evil spirit

Chapter 66 Cutting the Journal of Invention

Chapter 66 [Inventions]

Although I didn't dare to say anything, I couldn't help but show a strange smile on my face. A Mei looked into his eyes with a little angry color on her face. She blushed and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing." I turned my eyelids and said, "Can't you laugh?"

"You smiled so strangely on your face, but you didn't think about anything good in your heart!" A Mei said angrily.

I knew she couldn't be teased, so she quickly said, "I just remembered a joke."

"It must be a yellow joke!" A Mei gritted her teeth.

"It's really not!" I shook my head and said, "I once heard people say: women always spend so much money to buy all kinds of beautiful clothes, from coats to underwear, so many styles... In fact, women wear so beautifully, why? Isn't it to attract men's attention? But... In fact, what men like most is that women don't wear clothes.

After saying this, I didn't dare to look at A Mei's face. Just before she got angry, I quickly changed the topic, borrowed her mobile phone, and quickly dialed Yang Wei. I told Yang Wei my exact location on the phone, and then after she arrived, I just called Mei's phone number.

I hung up the phone, and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Because when Yang Wei talked to me on the phone, his tone seemed to be very cold - well, although Yang Wei had always been an easy person, and she always talked to anyone with such a calm look, this time, I clearly heard the little bit of her tone deliberately maintained when she talked to me. The division of birth.

Yang Wei's attitude made me feel a little sad. Thinking of me that after I got married, she had no contact with me. Later, she even left the United States and came to China without even saying hello. All this obviously seemed to be avoiding me.

Man! They are all cheap bones! I couldn't help scolding.

Admittedly, when Yang Wei fell in love with me, I looked forward and backward, and I was moved, worried about hurting other women, hesitated and secretly happy, but at the same time, I always felt like I was away from her.

But now, once she keeps a distance from me, I can't help but feel sour in my heart.

Thinking of Yang Wei's unannouncement at the beginning... Has she really decided to break off that trace of love with me?

Blind bones! Bian bone! I don't know what it feels like in my heart. I was distracted for a moment, but I forgot to speak.

After a long time, I saw a small hand swaying in front of my eyes. Then I came to my senses, but I only saw A Mei looking at me with a smile: "Who are you thinking about? Are you so distracted?"

"It's nothing." I said vaguely.

"Humph!" Mei curled her lips and said, "Don't hide it. You must be thinking about some woman... Well, you must be thinking about your lover, right?"

"Nonsense." I scolded in a low voice.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Mei cheered up and said, "As soon as a man is distracted, he just misses his lover!" She squinted at me and said, "You must have been thinking about women just now, and not Yan Di."

I was about to refute, but A Mei said quickly, "Look at your expression just now, sighing, worried about gains and losses, with a gloomy face... looking trapped by love! I know Yan Di. That girl can't wait to give you all her heart. If she is obedient to you, she will never brush you at all. What do you want her to do? She will never refuse, and naturally it won't make you so sad. If you miss Yan Di, it will definitely not be this expression, so you must be thinking about other women.

When I was told the central thing, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and whispered, "Nonsense. I have not seen you for more than two years, and you are still so sharp-mouthed. You are so fierce, which man dares to marry you in the future?

A Mei and everything else is fine, but her mouth is too powerful, which is simply a little pepper. Among the girls I know, except for Qiao Qiao, she is the strongest. ( Of course, who can compare with the invincible Miss Qiao?)

In a word, I immediately blushed and gritted my teeth and said, "Bah! I can't get married, and I don't need you to worry about it. Who said... Who said I was fierce! Humph!"

"Aha, if you are not fierce, there will be no fierce girl." I laughed and said, "Do you remember the last time we fell out before I ran away? I just accidentally bumped into you in the shower, and I didn't mean to peep at you. What about the result? You even threw the kitchen knife. If I hadn't been good at it, I'm afraid I would have become the ghost of your Mei's knife. You don't think about it. When I was injured and hospitalized, you were my personal care. When I took a shower and went to the toilet, I don't know how many times I was seen by you, but I was not as stingy as you. I just accidentally saw you suddenly. You often cut people with a knife. After a pause, I smiled and said, "I heard from Yan Di that although you lived in my house at the beginning, you put a pair of scissors under the pillow when you went to bed every night!"

Speaking of the past, Ah Mei was even more ashamed, and her face blushed so much that she almost bleeded.

Well, when a man is distracted, he just miss his lover.

So, what does a woman think when she blushes?

Do you miss your husband?

Looking at the way Ah Mei ate and suffocated, I was very happy and laughed.

After a long time, A Mei suddenly sighed, looked at me, and suddenly said quietly, "You, it's still like this. It's not important to talk to girls. There are two sentences in the east and two sentences in the west. People who are familiar with you know that you are unintentional. The girl you are not familiar with, but you can't help being flirted by you... You are so flirtatious, provoking girls everywhere, and you don't speak properly... Alas, in the end, the woman around you suffers, and you don't know how much Yan Di will secretly hurt in her life.

These words seemed to be unintentional words, but they fell into my ears, but they suddenly shocked me in my heart!

The so-called sayer is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. A Mei's two sighs shocked my heart at once!

My face changed. After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't help whispering, "I... What's wrong with my words?"

A Mei glanced at me, quite resentful, and whispered, "You don't talk so lightly to girls! Don't you know that you can't talk nonsense to girls? There are some jokes, and you can't mess around with girls! Otherwise, is it easy to be misunderstood? But you're good, but you've never thought of this. No matter who it is, you talk so unscrupulously. It's okay to know. I don't know. I really thought you were flirting with other girls! In the end, inexplicably, the girl was misunderstood. I'm sad for you, but in the end, you still look innocent without knowing it.

I can't help but be speech-clog.

Mei sighed again and said, "It's like what you just said. What did you say when you saw me taking a shower? I used to take care of you and saw your body... Alas, these words, after all, men and women have something else. You said it so stupidly, but you still look so heartless. If you were an ordinary girl, you really thought you were interested in her and deliberately flirted with her. Where is he? No wonder there are always beautiful women around you. After a while, one of them comes out, but you still seem to be ignorant.

The more I listened to it, the more frightened I became. I couldn't help sweating a little coldly on my back. The so-called words woke up the dreamer... Did I make a big mistake unconsciously in what I have always done?

If you think about it carefully, what A Mei said is really reasonable.

I began to serve plates in places like nightclubs at a young age. The women I saw and came into contact with were all young ladies who worked in *** places. These girls spoke careless, not light or heavy, and not measured. I dare to make any excessive jokes. Under my eyes and ears, I seem to be used to it. No matter how familiar and unfamiliar women come into contact, I speak a little ambiguous.

Among the friends I met later, the wood didn't say anything, and the guy seldom said anything. And Aze and Qiao Qiao are both love killers. They are the kind of people who talk ambiguously, and I am more ambiguous than you. You ** slut, I'm more ** slutty than you. I was used to dealing with those young ladies in nightclubs, and I didn't talk to girls properly. When I met these two love masters, I was so influenced by them that my words tasted of ridicule.

I'm used to it myself, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but when dealing with other women, such attitudes and words will inevitably make people misunderstand.

Now think about it, these women around me who are related to me now...

In addition to Yan Di, who started me to show up for her, and she was grateful to me... Several other women...

For example, Fang Nan, although she was interested in me, I was more or less like a man she knew before... However, the first step between me and her seemed to be "induced" her to confess boldly because of my words and deeds! The most critical thing, now that I think about it, the qualitative change of my relationship with her seems to be that time...

I remember that time when a woman came to Fang Nan's period. Originally, this kind of thing was naturally an absolutely taboo topic for unrelated men. Instead of not knowing how to avoid it, I seemed to know how to avoid it. Instead of not knowing how to avoid it, I also took good care of her enthusiastically and stayed with her. Hou, he deliberately poured warm water for her and told her to be careful of stomachache...

You know, this kind of thing is the most private and shameful thing in a woman's family, and I, a big man, help Zhang Luo without hesitation... Generally, this kind of thing in a woman's family, unless it is to her boyfriend or husband, how can others mention this kind of thing? How could my enthusiastic and caring attitude at that time not cause Fang Nan's misunderstanding? What's more, she was a little attracted to me... In this way, I inadvertently provoked Fang Nan.

Besides, Yang Wei... My acquaintance with Yang Wei naturally wanted to talk about the clubhouse in Ye Huan. When we ran out at night, the two of us were attacked and rolled down the mountain together...

What was the relationship between me and Yang Wei at that time?

It has nothing to do with it! It's even the first time we've known each other! She is a distinguished guest of my boss and an important partner of my boss! And what about me? What did I say when I talked to her? I still remember clearly that after I rolled down the cliff with her, I even hugged her for warmth... Forget it, I even told her a night of dirty jokes!

No matter how calm and rationally strong Yang Wei is, she is in danger on that dark night. When sharing adversity with a man, it is the most vulnerable time in the girl's heart. At that time, I held her in my arms and told dirty jokes to others... If this is not called flirting, then I really don't know how to call flirting!

It's ridiculous that Yang Wei fell in love with me later, and I still looked stunned for some reason!

Damn it!

Let's talk about Jojo...

and Jojo don't even have to think about it! Between Qiaoqiao and Qiao, we have always talked unscrupulously, not to mention flirting. In the past, I didn't even treat Qiaoqiao as a woman. With her, I have said all kinds of hooligan things!

For example, when we often play billiards together, we joke, and we even joke with each other when we drink too much: "If I lose this game, I'll pay you tonight. At worst, I'll be crushed by ghosts!"

At this time, Miss Qiao will also laugh and reply to me, "Do you want me to call another girl? Let's have a threesome?"

I don't know how many similar hooligan words have been said. Although Miss Qiao is tough, it can't be measured by normal people. But after all, she is also a girl. If she is a girl, there are always times when she is not tough.

Besides, there is another truth: if you tell a lie a thousand times, it will become the truth. If you make too many jokes, it will become true!

Now, Miss Qiao is in love with me. Isn't there any reason why I was too "in-one" when I came into contact with her in the past?

Otherwise, we four jackals will be together. Why didn't Qiao Qiao fall in love with Aze or Wood, but fell in love with me?

It's because I'm too enthusiastic about girls! Or... I don't deal with normal girls at all!

I have been in a nightclub for a long time, and dealing with women seems to be a little ambiguous.

And Aze and Wood are different from me. Wood doesn't deal with girls at all. Although Aze is also a playful young man, he has at least been to college and has had a lot of contact with normal girls in school. It's not as light or heavy as I always do! Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

There is a saying, "Flies don't bite seamless eggs!"

If it weren't for my words and things that made the girl misunderstand my intention, would the girl casually fall in love with me and chase me?

I really thought I was loved by everyone!

Damn it!

The most fucking angry thing is that I just made it look like I was very innocent!

I couldn't help but curse in a low voice. No one had ever said these words to me before. A Mei suddenly said so, but he just woke me up!

"I suddenly feel that I really owe it." I couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Mei looked at me coldly, but sneered, "Do you understand now? Humph...humph..."

Looking at A Mei's humming, I thought of the way she blushed just now, and when she looked at me occasionally, there seemed to be a trace of resentment in my eyes. I couldn't help but move my heart and couldn't help warning myself: It's not good!

This is how men and women get along with each other. The so-called pure friendship between men and women is allowed, but as long as there is a strange thought in the heart, the atmosphere will inevitably change immediately.

At this moment, I have figured this out, and I have a good atmosphere, but it has become a little ambiguous.

At first, A Mei wanted to make fun of me, but looking at my dodging eyes, she was shy first and couldn't help spat, "You... What are you thinking now!"

I screamed repeatedly and spread out my hand and said, "This is really gone."

Ah Mei's face turned redder. Suddenly, he understood what I was thinking. He gritted his teeth and said, "You, you... I... Don't think about it! I... I didn't treat you..."

The more she said, the more anxious she became, but the more she said, the more chaotic she became. Her words were not satisfactory, and in the end, she was almost crying in a hurry.

At this moment, I suddenly became enlightened! If it had been in the past, I would definitely go up to comfort you with gentleness and gentleness. But I don't know that the more gentle you are, even if you can coax girls. They also misunderstood and thought you were interested in her. I'm woken up now. Naturally, I won't be stupid again. I can only pretend that I don't understand. Let her worry, but I quickly changed the topic: "Well, you haven't said yet. Why did you come to Shanghai after you left us?"

"I..." A Mei stared at me, sat away for a few minutes, took a few breaths, and then said angrily, "I said, it was such a good job in Nanjing at the beginning. Such a good income always has a feeling of being given alms. I don't like to be under the fence. I have hands and feet, and I can support myself, and then..."

She suddenly blushed and couldn't go on.

My heart thumps! I immediately understood... I'm afraid her departure has something to do with me!

Look at this girl's attitude towards me, if she is mean to me, I'm deceiving myself. But she and Yan Di had that kind of best friend relationship. Naturally, they refused to pull down their skin to rob men with Yan Di. In the end, they had to leave alone.

It's not that I feel too good about myself, but it's mostly true.

I was so careless that I didn't listen to the words under my eyebrows. When I come to my senses. I heard A Mei continue:

"... A teacher from a nursing school used to introduce me to Shanghai. I worked as a nurse in a nursing home here, and the teacher also worked as a director in this nursing home. He introduced me here, and the salary was not bad. I came over, but I didn't want to do it for a while. The land of the nursing home was bought by the developer, the nursing home was disbanded, and the land was used for real estate development. The original nursing home was reopened in another place. But the funds are insufficient. Our nursing home was originally run by a charity. The funds were tight. In the end, we had no choice but to cut expenses. I was a newcomer and had no background. No one spoke for me. I refused to flattate the dean, and finally I had to leave..."

"Huh? What about the teacher who introduced you? He won't talk to you?"

Ah Mei blushed, gritted his teeth and said, "Humph! That guy is not a good thing! He came to me, but he didn't have any good intentions!"

As soon as I asked, I learned that the teacher who introduced Amei to Shanghai originally taught in the nursing college where Amei attended, and later became the director of this nursing home in Shanghai. An old man of 40 years old has a wife and children.

When the nursing home cut expenses and laid off people, A Mei didn't find him, and even invited him to dinner to ask him for help. As a result, the old man, who was drunk at night, began to be crazy. Finally, he went crazy with alcohol and insisted on "send A Mei home". Later, as soon as he entered A Mei's house, he couldn't leave.

Mei was scared and finally called the police. After the police came, the beast teacher who pretended to be drunk ran away. He was not drunk at all. However, in this way, Amei can't stay in that nursing home. In the end, I can only lose my job, and then work in Shanghai to earn money.

Although she is young and beautiful, she is very principled and refuses to sell her appearance. Naturally, she doesn't mix well.

Many people have a misunderstanding that beautiful girls are easy to find jobs and easy to get along well.

Actually, it's not right.

To be precise: If a beautiful girl is willing to "get it go", it is easy to get along well.

However, if a beautiful girl " can't let go", she will often be worse than ordinary girls!

This world is just like this.

After chatting for a while, the atmosphere finally eased a little. I didn't dare to joke anymore and always spoke carefully. Finally, after a while, A Mei's mobile phone by the bed suddenly rang. I looked at the number and found that Yang Wei arrived.

Then Mei sent me downstairs. We walked all the way downstairs, and Mei was about to go up, but I stopped her and said, "Don't go up, you too. Go back with me first. First of all, Yan Di is my wife now, and she has always wanted to see you very much. Second, you helped me today, and I'm very grateful to you..."

"I don't want your reward." Ah Mei shook his head.

"It's not a reward." After thinking about it, I could only find a reason to coax her and said, "You helped me, but if the news spreads, my enemies, if they know, will definitely trouble you... Well, I'm provoking some bad guys. They are chasing me, but you help me dodge, which is equivalent to offending them. If the rumor is revealed and spreads, you will be unlucky. I can't hurt you. You'd better go back with me. You can stay at my place for a few days first. And Aze Mutou is also here, and they haven't seen you for a long time.

Seeing that Mei still wanted to refuse, I quickly said, "I'm very interested in what you just said about the nursing home. As you know, I have some money now. I also want to do something good. I think maybe I can pay to run a nursing home. You happen to be a professional in nursing. If you are interested, you can come and help me... Oh, I'm not giving you alms. I want to do good deeds. You can help me. Is that all right?"

This statement was finally coaxed and cheated to pull the eyebrows. When I walked out of the community, I saw a black extended Lincoln RV parked outside. A big black man stood beside the car like an iron tower, with sunglasses on his face and a suit, looking around.

It is Yang Wei's personal bodyguard, Hansen.

Hanson saw me and didn't say anything loudly. He just took off his sunglasses, winked at me, and then got into the cab by himself.

I walked over, pulled open the door of the back seat of the car, and then got in with Mei.

In the back seat of the car, a woman sat with her arms in her arms, as if she was looking at me, with a smile on her face. It was Yang Wei.

I smiled and said, "... Alas, I didn't expect that every time I was in trouble, you always came to help me solve it... Well, this is my friend, Mei. When she was in Nanjing, she and Yan Di lived in my house together... Although you haven't seen her before, you should know that I met her by chance today, and I just hid at her place for a while... Oh, little money fan, this is my friend, Miss Yang Weiyang... Uh-huh... Huh?"

When I said this, I suddenly stopped talking and was stunned!

I looked at Yang Wei in surprise and stared at him...

Yang Wei is still the same Yang Wei. She is as beautiful as the past, with a trace of wisdom in her charming eyes, and a three-point rational smile on the corners of her mouth. She is as smart as the past, as beautiful as the past, and as charming as the past...

However, her long hair, which was originally elegant and soft, is gone!

Yang Wei, with short hair in front of her, is like a tomow boy. With a professional suit, she looks more refreshing and straightforward, and there is a hint of strong woman.

It's just... than Yang Wei in my impression, but it's less intimate than I'm familiar with.

Yang Wei didn't seem to care about my surprise, but just smiled faintly: "Long time no see, Chen Yang."

Then she stopped talking and said lightly, "Hansen, drive."


I clearly felt that Yang Wei deliberately opened the sense of distance to me! There is also a little obvious strangeness!

I also know that a woman like Yang Wei is not the kind of vulgar woman who likes to pay attention to her own clothes. She never spends too much time on hairstyles, beauty and so on. And her short hair was obviously not designed by a hairstylist... but more like cutting it with scissors!

I think of the trace of distance she has deliberately made for me now, is it...

Cut the Journal of Invention?

Suddenly, I felt as if something was blocked in my heart.

And the little money fan stopped talking as soon as he got on the car. He just sat quietly in the corner, with a pair of eyes turning around and carefully looking at me and Yang Wei.


(First, the weekend is coming. I wish you all a happy weekend~

Second, it's the end of the month. Ask for a monthly ticket, as well as a monthly ticket. Think more about Xiaowu. Thank you for your support~)