evil spirit

Chapter 175 Take what you need

Chapter 175 [Take what you need] Martin just seemed to say it casually, but I left it.

A person in his capacity will not be aimless in what he says or does.

I nodded calmly: "You're right. I have some conflicts with the Gambino family."

Martin whistled. To be honest, he really didn't look like the kind of Jew in my impression, because he was easy-going and not serious at all.

"Chen, you are really awesome.

You only came to Hollywood for a few months, and you became the first red star in the United States, and then provoked the first underworld family in the United States... I don't know if I should compliment you or something else.

He is making fun of me, and his tone is very relaxed, as if it were a chat between friends.

I don't know for what purpose this Rothschild family member would be so affectionate to me, but at least I know very well that he won't have such an attitude towards anyone, that is to say, he has a purpose.

"I'm always unlucky."

I said it casually.

Martin sat closer to me, and I could even smell the colon on his body. The guy thought for a moment, and then sighed and said, "Actually, I've heard something about you.

After all, Hollywood is such a big place, and a little news will immediately spread all over the city.

And... Stephen also mentioned you to me. He thinks you are a good young man.

Look at such a person who is close to my age.

Use this old-fashioned tone to say that I am a "young man". Although it feels very strange, in his capacity, he is indeed qualified to speak in this tone.

I thought about it and decided to have a showdown with him!" Martin."

I looked at him and tried to say in the most sincere tone: "If you want to say something.

Let's just say it.

I'm also willing to listen to my friends' opinions now.

Martin smiled. He smiled, and there was a little ashes and smoke between his hands: "You went to Stephen. It's really a good way.

In Hollywood, no one can't help but give Spielberg face.

But have you ever thought about it? Stephen can't always protect you. The film can be shot for up to half a year, plus the hairstyle and public release, up to a year.

The Gambino family may not bother you during this period.

But what happens after that? Stephen has no obligation to help you all the time.

Although he appreciates you very much and thinks that Hollywood owes you a favor.

But the favor is over, and no one has the obligation to offend the Gampino family for you.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him quietly and waited for his next.

[Kiss of Heaven] Martin looked at my face, suddenly smiled mysteriously and whispered, "Or... You didn't plan to stay in Hollywood for a long time? Are you going to leave after finishing this ticket? That's why I was surprised! This guy actually guessed all my previous plans! Then he stopped looking at my face and muttered to himself, "But even so, you must not be able to escape the Ganbino family.

If they really want to trouble you... Hey hey, you invested in this film company and spent a lot of money.

And if you leave, the film company can't take it away.

Even if you plan to sell the film company then.

The old man Gao Qi can also give you some problems.

In Hollywood, everyone is very realistic, and no one will spare no effort to help you without benefits.

What I'm worried about is that after the end of this movie, without Stephen's umbrella, I'm afraid you won't be able to withdraw your funds from here!" I am silent.

Indeed, at present, the film should be able to make about $300 million, deducting the $100 million benefit to Spielberg's DreamWorks.

I can indeed make nearly 200 million US dollars.

But what about after that? I have invested a lot of money in this film company! And at present, the film company still owes a loan from the bank! I want to go then.

I will definitely sell the film company, because I can't carry this burden all the time... However, if the Gambino family really wants to mess with me, they can do some small things.

For example, making some shady attacks in a film company, such as shootings, or some malicious underworld means will make people panic. Who else dares to take over the company? And this company won't do anything, and I don't have an umbrella, so I can only put it in Hollywood... Unless I'm willing to file for bankruptcy myself! I have invested tens of millions in this company, and I have to repay the bank's loan. In the end, I'm afraid I can't make much money.

If this is the case, all my efforts will be in vain.

It was a waste of a year.

At the same time, he also set up such a big enemy as the Gampino family for himself.

The gains outweigh the losses... The gains outweigh the losses! These thoughts circled in my mind, and then I saw Martin smiling. My heart moved, and I couldn't help whispering, "Is... Is the Rothschild family also interested in the business of the film company?" I looked at him: "But as far as I know, it seems that the Rothschild family has always run only banks and financial institutions, right?" Martin smiled mysteriously, and then he pointed to the hall: "Do you think this place is also a financial institution?" I am silent.

Indeed, this place is run by Martin! To be fair, in the last century, our family did run the business of financial institutions.

But you see, there are many profitable industries now.

And as I said just now, the elders in the family think that I'm afraid I'm the most unusual Rothschild in the family for 200 years.

For me, I'm interested in all profitable businesses.

He smiled cunningly, a kind of cunning unique to Jewish businessmen.

I suddenly had a glimmer of hope in my heart... Maybe tonight's experience is also an opportunity for me? " Martin, go straight to me. What do you want?" Martin didn't answer my question directly. He just looked around deliberately. George hugged two beautiful women and was still twisting his buttocks, with a look of enjoyment.

I have to say that this playboy is really charming.

And he looks like Hollywood superstar Clark Gippen in the 1950s and 1960s.

"Have you seen George? He is my personal friend, and I was also inspired by him to interfere in the film industry.

I like to try new things, and this club has made a lot of friends in the film industry for me.

When a person stands next to a gold mine all day, his friends around him are making money in the gold mine, but he is not careful... There is no such person in the world.

Martin deliberately whispered slowly: "Chen, I am very surprised by your deeds. You can say that you have created a miracle in Hollywood, and you have a special experience... But you don't think that if you just make a profit here, you will leave. For such a miracle and such an opportunity given to you by God... Is it too wasteful? You now have an unparalleled reputation and have the favor of most Hollywood celebrities.

Have a big love.

You can call a group of famous stars to work for you at any time.

I have studied the history of Hollywood, and there has never been a newcomer who can get such a good foundation as you - your foundation is simply enviable!" It's also eye-catching."

I added a sentence just right.

deliberately said lightly, "That's why Gao Qi can't wait to kick me out."

But at the same time, Martin's words had to impress me.

Indeed, as he said, if I have such a foundation and can stay in Hollywood all the time, then it is not difficult for me to become a new film tycoon.

But I also have my difficulties... After all, I'm a gangster, and my main energy can't be focused on the film industry.

This is a world of the media. In the future, the media will no longer owe me a favor and casually expose my underworld background, so can I still fool around? At that time, the FBI will be the first to trouble me - in fact, they also want to trouble me now. The FBI definitely knows my foundation, but in this situation, I am too popular, and they can only be cautious.

"What you said makes sense, but I have my difficulties."

I answered bluntly: "I can't continue to develop in Hollywood.

My background... Well, and now the Gambino family won't sit back and watch me do it.

Martin took a gentle sip of the cigar, and then spit out a plain smoke in his mouth... "Indeed, the leader of the Canadian circle, the smuggling oligarch on the West Coast, the partner of Solin, the friends of the clover family... I'm afraid these can't make the Gampino family have a scruples With a flying look, "So, what if you add a new identity? For example... friends of the Rothschild family? Can Gao Qi ignore such an identity? I'm so excited!" The Rothschild family once had many friends, and as our friends, they finally made indescribable brilliant achievements... For example, the iron-blooded chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, for example, Morgan, for example... Rockefeller!" Martin downplayed the same tone, with the indescribable power of **: "Although these friends have a record of betraying us in the end, it is undeniable that the identity of the friends of the Rothschild family is enough to help you resist most troubles."

I swallowed my spit hard... In fact, my mouth was dry, my mouth was dry, and there was nothing for me to swallow, so I took the bottle and poured some wine for myself, swallowed it, and looked at Martin: "What on earth do you want?" I want a profitable business.

Martin answered me with a smile.

***** "Everyone knows that the film industry is very profitable, even more profitable than drugs."

Martin's speech at this time has already taken a little awe-inspiring momentum: "And I am interested in all profitable businesses... You see, now the financial market is very stable, and there is no place to spend a lot of money in the world, and there is a large amount of idle money in the banks of our Rothschild family... God, It's a waste and a crime to let this money sleep in the bank!" He smiled exaggeratedly: "And I'm very interested in you.

I said, I'm afraid no one will get the innate miracle and advantage in another 300 years! No newcomer to Hollywood has ever had a foundation like you! It's a pity to throw away such a foundation if you only use it once! So, I hope to get your opportunity to make money!" I looked at him: "I still don't understand... If the Rothschild family wants to invest in movies, you can buy a film company.

Or... find Spielberg, he is also a Jew.

"This is different."

Martin shook his head, and then he looked at me and said with a sincere smile, "You don't seem to know much about a family like us... Look.

Although I have the surname Rothschild, I'm not the only Rosechild in the family! The family pays attention to tradition and low-key, and always likes to put business on finance.

I don't pay much attention to other industries... I'm a different kind.

But I can't persuade my family to enter the film industry... As for the acquisition of a film company... Which one do you think I can buy? Warner? Paramount? Fox? That requires tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars! I'm very frank with you: I don't have that much influence on the family.

But except for those giant companies, I don't like other companies.

I don't want to buy a new film company and start from scratch in this industry.

That's a waste of time! What I need is efficiency! Simply put, it is to spend the least capital in the shortest time.

At the same time, it can also make achievements in the film industry... and make money!" I laughed.

This Martin is very frank. He is really a wonderful man.

Well... spend the least capital, in the most time.

Make the most money...nonsense! Which businessman in the world doesn't want to do this?! But think about it... I have to admit that it seems that my current film company really meets this condition!! Dear Chen, I know you won't focus on the film industry.

But you can't waste this gift from God.

So, we might as well cooperate."

Martin said his terms: "I'm willing to invest in some shares in your film company.

Then this company will belong to you and me! What I got is a profitable business. According to my estimation, if this film company can continue to develop.

In less than five years, it can at least not be less than Stephen's DreamWorks.

Of course, we focus on film production.

And you, you don't need to spend too much energy to run this company. Let's find experts to do these jobs... Well, find a few managers and experts to be the CEO and management of the company. We can use this company to make a lot of money for us.

What else do I want to say?

Martin has stopped me: "I know what you want to say... Are you worried about your underworld background? Or are you worried that the FBI or the media will trouble you? Dig your bottom? Obstructing the development of the company? Trust me.

Maybe these are difficult for you, but for Rothschild, these are not problems.

He even smiled at me jokingly and said, "If you still have concerns, I can even call the FBI Director now and ask him to promise not to bother you again."

Although he is joking...but I believe it's not a joke! For the Rothschild family... this is a very easy thing to do!! If I'm not interested now, then I'm a fool!! What should I worry about? The worst outcome: I cooperated with him, but he became bigger in the company, and finally embezzled my shares and took the company for himself... It doesn't matter to me.

I didn't plan to do this company in the first place. I planned to make a profit and leave.

The company gave it to him.

I don't care! Moreover, looking at Martin's appearance, he doesn't seem to plan to do that... After all, this company relies on me to get up.

At least in the short term, he can't live without me.

The company needs my fame, my popularity, and my charm to attract Hollywood talents! These are the most important thing for Martin! Even if he puts me behind in the future and squeezes me out... Anyway, I'm not thinking about it. As long as I make enough money, the company will give it to him.

In a word: We will take what we need for this transaction! Martin looked at me and said slowly, "I am willing to invest 50% of your company's shares, so that the company will belong to us... At the same time, I can also offer you a small gift... That is, this company will enjoy the treatment of the Rothschild family's peripheral enterprises.

You will win the friendship of all the banks and financial institutions of the Rothschild family, and your name will also be marked with an "R" letter on our customer list! When you need a loan... you will find that such treatment will bring you countless conveniences!" Deal!" I opened my mouth without hesitation.

Now Martin was stunned for a moment.

He looked at me and said, "You don't have to think about it? Or, calculate the specific number? This time it was my turn to laugh. I looked at him and squinted: "Martin... I know it very well, and you know it well.

Without your help, I would have left Hollywood after finishing this movie.

This company will be a piece of garbage for me, which can be thrown away at any time! But now, your joining has turned the company into a treasure again... This is equivalent to a pie falling from the sky.

I'm not a greedy person - anyway, it's all unexpected pies. I won't ask for pies to be big or small.

Martin stared at me for a long time before sighing, "I really don't know if you are bold... or reckless.

However, I like your honesty very much.

I like to make friends with honest people.

***** When I came out of this club.

I still feel like I'm dreaming.

Overnight, I just came out casually for a walk, and my troubles were all solved at once!? I actually have a relationship with the legendary family of Rothschild! Maybe someone will say that I'm too reckless.

He agreed to other people's requirements so easily.

But only I understand: I have no choice! Or, I'm ready to leave here.

Either, I can bet. Anyway, even if I make a mistake, I won't lose anything.

Sometimes, things are so simple.

I drove all the way back to my residence. After entering the door, I found that the light in the living room was on.

Yang Wei sat there and stared at the ceiling.

I coughed.

Close the door and come in, Yang Wei also looked at me.

Bo of us are a little speechless.

Finally, after nearly a minute, Yang Wei said, "Just now... Li Wenjing called me.

He told me..." "Yes, that's right."

I calmly said to Yang Wei, "I have told Li Wenjing that no matter what you asked him to help before, it has been cancelled now.

Because I don't want to get help from him in this way.

Yang Wei was silent, but she had no unexpected reaction and seemed very calm.

"I understand."

Yang Wei lowered his head and thought about it.

looked up and said, "Maybe I didn't think about this.

Maybe I really don't know you men."

"You really don't understand."

I said it directly, but then I also looked into her eyes and said slowly, "Well, I also want to tell you... Although you slapped me today, I still want to thank you for stopping me from doing a stupid thing.

At least, I admit that I'm wrong about that.

"So it's not stupid to refuse Li Wenjing's help?" Yang Wei couldn't help asking.

I came over and stood in front of her. I looked down at her.

It seems that since I met Yang Wei, I have never spoken to her in such a serious and rude tone... I told her, "You have to remember one thing... Sometimes men are very simple, but sometimes they are also complicated! In our world, there are some things that are right or wrong... But sometimes, there is no difference between right and wrong, and the most important thing is principle!" Then I added: "I really hope to make money and strengthen myself.

But, the premise is that I won't do something I don't want to do for this! Otherwise, I'd rather do nothing."

Yang Wei's face was a little complicated. She thought about it, sighed, lowered her head, and then looked at me when she looked up again: "So... now, have we made up?" I thought for a moment: "Not yet."

Yang Wei's face is a little ugly.

I was a little soft, but I continued, "I never hit women. I respect any woman around me.

However, I don't have the habit of being beaten by women.

Maybe you can say that I did something stupid.

But I just want to tell you that no man likes the feeling of being controlled by his own woman.

Yang Wei, maybe you didn't understand these truths before, but I hope you can understand these things from now on.

I got closer again, reached out and gently raised her chin. Yang Wei was a little surprised by the toughness I showed to me. It seemed to dodge, but I gently pinched her chin, then lowered my body and kissed her lips. Then I stood up, looked at her, and whispered, "I love you very much, now It's the same... But if I love you, it doesn't mean that I like to listen to you in everything."

I pointed to my temple: "I have my own way of thinking and habits."

I let go of Yang Wei, and then turned upstairs to sleep.

"Have a good rest. Tomorrow is another day."