evil spirit

Chapter 47 Show your fists and feet

Chapter 47 [Big Show] Half a month before I came back, Huaxing Company had sent relevant personnel to Shanghai to start setting up a Chinese branch.

According to my opinion, the establishment of the branch here in Shanghai is personally undertaken by Sun Wendi, the current CEO of Huaxing Company.

This company that I pulled up by hand will have raised Huaxing's business to a new level in the past year, and then his position in the company has been promoted to the position of CEO.

At present, Huaxing Company is still a legal trading company, with an annual turnover of about 100 million US dollars.

And some of the smuggling businesses are hidden under the company... The specific smuggling profits reach tens of millions per year.

Of course, the annual expenditure I spend on bribing networks such as Vancouver customs and police officials is at least millions of dollars.

Sun Wendi is not ignorant of smuggling business, but it is normal for many multinational trading companies and large companies in the world to have some illegal business secretly, which is normal.

And it is not a strange thing for companies engaged in ocean trade to secretly do some smuggling transactions.

However, he seemed to be a little surprised that he sent him to Shanghai to open a Chinese branch in person. In his opinion, one of his CEOs should be in the head office in Vancouver. It is enough to send others to this kind of branch.

But then I told him that the company's future strategic focus is in Asia.

After I even revealed that the Chinese branch would replace the Vancouver headquarters in the future, Sun Wendi agreed with my decision.

The branch of Huaxing Company (China) was established in Lujiazui, Shanghai. Long before I came, Sun Wendi had been responsible for most of the construction work of the branch, including the selection of the company's address.

At this point, I rejected Sun Wendi's proposal to rent office space, and decided to spend money to buy two floors of a building.

Although it costs a lot more, what I mean is very clear: we are not here to make money before we are ready to leave.

I'm back this time, so I'm not going to leave.

Huaxing Company will take root here.

Moreover, in the long run, even if God bless us in the future, the company will continue to expand, and the existing site is not enough to maintain, so even if I want to change to a new place, I will not lose money.

Because the house prices in Shanghai have been soaring all the way, even if you sell this place in the future, you will only make money.

Nearly 50 employees have been recruited in Shanghai, as for the management of the company.

Ten backbones were transferred from the Vancouver headquarters to enrich the middle and senior management of the Shanghai company, and several newly recruited local people were also selected to serve as middle-level leaders.

The prototype of the company has been initially established.

Of course, this is not the kind of leather bag company I built as if I was fooling around in Africa.

"We are outsiders, and we don't have a foundation for everything here... We need some excellent public relations talents... Boss, I think Miss Xu Xin, the original administrative secretary of the company, is very capable of this. I think we can transfer her to Shanghai as the company's public relations manager..." Sun Wendi proposed this to me. After the suggestion, I thought about it and then refused.

Recently, Silo and Xu Xin are fighting hotly. Silo is my best brother, for my birth and death.

Even if I can sit in the position of the leader of the big circle, I can rely on Silo to kill the Eighth Master's gang by risking his name.

My good brother, I just got a little bit of love. At this time, I can't ruin his good deeds.

At the critical moment when the two fell in love for the first time, I pulled his close lover from Vancouver to Shanghai, and the Ciro who stayed in Vancouver would probably go crazy.

After coming to the Shanghai branch of Huaxing Company from the airport, I immediately held the first meeting of the branch company. Of course, I don't know much about these legal businesses.

It is mainly hosted by Sun Wendi. As the boss of the company, I just need to attend the town scene.

However, because I was so famous some time ago, I became very popular in the United States. All kinds of reports and news about me, especially entertainment news, have long spread to China. As a result, I found that at the meeting, many new company members from Shanghai were secretly looking at me.

After all, I can say that I am a big star now.

By the way, Sun Wendi originally disagreed with what African investment branch I was going to do.

But after I came back from Africa, his concept changed 180 degrees.

Why? Because I have established a close private friendship with the head of the G country in East Africa! It can even be said that... collusion! Trapped towers are not good people, let alone patriots - to be honest, in many small African countries, people generally lack a sense of national identity, which is also full of tribal and racial concepts, and tribal ethnic identity is far greater than that of the country.

The economy of G country is backward and needs to be built.

The head of state G is a trapped tower general, and he is a good friend of mine! General G is not a good man, let alone a patriot. In his heart, he is more concerned about his overseas private property than state property.

Otherwise, he will not sell all the ownership of the diamond mine and then secretly embezzle the profits in it.

"We can do business with G country.

Import and export can be done! G countries are lagging behind, and they need all kinds of construction. Although it is small, it is also a country after all.

They need all kinds of resources. If they need us, we will sell them anything. Of course, except for restricted prohibited items, arms are even more impossible.

But for the rest, we can even monopolize it.

Sun Wendi is always energetic when talking about the company's business. He glanced at me quickly: "Boss, you are a good friend of General Trapped Tower. We can completely sign an import and export agreement with the G government in the name of Huaxing Company, so that we can even monopolize the foreign trade of the whole G country! Then if there are any resources that G country can export, we can also buy them... These are all profitable businesses.

Finally, Sun Wendi made a summary: "The most profitable business in the world is not arms, not drugs... but monopoly! Any business, as long as it can be monopolized, is always the most profitable! Now there is a great opportunity in front of us!" I thought about it and smiled bitterly, "There are three problems. First, there seems to be no resources in G country that we can buy... Their economy and commerce are very backward... There are no resources except minerals."

"Then we will import diamond raw ore."

Sun Wendi said lightly, "There are other things... wood, wood is also resources... No, we can even invest in the establishment of factories in G country. East Africa does not lack forest resources. We can do a lot of wood processing, paper, furniture, various tools... and so on, etc., and then sell part of it on the spot, other Some of them are shipped to Canada or China for sale... These are all profitable businesses.

"Well...imported diamond ore."

I laughed: "This is no longer needed.

We already own 40% of the diamond mine, and the original diamond mine is shipped out every year, and then we can do the diamond business... As for the monopoly of the trade of the G country, this is a great idea.

"Of course, my boss, I really think it's a wonderful idea for you to go to Africa now."

Sun Wendi smiled happily.

"Then the second question."

I sighed: "We do business with G, so the only contact is the G government.

Because G country is very poor, there are no big companies in their country that can cooperate with us, so we can only talk directly with their government about procurement and trading.

But I doubt their government's ability to pay... You haven't been there.

The G government is very poor.

Although the trapped tower himself is very rich, his government is very poor.

"It's better. They can use resources to offset money directly."

Sun Wendi smiled like a standard profiteer: "If their government has no money, they can use diamond ore, even wood, or something else as payment.

We don't care anyway.

"Well, the third question..." I thought for a moment: "Sun, you may have forgotten that this is China.

It's not Canada... There are many differences between doing business in China and doing business in Canada.

We are a trading company, but China's exports to Africa are restricted by the state... Well, the country formulates a quota every year, and we must find a way to get a quota to export to Africa.

Otherwise, our goods can't even get out of customs.

Speaking of this, I couldn't help looking at him: "You... don't want to smuggle, do you?" I frowned, because of the conditions of my transaction with Ren Lei, I returned to China, but I guarantee that my business in China is legal. He knows that I am the largest smuggling alliance leader on the west coast of Canada. No one will let me, a smuggling oligarch, return to China to do smuggling business on a large scale, which is detrimental to the national

That is to say, I am not allowed to smuggle in China.

This is a condition.

Of course, they also gave me a lot of preferential treatment conditions, so I won't repeat them one by one.

"Boss, have you forgotten? We are a Canadian company.

Sun Wendi smiled cunningly: "You see, we can purchase goods in China in the name of exporting to Canada - Chinese goods are very cheap, and cheap and good quality are the biggest feature of Chinese goods in the international market.

Our goods are not shipped to Africa in the name of customs clearance in China, but to Canada! Then, ship it from Canada to Africa! As for the customs issue..." When he said this, he suddenly closed his mouth and smiled at me with a deep meaning.

I immediately understood that I was stupid... Customs in Africa? Joke! What customs do I have to go through when my goods enter G country? I even doubt that there is a customs in G? My goods enter the G country. As long as the general of the trapped tower nod and agreed to send a sentence, who will stop me? Um... Although this must be illegal, I only promised not to do illegal business in China, but do it abroad... That's no problem.

Sun Wendi described a very attractive idea to me... "We can purchase all kinds of necessities for national production and national life at home, and then ship them to Africa and G countries for trade to make a lot of profits.

If the G government does not have the ability to pay in cash, it can let them use the diamond mine as payment for the goods, or... use wood! The diamond mine business, the boss, can be entrusted to our branch in Africa, and if it is made of wood.

According to what I said, we don't have to ship the wood back, but open a wood processing factory in G country, a small East African country like G country.

Labor is very cheap (when he talked about cheap labor, I suddenly remembered the slave-like miners in the mine), which will greatly reduce our land costs.

Then we ship the finished products, such as paper, chopsticks, furniture, etc., to China and Canada for sale. This is a profitable business.

Then Sun Wendi told me a very classic business case: about 20 years ago, when China's economy was just starting.

The Japanese used to be very cunning to the Chinese once! The Japanese purchased a large number of peanuts at a very low price in Shandong, China.

Then these peanuts were not shipped back to Japan after they got on the ship and went to sea.

Instead, the ship stopped on the high seas. There were processed machinery and equipment on the ship to process the peanuts on the spot. The peanut kernels were pressed into peanut oil, and the peanut shells were made into fiber plates! [ Then, the Japanese cargo ship immediately returned to China and sold peanut oil and fiber plates to the Chinese at a high price! The profits made by this cunning approach are amazing! I talked with Sun Wendi for a long time.

I couldn't help talking: "Dear Sun... If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I'm about to become a capitalist."

"My boss..." Sun Wendi smiled cunningly and looked at me: "You have been a capitalist for a long time."

***** I have always appreciated Sun Wendi. He absolutely has a commercial genius and is full of motivation. Of course, I have to tie such a talent firmly to my chariot.

I gave him some shares of the company, and then simply handed over the Shanghai branch of Huaxing Company to him as the host.

Of course, the company in Vancouver is handed over to someone else.

At the opening of the Shanghai branch, I held a small banquet and invited some officials from the local official authorities, industrial and commercial tax inspection law... and so on.

There are some other customers.

I didn't attend such a banquet, so I directly handed it over to Sun Wendi.

After that, to my surprise, I received an appointment request for an interview from some media.

Moreover, the media that asked to interview me is not a commercial and financial media... all of them are entertainment media.

Damn, I really regard me as a celebrity in the entertainment industry... I want to refuse all, but then I temporarily changed my mind and accepted an interview with a TV station.

My idea is: After all, I still own a film company, and I may not have the opportunity to get involved in the domestic entertainment industry in the future. Maybe it is beneficial to do so.

It is said that I was interviewed by a female hostess of a famous entertainment program in Shanghai. The interview was located in my office.

"Mr. Chen, the Billy Hill Film Company you own in Hollywood has a big sale this year's action movie adapted from the last real case. Is there any mystery?" As you said, it is based on the truth. This is a selling point.

"Is the company going to shoot any other movies next?" Yes."

I didn't say it in detail.

"Is it still Lei Xiaohu who plays the leading role? Chinese fans like Tiger very much and all think that he will become a new generation of action superstars.

"It will."

I'm a little bored.

"There is another question... I heard that you came back to China to invest in business... Are you going to invest in movies? Or other entertainment industries?" Not for the time being... But this possibility cannot be ruled out in the future.

I smile.

"So, do you know anything about the domestic entertainment industry?" ..." I thought for a moment and laughed, "I have been abroad for several years. I haven't paid attention to the domestic entertainment industry in the past few years... Speaking of this, my heart suddenly moved and I couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, I know a name... Well, she should be very popular now, right? Jenny, right?" The hostess deliberately showed a fuss, and then smiled and said, "Oh? Jenny?? Oh, my God, Mr. Chen, don't you know? Jenny can be said to be very popular now, and she will hold a solo concert in Shanghai in the near future.

It seems that Mr. Chen appreciates Jenny very much... I don't know if there will be a chance to work together in the future?" It's possible."

I smiled.

"Um..." The hostess saw my absent-mindedness, so she raised another question: "In fact, in the movie that just sold, Lei Xiaohu played the role.

is adapted from your real story... That is to say, in the movie, he is playing you. Are you satisfied with his role? I laughed... Similar questions, I don't know how many times I have been asked about the interview program I participated in in the United States.

"Well... I think he did a good job.

First of all, he is very good at kung fu. Secondly, he is very young and handsome.

I'm very happy to let such a handsome young man play me.

"Hehe..." The hostess laughed a few times, glanced at me, and complimented, "Actually, you are also very young and handsome... I'll ask a question for many of your fans. Mr. Chen, you are so young, but you are a big shot now.

You are also known as the upstart of Hollywood, and your current position in Hollywood is also very important.

You can make such a successful career at such a young age. Do you have any secret? I shook my head and was about to answer according to the diplomatic rhetoric in the face of the media in the United States. Suddenly, my heart was moved... I'm in China now! Thinking of this, an idea came to my mind that made me feel strange.

I sat up straight and looked at the camera in front of me with a serious face, "I want to thank someone."

I have a strange smile at the corners of my mouth, and my eyes are deep.

said slowly, "If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I'm still hanging out in China now, and I'm still a small role in China... If it weren't for him, he would 'push' me at the critical moment.

I won't have the status I am today.

The hostess next to

looked at me with confused eyes, and I continued to say the last sentence to the camera: "Thank you! Everything I have today is thanks to you!" ... "...thank you..." When this sentence was transmitted to thousands of households with the TV screen, what I didn't know was that in front of a TV in a certain city, when this sentence came out of the TV, a pair of cold eyes stared at me on the screen, and then... Ding! The thage in one hand abruptly broke a high-footed glass. The fragments of glass cut the muscles of the palm of the hand, and the red blood flowed... However, the owner of this hand seemed not to care, but his fist was held tighter...***** At the same time, in another place, in front of another TV, a Zhang's beautiful face with obvious mixed-race characteristics was full of excitement, and her charming eyes were full of tears. She looked at the TV and muttered, "He still remembers me... didn't forget me..." After coming back, I found that my whole body was much more relaxed and much happier than in Vancouver.

Anyway, the company had Sun Wendi staring at it. I spent two days doing nothing, so I asked Tu to drive me around the streets of Shanghai.

We don't know the roads in Shanghai, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's just a ride. Sometimes I don't get bored from morning to night.

As long as I see that the streets are full of Chinese signs and people with yellow skin and dark hair, I am very happy.

I didn't go to those scenic spots. I'm very happy as long as I go shopping like this.

Every night, I will call Yan Di... I didn't bring Yan Di back, because I just returned to China. God knows if there will be any trouble. After all, I know very well that I still have a big enemy in China.

So for the sake of safety, I left Yandi in Vancouver for the time being.

When everything goes well here, I'll be ready to pick her up.

On this day, my leisurely days ended, because I welcomed a guest.

Wu Gang.

"Okay, Wu Gang, don't be so serious."

I invited him into my office, but Wu Gang kept a straight face.

"Chen Yang."

As soon as he sat down, he frowned at me: "You've been back for so long, why don't you go to see my girl?" I'm speech-sponsive... I can't answer this question, and I don't know how to answer it.

"The woman knows that you're back, and I know she really wants to see you.

But she didn't come. I asked her, and she didn't say anything... Damn, why did you both react in the same way!" Wu Gang was a little impatient: "She will come to Shanghai in a few days. You can solve it yourself then!" I can't control so much... But if you dare to bully her... Humph!" I smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

"Never mind!" Wu Gang waved his hand: "I still have something important to do this time."

"What's the matter? You don't want me to do anything for you, do you?" I smiled bitterly.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Wu Gang snorted: "Are you going to do trade import and export to Africa? You also know that our country has restrictions on African trade. I'm afraid you can't get trade quotas for imports and exports to Africa.

Ren Lei also said a lot of good things for you.

In this way, you don't have to think of any way to exploit loopholes. The above will not treat people like you who have contributed to the country badly.

I can give you some quotas now! It is convenient for you to import and export trade directly to Africa.

Oh? That's a good thing! In this way, I don't have to bother to ship the goods to Canada and then transship them to Africa, which saves a lot of time and money.

"There is another thing about Fang Nan... Well, but she won't let me talk to you. Well, she will come to Shanghai recently and wait for you to meet. If she wants, let her talk to you by herself."

**** (It's the last day of the long holiday, and the monthly ticket doubling activity will end tomorrow. If you have a monthly ticket, please vote quickly. Vote for the monthly ticket today. One vote can be used as two votes. Tomorrow won't work! Xiao Wu, thank you for your support!)