evil spirit

Chapter 41 Super Trick Down

Chapter 41 [Super Fool] (Part 2) Ren Lei didn't lie... Indeed, soon, the plane arrived.

The plane didn't fly over, but... was transported over! Throughout the night, the temporary "airport" was clear, and the convoys came and went, dragging a lot of large metal structure parts, and then the workers of several engineering teams drove the machines and were busy at the scene... I randomly found a small room behind the warehouse and put a hammock to sleep all night. After dawn, I looked at the "runway" outside... and then rubbed my eyes hard.

Airplane! There are a few planes! I opened my mouth wide and began to be ready to exclaim, but soon the exclamation turned into anger. I rushed out directly and found Ren Lei next to the runway.

"This...is this the plane you're talking about?" I have a blue face.


Ren Lei answered calmly.

I held my head in both hands: "God, where did you get these rags from!!" At the airport, the closest to me was the oldest C130 military transport aircraft. The fuselage was broken as if it had been towed out of the waste factory after being scrapped - and later I knew that, in fact, it was indeed the case.

On the whole runway, there are about four planes, one old-fashioned C130, one old-fashioned "young fox", one old-fashioned I7, and one An12.

What these planes have in common is that these are all military aircraft, and they look the most "new", and they all feel that they should be sent to the military museum instead of on the open runway.

God testified that even the special plane of General Trapped Tower looks much newer than them! You...where on earth did you get this garbage?" I looked at Ren Lei depressedly.

"Fedance!" Ren Lei stressed again: "We don't have enough funds! Chen Yang! You have to understand this.

These planes are all collected by us from the disposal channels of scrap military items in various places... It is not easy to do this in a short time.

"But... they are all military aircraft!" I took a breath.

"Nonsense!" Ren Lei finally stared: "Where can I buy a civil aviation plane? How many civil aviation companies are there in Africa? How many civil aircraft are there in Africa? How much money do we have? Do you expect me to buy some Boeing 747s or 757s? With a sigh, he whispered, "Moreover, in some economically backward areas, it is also customary in many parts of the world to use retired military transport aircraft as civil aircraft. It doesn't matter."

I finally nodded.

Then I walked to the side of a plane at will... I have to say that Ren Lei and others are more responsible.

Because the appearance of these planes is really unsightly, some of the rust on the fuselage almost corroded the cabin of the plane, and there are many perforations, as well as blue and green rust... If others see such a plane, I'm afraid I'm afraid that this East African United Airlines is on the verge of collapse! The staff also took all kinds of paint and paint.

Carefully painted on the surface of several planes... and even put our "East African United Airlines" icon on the fuselage of the two planes, and the words! Everything was done in a good way... But the next scene made me completely angry! I circled around a C130 for a long time and suddenly found a very serious problem! Because from the mechanical cabin... this plane doesn't seem to have an engine and all the machinery! It's true not."

Ren Lei said lightly, "All planes have no engines, no internal machinery, and even no fuel tank!" Even all the spirals outside were matched by me later.

".........no engine? No machinery?" I swallowed my saliva hard: "So... that is to say, these planes are all fake? It's all..." "Why is it fake?" Ren Lei said firmly, "It's true! It's all real planes."

"But these are all models!" I raised my eyebrows: "Can these guys fly? It's just a pile of iron sheet!" Of course, it can't fly."

Ren Lei looked at me strangely: "Have you ever seen a plane without an engine that can fly?" Well... they are piled up on the runway... They can't even move on the runway and run two laps!" Of course not!" Ren Lei thought for a moment, "Unless you use a trailer to tow."

Looking at my puzzled eyes, Ren Lei added, "And even if I'm willing to pay a sky-high price to install internal machinery on these planes.

They can't fly either... Well, just like this C130.

When we found it, it had been broken down into seven pieces and lay in the garbage warehouse of war-damaged military equipment.

We used nine trailers to drag it here, and then spent a night assembling it... They were all temporarily welded with electric welding. Some places were really rotten, and the welding could not be welded. We could only add two pieces of iron sheet, and then hit it with rivets to temporarily fix it... Not to mention flying, it was a If you shake or move a few times, I'm afraid it will disperse! I even suspect that it looks like a complete plane now..." [The kiss of heaven] gave him no face. Before he finished his words, the baby fox transport plane not far from us was being dragged slowly by the trailer, but suddenly there was a bang, and the left wing of the plane fell down, causing The workers were busy again, and they quickly transferred the crane to reinstall it... Ren Lei pretended not to see the scene, but continued, "In a word, it looks very similar, that's it!" A few real machine models..." I said in a desperate tone, "You don't expect me to fool the U.S. investigators with these things?" Why not?" Ren Lei glanced at me quickly: "They won't ask you to take off the plane to show them."

"That's technology!" I'm depressed: "They always have to look at our technology! It depends on our technical department and even technical equipment, but we are now an empty shell. Where can we see the technology!" They won't."

Ren Lei thought for a moment: "There is also a limit to finding trouble. If they do too much, it is equivalent to tearing their faces.

But they won't turn against us now, and they won't go back on their word.

It's just a trouble.

Everyone is talking about it. It depends on who is talking well.

I pointed to these planes: "What about these guys? As long as others come closer and open the cabin, they will find that your pile of treasures is simply a pile of scrap iron!" It's very simple."

Ren Lei smiled.

Soon, someone pulled the isolation belt around several planes, as well as a striking "do not approach" sign.

"What is this doing?" I frowned.

"A good excuse."

Ren Lei smiled and said, "Don't you think the paint and paint on the plane are very new? At that time, it will be said that our plane has just been maintained and has been sprayed with new paint, which needs to be volatilized, so it is forbidden to approach... What a good excuse.

Ren Lei said it very lightly, but the next thing is my headache.

"Chen Yang!" Just after the "airport" construction project was completed, Ren Lei's convoy began to retreat. He said to me, "That's all we can do.

You see, now there is an airport, an aircraft warehouse, a runway, and even an airplane... The other party is just a pretend inspection, and our documents are without loopholes... The rest is up to you.

After all, this company is nominally you and the G government, so it is inconvenient for my people to show up, so as not to leave a handle for Americans.

So, that's all for my work."

"But I still need a company."

I smiled bitterly: "An airline can't only have airports and planes, right? I still need a company!" It's very simple."

Ren Lei said lightly, "It should not be difficult to rent an office building, get a batch of desks, put a few old-fashioned computers, hang a company's signboard, get a few rows of filing cabinets, and arrange a group of people to pretend to be company employees... It should not be difficult to fool around for a few hours and pretend... These

"Are you ready for me?" No..." Ren Lei shook his head and sighed, and then suddenly succumbed to me: "Brother! If I can get you such an airport, I have exhausted all the resources! Our funds are limited! In order to get this airport, I have spent all our funds in Africa for three years! I have spent all my energy on it, and I really don't have the strength to set up a company for you... "Okay.

I'll do what you said."

I gritted my teeth and thought to myself: It's just a few desks, a few computers and a row of file cabinets! At that time, a group of people will sit in the room. When the other party comes to inspect, just do a good show.

Watching Ren Lei get into the car and leave, and wave goodbye to him. I once again looked at the "airport" that was made overnight with extremely desperate eyes.

There are still a few baby planes... I really feel like I want to hit my head to death.

Depressed and leaving by car, the airport left only a team of engineers left by Ren Lei to continue to guard and maintain here.

I returned to the city and quickly found everyone, and then I urgently arranged the division of labor.

Buy office supplies, office furniture, office appliances! Renting an office building, using the simplest decoration... "Five brother..." A brother who was assigned to the task said bitterly: "I don't think it's difficult to rent an office building... But decoration... Normal decoration can't be completed in a month or two!" No way! I only give you a day and a half! Just a day and a half!" After thinking about it, I gritted my teeth and said, "Anyway, it's a fool! I estimate that those American investigators will stay in the company for about an hour at most.

I only ask that the house will not collapse and the ceiling will not fall off within that hour! Everything else, you can fool around as you want! In a word: I just need to survive the inspection for more than an hour!" Notice: In the past few days, I have changed it to the morning according to the requirements of readers, but I have something to do tomorrow and can't update it in the morning, so tomorrow's update will be in the evening. I hereby inform you!) ****** Attach: [Cold and warm self-knowledge] (not canvassing, if you are interested, you can watch it. Anyway, you are idle) 200710408:53 Everyone has seen these things that have happened these days.

Looking at the book reviews in the book review area, which made me helpless and ridiculous, I suddenly had a little illusion... I did experience a low tide, but from the second half of last month, I came out. I had a feeling myself, and my writing gradually regained the feeling of being handy.

I'm starting to save the manuscript.

At the beginning, all readers suggested that I should save the manuscript.

OK, I saved it.

What about the result? Someone jumped out and scolded me for saving the manuscript and not sending it, which is a bad conscience! It's not Cun, it's not... I suddenly understood that for some people who don't like me, I'm not allowed to do anything, and some people will pick faults and scold you... Why? Because scolding is a job with no technical content. As soon as you touch your mouth, you can say whatever you want... Again, there is no need to pay tax on farting.

I can ignore these jumping clowns.

What I don't understand most is that pulling a monthly ticket is a bad mentality? If you don't pull the monthly ticket, are you in a good mood? What's the reason for this? And what I don't understand is... good or bad character? This is the most funny, ridiculous, ridiculous and boring words.

Is the character good or bad? I have always thought that knowing people's faces but not knowing their hearts! Even if you have known each other for several years, you may not be able to see through each other.

What's more, on the Internet, with this thing on the Internet, do you dare to say that my dancing character is good or bad? Do real people have fiery eyes? Some people are people I offended. They are regularly banned by me, but as soon as they are released, they will be scolded in my book review area... These people who are just full and have nothing to do are trouble.

I know it in my heart.

They will repeatedly attack my character, and then deliberately distort every word I say and everything they do... I won't be angry or fluctuate.

What makes me sad is what some readers do.

When I entered the industry, an old author told me a sad sentence: Don't pay attention to readers.

I didn't understand at that time, and then he explained to me: readers are very realistic. When you behave well, they will love you, but as long as you behave badly.

Then there will be many people who shouted that they love you to death, and they will immediately abandon you without hesitation! Many people will not remember how hard you have worked, will not remember your hard work, and will not show mercy to you for the sake of the fact that you have brought them a lot of happiness! ****** When he said these words at that time, the old reader was out of the low ebb, and then he was scolded disheartened by the reader. He left the industry and did not write.

The last thing he told me was that what readers want is to "read books".

For most readers, these people don't care about the character, the author, and the years of hard work.

As long as it is the most realistic: whoever can show them ten chapters a day, they will love it! But if you can show them ten chapters at the beginning of the day, and later, you can't hold on and start to reduce the amount... Then, a considerable number of people who once loved you at the beginning will turn around and scold you without mercy! The Internet is so impetuous.

Not many people will pay attention to the paleness behind it. Most people follow the tide and follow their feelings.

****** In fact, I didn't believe a lot of words from this old author.

My nature is a relatively explosive type, but I believe that one thing is to "compare heart to heart".

Do you know why I didn't save the manuscript before? How many people know? There are always a few who know the truth.

Perhaps, only my only group of Dancing Fans Alliance, only a few readers who have talked to me deeply know.

I have also been a reader.

I know the pain of waiting for updates as a reader.

So I became the author.

I know that readers are looking forward to updating. At this time, if I clearly have a saved manuscript in my hand, but I don't send it out, let the reader wait, I feel uncomfortable.

Every time I am in good shape and can write a little more, I will send it out! Don't leave a word! What is the result? As a result, sometimes I have 6,000 words (basically fixed update) every day, sometimes I'm in a good state, 8,000 words, 9,000 words, 10,000 words... And then... Do you know what surprised me? I did this, but someone scolded me: the dance "alway" update is unstable!! If someone says so, I won't care. If many people say so... Do you know how I felt at that time? I'm afraid I'm the only one from the starting point. I've written three years of books, five sets of works and four sets of complete books, and the remaining one set is being serialized. At the same time, for the past three years, I have maintained an update of more than 200,000 words almost every month... But instead, I was scolded by readers If this is still called instability, what is stability?" The word "aggrieved" is written out, but there are only a dozen strokes, but really in my heart, only I know what it is like.

****** I think I treat readers in the most kind way. I know that readers are waiting hard. I don't save the manuscript, and I will send it as soon as I write it... But what? What about the result? When I competed with the author with the manuscript, what surprised me was that all of a sudden, many people came to scold me for my bad character and my unkindness... Why? Because I update fewer people than those who have saved manuscripts! Moreover, in the face of the tide-like update of the other party, I looked very pale and powerless... Why? Because I didn't save the manuscript, I can't update the eruption like a volcano like others.

It's just at this time, in the face of many readers who have accused me, I have always said something in my heart.

Dear readers, do you know where the 'deposit' of my dancing has gone? Then please look back at my previous year's update. In many cases, some update more than 1,000 words a day, and some wait for more than 2,000 words and more than 3,000 words every day... These 1,000 words, 2,000 words, 3,000 words, if you read them in one day, not much... Then, half a year, in a year... How many thousand words is this? Question mark How many three thousand words? If I had only sent 6,000 words a day at that time, I would have saved all of these more words... Why did I work so hard? As a result, I became "bad character" and "unkindness" in the reader's mouth.

I really want to laugh... but I can't laugh, I really can't laugh... What's the feeling of being blocked in my heart? If you drink water, you know whether it's cold or warm! ****** Even what I said is more explicit... I have begun to save the manuscript.

What does such a move represent? Am I smart enough to dance? Have you been scolded a lot? Have you learned to be shrewd? Or... is your heart numb? Or the original sincerity has gradually disappeared... Some people say that it's too utilitarian for me to canvass for votes... I really want to laugh, really want to laugh.

In my opinion, that's not utilitarian.

And people like me who send as much as I wrote to everyone immediately have begun to learn to save manuscripts... This is called utilitarian! Let's think about the meaning by ourselves.

****** At the beginning of this book, I competed with tomatoes for the monthly ticket. In the middle stage, I competed with the unlimited monthly ticket. Now, I have ushered in the moon in the middle of the sky... I gradually feel that my enthusiasm has almost burned, and the rest is pale and numb. I still remember that we used to piled Do you remember that we had a warm chat in the book review area? Now I'm not interested at all.

I'm bored, tired of... Endless abuse makes me even afraid to go to the book review area.

When I am distorted by someone, I can put up with it.

When I am distorted by a group of people at a fixed time every month... I just want to make myself numb.

Write a book... It's really not an easy job.

Now many people are praising the monthly pass, saying that the monthly pass is 10,000 words, and the monthly pass is 300,000 words, saying that the monthly pass exceeds 10,000 words per month, and that the monthly pass can reach thousands of monthly tickets.

Everything is very similar to my most beautiful state in June and July.

But do you know what I and Guan Guan said on QQ? Instead, I told him to keep a good attitude, and the good state of being the author cannot be maintained all the time. When your state slips down one day, you will find that the person who scolds you is more "enthusiastic" than the person who praised you at the beginning.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand] This world, and people's hearts, is such a reality.

****** Finally, thank you to the readers who accompanied me all the way. Thank you for your support.

Dancing can't express my gratitude to you. All I can do is to write a book for you.

Thank you to those who scolded me. Your abuse made me gradually become cunning and learned to protect myself.

******PS: I know this article, and most people will jump out and talk about it: dancing pretending to be pitiful, or dancing and playing emotional cards to get a monthly ticket... For this kind of person, I really feel sorry for you, because you don't understand the real thoughts of these things above.

The monthly ticket is what every author wants, but now, in addition to the monthly ticket, what I want more is support and understanding.