evil spirit

Chapter 25 Great Detour

Chapter 25 [Great Detour]

The day after the premiere, the critics of major newspapers commented fairly, pointing out that it was a well-made action commercial blockbuster. Most of the previous doubts have become recognition.

Although there is no high praise in it, after all, this film does not have much connotation, but if it is only regarded as a standard Hollywood action commercial blockbuster, it is absolutely excellent.

In the first week of the box office, the film successfully reached the top. Then, after winning the North American box office list for two weeks, the total number of North American box office has exceeded 140 million US dollars. The third week after that began to decline... but the decline was not too fast.

After making an estimate, the North American box office of the film can reach about 240 million, and the final global box office is expected to reach more than 400 million. To my surprise, according to the survey, Japan's box office is expected to reach 100 million US dollars... This data surprised me. However, the company's experts later told me that the Japanese film market has always been an important overseas territory of Hollywood.

In addition to the profit of the film's peripheral products, as well as several rounds of broadcasting rights for TV screenings sold by American TV stations, and the final release of audio and video products... The final net profit of the film can reach about 200 million.

Does everyone say that movies can make money?

By the way... More than 200 million, I don't have to share it with the Rothschild family. According to the supplementary terms of our cooperation, the film is an investment before the company's cooperation, and it is completely independent investment. So the final profit does not have to be shared with the Rothschild family. Martin doesn't care about it. He doesn't care about the money, but he value the long-term profit in the future. And the big profit of this movie also gave him enough confidence.

I stayed in Hollywood for more than a month.

In more than a month, the happiest person is Aze. This pervert followed me, well-dressed, completely like a playboy of a family. He attended various Hollywood parties with me, flirted with many female stars... He really succeeded several times, once a spring night!!

The result of this matter was that he was finally excited and made a decision: "I've thought about it! I want to buy a house in Beverly Hills! You can come on vacation every year from now on!"

And although I am dealing with many celebrities every day, talking and laughing, showing the appearance of an emerging power in Hollywood, there is a trace of gloom in my heart.

Because at the moment of celebrating the company's first movie, Yang Wei, the biggest contributor who created this situation, did not appear!

In fact, Yang Wei hasn't contacted me since I went back to Vancouver to get married. I thought she would come to Hollywood for the premiere of the movie, but she didn't show up. Mr. Yang Er of the Yang family sent a representative to attend, but Yang Wei did not come.

I couldn't stand it in the end and called, but I couldn't find Yang Wei! I used to have a mobile phone number in my hand that I could find at any time. But that number has been turned off. I realized that she didn't seem to want people to find her.

Called to the Yang family, but Mr. Yang Er simply told me that Yang Wei went to China to deal with some family business, and then stayed in Asia for a while.

"Did you go to China?" I couldn't help sighing.

Is she trying to avoid me?

With this regret, I was not happy in Hollywood. Two months later, I left here and returned to Vancouver. Of course, I didn't come back empty-handed.

The profit of the film company is enough to wake up everyone around me with laughter.

I can't even think that old Solin threw the film company to me as if throwing garbage. Now if he saw the company's profit account in my hand, how would he feel? Hey!

And the day after I returned to Vancouver, Wu Gang, who had been missing for two months, finally visited again!!

This time, he came with Wu Gang. In addition to his three subordinates last time, there was another middle-aged man. This is a man who looks very dark and thin, and his face outline is very ordinary, but the calmness in his eyes makes me see at a glance that this kind of person is definitely the kind of person who is persistent!

I can see that Wu Gang's attitude towards this person is very polite, and when introducing, he first introduced me to the middle-aged man: "This is Mr. Chen Yang, the boss of Huaxing Company, and also a powerful figure here in Vancouver."

When introducing middle-aged people, he just said vaguely, "This is Comrade Ren."

The name

comrade already represents a different meaning.

On this day, I invited the two of them into my office, and then we talked all afternoon before sending them off. As for the content of the conversation, I didn't talk about anyone under me.


The next day, I went to Huaxing Company, and then held a management meeting of the company. At the meeting, I announced two decisions.

The first decision, I decided to inject 20 million US dollars into the company. This news made Sun Wendi and others very happy, but then my second decision surprised Sun Wendi very much. If I hadn't stopped him with my eyes, I'm afraid that the number one general of this company would have argued with me on the spot!

"The second decision... I will withdraw 20 million funds from the company, and then I decided to start the company's overseas development. Starting to set up branches overseas, I plan to set up three branches in Europe, Asia, and... Africa at the same time. The Asian branch is set up in Shanghai, China, and the European branch is set up in Genoa, Italy...Africa..."

"Africa?" When Sun Wendi heard me speak, he suddenly lost his voice and shouted.

I didn't change my face: "African branch, I will personally take people to several countries in Africa for inspection, and finally confirm." I took a look at Sun Wendi and motioned him not to talk.

After the meeting, in my office, Sun Wendi began to complain to me: "Boss! We are already planning to set up an overseas branch! And these are all in our planning, Asian branches and European branches, which are not surprising... But, Africa?? At this stage, I don't think it makes any sense to set up a branch in Africa!! The investment environment of African countries is not good, and... The situation there is complicated. Although the environment in North Africa is slightly better, they are only one Mediterranean Sea between them and Europe, and the markets there are occupied by Europeans! I don't think we will have any development in Africa... The future of the company is in Asia, which I think we have been sure for a long time!"

He waved his arms and complained loudly to me. I just sat in my seat and looked at him quietly. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

"I have my own considerations." I said lightly, "I'm personally responsible for everything in Africa, and I don't need the people of the head office to intervene... Well, and I can tell you that the African branch, I'm not going to do trade business, and I'm going to invest there."

"Investment..." Sun Wendi almost moaned: "Invest in Africa? What to do? Mining?? It's impossible. Africa's minerals are controlled by large and small armed forces, or the manipulation agents of major European and American countries. We are not qualified... Ordinary business? Damn, what's the business in Africa? Do you want to poach wild animals?

I sighed, then raised my eyelids and looked at Sun Wendi: "I know you are thinking about the company. But I can tell you that this matter is not just a business. You have been working in my company for so long. What is my identity background? You don't know, do you?

Sun Wendi's language is blocked.

"I can't tell you too much, but I just hope you understand that there are other considerations when I go to Africa to do things, which have nothing to do with the legal business currently operated by the company. Other things, you don't need to know too much. I took the funds, and I won't let the company bear it. I will personally inject capital into the company first, and then transfer the part of the capital injection. It's that simple.

Sun Wendi left my office silently, and I could see that he was forced to accept it.

I sat in the office, then took the Wan Baolong gold pen in my hand, drew three large circles on the paper, and wrote three words in each of the three circles:

Vancouver, China, Africa...

I drew a few indicator arrows on a few circles again, so that the order of the circles on the paper becomes: Vancouver-Africa-China...

"Alas!" With a sigh, I tore up the paper and threw it into the shredder, and then smiled bitterly: "Big detour, big detour... The road back to China is really not smooth."

I applied for a visa, there were various procedures, and finally passed a series of preparations. I carefully selected a group of people. In addition to the hammer who has always been with me as a personal bodyguard, I have selected ten shrewd and capable soldiers in the big circle. Finally, I thought about it again and again. Without bringing Ciro, I continued to leave him at home to manage the smuggling business of the dock.

And just before leaving, there was finally one more person in my team!


Knowing that I was going to Africa, Jojo almost asked me to go with me. I refused several times and to no avail, but in the end, one of her reasons convinced me.

"In Africa, English alone is not enough! The official language of many countries in Africa is French! Can you speak French? Joe looked at me with his waist crossed.

"Will you?" I took a look at her.

"%¥#¥...※%" Qiao Qiao quickly said a string of strange sentences to me, with a disdainful look on his face.

"...what do you mean?"

"In French, it means, you hateful stallion!"

Originally, I had to refuse, but later even Yan Di said that she wanted me to take Jojo to Africa. I couldn't help but be a little surprised by this move! But later I understood that because I married her, Yan Di had always felt a little sorry for Qiao Qiao, as if she had grabbed the position of my wife, and she had also acquiesced in the entanglement between me and Qiao Qiao, so she allowed or even encouraged me to take Qiao Qiao with her, which was a kind of compensation. .

After several times, I finally agreed to Qiao Qiao, but made a death rule: "After going out, don't do nonsense! Listen to me for everything! Don't disobey!" Looking at the female bandit, I gritted my teeth: "If you dare not obey, I will throw you off the plane!"

What I don't know is that my decision made my trip to Africa wonderful because of the participation of this strong female bandit...


(The plot is speeding up! The trip to Africa is the last part before returning home! It's like Xiao Wu has to sign a certificate before joining the big circle! And the transaction of returning to China, the trip to Africa is also a special certificate of investment!! Haha... After writing about Africa, I will go back to China! In the African part, Xiao Wu's strength will be further strengthened again!)

(It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! Friends who still have monthly tickets, please don't waste it, please help support me! Thank you.)