evil spirit

Chapter 174 Principle

Chapter 174 [Question of Principles] The name of the Rothschild family may be unfamiliar to the vast majority of ordinary people.

Because in the mass media era, people may only focus on names such as "Rockefeller" or "Morgan Family".

But in fact, outside the sight of all the people, this legendary family name is the terrible giant who has controlled the economic lifeline of the planet for nearly two centuries! Needless to say, just two examples are enough to illustrate the horror of this family: first... In the 19th century, there were six powerful countries in Europe! They are the British Empire, Prussia (later Germany), Austria-Hungary, France, Russia... and... the Rothschild family! The Rothschild family also has a prominent nickname, "The Sixth Empire".

Second... In the United States before World War II in the 20th century, there was a classic saying to describe the United States at that time that "the Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, and the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family..." In fact, it should be followed by the sentence "And Rockefeller and Morgan belong to Rothschild!" " The problem is that few people know the truth: at the beginning, Rockefeller rose with the support of the Rothschild family, and then the Rockefeller family gradually became a little disobedient, and the Rothschild family picked up the Morgan family to restrain Rockefeller!! In essence, these two world-famous families, which are familiar to the people, are actually just spokesmen of Rothschild! Rothschild, a brilliant and almost terrible family! But they have always been hidden behind the world... and at the same time... they are also Jews! From Israel's founding movement to the U.S. government's support for Israel for decades... Everything has traces of this family's participation! If it is the most powerful family in the United States or the world, it is definitely not Rockefeller or Morgan. As for the Kennedy family or something like that, it is also a puppet in the puppet.

(Author's note: Regarding the background of the Rothschild family, I won't say more here, so that no one will say that I will make up the number of words. You can check the relevant information by yourself, and I will also post something outside the public version of this book.

) Although I'm not sure whether the young man in front of me is from the Rothschild family, it is absolutely necessary to maintain some respect at least in the face of such a man who seems to be full of family style! And two minutes later, my guess got the answer!" Oh, Martin, you're really kidding... But you spend money much faster than you do."

This is Li Wenjing's casual joke.

The Martin smiled faintly: "Yes, in fact, I'm afraid it's the biggest difference between the ability to make money and the speed of spending money in the family.

You see, in order to run this club.

I've been pouring money into it for the past year.

My heart is moved! Sure enough, he is indeed from the Rothschild family! This name is still unfamiliar to the people, but in fact, it is famous in the upper-class ***! However, those who control the media are very smart to choose not to expose themselves to any media! The party will start soon.

Some of the most beautiful top supermodels in Hollywood who have been specially invited, many of them are fashion darlings around the world who often appear on the cover of fashion magazines, and some Hollywood female stars, plus some celebrities who like party life... These are It's George Clooney's party tonight.

In fact, with George Clooney's career, he is not a first-tier superstar, but he is a natural social master and a party organization expert.

Obviously, in this place tonight, those Hollywood celebrities have become the focus of being chased by celebrity and beautiful models. In less than half an hour, I saw George coming to me with a beautiful woman's shoulder in his hand.

He still held a cigar in his hand. Looking at me alone, he couldn't help frowning, and then smiled, "Hey, dear Chen, what's wrong with you tonight? I've never seen you so lonely... Oh, let me think about it. Why didn't Jessica be with you tonight? Um... By the way, where is the beautiful Miss Yang beside you? The one who speaks is unintentional, and the listener is intentional.

George's last words made me and Li Wenjing, who was sitting not far away, and his face changed slightly at the same time.

George said a few more words, and then suddenly patted his forehead, as if he remembered something. He left with two beautiful women in his hand. Then he saw his conductor move out an old-fashioned record player and played a piece of classic music popular in Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s, leading the two beautiful women to open. He began to dance in the open space in the middle of the hall.

With this person in charge, many handsome men and beautiful women next to him also cheered down to recall the classic dance steps of Hollywood in the world.

Sitting on the sofa around, it seems that there are only three people left, me, Li Wenjing, and Martin.

Li Wenjing and I were a little embarrassed, especially when George mentioned Yang Wei just now.

Martin looked at us with a smile, but then he said, "Okay, my two gentlemen, you are dull enough tonight. If you go on like this, you will be very disappointed with the girls around you.

Especially you, Chen, do you know how many girls are secretly peeing on you in the past few minutes? At this time, a man dressed as a waiter came over and whispered a few words in Martin's ear. Martin nodded and smiled at us: " Excuse me."

As he left, the atmosphere between me and Li Wenjing suddenly became embarrassed.

We sat down for a while, couldn't help holding the wine glass in front of us at the same time, and then took a look at each other's behavior, and then put down the wine glass at the same time... Such an embarrassing move.

In the end, it made the two of us laugh at the same time.

"Chen Yang... I didn't expect that we would meet in such a situation one day."

After all, Li Wenjing was the first to return to normal. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me: "Tell me.

What's going on between you and Yang Wei? I remember that you should be with Jojo, didn't you? There was a little anger in his eyes, which I could see.

Is there anything in the world that can arouse men's anger more than the questioning of a rival? I looked at him. Although I was a little upset, I still had a very calm expression on my face: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of expressing my personal feelings to outsiders."

Li Wenjing, a man who has always been elegant in my impression, finally showed his sharpness! He leaned back slightly, playing with the crystal goblet in his hand, and squinted at me: "Chen Yang, I remember that when we first met, I still had a good impression on you.

But I also admit that I didn't expect that you could climb to your current position in just two or three years... I really didn't expect it.

Even from the first time I saw Joe with you, I knew that my first fiancee loved you in her heart.

But I never thought that my second fiancee would also be robbed by you.

I didn't say anything.

"So I've always admired you."

Li Wenjing raised his chin slightly: "You are an excellent person... And I still think so now.

However, I have to say that you are not suitable for Yang Wei at all.

No, it should be said that you and her are not suitable.

Do you understand what I mean? I sneered and said nothing.

"I didn't say this out of bored jealousy."

Li Wenjing suddenly sighed.

There was a little sincerity in his voice, although he was still a little hostile: "You and she are not from the same world, and it is difficult for you to get together in the end.

And... Yang Wei is a woman who is too smart. The man she needs is a man who can let her show her talents to the fullest! And you don't have this kind of strength! She is too smart and too strong.

So sometimes, although sometimes she doesn't notice it, she can't help but get used to controlling everything.

And you... Chen Yang, I have studied your development trajectory in the big circle, and you are also a powerful figure.

You are not used to making compromises, and you don't like to obey others... In this way, the relationship between you and Yang Wei will be very difficult.

"What the hell are you trying to say?" I looked at Li Wenjing and frowned.

"What I want to say is... What Yang Wei needs is a platform that allows her to play to her heart's content."

Li Wenjing seemed to laugh at himself, and then he raised the glass and motioned to me. I didn't want to be too indeed, and I simply touched the wine glass with him.

Then Li Wenjing said quietly, "The family where I was born is destined for me to bear a responsibility in my life.

The education and training I have received since I was a child are all prepared for me to inherit the family's cause in the future.

Even my entertainment activities, such as playing cards, horse riding, tennis, music, wine tasting, etc... are all trained for future social activities.

Everything revolves around the future interests of the family.

This kind of life may be very beautiful in the eyes of outsiders, but if you experience it yourself, you will feel really boring.

I took a sip of wine. Although I don't know why Li Wenjing told me this, I didn't interrupt him and let him go on.

"I studied one degree after another, and then began to take over some of the family's careers and do some simple things, which are the process of training.

But for me, these are boring and even annoying.

Li Wenjing shrugged his shoulders, with a complex expression on his face: "Do you know? I used to hate horse riding the most.

Because I have been afraid to get close to any big animal since I was a child.

But the person in charge of training me told me that for the future career of my family in Europe, and in order to deal with those European nobles who like horse riding, I must learn and be proficient in this sport! And once, in order to overcome my fear of horses, they actually locked me in the stable and let me sleep with the horse all night!" My heart moved. Looking at Li Wenjing's expression, there was no sign of fake.

I just don't understand why he told me this? When I met Yang Wei, we were all young at that time.

In fact, a girl like Yang Wei is in her family.

Since childhood, it has been cultivated as a chess piece for future interests.

But Yang Wei is an aneccentric number! Do you understand what I mean? Those etiquette teachers, dance teachers, and those who taught her flower arrangement and art.

When literature, painting, music and so on, the girl has learned to resist since she was a child! On the contrary, she showed a rare talent for business! Since I first met her, I have been completely fascinated by her! Do you know why?" Before I could speak, Li Wenjing said the answer himself: "Because she and I have been forcibly indoctrinated by the family since we were young to receive those arranged education.

The difference is that I didn't resist and became a product produced by a family assembly line... Although I asked myself that it was much better than other products.

But she is completely different! She resisted, and she resisted successfully!! She didn't go according to the original arrangement made for her by the family, unlike other girls in the Yang family.

She has become a business genius and a master of strategy! This makes me admire her very much! At the same time, I also deeply envy her.

Li Wenjing narrowed his eyes as if he were recalling: "You know when I first met her.

She asked me what my biggest interest was since I was a child, and how did I answer it? I told her that I have loved rugby since I was a child.

However, the almost barbaric movement that relies on the strong collision of the body is not in line with the identity of people like us.

So although I like it very much, the people in my family strictly prohibit me from doing that sport! In the end, I was successfully turned around.

At that time, after listening to my answer, Yang Wei looked at me unabashedly with an almost pitiful look.

That kind of look is really exciting.

Because I have always asked myself very well! I don't think such a girl is qualified to despise me, and then I asked her the same question... I asked her: What is your greatest interest since you were a child?

She replied: Play with others in the palm of your hand!" Speaking of this, Li Wenjing looked at me and smiled, "Now, you see, she has indeed been doing this all the time!" It can be said that my love for her is a kind of sympathy mixed with the same disease... But it is a kind of respect and a kind of admiration for the success of her resistance.

It is because of this feeling that I have been doing it for so many years.

I have never been moved by other women.

Even if it's an excellent girl like Jojo, I won't have any thoughts.

At this point, Li Wenjing looked at me and said, "And you, you ruined all this."

He is smiling bitterly.

[Heaven's Kiss] I was speechless, but Li Wenjing shook his head: "I'm really angry with you now.

But I won't take revenge on you or curse you like that narrow-minded person.

That kind of thing doesn't make sense.

The only thing I want to say to you is: treat her well, at least before you break up.

Otherwise, I will definitely use all my strength to retaliate against you.

Now I'm really surprised.

Does Li Wenjing have such an open-minded heart? Relying on my strange expression, Li Wenjing didn't say anything, and then he stood up as if he was ready to leave.

I couldn't help calling him: "Wait a minute, please."

He looked at me, thought about it for a moment, and then said to him seriously, "Li Wenjing, in fact, I have always had a good impression on you. Maybe this is very pretentious.

But at least until then, I have always been grateful to you, because you have always appreciated me and tried to help me several times - by the way, fortunately, I didn't receive your help before, otherwise I really don't know how to face you now.

What I want to say is that before I had a relationship with Yang Wei, I always thought that we could be friends.

Of course, it's impossible now.

I don't think we can still be friends in a relationship like we have now.

That would be too hypocritical."

Then, I stared at him: "I talked to Yang Wei, and you know, I've been in some trouble recently.

I also know that Yang Wei went to see you, right? She tried to ask you to come forward to help me.

I also know that you will appear in Luoshanji today, that is, you agreed to her request, right?" ...Yes."

Li Wen's scenic spot.

"Well, it's really embarrassing..." I gently rubbed my temples as if mocking myself, and then looked at Li Wenjing with a smile as if nothing had happened: "You and I love the same woman now, and the relationship has changed from a friend to a rival in love.

In this case, I almost accepted your huge help... Of course, fortunately, it was 'almost'.

Li Wenjing frowned, as if he thought of something: "You... are you?" Yes!" I nodded and talked to smart people to save strength. What I mean is that Li Wenjing should have understood.

But in order to avoid trouble, I still said it clearly! I stood up, faced Li Wenjing, and said slowly, "I am a very principled person.

There are some things that I absolutely can't accept! Even under any circumstances! So, I think that in our current relationship, I don't think I can accept any of your help with peace of mind... even a little bit.

So, Li Wenjing, I want to say to you very clearly now: I don't know what Yang Wei said to you before, I don't know what Yang Wei asked me to do specifically, let alone how you promised her... But now, what I want to say to you personally is: I'm sorry, all this has been cancelled. ! I'm sorry to let you come to Los Angeles, but I really don't need you to do anything for me, and I absolutely don't want to accept any help from you.

I think you, smart, should be able to understand.

, right? Li Wenjing was stunned. He stared at me for a long time before he suddenly smiled: "You mean that your unilateral request to cancel Yang Wei's request to me? Can I understand it this way?" That's right!" I answered him simply.

"Chen Yang..." Li Wenjing frowned: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time? The Gambino family is not easy to mess with. You need help now.

"But it will never come from you."

I added that I resolutely rejected him.

Li Wenjing stared at me for a while: "Does Yang Wei know?" It doesn't matter if you know it or not.

I said lightly, "This is my business.

I think I have at least the right to decide my own affairs.

Moreover, there are some things that women don't understand.

Li Wenjing didn't say anything more.

gave me a complicated look and then left.

I sat back on the sofa and suddenly felt relieved! I admit that Yang Wei was right when he quarreled with me today.

So, I can fight with the Gambino family without being hot-headed.

However, whether to accept Li Wenjing's help or not is another matter! At worst, I will quit Hollywood! At worst, I won't make this money!! However, accept the help from my rival, if I really do this, then I will not be me! In fact, in today's quarrel, some of my words are also correct.

Some things are men's things that women will never understand! Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing and scolding at myself and said to myself, "Damn it, I'm good at the same time, and I also adhere to the principle!" Hey hey, what she said makes sense. I can listen to it.

But the problem of principle still needs to be grasped.

I raised my neck and swallowed the wine in the glass in front of me. Looking around, I suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong.

And I met Li Wenjing here tonight. Unexpectedly, I solved a stone in my heart that had been depressed for a day. Suddenly, I felt much more relaxed, so I was ready to leave.

Just then, a hand behind me pressed my shoulder.

I looked sideways. Martin didn't know when he would come back.

He still smiled like a hospitable host: "Hey, Chen, what's the matter? Are you leaving so early?" Then the man surnamed Rothschild suddenly smiled strangely. He looked around and said, "Where's Li? Did he leave first? There is no misunderstanding between you, is there?" No."

I shook my head.

It is indeed not a misunderstanding, but a contradiction in the open place.

"Well, it happens to be the two of us now. Why don't we talk about some topics that interest each other?" Martin smiled and took out a small bottle from behind: "Look, this is my treasured bottle of gin. Although it is inconspicuous, it tastes great!" I answered with a ghost, "Just like the Rothschild family?" Martin smiled mysteriously, and he shook his head: "No, no, the low profile of my family is our tradition.

But I'm an alternative, as my elders once said, I'm afraid I'm the most different Rothschild family for more than 200 years.

Because I like to lean with these Hollywood stars all day long, I am also the closest person to the media spotlight.

He poured me wine, and then said casually as if he had an unintentional tone, "Well, I heard that you seem to have encountered some trouble recently..." ******** (The outbreak of 21,000 words has been completed! With such an outbreak, if I don't vote for the monthly ticket, it will make me too depressed! So, please vote for your monthly ticket! Thank you very much!)