evil spirit

Chapter 46 I'm back

Chapter 46 [I'm back]

Part 3 [Pinnacle] Chapter 46 [I'm Back]

Tu's body recovered very quickly, and the cruel training he received since he was a child made his physique far better than that of ordinary people. Soon after the operation, he regained his mobility, and then began to exercise.

According to his own estimation, he has recovered about 60% of his combat effectiveness, and I have tried to fight with him several times, and it was after a few rounds each time without a killer, he easily subdued me.

It makes me very depressed, very depressed!

I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have a lot of confidence in my kung fu. But now a guy younger than me can subdue me so easily, which really blows my confidence.

In fact, the gap between me and him is not that big. Because when I was practicing, I restrained myself from doing a heavy hand. Often the situation of his uniform was like this: when I was close to him, I punched him hard, and he didn't even hide. He directly came up to me and didn't care about the injury - but he didn't care, but I didn't want to hurt him. As a result, in this case, I didn't fight, and it was too late to retreat, and I was soon restrained by him.

"Actually... Boss, if you let go and fight with me, you won't lose so fast." Tu comforted me.

"So what..." After being knocked to the ground by the slaughter for the Nth time, I got up and muttered depressedly, "You haven't made a killing move now. Wait for you to kill. I'm not finished soon."

"That's different." Tu calmly explained, "For example, on the plane that day, I only had less than 20% of my combat effectiveness. It is reasonable that your strength was above me at that time... But I can still kill you." He said softly, "It has nothing to do with good or bad skills. The important thing is the killing skills. I may not be able to beat you, but I can kill you!"

I can't beat you, but I can kill you.

This sentence seems to be a little contradictory, but only a real insider can taste it.

I didn't believe in evil later, and I was also curious. I wanted to see how strong my new driver was...

I selected ten men in the gym of the repair yard and let the hammer take the lead! Then there was an unfair fight.

Tu one person to deal with ten people led by the hammer. The rule is not to kill or do it hard.

The result was out of my expectation!

It's just that I smoked a cigarette, and the hammer and others all lay on the ground. I saw that all the cigarettes in my hand fell to the ground!

Seeing Tu's fighting action with his own eyes makes people have to doubt that he is not a human at all! It's a beast! His movements, movements, every bit of power, are like a beast, with an indescribable speed!

Quick! Very fast!

He is almost a hit! Except for the hammer, which lasted for two more faces, other people were almost put down by him at once. And when he put down two, the rest of the people wanted to surround him. Tu jumped out of the encirclement *** with an unusually sensitive pace... At that moment, his performance was like an antelope running on a cliff!!

"Eagle's eyes, wolf's ears, leopard's speed, bear's power!"

This is my final conclusion about Tu.

After a big shock, I couldn't help taking Tu to see the eldest brother. After seeing my eldest brother's skills, when I came back, I quietly asked Tu behind my back, "How is my eldest brother's skills?" Can you beat him?"

Tu thought for a moment and answered me with a sentence:

"I can't beat him, but I can kill him."


I went to Europe. Just bring back such a black boy who is not as strong as human beings, and my other men may not be convinced of Tu at the beginning. Especially when I left Tu by my side and became a personal driver and bodyguard, many of my old brothers who had been with me for a long time felt a little uncomfortable. However, after seeing Tu's skills, no one said anything more.

A month after returning to Canada, I also participated in a celebration party for the movie The Shock of the Robbery, celebrating that the film's global box office officially exceeded 400 million US dollars. Later, he participated in the opening ceremony of the first new film after the Rothschild family took a stake in the Billy Mountain Film Production Company.

This new film is a low-cost romantic light comedy. The heroine is still played by Jessica, while the hero has experienced several twists and turns. In the end, he relied on Spielberg to build a bridge in the middle and invited the now-recognized actor "one brother" in Hollywood, Tom Hanks (dancing is also a hardcore fan of Han The only absolute big brother in history who was re-elected as the Oscar winner accepted the invitation of the film contract and finally joined our new film.

In addition, a new film starring old Bruce and newcomer Wang Lei Xiaohu, one old and two new action stars, is also being planned.

The film company is booming, and obviously I don't need to worry about anything anymore. It is expected that in the annual report at the end of the year, the profit figures on it will make the most demanding people laugh.

And I noticed that the hell angel seemed to be quiet during this period. Old Solin and Allen didn't make much action. Allen is still presiding over the east coast smuggling business with no future, and I heard that his wings have been further cut off a lot. Old Solin even held an internal meeting to officially confirm the identity of the princess's heir. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

Judging from the news, I heard that the atmosphere of the internal meeting was not harmonious. After all, the other leaders in the hell angel are not fools... No one will like that his boss is a sloppy lady. With such a boss, smart people will feel that their future is uncertain.

But the old Solin suppressed all the voices of opposition with his iron bowl. I heard that after that meeting, the interior of the hell angel went through a small cleaning... I'm afraid that a few more ignorant guys were thrown into the crocodile pond by the old Solin to feed the crocodile.

I am happy to sit in the mountains and watch tiger fights, deal with some simple things every day, and then the four jackals get together to fool around, or to accompany Yan Di at home to adjust fat. Every afternoon, I went to the eldest brother's place to practice for two hours, and my life would be free.

I seemed to be carefree, but in fact, I had been waiting in my heart. Finally, on this day, I received a phone call.

It was Ren Lei who called. Since I left Africa, I have completed two things to help them, and I haven't contacted him since I came back.

After that, I sent someone to Cairo, Egypt to open a nominal investment company. In fact, it is a transit station that distributes the benefits of the diamond mine trapped in the tower every year. When the company was opened for operation, Ren Lei made a lot of efforts to help.

And this time. He called and brought me a message that had been waiting for many days!

"Thank you very much for your help last time... I got the confirmation above. For people like you who have a certain influence overseas and are willing to contribute to the country at the same time, we all welcome you to come back and invest... However, you still have to be measured in some things. Ren Lei said implicitly: "Wu Gang will talk to you in detail, but there is no change in the general principle. Basically, the conditions we talked about before you came to Africa last time can be fulfilled."

That is to say... I can go back to China!


It was still a little hot in Shanghai in October. The autumn tiger struggled for the last time, making today's temperature rise to 30 degrees.

When I got off the Air China plane and passed through the customs, I looked at the yellow-skinned and dark-haired faces around me. The complex smell in my heart was difficult to describe.

Even after walking out of the channel, I almost tripped because I was too excited. Fortunately, Qiao Qiao, who had been with me, helped me.

I opened her hand easily, and then stood on the spot... Next to me were Qiao Qiao, Aze, wood, behind the hammer and Tu, and behind me were the ten close-fitting men I carried.

I looked at the surrounding airport hall, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, I felt as if something was going to flow out of my eyes...

Thousands of miles of pursuit, countless scars, betrayed by the most trusted people, smuggling, jumping into the sea, storms at sea... All of this flashed in my mind like a movie picture in an instant. In those years, I was chased like a homeless dog with no way to enter the ground! How desolate and in a hurry!

And after nine lives... I! Chen Yang! Xiao Wu! My feet finally stepped on this land again!!

I don't know why, I suddenly remembered a description in a novel I had read. I was so excited that my mind suddenly became hot, and in the eyes of the public. Suddenly, I knelt on my knees on the ground under the surprised eyes of the people around me. I crawled on the ground, then lowered my face and kissed hard. The ground under your feet.

Then, I turned around, clenched my fists, looked at the people behind me, and said slowly word by word, "I'm back!" This time, no one can drive me away again!"

When we walked out of the airport, four black business cars were parked outside. Our group, especially more than a dozen strong men in black behind me, attracted many sideways eyes around us, and one of them was a black man walking behind me.

Finally, someone recognized me and pointed at me in the distance.

"Yi? You see, that seems to be the Chinese named 'Chen' in Hollywood, USA.


(The plot is written until Xiaowu has returned to China. The following story is not only what readers have been looking forward to for a long time, but also what I have been looking forward to for a long time... Let's continue to talk about Xiaowu's story tomorrow!)