After thinking about it, I looked at the time. It was already midnight. My heart moved and I took out my mobile phone to dial a number.

The bell rang for a long time before an ambiguous voice came: "HELLO?"

A woman's voice, I said calmly, "Please answer the phone, Charlie."

The woman muttered. After a murmur, Charlie's voice came. His voice was very clear, with the guy's always smooth tone: "Hey, boss, call me in the middle of the night. Do you have any questions?"

"Well... that's it." I smiled and said with a slightly embarrassed tone on the phone, "I'm driving outside now... alone. I want to find a place to have a drink. Can you introduce any good places to drink here?

"Oh?" Charlie's voice was a little unexpected. Because for a long time, my private life has been almost like a saint in front of Charlie... Although I am in this *** in Hollywood, I never go out to fool around. Even in my current identity, I usually don't know how many female models and second-rate stars wink at me, and even openly seduce me, trying to climb to the top, but I ignore it. And now I called him in the middle of the night and asked him if he had a nightclub, which was beyond Charlie's expectation.

But Charlie is indeed a wonderful person. He first asked where I am now, and then he reported a place name in less than ten seconds: "That place is good, but it is a clubhouse. The business is very good every night, and there are often many Hollywood celebrities going there to have fun. The advantage is that because it is a membership system, there will be no outsiders to disturb you. If you want to find a place to drink, you might as well go there. Oh, you can report my name when you get there, and you can go in... But I believe that with your current reputation as a boss, you will not be rejected.

I wrote down the address, and then Charlie politely asked me if he needed to come out for a drink with me. After I declined, I hung up the phone.

Although I don't know the way, there is naturally a positioning system in a top car like Mercedes, and soon I turned on a road and drove towards the city of Luoshanji.

I soon found the place he said. This is a small-faced club, located at the entrance of an alley next to a road. When I drove into the door, a wise waiter immediately came up to open the door for me. After all, a guest like me who drives Mercedes is a rich family at first glance.

I threw the key to the waiter casually and then walked to the door.

Obviously, the business of this club is very good, because there is a long queue at the small door. In the long team, there are many fashionable young men and women waiting anxiously, including many charming and touching girls, and many of them are definitely in the modeling industry in terms of figure.

Sure enough, Charlie is right. This is a place for celebrities in Hollywood to have fun. Usually, there are still many girls with star dreams coming here to meet opportunities, hoping to hang a big man, and the pheasant can become a phoenix from then on.

Several black people in black suits stood at the door with a serious face, wearing headphones, and some people were maintaining order. After I got out of the car, someone immediately came over and asked respectfully, "Sir, this is the entrance for ordinary guests, and the VIP membership entrance is behind... You..."

I wear sunglasses, because my identity is different now. If I'm recognized in public, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble - although it's really strange to wear sunglasses on the street in the middle of the night. However, this black waiter is not surprised. There are too many Hollywood celebrities who want to come here. Those stars are used to wearing sunglasses when they go out.

And when I stood here, the people at the party immediately cast a lot of eyes and looked at me with interest. Many girls stared at me carefully with bright eyes, and even more hot and boldly whistled at me.

I frowned, walked to the side, and said at the same time, "Member entrance? Where is it?"

The waiter immediately heard something: "Uh... aren't you a member here? This..." His face showed a little hesitation.

Originally, people like me who drive top Mercedes cars are naturally rich or noble. Naturally, no businessman will refuse such a member. But this Bi Jing can't be decided by the waiter at this small door.

And when we stood here talking, several powerful black security guards at the door had already looked here. I sighed, took the waiter to the side, then gently took off the sunglasses and smiled at him, and then quickly put on the sunglasses. The black man recognized me immediately.

After all, I am much more famous than any movie superstar.

"Mr. Charlie from Mount Billy Film Company introduced me here."

His attitude was immediately a little respectful: "Oh, Mr. Chen! Sorry, I didn't recognize you... Well, please come with me." Then he called two security guards over, protected me, and took me in from the gate. Those who were queuing couldn't help shouting, which meant that they were dissatisfied with me, the one who jumped the queue. However, some sharp-eyed people recognized me and shouted at me, "Look! That's Chen! It's Chen!" Then there were many women screaming, and at the same time, some women said loudly, "Hey! Chen, look here quickly!" Chen! Take me in with you!" ...And even crazy, some women simply pulled off their coats and showed their towering breasts to me...

These crazy guys...

I walked into the club with two security guards, and the black waiter who was with me on the way introduced me to the situation here.

This club is divided into two parts, both inside and outside. Tickets are sold in the public area, attracting many men and women who like to go to nightclubs. Especially here is Hollywood, and this club is legendary with many Hollywood celebrities, so many uninfluous actors and models often prefer to spend a lot of money to buy tickets to "hunt" and expect to inadvertently hunt a big shot in Hollywood... Therefore, this store is also beautiful. Women are famous for their clouds, and their business is booming.

And the member area inside is specially open to members. And all the personal information of members is strictly confidential here! No famous person likes to have fun by the media.

"Are you going directly to the VIP area? It can provide you with all the services you want... Oh, that's right. Mr. Clooney is having a party in the VIP area tonight. I think Mr. Clooney should welcome you to join us.

I was stunned for a moment: "Who?"

"Mr. George Clooney." The waiter answered politely.

I thought about it. Now I just want to have two drinks alone, so I rejected the waiter's suggestion: "I want to be quiet for a while and take me to the public area."

The waiter smiled, and I found that there was a little warmth in his smile...

I suddenly remembered the legend that there are many unsompered actresses and models here to try their luck. Well, obviously, there are many bigwigs who are used to eating delicacies, and they also like to come here to pick up girls who are full of star dreams. Obviously, this waiter regards me as that kind of person.

It can be said that in my current position. As long as I hook my fingers at any beautiful woman with a star dream, there are many people who are willing to take off their clothes and jump on my bed.

I didn't bother to explain, and then the waiter didn't know where to find a strange mask for me. This is an exaggerated look, with a big nose and a thick beard underneath. Obviously, it is a clown mask that can cover half of a person's hole after wearing it.

"What is this?" I was stunned for a moment.

The waiter laughed and said, "There is a special makeup show here every Wednesday. All guests who play in the public area have to wear masks... This is also for convenience..."

He smiled even more blatantly.

I was slightly stunned for a moment and immediately understood what he meant. Everyone is in the public area with masks, so everyone doesn't know what the other party is, and those celebrities who come to pick up beautiful women. You can also hide your identity and avoid a lot of trouble... An alternative thrill, very interesting!

I took the mask and put it on, and then followed the waiter to an entrance: "Have a good time."

I walked into the hall. The hall was decorated as if it were a crystal palace. There were no dazzling lights, and they were all fluorescent lamps!

Coming down a swirling corridor, I immediately saw that the wall next to it was hollowed out and arranged into a window. There was a layer of glass outside, and inside, there was a hot gorgeous girl in each window, wearing all kinds of revealing and attractive costumes, some dressed as cat girls, and some Wearing demon costumes, some are rabbit girls... Black-haired, blonde, red-haired, without exception, they are twisting their bodies to their heart's content, dancing with strong rhythmic music, and making all kinds of seductive gestures.

I stayed in front of a window for a little more than two seconds. Immediately, a black girl dressed as a cat girl in the window threw a wink at me repeatedly. At the same time, she leaned hard against the window glass, and even stuck out her tongue through the window to make a licking action... Mixed with the charming smile on his face, it's very **.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk.

It seems that the "Wednesday Makeup Special" here is really popular. The venue is full of men and women, but in general, there are still more women, and when they glance at them casually, they are all petite... Although they can't see their faces, most of them are in good figures.

It seems that there are also some people with capital who come here to hang Kaizi.

In the middle is a square bar, which is decorated like a crystal coffin. The barmen inside are dressed like vampires, with decorated tusks hanging at the corners of their mouths and cloaks behind them. I squeezed through the crowd, sat down in an empty seat, and looked at the barman in front of me: "Give me a glass of tequila."


There was a crisp voice next to me, and then I saw a black girl sitting down, deliberately close to me. She is very tall, and her torso proportion is perfect. At first glance, she is a model. And she is very revealing... She wears a Cleopatra-like glasses on her face. However, judging from the two-thirds of the exposed face, it looks a little like the famous Hollywood actress Harry Berry. And the chocolate-like skin is also very smooth.

"Hey, handsome man, won't you buy me a drink?" She deliberately said to me in a magnetic voice at the bottom.

After saying that, she deliberately rubbed my leg gently with her upturned calves...

Huh? Blatant seducing? I shrugged my shoulders. Although this black girl's figure is really charming, I don't have the desire to hunt for sex tonight. I summoned the staff and pointed to the girl next to me: "Give this lady a glass of wine... Well, whatever she wants to drink is on my account."

After saying that, I smiled at the black girl: "I'm sorry, I want to stay alone for a while."

She seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then left reluctantly.

"Sir, your wine." The barman poured me the tequila I wanted. I picked it up and swallowed it as soon as I raised my neck. I only felt that a line of fire flowed all the way from the throat to the esophagus to the stomach, which was very refreshing!

I sighed, "Give me another cup."

The bar clerk smiled at me, poured me wine, then looked left and right, and whispered, "Sir, if you need anything, you can call me at any time... We provide special services for VIP members."

"Huh?" I was a little surprised: "How do you know I'm a VIP member?"

The barman smiled. He looked like a very clever person: "Oh, the mask you are wearing. There is a painting of fluorescent material with special beads on it, which ordinary people can't see, but we waiters all wear special contact lenses to see the symbols on it. Such a mask can only be worn by members, which is different from ordinary guests.

I just realized that.

I can't help but be a little curious about this club. It seems that the operator of this place is not simple to think about so many details.

I nodded, and then he smiled at me and walked away.

But then something happened that made me depressed. I sat at the bar for less than ten minutes, but three girls came up and took the initiative to talk to me!

And these three girls are all extremely beautiful, and one of them is tall. They have a pair of long legs that make men can't help drooling at a glance. It's fake to say that they don't move. There is also a petite figure. When chatting up, she deliberately pretended to accidentally remove her own mask, revealing an extremely "young tooth" face... However, her figure is definitely not "young teeth". The surging appearance has long attracted the coveted eyes of many men around her.

I can't help laughing bitterly...

Childlike face**, the best legs... There is another girl, who can score nearly 90 points on average. Being accosted by these three best beauties in a row is enough to make any man feel very excited anyway.

But I gradually have doubts in my heart.

I don't think I'm very attractive... And it's when I'm wearing a mask, others can't see my face, and I don't know my identity.

Did my character explode tonight? Is there an explosion of peach blossoms? I couldn't help looking at myself, but I didn't see any king's spirit... [Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

After sending away three beautiful women, I couldn't help calling the bar clerk just now and complained, "What's going on? Can these people also see my identity?

The bar clerk seemed to hold back his smile: "Oh, sir, I think you must be new here, right?"

"Well...not bad."

"That's no wonder." The bar clerk said respectfully, "These women come here to hang up. They are all experienced and rich. Although they can't see the invisible symbols on your mask, they can see that your identity is different from other ordinary male guests here in some details.

Then he lowered his voice and said carefully, "For example, your clothes, your suit, although you can't see any marks and brand trademarks... but these women are all human spirits! They will pay attention to each issue of various fashion magazines and know what the latest men's clothing of various top brands looks like. And your suit, looking at the cut and texture, is not an ordinary product... And..." His eyes glanced at my wrist: "This Bulgari watch is worth at least tens of thousands of dollars, which is not affordable for ordinary male guests. Although there are many ordinary male guests here to pick up sisters, those girls are not fools. They can tell whether each other's identity is a real rich person or a fake rich person from their clothes. Those girls just looked at your worthless dress. As for who you are, they don't know. For them, they are here to hang up, as for whether they are Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks. Who cares?"

I couldn't help laughing, and then I thought about it. I just took off the watch on my wrist, threw it on the stand, and said with a smile, "I'll give it to you."

"?" The bartist looked at me in surprise.

I don't care so much. I'm depressed tonight. I came out to vent and have fun. Although a watch worth tens of thousands of dollars is given away casually, it's a little too squandering, but I'm happy that it's hard to buy money, isn't it?

This kind of venting is better than fighting with the Gambino family.

I casually asked the waiter, walked into a men's bathroom, then took off my Armani suit worth tens of thousands of dollars and threw it into the trash can. Although the shirt inside was also very expensive, I pretended to wet the village shirt a little with water, unbuttoned two buttons, and rolled up the sleeves a little. This makes me look much sloppy.

Then I walked out of the hall again. This time I walked through the corridor, which was a more dimly lit hall. There was a high platform in the middle, and there were many men sitting around - well, most of them were men. On the high platform in the middle, there were a few steel pipes erected. When I came in, with strong seductive music, there was a hot girl performing on the stage.

As soon as I walked in, a waiter standing at the door immediately greeted me. His eyes swept over the mask on my face - I knew that he must have seen the invisible symbol on my mask. Then, without my order, he directly chose a front seat for me.

It's not that I haven't seen ** in China, but after all, the domestic environment is different from that of the Western world, and everything here is legal.

Moreover, to use a classic movie line, "Do you think it's easy to jump **? Is it just shameless? Those girls who dance ** here have profound dance skills!"

Just two words: professional!

Anyway, I came here purely to relax. I sat in the first row and watched for a while. The first dancer was very dedicated and tall. At first glance, she was a woman of Nordic descent. Her chest was plump, her thighs were slender, and her waist twisted like a water snake. The men below whistled one after another.

And what really interested me is the second paragraph, which actually comes up with a pair of sisters... The appearance of these sisters is very similar. Although their figure and appearance are slightly worse than the Nordic girl in front of them, this kind of sisterhood is enough to arouse the evil thoughts of men. Yes.

was probably instructed by the waiter. I found that the two dancers twisted, and on the other hand, they seemed to wink at me intentionally or unintentionally. When it came to the ** part, the two simply came over. One of them stood on the table in front of me and twisted. From my perspective of looking up, I could put her Any secret part of the body can be seen very clearly, while the other one simply sits on me and twists.

This move did not arouse the suspicion of others, because this is what the dancers often sit like in ** - deliberately approaching the audience in the front row and seducing them twice.

I also took out a few dollar bills and casually inserted them from the edge of the girl's underwear sitting in my arms.

The girl kissed me and then drifted away. This behavior made the people next to her jealous, but the act of casually taking out a few 100-yuan U.S. dollars to reward people also attracted some attention.

I sat down for a few more minutes and felt really boring. I got up and left.


came out, a waiter greeted me and laughed in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, we have registered your membership. Now that the party held by Mr. Clooney has begun in the member area, do you want to go in?

After a pause, he continued, "Mr. Clooney already knew that you were here. He tried his best to invite you to the party, but because there were still a few distinguished guests in it, it was not convenient for him to invite you in person, so he entrusted me..."

I thought about it. Anyway, I'm here to have fun tonight. I didn't refuse, so I followed him directly.

Later, I learned that the boss learned from the waiter that I was coming and immediately gave me a membership... And at ordinary times, a membership here had to pay a membership of one million dollars first.

This kindness is not small.


I followed the waiter through several corridors, and then walked into a door guarded by several black security guards. All the waiters who met me along the way bowed to me respectfully and turned sideways to make way. I can't help but be very satisfied with the ingenious design of this club.

Indeed, this kind of invisible paint mark makes others not know my identity, but allows the service staff to distinguish me at a glance. This feeling is really cool. Although I know that this kind of equipment must cost a lot, I believe that such considerate and subtle service will definitely bring a large number of rich guests to this club!

Walking through the corridor, I crossed a road that looked like a crystal maze, pushed open the door of a flat diamond-cut shape, and I came to the VIP area.

At a glance, the place here is slightly smaller than the outside, and the decoration is not so fancy, but some very subtle decorations reflect the extraordinary taste.

People here don't have to continue to wear masks. I took off the mask and handed it to the waiter beside me. Looking around, half of the people here are acquaintances, and many of them have experienced hostage incidents together.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a handsome middle-aged man with an indescribable mature force all over his body, with a cigar in his hand and an enthusiastic smile. It was George Clooney, who was once selected as the sexiest mature man in Hollywood. He came up and hugged me like an old friend for many years, and then smiled and said, "Oh, dear Chen, I didn't expect you to be a member here... But why didn't I know it before?"

I smiled and said, "This is my first time here tonight."

George and I have seen each other at several parties before, so we are familiar with this famous Hollywood playboy.

"Okay, fortunately you didn't miss any wonderful programs." George took my arm and walked in. As he walked, he smiled and said, "Hey, the Lakers cheerleader will arrive in a minute. You can meet a lot of hot beauties here tonight!"

... I'm dizzy. It's really a famous party, which actually brought the Lakers' cheerleading team to the scene. Who doesn't know that the cheerleaders in the Lakers near Hollywood are all attractive beauties.

When I walked in, my eyes suddenly lit up! I saw an acquaintance!

He is slender, wearing a tailored suit, an oriental face, handsome and elegant. Who is not Li Wenjing?

Li Wenjing originally stood aside with a white man and spoke in a low voice. He just looked at me head-on, and he was also stunned for a moment.

Then, at the same time, both of us couldn't help showing some embarrassment.

It was an accident to meet under such circumstances.

George didn't know the awkward relationship between us. He just pulled me over enthusiastically, and then pointed to Li Wenjing and smiled, "This is Li, a guy who knows everything about the culture of picking up girls. Whether it's playing cards or tasting wine, I almost doubt that there is nothing he can't do in the world... Oh, of course Except for giving birth to a child. George blinked.

Li Wenjing and I smiled at each other and didn't say anything. We just shook hands.

When introducing the white man, George's face became much more serious. He took a deep breath and put away his joke: "This is one of the shareholders here. Where we are standing now, he is one of the founders. I think you should really get to know each other. Mr. Rothschild."

"Hello, I'm Martin Rothschild." The white man looked at me with a reserved smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand.

His appearance is not outstanding, even very ordinary, with brown hair, a square face, his eyes are a little deeply concave, blue eyes, high nose bridge, and thin lips. But one of his eyes and one action all showed the demeanor of a natural family and aristocracy.

This temperament can never be made through simple camouflage, but must be cultivated for a long time or even from a young age to achieve such a natural nature!

And... Rothschild?!

This brilliant surname can't help but make me feel a fore!!

My face did not show, but pretended to shake hands with him naturally: "Hello, I'm Chen Yang."

Martin Rothschild smiled and said, "Oh, Chen, I don't think you need to introduce yourself. If I want to know you, just go through the latest Time magazine. Speaking of popularity, you are now the most famous one in this room.

He made a joke and winked at me, as if he was very friendly.

I dealt with it politely, but I still doubted it. Judging from his name... Well, I don't know if this person is from the famous Rothschild family?

In the United States, the Rothschild family is almost comparable to God's existence!!


(I didn't say, I want a monthly pass! It's already 15,000 words!! And the outbreak is not over yet, and it is still going on!! Please vote for a monthly ticket to support me!)