
92 Night Detective

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly opened, and two light swords shot out, but they were a little more refined than before.

"What's going on? Has the inexplicable existence on the shore awakened? Lin Fan muttered to himself, and then his mind moved. Then he remembered that when the roar sounded, it was the time when the trembling eyelids of Xuanshui were about to open!

"Is there any connection between... the two?" At this time, this idea naturally poured into Lin Fan's mind. The secret of Xuanshuiification was obtained by Lin Fan from Shuiyunzong, which was a mutilated skill. No one in the door had practiced it. After that, his whole body lost its vitality, and the spirit of Xuanshui, which was conceived, disappeared inexplicably. However, it suddenly became pregnant and produced wisdom. At this time, he was suspected to be the inexplicable introduction of the brigade. How could he not be shocked?

Lin Fan sat up from **, frowned and walked around. At a glance, he saw the big head shrinking curiously in a corner and looking at himself curiously.

"Big head, come here." Lin Fan moved his mind and waved to his head with a smile.

"Big brother..." When the big head saw Lin Fan greet him, his eyes suddenly emitted a bright light, shouted and ran towards Lin Fan.

"You once said that you thought I was very familiar with it, and also talked about the thirteen murderers of Xuangu. What kind of era is Xuangu?" This is an issue that Lin Fan is extremely concerned about. The Xuangu era is a fault in the long river of history. Everything about Xuangu is a mystery. Lin Fan vaguely felt that it involved the "heaven" issue that he was most concerned about.

"I don't remember many things. I just feel that there seems to be something strange in my mind, sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, and familiar." The big head's eyes flashed with confusion and he answered honestly.

Lin Fan heard this, nodded slightly, and put aside the topic and said, "How long have I been sitting like just now?"

"For more than ten days..." The big head said uncertainly, "Because I've been watching the changes between you and Dawei these days."

"Oh? Change?" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and remembered that Dawei was also healing during this period. He turned his head and looked at Dawei. Suddenly, he was stunned. Dawei, who had turned over and suffered serious injuries, had already completely recovered. On the original basis, the silver-white leather armor radiated a little golden light, adding a little magic to his young body. What's more strange is the one-horn on the forehead and four small claws, shining cold light, which is daunting.

"Has Dawei's cultivation improved?" Lin Fan said to himself and was very happy. Somehow, he always felt that he would soon be the enemy of the world, improve his great power and cultivation, and add a great help to his side, which is naturally beneficial and harmless.

"Big head, have I changed anything?" Putting aside the matter of Dawei, Lin Fan continued to ask the big head.

"I don't know, but I feel that you are curious when you practice, which makes me feel familiar." He shook his head and said.

Lin Fan was stunned. This was not the first time that the big boss said that he was very familiar with himself, but he couldn't say why, which made him curious, but he was helpless.

"In that case, let's take a rest." When Nangong Ling left that day, he asked the store to temporarily set up a bed for the big head in the room. After saying that, Lin Fan saw that there were not many spiritual fruits, so he took out some and handed them to the big head, and then turned his head to lie on his bed.

With his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, Lin Fan slowly recalled the scenes he had experienced in the past ten days of cultivation or healing.

I have to say that fighting is the best way to feel. In this battle between Lin Fan and the five masters of the medullary period, although he was physically and mentally exhausted, he also gained a lot. The three steps of ascending to the sky were perfectly interpreted, and the fourth step of ascending to the sky also touched a little fur. In addition, after cutting hundreds or thousands of broken water chopping in the broken god array, the nine-cut broken water chopping of the heavenly emperor was finally fully mastered. Although there is still some distance from Dacheng, it has become a big killing move in Lin Fan's hands. In addition, the blood crying sword spirit doll beast has swallowed up a large amount of killing thoughts in the broken god array, turning it into virtual and solidification, which has greatly improved the blood crying combat power! More importantly, he also caught a living fossil - the old man in white robe!

Thinking of the harvest of this war, Lin Fan was also a little happy, but the power that controlled him before made Lin Fan lingering. That's a *. I don't know when it will break out, and once it breaks out, the consequence is that he will be destroyed!

"And the Xuanshui spirit with wisdom, or the Xuanshui demon spirit, is also a big trouble!" Lin Fan's lips tightened and his eyebrows frowned slightly. Thinking of these problems, he always had a feeling of thorns on his back.

"Alas, things are a mess! Since I got the seal of the emperor, maybe my trajectory has been completely changed, but I don't know whether this change is good or bad. Thinking of the seal of the emperor, Lin Fan had an inexplicable emotion. With the deepening of his cultivation, he sometimes has a strange feeling that he seems to have... seen the seal of the Emperor of Heaven!

"The big head said that he felt familiar with me and knew the thirteen murderers of Xuangu, and he actually knew all kinds of strange regions, all kinds of strange people and things. Did he actually walk through Xuangu?" Lin Fan's thinking at this time is like a mess. He doesn't know what he is thinking and is always jumping.

"What kind of places are these, the sea of despair, the ridge of depravity, the killing of gods, and the death of thousands of dragons? Why did I say this at that time? In addition, it has been said before that heaven is hard to destroy, the earth is difficult to bury, people are difficult to harvest, the Tao is difficult to descend, and heaven and earth are humane, which seems to correspond to what Yan Ming said, the emperor and earth respects Taoism. Is it possible that the 'living' soul in my body has ever intersect with these mysterious great men?

"Thunder Messenger, what does that exist like? Punish on behalf of heaven, punish on behalf of heaven, what is the existence of heaven?

Lin Fan felt that his brain was about to explode, and countless mysteries poured into his mind.

Thinking about this, the more Lin Fan thought about it, the more confused he became, and finally fell asleep, but even in his dream, his mind was still thinking about these things for a moment.

In his dream, he seemed to have walked through many places, such as mountains completely made of white bones, the boundless sea of green waves, endless blood-dried killing fields, and hundreds of feet of headless dragon corpses... And he himself, like a passer-by and a party, walked through all kinds of murderous fields. No expression on his face. A blood sword in his hand, completely stained with blood, made him feel murderous even in his dream.

There were many chaotic dreams, just when Lin Fan didn't know where he was, and he didn't know if it was really an illusion. A frightening ghost cry suddenly sounded! That kind of gloomy cry seems to have crossed the ages, sounded from the long river of history and projected to this moment!

"What's the sound?" Lin Fan sat up in shock, and his face showed solemnity. Lin Fan was always special **, which could touch his nerves almost every time.

"Big brother, this sound has been sounded almost every day at this time..." The big head's timid voice sounded.

"Will it ring every day? Do you know what it is?" Lin Fan came down from ** and touched the head of his big head.

"I don't know. Every day at this time, people in the city will close their doors. There are not only ghosts on the street, but also ghost shadows!"

"Ghost shadow?"

"It's all said to be a ghost shadow, but I think it's the magic spirit emitted by the tall magic shadow. You don't know that during this period of time, that magic shadow has become more and more real. From afar, it's like an eternal demon emperor looking down on the earth!"

"That's it!" Lin Fan nodded, pinched his chin, and his face showed a contemplative look, "That magic shadow must have never rushed out of the famous lotus bank, but I'm afraid the reason for rushing out at that time has something to do with me." Thinking of this, Lin Fan couldn't help sighing. Why does it seem that all bad things have something to do with him now?

"I don't know what is at the bottom of the unnamed lake? How could such a horrible demon be conceived? At the beginning, the soul-chasing flag emperor Yin Huxiao and the cow demon king flew out to confront it. Was he actually the public enemy of all parties?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan was curious and called the big head and said, "Big head, has anyone explored it these days?"

"Yes, how can it not be? However, most people are still holding a wait-and-see attitude, and many of the people who went there did not come back.

"Didn't you come back?" Lin Fan was shocked.

"Yes, the bones of those people were later found. It is said that the death is exactly the same. The whole body has been plundered, and there is almost only one skin left in the body. It's horrible!"

"Slimbing the life machine? Is there really a world-class demon there? As soon as Lin Fan heard this, he was not afraid, but his curiosity became stronger. He only said, "Wait for me in the inn, don't run around" and walked out of the door.

Lin Fan left the inn unconsciously and went straight to Beihua College.

"The gods are invulnerable. Even if they don't get any news, they should be able to retreat completely, right?" As he got closer and closer to Hua College, the magic power became bigger and bigger. Lin Fan's heart was also a little hairy, but he could only comfort himself like this.

Set his mind, Lin Fan looked around and saw that it was not abnormal. As soon as he wanted to turn over and enter, a shadow suddenly flashed the corners of his eyes. Under the dark night, if it hadn't been for Lin Fan's strong confidence in his eyesight, he would have almost thought he was dazzled.

"I felt that someone was following me all the way, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Lin Fan's body was fixed, the corners of his mouth were slightly oblique, and then jumped into Beihua College as if he hadn't found it. "Looking at this guy's purpose, it must also be here. As long as he is not hostile to me, I won't conflict with him."

Thinking about this, as soon as Lin Fan entered Beihua College, he went straight to the unnamed lotus bank and couldn't help paying attention to his back.

Sure enough, after a while, he saw the figure again, and its direction was exactly the unnamed lotus.

"Black Bear!"

Just when Lin Fan wanted to pretend not to see it, the figure suddenly called, and then rushed to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was stunned. Although the voice changed a little, he still recognized that there was only one person who could call him a black bear!

Nangong Ling!