evil spirit

Chapter 40 Super Tricks on

Chapter 40 [Super Fool] (Part I)

I stayed in the capital of this small East African country for two more days. After the first task was completed, the second task was now launched, that is, the establishment of the so-called "East African United Airlines".

The company's signboard seems to be very large, but the so-called "East African United Airlines" only exists on paper. According to the data, it is jointly invested and controlled by the G government and the Canadian investment businessman, I.

These are all handed over to professionals to operate. Ren Lei also flew here to see me the next day, and then his people arranged all the work.

I began to prepare to go back to Canada.

Of course... If everything goes well, maybe so.

Unfortunately, something went wrong on the third day!

On the third morning, I just got up from the hotel and looked a little depressed. Because the conditions here are really limited, especially the air conditioning in the room, the cooling effect is very poor, and the noise is very strong. The roar all night makes me have a headache. But you can't fail to open it, otherwise it's too hot to sleep.

When I got up, I was still tired and probably got out of bed. When I was having breakfast, Ren Lei came to the hotel to find me.

"What's the matter?" I fiddled with the knife and fork in front of me and said absent-mindedly, "Is it almost done? When can I go back? Anyway, I'm just here to sign a few documents.

"What's the matter? Did you have a bad rest?" Ren Lei's face seemed to be something, but I didn't notice it. I just said impatiently, "How can I have a good rest? I haven't slept well for two days.

"The conditions in East Africa are a little worse." Ren Lei said casually. Then he sank his face and looked at me: "Chen Yang... I'm sorry, I'm afraid you can't go back for the time being... Something unexpected happened."


Ren Lei smiled bitterly, and there was some worry in his eyes: "There is indeed a little accident."

Under my eyes, he slowly told what had happened.

Our original plan was to establish such a leather bag company called "East Africa United Airlines" and then buy several aircraft technologies of Lockheed in the United States in the name of this leather bag company. Then, in the name of "East African United Airlines", these technologies were sold to China.

This is the original plan, avoiding the terms of technical barriers, and it is all in everyone's tacit understanding. Americans also acquiesce to this, which is originally an exchange of interests mixed with political colors.

But now, it's different!

"Americans are looking for trouble for us." Ren Lei smiled bitterly: "Although they acquiesced to this matter, they also got some of our benefits. We got some compromises in exchange. But when the matter came, they still wanted to cause us some trouble. This is also their old tradition. Even if you transfer technology, it won't make you feel good. You always find a way to disgust you.

I calmed down: "What's going on?"

"Inspection." Ren Lei smiled bitterly and said, "In the technology transfer clause, the premise of the transfer of these technologies is: it is only allowed to be used for civilian purposes and not for any military purposes! Therefore, the other party wants to confirm that this "East African United Airlines" is not a military aviation organization, but a completely civil aviation company, and they also need to..."

"What else do you want?" I frowned.

"They will also send an investigation team composed of members of Lockheed and government agencies to East Africa to conduct an evaluation investigation of our "East Africa United Airlines". To investigate the company's technical strength, as well as the company's operations, and the fields involved, confirm that this "East African United Airlines" is indeed a thorough civil aviation company, and the technology purchased will never be used for military purposes..."

I rolled my eyes and endured for a long time before I couldn't help scolding my mother. Finally, I held my throat and squeezed out a sentence with difficulty: "Evaluate the company? Evaluate a ghost! How to evaluate? This company doesn't exist at all!!! What bullshit "East African United Airlines", this company only exists on documents! Just an empty name! It's a leather bag company! How to evaluate it?"

Ren Lei didn't say anything.

The more I said, the angrier I became: "What do Americans want to do? Don't they know that this company is a leather bag company? Don't you know that this company is just a cover?!

"I know." Ren Lei answered me briefly.

"Do you know how to do this on purpose? Do they want to go back on their word?

Ren Lei sat down, sat in front of me, and explained patiently, "This is the consistent tradition of Americans, and they will always find any possible opportunity to embarrass us! They always give us some problems... Even if the deal that the two sides have reached, they will try to trouble us in details... It seems that if they don't do this, they will be unhappy." [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

"Don't your upper levels communicate with Americans?" I shouted, "This company doesn't exist. How can I check it? How to evaluate it?"

"The upper class must have agreed a long time ago and have reached a tacit understanding with each other. But Americans are like this... It's always like this. I don't think they want to go back on their word. After all, the other party will not easily regret the relationship between the upper layers and the decisions. So, we think, they probably just want to find some cheap things back. Deliberately make things difficult for us, and then get some benefits, or demonstrate to us and get some evidence, so that when they have conflicts with us in the future, they can take this matter out... This is their old habit. We have dealt with Americans a lot, and we have been used to it for a long time.

I spread out my hand and said, "What do you think!"

"This..." Ren Lei smiled bitterly and said, "There's nothing I can do. Since they want to evaluate the company and investigate the company, we will find a company to check it for them.

"Did you get a company out?" I didn't understand.

"Yes!" Ren Lei said slowly, "As long as there is a shelf to build a fake company, they can't pick out any mistakes in the documents anyway. We just need to get a fake company to deal with them.

"Did you get a company?" I was almost pissed off: "Dude... This is not a trading company! A trading company is very simple. You rent an office building, then get a group of people to sit in the company, put a few computers, get a few rows of filing cabinets, and everything will look good! But..."

I tried my best to resist the urge to curse: "But this is an airline! Do you understand? Airlines! Build an airline? What you said is simple! How much does it cost? How much time? Among other things... Our biggest problem is that we don't even have a plane now!! The plane! My man! An airline should at least have a plane!!!"

"There will be." Ren Lei's face was ugly, but he gritted his teeth and said, "We'll find a way to deal with the plane... It's just that the time is a little short, and the conditions are too difficult... So we can only make do with it and overcome it!"

"What about me?" I shook my head. If I didn't know Ren Lei well, I would have regarded him as a madman: "What am I doing? What do you need me for?"

"It's very simple. You are one of the shareholders of the company and one of the bosses of the company. So when the American representative comes to check, you must be present and present. Ren Lei was also a little embarrassed: "Moreover, you have to accompany the American representative to inspect the company."

"Inspect the company..." I groaned, and then said viciously, "You can find an airline for me first!"


I finally know what Ren Lei meant by "difficult conditions, we can only make do with it".

He didn't lie to me. It's really "okay"!!

Ren Lei's energy is not small. In just two days, he solved several things at the speed of lightning!

Now the suburbs of the city have bought an abandoned factory warehouse, and then quickly emptied the factory warehouse and factory, and mobilized a Chinese engineering team to transform that row of warehouses into an aircraft hangar in two days...

Of course, it's not a real hangar, it just looks very similar.

After that, just outside the hangar, the open space in the factory of the original section of the plane was abruptly extended several times, and even cement and asphalt were not laid, and then the mobilized rollers pressed back and forth all afternoon...

"Look, does this look like a runway?" Ren Lei smoked a cigarette and pointed to the busy open space below...

I'm already dumbfounded: "Like... runway? Please, I can still see the stones on it!"

"It's almost flat enough." Ren Lei curled his lips and said, "It's not true that there will be a plane landing."

"Hmm! If a plane dares to land on this 'runway', it will probably crash!"

"You've seen the airport next to the mine of the trapped tower... That airport is more broken than here." Ren Lei waved his hand indifferently.

A tower was quickly erected... but it was also fake. Don't expect this tower to emit any signal lights!

Er... From a technical point of view, it is just a complete metal shelf. It is said that 109 iron pipes collected by Ren Lei's people from the waste factory were temporarily welded. In order to save time, they didn't even have time to brush the paint, so they directly welded the rusty iron pipes and stood here.

Of course... There is also a fake row of lights on it... In fact, there are only lamp shelves. If you look closely, the light bulbs in those lamps are broken!

"A lot of things are used as waste." Ren Lei explained: "Our funds are limited, and we are pretending anyway. There is no need to spend a lot of money to buy real searchlights... The price of a set of airport signal searchlights is enough to buy several cars! We don't have that much money."

"Where's the plane?" I asked the most important question.

"You will see it." Ren Lei looked at his watch: "It's almost there..."