evil spirit

Chapter 114 The Kidnapper

Chapter 114 [Kidnapper] I looked at Yang Wei. Yang Wei's expression was ugly, and a trace of haze flashed in her eyes: "Do you know where Nanjing is!" "..." "There is Ye Huan's nest! It's Ye Huan's base camp! Ye Huan misses you so much! At this time, are you still going to Nanjing?" I know."

I answered her steadily: "I have lived in Nanjing for at least many years, and I also know that Ye Huan wants me to die very much.

But..." I sighed and gently held Yang Wei's hand: "But... something happened to Fang Nan."

"Fang Nan..." Yang Wei read the name gently. Her expression was very complicated, with a faint resentment.

I sighed... This is probably jealousy.

Who said that the protagonists of the stallions in those novels can deal with all women? Jealousy is a woman's nature. Don't expect a woman to really share her man with other women! Even if it is Yan Di, who is as gentle as water, or Yang Wei, who is intelligent and unparalleled, it is impossible not to be jealous.

At this time, I said in front of her that I was going to take a risk for another woman. Even if Yang Wei had known the situation around me for a long time, he couldn't help but change his color.

"I'm sorry..." I opened my mouth, but these are the only three words I can say at this moment.

"Wow..." Yang Wei took a deep breath, and then she shook her head and looked into my eyes for a while. She knew that I couldn't change my mind. She thought about it again and whispered, "Miss Fang Nan... What's wrong with her?" She disappeared, and two people who followed him to protect him were knocked unconscious.

Fang Nanren is gone.

I whispered.

Yang frowned slightly, and her face was also a little ugly.

After thinking about it carefully, he said quickly, "Is it a kidnapping? The location is in Nanjing. From this point of view, Ye Huan is the most likely to do this kind of thing.

But Ye Huan will not be unaware of Fang Nan's background.

offend the military boss in the area where your territory is located? Ye Huan is not that stupid.

He will never dare to touch Fang Nan, and it is unlikely to be Qinghong... Fang Nan's background, as long as he has a little identity, everyone knows..." I sighed, "I understand what you said, so I'm in a hurry. I have to go to Nanjing to have a look."

With that, I shouted a few times, and Tu immediately flashed in from the outside.

"Tu, go get ready for the car. We're going out."

After a pause, I said in a low voice, "With a weapon, it may be dangerous."

"Good boss."

Tu nodded and went out.

I looked at Yang Wei again in embarrassment, but Yang Wei had quickly walked to the hanger in the corner and grabbed our coats and threw one to me. Then she also put on her coat quickly: "I'll go with you!" No way."

I refused immediately.

"Why not?" Yang Wei said lightly, "I'll go with you, at least I can give you some advice."

I changed my color and said, "If you can't do it, you can't do it!" This trip is in danger. Please stay here!" Yang Wei grabbed my arm and whispered, "Chen Yang..." I shook my head and felt a little guilty, but soon stiffened and said, "I'm sorry, but..." I looked at Yang Wei's eyes. There were very complicated things in those eyes, worry, anxiety, and a trace of sadness.

My heart softened and I said softly, "Slightly... You know, I have to go.

I love you very much, but the other party's Nan is the same.

If something had happened to you, I would have rushed there desperately.

I know it's a little bastard to say such a thing to a woman, but..." I was speech-worded for a while, and finally a thousand words turned into three words: "I'm sorry."

Yang Wei's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. After listening to my words, he shook his head gently: "Don't say that, Chen Yang.

I understand what you mean. You don't have to explain so much to me. I understand..." She sighed and then said straight, "I'm worried that it's not that simple!" How to say it?" Yang Wei's eyes flashed: "Your relationship with Fang Nan is no longer a secret.

Indeed, with Fang Nan's background, no one dares to touch her! Whether it's Ye Huan, the big circle, or the head of Qinghong.

Because the result of moving Fang Nan is to anger the military bosses and lead to the disaster! But...what if it's a blage? For example, the people of Qinghong kidnapped Fang Nan but put the blame on Ye Huan? For example, what about leading a snake out of the hole? For example, pretending to kidnap Fang Nan is to lead you there.

Anything is possible, so I'm worried. I'm going to follow you. When things are in chaos, I can help you find a way and come up with ideas.

"Thank you..." I still shook my head: "But...no."

Then I shouted, "Tu!" The door opened quickly, and this time Tu and Hansen came in together.

"The car is downstairs, boss, do you need to bring any luggage?" Tu Dan said lightly.

"I order you to knock Miss Yang unconscious, and then don't let her follow me."

I said loudly.

Yang Wei immediately changed his color and shouted, "Hansen! Don't let him do it!" The scene was a little embarrassing for a moment. Hansen immediately stood in front of Yang Wei, while Tu stood beside me and looked at me doubtfully: "Boss, do you really want to do it?" I said with a calm face: "Weiwei, don't do this.

I know in my heart that there will be no danger.

Yang Wei bit his lip, but he didn't answer me.

I sighed and turned my eyes to Hansen: "Hansen, listen, I'm going to do something now. It may be dangerous.

She is worried about me and must follow me.

But if you take her on this trip, I'm afraid it's not safe, so please get out of the way.

I need to make sure she stays here safely.

Hansen shook his head: "No, I won't let others do anything to the young lady..." I sighed and looked at Tu: "Then I have to... Huh? Hansen?" I was just about to let Tu do it, and to my surprise, Hansen suddenly turned around.

A quick palm was cut on Yang Wei's neck.

A trace of surprise flashed on Yang Wei's face, and he didn't expect that Hansen would actually take action against him.

But before she could say a word, she fainted.

Hansen held Yang Wei, looked at me, and sighed:... I won't let others do anything to the young lady, so I'm the only one."

I was slightly stunned and immediately understood Hansen's intention and whispered, "Thank you."

"I'm for her safety."

Hansen shook his head: "What about you? Do you have to do something very dangerous?" In fact, it may not be very dangerous.

I forced a smile.

He stayed at Hansen's residence to watch Yang Wei, and told Hansen to make sure that Yang Wei stayed here anyway and put her under house arrest when necessary.

I went out with Tu.

Drived all the way away from Shanghai and went straight to Nanjing along the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.

On the way, I called Wu Gang and asked him to send someone to pick me up.

In this respect, although Nanjing is Ye Huan's territory, I stay with the military. No matter how bold Ye Huan is, he will never dare to attack the military.

Of course, on the way, she also received a phone call from Yang Wei, and she was knocked unconscious by Hansen.

After all, Hansen's action would not be too heavy, so she woke up quickly, but he was forcibly detained by Hansen and could only call me.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand] "Chen Yang... You bastard!" Yang Wei's voice on the phone was full of anger.

"I'm sorry, you can settle accounts with me when I get back."

I sighed.

Yang Wei was silent for a while, and finally softened his breath: "You... pay attention to your own safety! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Keep the phone open all the time!" Although I was anxious about Fang Nan's sudden disappearance, as the car drove along the highway to Nanjing, I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in my heart.

Three hours later, the car got off the highway and entered the city along the Zhongshan Gate in Nanjing, looking at the familiar buildings and high-rise buildings around.

There are cars and pedestrians on the roadside, and my heart is full of an indescribable feeling.

Well, this is my hometown after all.

I forcibly pressed my inner feeling. I shook my head hard, then opened the window, let the cold wind blow in, and calmed my mind.

I knew Fang Nan's residence, pointed out the direction of Tu all the way, and soon came to Fang Nan's residence.

This is a high-end residential area, but when my car drove in, the security guard at the door was gone, but there were several men with gloomy faces, all as straight as javelins, probably from Wu Gang.

On the way, I have called Wu Gang, and Wu Gang is waiting at Fang Nan's house.

When I got out of the car, there were already a lot of people around Fang Nan's house. Although they were wearing plain clothes, their walking posture and every move had a strong military atmosphere.

"Chen Yang, you came so fast."

When Wu Gang opened the door and came out, his face was ugly.

Tu pushed my wheelchair, and we went into the room together.

I am very familiar with Fang Nan's house.

Look at the familiar furnishings, furniture... and the sofa in the living room in the house.

I remember that on the day I was drunk, I held Fang Nan, who was asleep, and slept on this sofa all afternoon.

I resisted the impulse in my heart, and my voice was a little hoarse: "What's going on?" Wu Gang's face was ugly: "That's the case. Fang Nan is gone, and the person I sent to follow her was knocked unconscious.

At home... "Nothing found?" I was a little surprised.

Wu Gang was shocked. There was light in his eyes and he said slowly, "I found that there are still some."

He waved his hand and immediately came in to the two people: "These are my two men. They are good. I just sent them to follow the baby.

But..." His face changed: "When they were knocked unconscious, they didn't even have any reaction or feeling. Obviously, the other party's skills were also very good.

And it's strange that there are no scars on their bodies, and they can't even find out how they were knocked unconscious... Whether it's a head or a neck, there must be a scar, but after checking the body, there is nothing.

"Is that fascinating people with medicine?" I frowned.

"No, I checked the body, and they didn't inhale any ingredients of the drug.

Everything is fine."

Wu Gang shook his head and smiled bitterly, grabbed his hair hard: "The two of them fainted inexplicably."

Both of them looked ashamed, with a trace of humiliating look in their eyes. Wu Gang sighed, "Well, I can't blame you. The other party has a mental calculation or unintentional, not your dereliction of duty."

After letting the two people go down, Wu Gang said, "There are more strange things that make me feel... There is no trace of being forced into the room! There is no trace of being pryed open or knocked open by doors and windows! I think it's almost a ghost. Did the other party have the key to open the door and come in? Will Fang Nan open the door for the other party?" Or, the other party got the password of Fang Nan's gate. You know, the gate here is a password lock, not a key.

"It's possible, but..." Wu Gang shook his head, and then let Tu push me upstairs, Fang Nan's bedroom.

The bedroom is very clean and there is no mess at all.

"Do you know what I found?" Wu Gang pointed to the two lounge chairs against the window in the bedroom. You came over and said, "Here is a cigarette butt."

Cigarette butts? I know Fang Nan doesn't smoke.

"Yes, so this cigarette butt should have been left by the other party, but what surprises me is... There is also a glass of water here!" Wu Gang was a little angry: "That is to say, when someone kidnapped the child, he did not leave in a hurry. He also smoked a cigarette here, drank a little water... and..." He gritted his teeth and said, "We have checked the room without any fingerprints! There are no cigarette butts or cups.


Wu Gang opened Fang Nan's wardrobe: "Do you see it?" In the wardrobe, there are several empty hangers in a row.

But it was obvious that someone took a few clothes in a hurry.

"Do you understand? The other party not only took Fang Nan away, but also helped her get a few coats, as if he was worried that she would catch a cold.

Wu Gang smiled bitterly and said, "So at the beginning, I thought you sent someone to pick her up.

Because only your men have smart people who can stun my subordinates, and Fang Nan will let your people enter the door without prying the lock, and even calmly let the other party smoke, drink water, and take a coat when leaving..." There is no trace of forced breakthrough, and there is also the possibility of entertaining guests to smoke and drink water.

"Will it be done by someone Fang Nan knows?" Wu Gang's face changed: "I also have this kind of suspicion."

He carefully picked up the cigarette butt and handed it to me: "Do you know this cigarette butt?" I took a look at... the giant panda.

"This cigarette is from Fang Nan's family. She doesn't smoke herself. The cigarettes she prepares at home are all prepared for you. Although you haven't been here for a few years, she has always had the habit of preparing cigarettes at home.

I have looked for it. The cigarette is in a cabinet next to it, and I also found fingerprints on the cigarette box... It's Fang Nan's.

I was stunned.

That is to say, Fang Nan opened the cigarette box with his own hands and then smoked it for someone?! It was done by someone I know. It must be done by someone Fang Nan knows.

Wu Gang gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came out of my heart.

Just then, the mobile phone in my pocket suddenly rang! I picked it up and took a look. It was a strange number.

"Hello?" I frowned and answered.

"Chen Yang?" A strange voice, very pleasant and gentle: "Now don't make a sound, and don't show any expression on your face. I know there is someone next to you. You just need to listen quietly... Fang Nan is in my hand and next to me. If you think about her safety, you'd better do what I say-- Now, you find an excuse to get out of the room, don't let others notice anything, and pretend to be natural..."