evil spirit

Chapter 87 Evil!

Chapter 87 [Evil!] Sure enough, the fat man was right. The old cat's leg was injured, and he fought at close range. Although he was still agile, he was too strong enough to chase for a long distance.

While running, I turned around and shouted, "Look at the knife!" Later, the old cat dodged once. Seeing that I was cheating again, I couldn't help humming angrily. The second time, I raised my hand again. This time, the old cat thought I was cheating! But suddenly a cold light hit his face, and the old cat raised the knife in his hand to block it! Ding! In the dark, a steel needle was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground! But the old cat's eyebrows had been bleeding, and after all, it did not completely dodge.

It's just this needle. This is my last weapon. When I was in a coma just now, the fat man helped me sew the wound. I don't have any weapons on my body now. Although the old cat's legs and feet are not convenient, the mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk. I ran in front again. The branches and The people chasing behind were much more relaxed because of my opening.

In addition, I was also seriously injured, especially a serious injury on one arm. When I ran, my body was inevitably unstable, and I almost fell down several times.

So although he has a distance from the old cat behind him, there is nothing he can do to get rid of him completely.

As I ran, my heart suddenly calmed down, and I couldn't help roaring in my heart: "Fight with him!" Spell it? My heart was cold, and I immediately suppressed that voice! Dead-hearted boy! Don't be so heartless! It's okay to casually say that I'm cowardly or despicable! I just need to go out alive today! The old cat behind me couldn't catch up with me and gradually became a little anxious, and he suddenly let out a whistle.

Oh? Did you find a helper? I sneered and looked back. I saw that the old cat really slowed down. I took the opportunity to run two steps, and then saw a tree pit in front of me and jumped down.

This tree pit is long and narrow, about ten meters long. I was not in a hurry to go forward. Instead, I fell into the pit, left and ran to both sides, and then quickly circled from one end.

At this moment, I was already on the side of the old cat. I saw a big tree, and then struggled with the severe pain in my left arm and climbed up.

The tree is quite high. I squatted on the trunk about three meters from the ground, hid myself through the branches and leaves, and then looked coldly at the old cat in the distance.

My whole body is so tense that my muscles are tense at this moment, but my mind is still so clear. My eyes are staring at the old cat. I even feel like I have incarnated into a beast at this moment! Strange... Why am I not angry at all now? Don't give up! I'm really *** heartless! Watching the old cat approach slowly, I held my breath... for a full minute.

Originally, holding your breath to such a degree can be easily done on weekdays.

But I just ran so long, and in the case of injury and weak breath, a minute of holding my breath immediately made my chest start to tear like a fire.

Strange... Why is my lungs so painful, but my mind is still so calm? It's cold! It's as cold as ice! Painful? Haha! Painful? What are you afraid of in pain? I was almost like a hunting beast, as if I had become infinitely patient. Despite the severe pain in my body, I could still hide in the bushes and look at the old cat quietly.

He began to slow down and walked slowly here.

At this moment, the severe pain in my body doesn't seem to interfere with my thinking. I just quickly calculate his distance and angle in my mind... Finally! I suddenly jumped down from the tree! The old cat's reaction was also keen, but after all, he had hidden dangers in his legs and feet. After running for so long, he withdrew step by step, but did not withdraw enough distance! And I have already calculated his reaction! Puff! There was a sharp pain in my chest. The two of us rolled on the ground. I jumped up quickly, then staggered back a few steps, fell to the ground with my buttocks, and gasped violently! In my chest, a dagger was inserted in the right... It has pierced my lungs, and the blood is flowing.

The old cat stood up, his body was trembling, and then waited for me. He opened his arms and seemed to barely take two steps. His eyes stared at me in disbelief, and then his hands seemed to try to grab his throat. Finally... Plop, the old cat knelt on the ground, his throat gurgled .

There is a black thing in his throat! That's a sharp hard branch that I just broke off from the trunk!" ...Anything can be used as a killing weapon."

I gasped with difficulty, said slowly, struggled to get up from the ground, and walked deep and shallowly to the old cat. The old cat was out of breath, and his eyes seemed to be unable to turn, but stared at me.

"...anything is a weapon of murder... This is what you taught me, have you forgotten... Teacher!!" I finished speaking, and then pulled out the dagger stuck in my chest.

After all, the teacher is a teacher. I suddenly fell from the sky, and he could accurately insert the dagger into my chest! Pulling out the dagger, a bloody arrow shot out of the wound and sprayed on the old cat's face. I was in severe pain, but there was a sneer on my face.

Even if my cheek muscles keep twitching because of severe pain, I can't let my sneer disappear!! Is it painful? Let me help you solve it!" I looked at the old cat who was struggling at the end and whispered in his ear.

Then, I fell with a knife and cut the old cat's throat with a dagger! Strangely, just as my dagger fell, there was something unusually calm in the old cat's eyes... It didn't seem to be anger, unwillingness... but a kind of relaxation! It's like the ease of unloading a heavy burden! Looking at the old cat falling under my feet, a trace of sadness rose in my heart... Well, that's right, it's sadness, right? Looking at the teacher who taught me to use the dagger, I died under my dagger... This feeling should be sad.

But then I slapped myself hard... I was dead! A dead-hearted bastard! Will he be soft when he kills you!! My cheeks were so numb that I quickly searched the body of the old cat and found something familiar! Sure enough, an old man like an old cat will carry some first-aid things with him.

I took the small first aid kit, then identified the direction and ran all the way back! I quickly returned along the long way.

ran to the fat man's body.

Then I gasped and sat down, quickly pulled open the first aid kit, and blocked the dagger on my chest with gauze.

It's difficult to breathe... It's because of the lung lobe injury.

I gritted my teeth and hurriedly fixed the wound, and then finally took a look at the body of the fat man, with a smile on his face before death.

No... My heart was a little sad, and I whispered, "Fat, don't worry.

I won't give up again in the future.

My plan is to return from a long distance! Because of the old cat's whistle just now, he must have greeted his accomplices nearby.

But I returned along the way, so the safety factor is much higher! As for the fat man... "I'm sorry, fat man."

I tried my best to put up with what was going to flow out of my eyes: "I can't bury you... Jianghu people, Jianghu Road... I will die in the future, and I will apologize to you again! And...thank you, you have taught me a lot!" After saying that, I strode away without looking back! ***** The cold river stimulated me so much that I almost fainted in the river. With this movable arm alone, I swam across the river again, left the hill, and returned to the path next to the town! The more dangerous the place, the safer it will be! There was a fierce battle here before, but now they won't stay here. They must still be searching for the mountain! [ Heaven's Kiss] I tried my best to climb up the shore, lay on the ground and gasped, and then coughed so much that my mouth and nose were bleeding.

Pulmonary... The lungs hurt so much that every time I breathe, it seems to be twitching.

I don't know how long I can hold on, but there is always an idea in my heart that I am still supporting myself! I crawled on the ground for a while, recovered a little strength, and then slowly left the shore and moved my body to a dry place.

When you are seriously injured, don't stay in the water, otherwise, the body's heat will gradually lose and you will die.

Well... Who taught me these... Oh, I remember, it's an old cat! I suddenly wanted to laugh, and I really wanted to laugh a few times.

But I dare not! I don't even dare to make a sound now! I even grabbed a handful of fallen leaves from the ground, mixed with dirty soil, and then stuffed it into my mouth, because in this way, the sound will be lighter when coughing! Dead-hearted boy! Do you know? All this today is your desperate punishment! I looked up at the neighborhood.

Um... It seems to be a little familiar... I remember that this place was intercepted by the other party with smoke this afternoon! Are you back again? It was still a little bright, the bodies on the ground were gone, and there was no blood. A new layer of soil was covered on the path, and some of the blood was covered.

Humph... Look at the sky... What time is it now? I don't know. The watch has fallen off a long time ago.

Tu... He should be back. He should be looking for me everywhere.

I don't know if he has met the other party? I know I can't sit here and wait to die.

But I really don't even have the strength to walk now. I can only reluctantly lean against a big tree by the river, quietly, like a dog! It's... It's such an experience again.

Being chased and killed like a dog! I seem to remember that I also made a ridiculous oath... Well, by the way, I swear that I will never let myself go through such a thing again! But...but, a dead-hearted boy! These are all punishments for your heart! Your heart is not hard enough, your hands are not cruel enough, and you are not cunning enough... Stupid and stubborn boy! I seemed to be crazy, and these strange voices in my heart came out one by one.

Then, just as I almost closed my eyes tiredly, I saw a man! This was obviously a hasty encounter. A guy appeared on the side of the path. I saw him slowly come out and stood there, as if staring at me incredulously! I probably didn't expect me to come here! Um... short hair, medium height, full of muscles, a ferocious scar on the face, dividing a face into two halves! This is the master of military stabbing.

He was obviously injured and didn't know how he got here.

But it doesn't matter. When he saw me, he was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly laughed and said, "Okay! OK! Unexpectedly, the famous little fifth brother still fell into my hands!" After saying that, he walked towards me cautiously.

"You are really awesome."

He saw my weakness.

While coming, he carefully stayed at a safe distance... But this time, he had a gun in his hand!" So many people searched the mountain, and you ran out... huh?" He stared at the dagger still holding in my hand: "Is this dagger an old cat?" Yes."

I can still laugh: "I just used this dagger to kill the old cat.

Now, do you want to try it too?" Humph, you are a figure!" This guy sneered: "But you can still stand up and talk, so why talk nonsense to me?" After saying that, he raised his gun and pointed it at me.

Pump! Under the action of the silencer, the sound of the bullet is suppressed to the lowest level.

I watched a particle ejected into my left leg.

My body trembled, but I laughed and said, "Good shot! Good shot! Solve my mobility first... It seems that you have learned to be careful! Did the knife I gave you make you learn to be good? A trace of anger flashed on this guy's face. He still had bandages on his chest, and the bandage was oozing with blood, which was the "notch" I left him before.

Pump! Another bullet hit my right thigh! The blood has quickly penetrated from the trousers, the thighs are wet, sticky, and the red blood quickly penetrated into the soil.

I just frowned, but as if there was no pain, I looked at this guy: "How many more bullets do you have? Why didn't you shoot me to death?" The living Chen Yang is worth 10 million! The dead body can only get five million!" The guy smiled gruly at the corners of his mouth: "I'm still very ** of numbers."

"Oh... it turned out to be for money."

I looked at him in a strange tone, "At the way, how many of my men did you kill today?" What? Do you want to complain to the king of Yan after going down?" It's okay... I just want to ask.

I looked into his eyes and sneered at the corners of my mouth: "Then, I'll decide how to kill you!" ..." He looked at me for a long time and suddenly laughed "hahahaha".

Indeed, I'm lying here now, as if I only have half a breath left. Although I still have a dagger in my hand, it seems that I can't even lift my arms, and my legs are also injured by him with a gun, and I don't even have a chance to run.

I'm afraid I'm crazy if I dare to say such a thing in such a state! The guy laughed and then raised the gun again.

Pump! This time it was my right arm.

I smiled bitterly and looked at my hand no longer able to hold the dagger because I was shot.

The dagger fell to the ground. When the guy saw that my limbs were injured, he was relieved and slowly approached me. First, he kicked the dagger away with a very careful foot, and then looked at me condescending and sneered: "Now, what are you relying on to kill me? Can the eyes also kill people? There was a mocking look in his eyes, and then he simply bent down and stared at me closely: "Or kill me with your mouth? Haha...ah!!" Halfway through his words, I, who was like a dead fish, suddenly bounced up from the ground! It fell on him at once!! My legs can't move, and my arms can't move! But I leaned against his shoulder and pushed it hard on his chest! He was stabbed in the chest today, and the injury was not light! I was hit to the ground immediately, and then I jumped on it! After practicing martial arts for many years, my waist strength is still very good. After gasping for a long time just now, I gathered my strength for a long time, and now I use it without reservation.

After this guy was knocked down by me, his first reaction was to grab my hand! Just catch it! I can't move my hands anymore! Let the other party pinch my arm joint... Looking at this guy close at hand, I suddenly opened my mouth and bit his throat! Ah!!!!" He let out a ghost-wrying and wolf-like screaming! I seem to have spent all my strength on my teeth! I bit his neck desperately. Under the struggle of this guy, his fists and elbows hit me fiercely! My waist, my abdomen, my chest were repeatedly hit hard, clicked a few times, I didn't know how many ribs were broken, and blood spewed out of my mouth and nose, but I bit his throat like a mad dog! At this moment, I am no longer a human being! It's a dying beast!! I can't remember how many times I have been hit, but I only remember that my whole body seems to have lost its feeling.

The other party beat me like a storm, and I could still feel the pain at the beginning, but this body seemed to be no longer my own, and there was only one thought in my mind! Bite! Bite him to death! Bite him to death!!! The struggling movement of the guy under him gradually slowed down, and his fists and feet gradually became weak... Finally, his last punch, his arm was raised to half, and fell softly.

My mouth is full of smelly blood, and my mouth is full of rotten meat.

I was sure that the other party was dead, so I let go of my mouth, then rolled aside and looked up to the sky and gasped.

I began to vomit blood, spitting blood in my mouth, with the blood in my mouth, I will vomit out some flesh and blood from time to time.

The guy next to

has a big bloody wound on his throat, and the larynx, muscles, veins and bones are clearly visible! The blood sagged out... I spit out the last rotten meat and suddenly woke up that it was human flesh in my mouth! I couldn't help feeling nauseous. I didn't know where the strength came from. I turned over and vomited crazily.

The whole body began to cool down, the limbs had no intuition, and even a trace of heat in the chest was about to dissipate.

I spit so much that my mouth was numb. I didn't even have the strength to wipe the traces of flesh and blood on my face, and I fell aside so crooked... On the most remote path on the edge of this town, I lay side by side with a corpse, surrounded by silence.

Maybe I'm going to die here.

Um... Fatty, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't take revenge. I'll say sorry to you when I go down! Suddenly, I felt relaxed, as if all the heavy burdens of a thousand pounds had been thrown away.

Looking up at the sky... This quiet feeling of waiting for death seems to be good... At this time, I finally heard something.

A bicycle slowly rode over on the far path.

The green bicycle seems to be a passing postman... The comer approached by a bicycle and suddenly saw two people lying on the roadside. One of them was obviously a corpse, and there was clearly a trace of biting on his neck! And the other person, that is, me, has blood all over his body, and there are meat dregs on his mouth and face! His eyes are like a hungry ghost... "Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!!" The comer suddenly shouted and fell to the ground. Then he struggled to get up, even without the bicycle. He almost used both hands and feet. He rolled and climbed, and turned around in panic and ran away.

Ghost... Humph, that's right. I'm afraid I'm really going to become a ghost... Then, I closed my eyes, and in the last blurred vision, it seemed that someone was running over... The figure... Alas, I couldn't see clearly.

Fat man, I'm sorry, I've tried my best, but it seems that I still failed. Go down to meet. Don't scold me.

This is the last trace of consciousness in my mind...