evil spirit

Chapter 20 Bargaining

Chapter 20 [Nice] Return to China? Go back to China!! When these two words came out of Wu Gang's mouth, how big ** is in my heart, only I know it! It can be said that as I slowly gain a foothold in Vancouver, I am dealing with the major forces here. With a little cleverness and a little luck, I can get some benefits everywhere, and the power in my hands has developed and grown step by step.

And in my heart, there is no day that I don't want to go back to China one day! Vancouver's climate is humid and cold, not as sunny as in Nanjing.

The sea breeze here is too strong, far less soft than the evening breeze by the Yangtze River.

I keep taking risks here. It's far from being so happy with my friends when I was in Nanjing... Such a strong idea has never appeared in my mind in my dream! It can be said that the happiest period of my life is not the fifth master who has become a glorious man in Vancouver now... but the time when I was a carefree gangster in Nanjing, and my three best friends, our four jackals wandering around Nanjing... That's the best life in my memory! Of course, I have told myself more than once: it's not time yet! Although I have a lot of strength now, my status, my wealth and the power I control can make me not afraid of Qinghong's revenge - but this is limited to Vancouver! If it is in my territory, I am a local snake. The power of Qinghong is far from here. Naturally, I am not afraid of them.

Even if they come to me in trouble, I'm not afraid! Because this is my world! But when I go back to China, that's another real problem... Similarly, I'm deeply rooted here, and I'm not afraid of people coming to seek revenge.

But in China, Qinghong is deeply rooted, how can I shake it? I have no foundation in China. Even if I am very popular in Vancouver, if I rush back with my current strength, it must be a dead end - even if I may not die, I will definitely be disgraced.

Based on this situation, Wu Gang's words are particularly powerful... "Did you go back to China? Are you serious?" I tried my best to calm down my tone and asked him seriously, "You should know who I have provoked in China, right? And this is not ordinary hatred, but a deep hatred. It is a hatred that must be erased with blood and life!" I know."

Wu Gang narrowed his eyes.

"Well, you should also know that I offend Qinghong, which is the oldest underground force in China. When they deal with me, they will not do it according to any law or justice. They can do any bloody, violent crime... In this case, you don't expect a gangster force to Obey the law... I admit that you should have been born in a family with a strong background, but with the words of the old man in your family, I don't think Qinghong can let me go.

Wu Gang was a little impatient: "In a word, if I say so, I'm naturally sure.

I'm not here to ask you for help now.

It's Fang Nan who asks you for this opportunity.

Chen Yang, do you still want to put on airs? I smiled, looked at Wu Gang, and said slowly, "Wu Gang, it's not as simple as you think."

Looking at the way he was going to stare again, I sighed: "You said go back... OK, it's very simple, but it's not to buy a ticket casually, but immediately say go back... After I go back.

What about the business here? Now it's only Vancouver, and the brothers who make a living under me are at least a thousand people on the periphery! Other smuggling businesses have been made by me with countless efforts and many games with major forces.

I'm going back... Do you want me to give up my career here? I left thousands of brothers in the big circle, hundreds of millions of businesses in my hands every year, everything here, and then go back to China? Wu Gang didn't say anything. I continued to ask, "Okay... As long as you are a human, you won't do such a stupid thing.

I abandoned the great country here, and then ran back to China to start from home.

But the question is, if I don't lose it, so what?" [ Heaven's Kiss] I stared at Wu Gang's eyes: "Am I going back to China with a large number of brothers? Let's go back to China and continue to do business together? You have to make it clear that I'm a gangster! My brothers are all gangsters.

They can't do any of the right things.

The only thing they know is to fight and kill, smuggle, occupy land, and do shady business! If you want me to go back, of course I'm excited.

But what I doubt is... Now you want me to cooperate with the military and ask me to help you do things.

I have no objection.

In exchange, after I return to China, you can provide me with a certain degree of shelter, which I don't doubt your ability... But..." I took a deep breath: "What is your bottom line of the so-called 'go home'? Am I going back to China alone? Or... Are you willing to allow me to take a big gang of hundreds of people and hundreds of the most elite gangsters back to China to continue the underworld? Can you allow a famous Canadian underworld gang to move back? I don't want to go back. After going back, I was approached by the police the next day to confised my home!" Wu Gang was speechless.

Although he was impulsive, when he agreed, he dared to pat his chest in front of me to ensure that the official could allow the whole transplant of a famous North American gangster to China... How could he make the decision about this kind of thing? What I mean is obvious... If I go back, it will definitely mean that the North American circle is officially involved in domestic business! Of course, I have to ask Wu Gang what they mean behind them!" You... can't keep yourself safe after you go back to China? You should be rich now, and you can't eat up all your life.

After going back, it's not to be a rich man, open a legal company, and make money legally..." At this point, Wu Gang himself felt that he couldn't go on. He looked helpless and shut up and looked at me.

Indeed, just another person, in Vancouver, he suddenly asked him to give up the whole country here and go back to be an ordinary rich man. I'm afraid no man will be willing.

Wu Gang thought about it carefully for a while and sighed, "I can't answer you what you said.

This is not something I can decide.

After all, you are a gangster. Even if you are willing to work for the country here, I can't guarantee that you will be allowed to take a group of people back to engage in the underworld.

This is ridiculous.

I only heard that businessmen are welcome or invited to go back to invest, but I have never heard that gangsters are welcome to engage in the underworld.

I smiled and said, "I know, so we might as well talk about it again... You can go back and ask for instructions.

I can promise you three things first: First, I don't touch drugs.

Second, I will not endanger social stability and not destroy it.

Third, as you said, if you need me to help you do things, I can promise you now, no problem! Whether I can go back in the end or not, I'm willing to do something for you.

After a pause, I said leisurely, "Actually, I did it here, and there are people in China.

For example, isn't there a porn industry in China? I used to work in a nightclub! Another example is the smuggling industry, hey hey... I know that there are a lot of smuggling in China.

Even many formal foreign trade companies will inevitably do something to carry goods or evade customs duties.

My business is almost the same.

As for the gangsters occupying the territory... Is it true that the domestic gangsters do not occupy the territory and do not charge protection fees? But I can tell you that in Vancouver, which belongs to my territory, I have begun to charge no protection fee.

The business in the restaurants, nightclubs, bars and restaurants under my name is enough to support my brothers.

At the same time, it can also make everyone have work to do.

I can even tell you that even if I go back to China to do business, I will do it cleanly, even more restrained and more satisfied with the official than the domestic gangsters.

"I can only convey what you said truthfully. I can't promise you anything now."

Wu Gang was probably a little depressed. He waved his hand and said, "In that case, we can't talk about it today."

"No, we still need to talk about it."

I laughed and said, "You can convey my words back.

My request is not too much... Well, that's it.

When I go back to China, I can use it as a foreign investor in China.

I will establish a company in China, and I will also let all the company's income be taxed in accordance with the law! But at the same time, I ask the company to enjoy the preferential treatment policies of all overseas investment companies in China.

"This problem is not big."

Wu Gang thought for a moment: "If you are doing business, I think there is no problem."

"Isn't it really a big problem?" I smiled and said, "Under the identity of this investment, it will always be a mixture of fish and dragons.

Even if the underworld wants to enter the country, it will be entered as an investment businessman.

What's so strange about this?

Many associations in Hong Kong have organized financial resources to speculate in land in China and even invest in movies, all of which are under the cloak of legality.

Since they can, why can't I? This is not too much, is it?" As long as you are honest and don't do anything wrong, it's not a big problem.

"I won't mess with others, but maybe someone will mess with me."

I said lightly, "Is there no underworld in China? Humph... The strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake.

If I'm doing business, someone comes to me to trouble me... For example, if I open the door to do business locally, what if someone comes to me to collect protection fees?" You can call the police. As long as you do things for us, the police will register you. The police will deal with these little things.

"Hahahaha..." I laughed... Then I said something slowly.

**** (There is another chapter, I'm writing, it may be late...)