evil spirit

Chapter 15 Mantis · Yellow Sparrow!

Chapter 15 [Munich · Yellowfinch!] ||

When I got off the hotel, Hammer, Xiao Zhu and others were still waiting for me below.

Seeing me coming out of the elevator, the hammer immediately stuck up. Looking at me, he said angrily, "Fifth brother... Is there anything wrong?"

I didn't say anything, I just waved my hand. The hammer had to say something else, but Xiao Zhu next to him was very clever. He gently pulled the corner of the hammer and winned at him.

I just noticed that in addition to the hammer, Xiao Zhu and several other brothers looked at me with different faces, especially the clothes on my body... It was different from the shirt I wore when I went up just now.

This is easy to make people think: a man went back to the hotel room with a drunken woman in his arms. At the same time, the woman was also a ** sexy, hot and open beauty, and it took me so long to get down from above. When I came down, I even changed my clothes - which is easy for people to give birth. I have some bad reverie.

I smiled bitterly at their eyes: "What are you looking at me... Why don't you drive here?"

I walked all the way out. Although it looked like nothing, I actually didn't feel well. After all, I have suffered so much and have been cut a few times by the dagger. Although it is not deep, it is enough for me to suffer. There is also that whip mark, which is still hot and painful.

Surrounded by the crowd, I walked out of the hotel, and then Xiao Zhu drove. He opened the door with a hammer and checked it before letting me get in the car. I didn't say anything all the way, and Xiao Zhu focused on driving. He probably decided that something must have happened to me in the room with the princess, so he didn't ask me. The hammer saw that I didn't look good and didn't say anything. He just sat in the co-pilot's seat in the front row.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the back seat as much as possible. I was still trying to digest the news the princess just told me in the room!

This... is really shocking!

It can be said that these messages are very important to me! Fortunately, now the princess told me... This can prevent me from being caught off guard in the future!

The first thing that shocked me was that the old Solin really didn't die long! The princess told me that the old man had been in poor body before. After the latest examination, it was found that he had cancer! If it is an early cancer, with old Solin's financial resources, he can naturally provide himself with the best medical treatment, and it is not impossible to cure early cancer... But the problem is that when it was diagnosed, the cancer cells had spread!

Old Solin has esophageal cancer. I don't know much about this disease. I only know that people with this kind of cancer will be very painful at the late stage... Because after the esophageal cancer changes, people can't eat normally. Finally, when they are dying, people are often frighteningly thin...

I don't know how old Solin is now, but according to the news the princess told me, there must be no hope of healing. According to the doctor's estimate, he still has eight months to live. Of course, in order to keep it secret, even the doctor who examined him has been silenced.

I suddenly remembered the last negotiation with him in the castle of Old Solin. The match was tit-for-tat, coercion and inducement between each other. Finally, I took advantage of the old man's only weakness, his daughter, and successfully forced him to compromise and made an agreement with me.

Now it seems that the more important reason is that he already knew that he would not live long. When an old man is about to die, he will inevitably want to make more plans for his children... It is in this case that he will be convinced by me.

I suddenly realized a very serious problem... According to the calculation of time, the princess said. When old Solin was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor thought he could live for about eight months... But don't forget that the diagnosis was before I went to Hollywood!!

Ext the six months I spent in Hollywood... So from now on, in the next two or three months, old Solin will go to see God.

" No wonder..." I rubbed my forehead hard and sighed. No wonder he raised the butcher's knife to Alan in such a hurry! In fact, when I learned about the old Solin's movements in recent months from Ciro, I was also a little strange, because his movements were too hasty. Although he is very beautiful and smart, he is a little too hasty. This is not in line with the steady and steady style of this old fox.

Now it seems that he can't do anything about it. He must clear all obstacles for his daughter before he dies!

Although I didn't say anything and have been leaning on the seat in the back of the car, in fact, my heart is full of heart!! I'm even a little lucky!! Because although the princess did wrong, although she hated her, she even teamed up with Allen to calculate old Solin...

Fortunately, she finally didn't do the most fatal thing this time!

The news that Old Solin won't live long was kept strictly confidential by him, and the princess didn't tell Alan the news! This is so important!!

If Alan knows that Old Solin won't live long - this guy is not easy! God knows what kind of wave he can set off! Maybe he will take some drastic measures immediately! Moreover, I'm not even sure that if Alan suddenly resists desperately now, the soon-lived old Solin can clean up Allen!! The princess's status is not stable, but old Solin can't live long... In this case, if Allen publicly revolts and announces the news that old Solin is critically ill... In that case, I even suspect that old Solin may not be able to control Alan!!

Once Alan succeeds in the position, it will definitely not be the result I want to see! Alan must hate me so much... If this guy is allowed to master the angel of hell... Then I can't have a stable life in Canada!

And now old Solin has blocked the news to me, which I understand very well. After all, I'm just his partner, and he can't trust me 100%. I guess if he can successfully clean up Alan, then at the last moment. Then he came to meet me, and then entrusted his daughter to me like an orphan... and asked me to complete our agreement.

"Fortunately!" I sighed, I still have time!

If old Solin can kill Allen, then everything will be fine! If his old horse loses his foot... then I'll be terrible. No matter what. I don't intend to leave my fate to others. I won't put the future on old Solin. I want to control it myself! You can't count on old Solin! I have to do something myself!

I made a decision, opened my eyes, and suddenly said, "Xiao Zhu."

"What's the matter? Fifth brother?" Xiao Zhu drove the car and asked directly without looking back.

"Hurry up! Hurry to the hospital... Then, you call Xiao Huang..." I thought for a moment and sneered, "The two guys who caught come to assassinate me at the wedding. Don't kill them first. Keep it alive and close the delicious food! Maybe it can be of great use!"

After a pause, I said again, "Hammer, you send a few people to the hotel just now! Find a few trustworthy people who can do things properly and keep an eye on me around the hotel! The man who came to Vancouver with the princess is Alan. You should have seen him, and you have seen Xiao Zhu. Send someone to find me to see if he is still in Vancouver. Check the boarding passenger records from the airport first! I suspect that this guy should still be in Vancouver. If he is still there, turn him out! But don't be surprised, just keep a close eye on him. This matter is very important. You can do it overnight later!"

Seeing that I said it solemnly, neither of them dared to ask more questions. I agreed immediately.


After arriving at the hospital, it's very late now. I first found a doctor, treated the wound on my body, and gave me painkillers. After all this, I came to the intensive care unit upstairs. When the people guarding the door saw me coming, they immediately stood up. Well, it seems that everything is normal here.

I was thinking about this when I pushed the door into the room, but I saw a scene that made me fall...

In the originally very spacious ward, sick**, Yan Di has woken up. She sat up and leaned against the head of the bed and sat cross-legged, while Wood Aze and Qiao Qiao also sat by the bedside... These four guys are actually playing cards!!

When I walked in, Aze had two beards drawn by a watercolor pen on his face and two large circles on his eyes, like glasses. Even Yan Di, the wounded man, was not spared. She was still a little pale, but her spirit seemed to be fine. When I walked into the room, I saw the well-behaved girl who had always been the most precious, with several notes on her face!

Of course, the most wonderful thing is our invincible Miss Qiao. When Miss Qiao ran out, she had already changed her torn skirt. Now she is wearing a set of Yan Di's clothes from home, a very pure mid-sleeved T-shirt, and a pair of low-waisted jeans, which looks very clear. Cool... However, there are a few more things!

Outside her T-shirt, she actually wears a bra on her upper body! It's worn outside the clothes!! What's more outrageous is that she wears an extra pair of underwear outside her trousers!!

When I came in, Miss Qiao was holding a card in her left hand and a cigarette in her right hand, and was shouting unscrupulously, "Come on! You download it! I'm fighting with you this time!!"

"............" I looked at these guys in the room and almost laughed angrily at them. I couldn't help shouting, "What kind of plane are you doing!!"

When the four of them played cards and saw me coming in, Yan Di immediately said "ah" and blushed. He quickly pulled off the note on his face and looked at me with some fear. And Qiao Qiao looked like he was not afraid when he came. He just raised his eyelids and looked at me and wrote lightly, "Oh, are you coming? Hurry up, you will end up with Yan Di! This girl is so bad at playing cards that it's really boring. When you come, everyone will be there!"

I was so angry and funny that I strode over: "I don't care if you play cards... but Yan Di is a patient! She should have a good rest!"

Qiaoqiao "cut" and said with a smile, "We have a professional doctor here!" Don't worry, your wife has nothing to do at all. It's just a little skin injury and scratched the skin. The previous drowsiness was because my head hit the ground, and now it's completely OK. She has slept until she woke up at night, and now she can't sleep anymore... In fact, she can go home now. However, considering that we have to come to the hospital for a brain scan tomorrow, we decided to stay in the hospital for one night, so that we don't have to run around. Looking at my suspicious eyes, Qiao Qiao turned his elbow to the wooden chest: "Hey, wooden, say something, am I right?"

The wood didn't say anything. He looked at me and nodded.

I know that wood is the most stable person. Since he said it's okay, it must be okay. But looking at these three guys playing so much in Yan Di's ward, I couldn't help sighing: "What are you doing... you! Joe, how do you put your bra and underwear outside? My tone is a little bad.

Aze cheered and said with a smile, "Xiao Wu is jealous! Jojo, explain it quickly.

Qiao Qiao stared at Aze, then looked at me and said, "We are playing our old program, the game of adventurers! We play cards as a punishment. The loser of every game has to do anything! No matter how difficult it is, don't refuse! Didn't the four of us often play this game when we were in China!"

Then Qiaoqiao roughly explained the current situation... In view of Yan Di's thin face and that she was a wounded person, she was given special preferential treatment. Everyone was embarrassed to embarrass her. They didn't let her do anything too out of line, but just let her do the simplest punishment - sticker strips.

And the other three jackals are not that simple. Aze's beard and glasses were painted by a watercolor pen on his face, and he was forced to run to the front desk of the hospital with this shape. With such a big face, he flirted with one of the fat middle-aged black female nurses!

And the bra and underwear that Qiao Qiao wears outside her clothes are not taken off by herself (this makes me relieved. Although I know that Qiao Qiao has always been bold, she is also my woman after all. I don't want my woman to take off her underwear in front of so many people and wear it outside.) She wears her body. The bra and underwear outside were stolen from the women's locker room in the hospital as a punishment after she lost!

"There will definitely be news about underwear thieves in this hospital tomorrow." Joe sighed helplessly.

I looked at them a few times, but I accidentally found that the wood was clean, there was no note, no big face, and no underwear...

"Yi? Wood, why do you... Haven't you lost all the time? I couldn't help but be a little surprised: "I remember that your card skills were the worst among us in the past."

As soon as I finished asking, I saw the wood with a depressed face, and Qiao Qiao and Aze next to him immediately laughed wildly. The two guys laughed forward and backward, and even Yan Di couldn't help smiling strangely...

The wood sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll do it myself..." He looked at me with a calm expression: "Don't you wonder why I look clean? That's because these two bastards are too yin... Do you know what punishment they want me to do?"

With that, the wood began to unbutton his coat. After he unbuttoned his coat, I immediately widened my eyes! Because in the boy's clothes, there is a women's bra on his chest... and it's also black lace!

Wood had an innocent expression: "Joe has lost twice in total, so she stole two sets of women's underwear back, one she wore outside by herself... and the other one is now on me. The difference is that she wears it outside, while I... wear it inside. After a pause, he smiled bitterly and said, "I won't show you the women's thong I'm wearing underneath!"

Qiao Qiao had an evil smile on his face: "Wood, don't go far... You lost the game again just now! Don't think about repudiation. Let's show us the punishment topic we agreed to do it now!"

The expression on the wood's face seemed to have been cut in front of him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Do you really want to say it?"

"Say it!" Jojo replied firmly.

"Mut you say it?"

"Say it!" Aze cut off the railway.

"Okay!" Wood looked desperate, and then stood up and went to the bedside and pressed the call light at the head of the bed.

After a while, the door in the ward was opened, and then a nurse on duty in the hospital came in. This is a short and fat girl with a freckled face, wearing a nurse's uniform, and pushed the door when she came in. Wood immediately greeted him, then piled up a ** smile on his face, walked to the fat nurse sister, and said a classic movie line with a look...

"True person, can you lend me your chest to the next view?" [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

As soon as he finished speaking, the other two jackals next to him had almost died laughing.


When the female nurse ran away, I guess most of them regarded us as mentally ill. I suppressed my laughter and easily scolded these guys, and then reluctantly said with a straight face, "Okay! Don't be crazy. This is the hospital..."

Before I finished speaking, Qiaoqiao had jumped up: "What's wrong with the hospital! We played even crazier when we were in Nanjing! Did you forget your classic performance? Humph... We remember it very well. All three of us took pictures with our mobile phones!"

Yan Di immediately looked curious: "What classic performance?"

"That was the first snow in 2002..." Aze stood up and explained affectionately, "The location happened in a famous bar in Nanjing... In front of the eyes of more than 100 people... A young, handsome and handsome man walked to the bar with a tragic expression. On the bar in the middle. Then he suddenly shouted, which attracted the attention of the whole audience... At that moment, he bravely climbed up the bar of the bar with more than 100 pairs of surprised eyes, and then did 20 push-ups in one breath!"

I'm so angry that my face is white, but Yan Di can't help saying, "Is it just doing push-ups... It's not too shameful."

"It's not that simple..." Aze suppressed his smile and said, "That handsome man shouted loudly while doing it..."

At this point, Aze glanced at Qiao Qiao quickly. Qiao Qiao immediately understood, and the interface shouted in a greasy voice: "Oh~Yeah~~~Oh~~~Oh~~~Oh~~Yeah!!! Yeah!!! Hard! Hurry up! Hurry up..."

Aze is almost out of breath with laughter. Yan Di looked at me with an incredible look: "Chen Yang...you...re you really did that?"

I was so angry: "Damn it! I'm willing to gamble and lose!" Then I stared at these three bad friends fiercely: "How long are you going to blackmail me with this matter! Well, didn't you take a picture with your mobile phone at that time? I'll give you one million dollars! Sell me the video in your mobile phone! Take the money and make a note, and don't play tricks anymore!"

Aze rolled his eyes and said, "One million... cut, uncle doesn't pay attention to it."

Qiao Qiao smiled sweetly: "Do you think I will be short of money to spend?"

Damn, I almost forgot that these two guys are rich. So I turned my eyes to the wood.

"I really want to take a million." Wood looked at me sincerely, and his tone was extremely sincere: "But brother, I can't lie to you... I sent that video on the Internet a long time ago... It is said that three days of clicks more than one million, and a week later it is already the champion of the search list...

"..." I gritted my teeth: "Which website did you... send it to?!"

The wood smiled mysteriously, and then sighed: "Love life. Love cat puff~"

..."I'll kill you!!!!!"


Punched and kicked several bastards out of the ward. I slammed the door hard. When I turned around, I saw Yan Di looking at me with a strange face. She was originally a little pale, but she laughed too much just now, but now there is a trace of red tide.

I coughed and walked to the bedside and said with a wry smile, "I don't care about them. The four of us are used to fighting and playing with each other like this."

Yan Di suddenly smiled strangely and whispered, "I suddenly remembered... I seem to have really seen that video. It was very popular on the Internet in those years." She thought about it sideways and said with a smile, "But the wood is a mercy. The face in the video was mosaiced by him."

Then she looked at my depressed face and quickly said no more, but knelt down from ** and sat up straight. Then she leaned over, her face was red, with a little shyness.

"What's wrong with you?" I see her strange expression.

"Um..." Yan Di thought for a moment and suddenly said softly, "We... We are already married, right?"

"Of course." I laughed and said, "Although there was a little trouble in the end, the wedding has been completed. Now you are already my wife..." I suddenly laughed and said with a smile, "Come on, call your husband to listen."

"Husband..." Although she was shy, Yan Di shouted softly, but then there was a trace of sadness on her face: "What happened at today's wedding... Is someone going to deal with you? Are you... will you be in danger?"

I looked at her, then stretched out my hands to hold her face and let her face rest on my chest. Then I solemnly said, "You don't have to ask these things, and you don't have to worry. Don't worry, I will naturally deal with it cleanly. You are a woman, so you don't have to worry about these things. Leave it to your man to deal with.

"Um..." Yan Di said softly, "I'm just worried about you... After all, we are married now, and we are husband and wife. Shouldn't husband and wife care more about each other?

I smiled, lowered my head and kissed her forehead: "You have cared too much about me. It's just me. I didn't care enough about you in the past, but I will spend more time with you in the future."

Yan Di leaned quietly in my arms, but after a while, she suddenly said, "Today Qiao Qiao is here... You plan to let her stay..."

I gently covered her mouth, and then I looked down at her eyes. I smiled bitterly and whispered, "Okay... Today is our wedding day, at least tonight, now, let's not talk about this, okay? I always feel guilty about this matter. Now I will be more embarrassed to say this. Shall we not talk about this topic? I immediately said softly, "It's a pity... If no one makes this mess, tonight should be our wedding night, but it's a pity that we have to spend it in the hospital ward." Speaking of this, I sighed: "Yan Di, I feel really sorry for you. Even the wedding made this happen. On the wedding night, I want you to be in the hospital ward..."

Wood is right. Yan Di is completely fine. There is nothing wrong with the skin injury on his body. He was just a little frightened. And I hit my head on the ground. I touched the back of her head, and there was a big bag. Since there will be a re-examination early tomorrow morning, I will just stay in the hospital tonight.

I simply slept with Yan Di in my arms. Although it was the night of the bridal chamber, in this case, she was injured, and I was probably more injured than her. Naturally, it was impossible to do anything. And in the second half of the night, I lay in ** and the wound was painful and itchy. I thought that when I was treating the wound in the hospital at night, the effect of the pain-relieving anesthetic used by the doctor passed. I was awakened by the pain in the middle of the night, but in order not to disturb Yan Di in my arms,

When I went to bed at night, Yan Di didn't know that I was injured. So many things have happened today. I don't want my wife to worry about me anymore.

Moreover, after all, I went to see the princess at night, and the wound on my body was caused under "that kind of" special circumstances. If I say it, it's really not easy to explain.

I slept so in a daze all night. The next morning, I heard a knock on the door outside, and then I heard Xiao Zhu's shout from outside: "Fifth brother... Fifth brother..."

I woke up, took a look at Yan Di, who was sleeping beside me, gently turned over, and walked over to open the door to reveal a gap. I saw Xiao Zhu standing outside the door. His face was a little tired, and there was blood in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't sleep all night.

My heart moved: "How's it going? Do you have a clue about what's going on to you?

Xiao Zhu was a little excited: "Well, last night I asked my brothers to guard outside the hotel... At night, I found that the princess had left the hotel overnight and took a bus to a villa outside the east of the city. I just came out of it at dawn in the morning. Our people stared near the villa with military binoculars. According to the rewarding people, the princess was very excited when she came out, as if she was very angry, and seemed to have argued with someone. In addition, the Alan you want us to find is really in the villa! Our people used binoculars to see him show his face in the window!"

I looked solemn: "Are you sure? You can't make a mistake, right?"

"Determine!" Xiao Zhu nodded: "The ones I sent were all brothers who had seen him at the wedding. They all remembered his appearance. The three people I sent said that it must be him! Fifth brother, don't worry, if you are alone, you may mistake it, but if the three brothers can see him clearly from different angles, you can't be wrong.

"What about now?"

"Now they are divided into two ways, and the people continue to stare at the outside of the villa. I asked them to return any news immediately, but until now Alan has not come out in the villa... As for the princess... she..."

"How is she? What are you doing? I frowned.

"She... seemed to be injured. The people who followed her said that the princess seemed to need help to walk, and after she came out of the villa, she ran to a hospital."

I smiled. The princess was full of whips. Others didn't know, but I was very clear about it. But I didn't explain this to Xiao Zhu.

"Let our people continue to keep an eye on Alan! If he has any movement, tell me immediately... Well, you'd better send a few more people. Now this is a top-class thing. If there is not enough manpower, let Silo transfer you! Everything else can be put away. But this person, he may be related to our life and death! Be careful!"

After a pause, I suddenly moved my heart: "That's right, find someone to check! What kind of property does that villa belong to? It may also be a useful message.

Then I went back to my room, got dressed and was ready to leave. ** Yan Di has woken up. She looked at me quietly. Seeing that I was dressed, she whispered, "Are you... leaving?"

I smiled, bent down and kissed her gently on the nose: "What are you... I'm going to call my husband in the future, remember?"

"Um..." Yan Di's cheeks were a little flushed, and he whispered, "Husband... Uh-huh, husband... Are you leaving?"

I smiled faintly: "Husband is going out to work. After you are discharged from the hospital today, go straight to the big brother's place. You don't have to worry about anything. I left a few brothers to protect you, and there will be no more danger.

"You... be careful yourself." Yan Di said softly.

"Hmm." I raised my eyebrows and said, "Don't worry... It's just that someone dares to come to my wedding to make trouble. I have to repay such kindness!"

After saying that, I said goodbye to Yan Di and walked out of the ward.

I left a few people to protect Yan Di in the hospital. I only took the hammer and Xiao Zhu and others out. As soon as I got to the elevator entrance in front of the corridor, I heard a laugh from the side: "Xiao Wu, where are you going?"

When I looked back, I saw Qiaoqiao standing there, holding an insulation bucket in his hand.

"What are you?" I was stunned for a moment.

Last night, I sent Qiao Qiao and the three of them out to stay in a nearby hotel, but I didn't expect Qiao Qiao to run over so early in the morning.

"Breakfast for you..." She looked at me with a surprised expression and stared at me: "Don't worry! I didn't do it! I bought it!"

I'm relieved... Qiao Qiao's cooking skills... Well, in Aze's words, "Normally, we all use Qiao Qiao's food as rat poison. And if she occasionally overplays, she can barely use it as a laxative.

"Where are you going?" Qiao Qiao suddenly frowned: "You... won't go to see that ** princess so early, will you?"

I was stunned for a moment and immediately turned around and stared at them fiercely. I didn't tell Jojo and the others where I went last night, but Jojo knew, and it was obviously what the hammer said!

Alas, it's also my careless mind that I forgot to let the hammer keep it secret.

"Don't blame them." Qiao Qiao curled his lips and said, "I didn't expect you to run to see that woman on the wedding night... Humph, after you came back last night, I smelled the smell of women's perfume on you... My nose has always been the best, especially for women's perfume. I'm sure it's the smell. It's definitely not used by Yan Di! Then I became suspicious. After I went out, I pulled the hammer aside and asked him carefully. Then I knew that you went to see the princess last night!"

The hammer stammered, "Fifth brother... I, I didn't know this matter should be kept secret... Miss Qiao asked me, and I said..."

Looking at this stunned look, I sighed. I don't blame him. I was careless.

"Well, I don't have time to explain it carefully now, but I do have something to do now... Someone planted a bomb on my wedding yesterday. Of course, I have to figure this out quickly." I said quickly, "I'm going out to do business now. I'll talk about it when I come back."

Qiao Qiao's eyes turned: "Don't hide it from me! I guess... you must be going to see the princess, right?

"Well, yes." I simply told the truth: "This matter has something to do with the princess."

Qiao Qiao suddenly handed the insulation bucket in his hand to one of my men: "Take it and send it to me inside."

I stared at her, but Qiao Qiao smiled and said, "I'm going to see the princess with you."

"Stop messing around... It's not a joke." I said in a low voice.

Qiao Qiao shook his head: "It's not nonsense. It must be useful for you to take me there." Then she suddenly smiled and said, "Moreover, if you swagger out of the hospital like this, I'm afraid you will be targeted immediately!" I can't even get rid of it!"

"What do you mean?"

"Please!" Qiao Qiao pointed to me and smiled, "Have you forgotten your identity? You are a celebrity now! You were bombed at your wedding yesterday! How can such shocking news be concealed? There were so many guests at your wedding yesterday, more than a hundred mouths! Someone has said it a long time ago! You are so famous now. You have to be bombed at your wedding. How can the media let go of this kind of big news? Let me tell you, when I came up just now. I have already seen the doctor 1/2|