evil spirit

Chapter 17 In the middle of the game, serial plan

Chapter 17 [In the game, serial plan] I deliberately made a very imposing aura, which was destroyed by Qiao Qiao, the damn girl! But she was angry that she still looked at me with an innocent expression, picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth quickly: "What the hell are you talking about? Why don't I understand?" I rolled my eyes directly and showed it to her. I knew that this woman should not have let her follow.

I originally wanted to take the opportunity to give the princess a good look, but with Qiao Qiao, all the serious atmosphere was disturbed by her.

At this time, the princess suddenly seemed to have caught a trace of straw by the person who fell into the water. Suddenly, she gritted her teeth and said, "Chen Yang... You mean that this matter was arranged by my father? He arranged this game to deliberately use your hand to kill Alan, and then take the opportunity to suppress you.

Is it? That's what you think?" Yes."

I answered her very simply.

"But...don't you think it's strange?" The princess reluctantly said, "After all, you encountered an assassination at your wedding!" This is not a game. Those killers are real, and the bomb is also real! Don't you think it's unreasonable? If it's the game arranged by my father, then isn't he worried... In case you are really stabbed and killed, if you are really killed by a bomb... Then, isn't all his painstaking efforts in vain? Does such logic make sense? Is my father God? If he can't predict it, I'm sure you can escape this assassination? The more she said, the more confident she was, as if she had found a strong basis to refute me... And I still sneered on my face, quietly waited for her to finish, and then I looked at the princess... "Sophie..." I didn't answer her question directly, but smiled calmly and looked into her eyes: "You asked very smartly, The most critical question... Yes, what you said is indeed the biggest loophole in my set of reasoning.

I was not in a hurry and said slowly, "Actually, at the beginning, I did doubt Alan.

Because it's very simple, although I can't find out who is planning this matter, if I want to figure out the nature of the problem, I just need to figure out one thing... That is, if I am stabbed and killed, then who is the biggest benefit!" I smiled and said to myself, "The biggest beneficiaries are often the mastermind behind the scenes.

This logic is not contradictory... But it's this logic that almost led me astray.

Because I think about it, I feel that no matter how I calculate it.

At present, if I die, Alan is the only one who can get the greatest benefit! So, under normal circumstances.

I really should think like this. I should follow your inducement to doubt Alan, shouldn't I?" The princess's face was gloomy, and she suddenly showed a trace of anger and shouted, "It seems that you have insisted that this is a conspiracy between me and my father!" Is that right? In this case, it's useless for me to say anything! It seems that I don't have to stay here!" After saying that, she got up and was ready to leave, but I smiled coldly, and then suddenly pulled out a gun from my arms and pressed it lightly on the table... "Sit down."

I don't speak loudly.

But the pronunciation of the speech is extremely clear! My voice was cold. Although I didn't even raise my eyelids, the princess couldn't help shaking her body and stopped.

I put my palm on the gun and said slowly, "Sophie, you really shouldn't lie to me like this... Now you sit down and let's slowly finish talking about today's affairs... But before I finish my words, if you dare to leave this table... If your left leg leaves, I will break your left leg, and if your right leg Break your right leg!" Speaking of this, I looked at her in an understated tone: "Do you believe it or not?" Just as I pulled out the gun, the two bodyguards standing behind the princess were immediately shocked! The two quickly reacted. One immediately bent down to draw the gun, and the other rushed at me, and at the same time wanted to block the princess with his own body... I have to say that they were very conscientious, and the reaction was indeed slow.

However, the hammer following me moves faster! With a bang, the hammer had thrown out a chair, directly hit the head of the bodyguard who tried to draw the gun, and smashed him down. Then the hammer strode over, stretched out his huge palm and grabbed another bodyguard's wrist. The bodyguard wanted to earn, and immediately made a counter-caught fighting action. Unfortunately, since the hammer practiced kung fu with my elder brother, he learned a lot of twisting tricks in Chinese martial arts, pinching the other party's wrist and twisting it hard. The bodyguard snorted, his face was instantly pale, sweating, and his body slowly knelt down. His hand, pinched by the hammer, Come on, it's already **, and the hammer punched him on the back of his neck, directly knocking him unconscious.

During the whole process, I didn't move, and I didn't even blink my eyelids.

The princess was stunned. She seemed to look at me with incredible eyes, and then screamed, "Chen, Chen Yang! If you dare to do anything to me, my father will definitely kill you!" Cut...do it to you? It's not like I didn't 'do it' last night.

I muttered, and then lost a wink to the hammer. The hammer slowly retreated behind me, standing behind me like a King Kong door god.

"Now, can we sit down and continue our conversation?" I looked at the princess with a smile.

With a frightened expression, he looked around. At this moment, many other guests at the table in the distance were frightened by us. Seeing that we were talking well here, we suddenly started to do it, and even pulled out the gun. Immediately someone exclaimed. I saw that the waiter in the restaurant seemed to be a little I was scared and didn't dare to come over. Some people got up directly and wanted to run out, and some people took out their phones and seemed to be ready to call the police... "Sit down."

After I showed a trace of impatience, the princess finally did so.

A look of satisfaction appeared on my face: "Now, let's continue what we just said."

"Little Five."

Qiao Qiao next to

suddenly sighed: "You'd better put the gun away."

She winked at me and smiled, "Anyway, it's not good to draw a gun in front of a lady. Listen to me... okay?" OK."

I thought about it and slowly put away the gun: "Oh, where did we just say? Um...that's right.

Speaking of which, I did doubt Alan at the beginning, which is exactly in line with your hope... Isn't it? Moreover, I think that if I die, the biggest beneficiary will be Alan! So he is the most suspected... Moreover, even last night..." I said what happened last night, but I saw Qiao Qiao next to him at a glance... The process of "**" last night was naturally not convenient to say it in front of this female bandit. Otherwise, in case I overturned the vinegar jar, it would be myself who suffered.

I said vaguely, "Last night, after you told me such a story.

Then you let me know that Alan has learned about the agreement between you and your father, which increases my suspicion about Allen! I have to say that your performance last night was really wonderful! I think you should increase the salary of your acting teacher! Because of your performance last night, you almost lied to me... just a little bit!" I stretched out my thumb and forefinger of my left hand and made a small gesture.

The princess's body trembled.

"You see, you first made yourself look very painful and degenerate, and then staged a classic family ethics play in front of me that distorted by the shadow of childhood... Oh, my God, your performance is almost impeccable! Then, you talked about your relationship with Allen, and you said that you were still calculating your old man with Alan... This gave me a psychological hint: you used to be with Allen! So when you, Alan's former accomplice, tell me that this was done by Allen, then I will definitely be convinced! Then, you began to betray Alan... But you can't betray for no reason... So you played a very good play in front of me: personality and emotional division... You are simply a genius of acting... It's really a genius! You made up a so-called emotional sad past.

Then she disguised herself as a somewhat crazy woman who was stimulated by love... In the end, you did something to me... cough, very... cared."

In the end, I couldn't help peeking at Joe, only to find that she also stared at me fiercely. I quickly said, "And in this way, it's your deliberate acting... In order to create a 'turn' for me... It makes me feel that you abandoned Alan and changed your position to help me and tell me. Everything should be true... Because you pretend to be so affectionate, it seems that you are extremely extreme about love! What such a woman said to me... Should I be convinced? What a wonderful way! It's really great! This is also a little bit to make me believe it!" The princess was speechless.

"You took great pains to give me an illusion... In that case, in any case, in the face of a girl like you who has always been affectionate, at that time, no matter what you say, I'm afraid a normal man should believe it without hesitation, and he will never doubt it! At that time, not to mention that you told me that Allen did it... If you insisted to me that this matter was planned by President Bush, maybe I would have to believe it!" [ Heaven's kiss hand beating] Indeed, when a woman who is "deeply in love" with you, with bruises all over her body, infinite affection, and even a little extreme, some simple-minded... In this case, I'm afraid you won't be on guard against her lying to you, right? This is the weakness of men's nature! At this time, the princess's eyes were gloomy, and she seemed to calm down a little. Suddenly, she asked me in a hoarse voice, "Since everything is so reasonable... Why don't you believe it?" Because there is a fw!" I simply answered her.

The princess's eyes were confused: "I don't understand."

I smiled: "I have met a very powerful elder. He is the smartest and deepest man I have ever seen in my life. When I first met him, I felt that this man was unfathomable... Then, I dealt with him and never took advantage of him... I have always respected such a person in my heart. .

Coincidentally, he once said something to me that I have kept in mind so far: simplify the complicated things!" Speaking of this, I was distracted for a while, but I couldn't help thinking of the way Mr. Yang Er sat on the sofa and talked to me. He was holding a cigar in his hand.

With a glass of red wine in front of him, he said to me with a smile that the more complicated and thorny things are, the best way is to make things as simple as possible but think about them... some simple and more details.

The more

, the easier it is to expose the true nature! I remember that was the first time I met Mr. Yang Er, but this smart man left the deepest impression on me! Before that, I always thought that the smartest person I met was Yang Wei, but after I met Mr. Yang Er that time, I understood who cultivated such a powerful figure as Yang Wei.

"Where on earth did the flint come out?" The princess has broken the jar at this moment.

"No, no, no..." I shook my finger and said, "The flaw is not on you, and your performance is impeccable. I even think that if your average performance can reach the average level of last night... Well, then if you are willing to go to Hollywood, then other female stars in Hollywood will have nothing to eat! So, the problem is not with you, but with the arrangement of the matter itself.

"What?" It's on Alan."

I said slowly, "He shouldn't have come to my wedding.

Even if your father can't come, then you are enough to represent... or send someone else. I remember that your father has a middle-aged person I know, an assistant that your father trusts, and he has a friendship with me... If I get married, he should send someone who has a friendship with me and is heavy enough. Come on... No matter how it is calculated, this representative can't be talked about Alan.

This is really an inexplicable messenger.

"Can't it be asked by Alan himself?" The princess couldn't help but rexe.

"Haha! What an idiot!" I sneered: "If Alan is not the murderer, and he hates me that it's too late, how could he take the initiative to come to my wedding? If he is the murderer... Then he arranged an assassination, what is he doing here? Does he have a hobby of watching explosions on the spot? Isn't he afraid of accidentally hurting himself or accidentally exposing himself? If he is the murderer, he should hide behind the scenes and never show up, which is the smartest way to do it!" "..." The princess was speechless.

I sighed: "This is just one of them.

In fact, if it's just for this reason, maybe I can't help doubting Alan... Because your performance last night was so wonderful... It was so wonderful that I was really cheated by you last night! I really believed you at that time! I didn't lie.

I'm telling the truth... Moreover, you deliberately told me at that time that you knew who the murderer was... But you pretended to be very embarrassed and unspeakable... Thinking of you just told me before that you decided to help me instead of helping Alan... Such a premise, coupled with your embarrassed expression at that time, then The name of the murderer you are going to say is about to come out! Look... It's a perfect performance. You don't even have to say Alan's name by yourself. I already believe that he is the murderer! This is the highest level of performance!" But you didn't believe it later.

The princess's face turned gray.

"That's because, after I got out of the hotel, I got in the car and found someone to check Alan's whereabouts.

I was doubting at that time. To be honest, I was really trapped by you. I think if Alan were still in Vancouver, I would never let him go back alive!" I raised my eyebrows, and then suddenly smiled again: "But you know... Later, my men found out that Allen really didn't leave, and he stayed in Vancouver! Even after tracking you, I found Alan's whereabouts smoothly! Now even where he lives and where he is, my people have mastered it! This... makes me doubt it."

"What do you suspect?" I pointed to my nose: "I asked myself that I was not a smart person.

But it suddenly occurred to me that if I had arranged such an assassination against my enemy... Would I be bored enough to run to the scene of the explosion assassination in person to observe... Well, even if this one is ignored first... Then, after the assassination, the assassination failed, and I still stay here... Is it my brain What's wrong? At this time, if the action fails, the minimum insurance measure is to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible! You see, even I, who is not too smart, will think so... And that Alan doesn't look like a fool! But he didn't leave Vancouver, but stayed here, as if nothing had happened, and even... How did I find Alan? After following your princess, um, or in the case of your princess acting as a 'guide' in person..." Speaking of this, I leaned against the chair: "When I first tried to find the murderer, Her Royal Highness suddenly asked me to meet, and then 'introduce' me with last night's superb acting skills. I found The murderer... And just as I was about to take revenge on Alan, it was your princess who led me to find Alan smoothly... Isn't all this too easy? Or is my Xiaowu's character so good that even God is helping me? Then I hit a ha ha: "And I also know one of the simplest truths: if there is a pie falling from the sky, so much is not a pie, but a trap!" The princess bit her lip hard, and she seemed to be struggling: "But you still can't explain the loophole! If it was an assassination arranged by my father, why did he want you to die? If you are really killed, won't any planning be in vain!" Well... I sneered and said, "Princess, I used to hesitate, but fortunately now I have figured it out... This loophole is you!" I picked up the black tea in front of me and drank it all. Then I squeaked my mouth and sighed, "After talking for so long, I'm thirsty... I said, Your Highness, why don't you ask me explain it?" The princess gritted her teeth and refused to speak. I sneered and stabbed her again: "What's wrong? Do you want me to take another whip to make you confess? *** (Readers who complain about my slow update in the past two days, please read the notice at the top of the book review area, and it will not take up space here...)