evil spirit

Chapter 88 Slaughter

Chapter 88 [Stu] "Blood Pressure..." "Heartbeat..." "Injection..." I lay down like a dead fish. When I was half dizzy and half awake, I vaguely felt as if I was being manipulated by several people.

When someone took off my coat and injected an injection on my arm and bandaged the wound, I didn't feel any pain anymore. Is it an anesthetic?" Er...er..." I tried to make a sound, tried to open a gap between my eyelids, and then I saw a pair of cold eyes.

Despite all my efforts, I could only raise my finger at most, and then I saw that the wound on my body had been re-wrapped.

"Are you awake?" A hoarse and unpleasant voice.

I immediately noticed that I had cold handcuffs on my wrist.

My body was bumpy. I looked at the side and felt that this was a carriage. I was lying in the ** behind the carriage. I was not only fixed to ** with straps, so that I could prevent me from falling, and my hands and feet were handcuffed! You..." As soon as I opened my mouth and said a word, I felt a sharp pain in my throat and wanted to cough, but as soon as I inhaled, my chest was burning, which almost made my eyes dark and fainted again.

"Don't talk, don't move."

The man in front of him said coldly, "You are seriously injured, and ordinary people have died long ago... Hey, I didn't expect you to be such a hard person, not only killing the old cat, but also the chipmunk."

Ginchilla? Is it the guy who was bitten to death by me? I looked at this guy weakly: "It seems that... I was caught by you?" Don't worry, your life is very valuable now.

This man sneered: "Someone spends 10 million to buy your life, but you must live!" But... If I were you, I would rather hope I die! Because if you fall into that person's hands, it will only be a hundred times more painful!" I didn't say anything and closed my mouth.

"That's right... Actually, I admire you very much."

The man looked at me and said slowly, "Your kung fu is very good. I almost hurt your hand... Well, and the old cat and the chipmunk are all hard ideas. You can even kill them if you are hurt like this.

So, I'm sorry, I have to suff you now. Safety comes first!" My heart was moved, and I finally knew who the guy in front of me was! In the smoke, a master with a knife attacked me! I threw it away after I fought back! Obviously, it's the guy in front of me!" Humph... where's your... knife?"

I knew I was going to die, so I simply gave up some ideas and looked at this guy quietly.

"Oh, it seems that you recognize me."

The man sighed and whispered, "Actually, I don't mean to kill you. I just obey the order.

You are also a man. If possible, I also want to give you a knife to let you go on the road quickly. Unfortunately, I can't do this.

"You are also a big circle."

I suddenly said this.

The man was silent for a moment and nodded: "Yes, me too."

His eyes were a little complicated, and he seemed to be a little afraid to look at me.

"I... got it."

I tried to smile: "So... let me guess... who spent 10 million... to buy... my life... is... Qinghong, Qinghong's character... right?" The man looked at me and sighed, "That's good."

I laughed.

Sure enough... Does the other party have to catch me alive? After all, he beat his only son into a eunuch, which made him feel like a grandson.

Such a great hatred, if you kill me easily, of course, it is not enough to vent your hatred. Naturally, you have to catch me back and torture me in every way.

[Kiss of Heaven] "Have a good rest."

This guy doesn't seem to be too malicious: "You still have an hour at most.

In an hour, we will give you to someone else... Then, you can pray for God's blessing.

"Fang...fatty, he..." I struggled to squeeze a few words out of my throat.

"The fat man's body, I let someone bury it."

This man looked at me, and it was obvious that there was a trace of unnaturalness in his eyes.

After all, this is a big circle of civil strife. This kind of thing of mutual cruelty is always a little helpless.

I was relieved: "Thank you."

After a moment of silence in the carriage, I closed my eyes and didn't think about anything at all.

But at this moment... Suddenly, I heard a strange voice! Bang!! Obviously, this is the roar of the sniper rifle! Surely, not only did I hear it, but also the guy next to me! His face changed slightly, but before he could react, the car body had a violent shock! I felt a bump under my body. Obviously, one of the tires of the car was blown up! After the violent bumps, the unbalanced car suddenly crossed in place, braked sharply before stopping, and then I heard several cars stopping around, shouting and warning.

Bang! Bang, bang!! I couldn't see anything in the carriage, but I heard a sudden gunshot outside! Accompanied by the sound of people exclaiming, and the sound of tires being blown up.

"There...there! Send someone to surround it! Hurry up..." Then there was a burst of messy footsteps.

The guy beside him frowned. His face was a little ugly, and he took out a knife from his arms.

This is a thin short knife with a strange shape. It seems that he is indeed a master of using knives! Bang!! Suddenly, something hit the carriage heavily. The man was shocked. He slightly opened a small window next to him with one hand and looked out. It was already dark outside.

Bang Bang! Da Da... There were gunshots around, bullets hit the car, shot the broken glass, blew up the tire, and some people shouted in pain.

In the dark night, the people outside are in chaos! Aren't you going out?" I snorted.

"My task is to watch you. Outside affairs are naturally in charge of outside."

This guy shook his head.

From time to time, there was a sound of exclamation outside, and then people snorted, and the sound of ping-pong guns was messed up for a while, mixed with people's screams, and a dying gasp... One minute... Two minutes... I looked at this guy and found that his forehead began to sweat coldly, but Suddenly, the door of the carriage was gently knocked by someone outside... bang, bang.

"Who is it!" The guy beside him frowned and asked loudly with a gloomy face.

No one answered, and then knocked twice... Bang! The guy beside him no longer hesitated. Suddenly, he pulled out a pistol from his waist with his left hand and didn't say anything. He fired two shots directly at the carriage!! Then he rushed over, kicked open the door of the car hard, and then jumped down! ......!!!! From the angle of my lying down, I can just see the scene outside from the open door! This is obviously a remote road. At this moment, it is already dark, there is silence everywhere, and it is even more dark in the distance.

Outside, there are two other cars parked, the lights are on, and within the range of the headlights, you can see the ground outside... all dead people!! From my point of view.

There are about five or six that can be seen! They all fell to the ground, and a car behind, the driver in the driver's seat was dead, lying on the steering wheel, and there was a bullet hole in the windshield!! And the sprayed blood! The body closest to me was a guy standing next to the car in the back. He stood there with his hands drooping and he was out of breath, but the body couldn't fall down... It turned out that he had a long knife nailed to his neck! The knife pierced his neck and nailed it to the car behind him... Obviously, when he saw such a scene, the last guy was stunned! He pinched the knife in one hand and the gun in the other, and searched around quickly... "Who! Who!!" At this moment, I clearly saw that behind him, a pair of hands slowly leaned down from above... Obviously, someone was hiding on the top of our car! A thin wire quickly covered this guy's neck! This guy was shocked and struggled, but his hands were like steel pliers! The steel wire tightens in an instant! Of course, the guy with the knife is not a mediocre hand. His pistol quickly lifted the trigger against it, and the other hand waved the knife and cut it up... click!! When his arm was half raised, he heard a crisp sound of broken bones. His body suddenly collapsed and his neck tilted... Bang! The body was thrown to the ground heavily, and then with a bang, a figure jumped off the roof of the car.

In the dark, his dark skin is like death, but his eyes are as bright as beasts! Boss, are you still alive?" ** Tu was also injured. He had a lot of blood on his body, especially a wound on his left arm! And he was shot in the body, but this guy didn't seem to know the pain... Even from his movements, these injuries could not even bring any delay to his actions! Tu Fei jumped into the car quickly, pushed the stretcher bed I was lying on out of the carriage, and then pushed the cart and I ran back quickly.

When I got out of the carriage, I saw that there were three cars parked around! And except for me and Tu... they are all dead people!" Sorry, boss, I blew the tire of the largest car, so I can only wrong you.

Tu opened the door of the last car, dragged out the driver's body and threw it on the ground. Then he pushed me up from the stretcher and put me in the back seat of the car.

He got into the cab and started calmly... Soon, we left the scene.

"Are you... injured?" I barely gasped.

"A little injury."

Tu looked at me from the upside-down mirror: "Boss, I'm sorry, the two people who went out with me are dead."

I scratched my heart and didn't say anything.