
93 through the magic pool

"Why are you here?" Lin Fan waited for Nangong Ling to get close and asked softly.

"The shadow is even more horrible these days. I'm curious about the unknown lotus side. I want to see it. It's too miscellaneous during the day, so I have to come here at night. I didn't expect to meet you." Nangong Ling's face was rarely dignified, and obviously he also valued the shadow.

"I just woke up and heard the big head talk about the change of Tiandi City. I was curious for a moment and came over." Lin Fan frowned and said, obviously thoughtful.

"Didn't those two guys say that you have been in danger recently, the water is not close, and the mountain is cautious? How can you take risks again?" Suddenly thinking of something, Nangong Ling's face changed and he scolded in a low voice.

"Let's go. It's okay. Let's see what's there." Lin Fan obviously didn't want to be more entangled on this issue, changed the topic, and then went to the unnamed lotus bank.

Nangong Ling frowned, but didn't say anything more and followed.

"These two guys are really bold! The unnamed bank has become more and more dangerous recently. If they have gone like this, if there is really anything wrong, how can we tell it to the old guy?

As soon as Lin Fan disappeared, they appeared in the place where they used to stand. The speaker was Kong Qingnan, and the other person, with a calm face, was the old money in Ji Qian's mouth.

"It doesn't matter. Have you forgotten the previous scene of that boy? The shadow at the bottom of the lake has a lot to do with a forbidden flag on his body. Maybe he can find something in the past. In addition, according to our inference, the shock should have occurred on July 15th on the full moon night, and there should be no big problem before that. Old Qian said in a calm voice.


Kong Qingnan still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lao Qian: "It's nothing. That boy is pregnant with the god's refining skills. There may be a gap between his body and the legendary god, but he is also invulnerable. Don't worry, let's wait and see what happens."

"Yes." Kong Qingnan looked in the direction of Lin Fan's disappearance, answered helplessly, and hid in the dark with Lao Qian.

At this time, Lin Fan and the two are getting closer and closer to the unnamed lotus bank. As they approached, even if they were skilled and bold, they also had a feeling of trembling under the increasingly strong magic pressure.

In the darkness, there seems to be a world-class demon, staring at them coldly, giving them a creepy feeling, as if there is a great power to stop them from approaching.

But now that they have arrived here, Lin Fan and the two will naturally not give up anyway. They still move forward against the unnamed lotus bank with great resistance. Their faces are heavy and difficult. The closer they get to the unnamed lotus bank, the stronger the obstacle is, as if there is a boundary that seals the whole unnamed lotus bank. But the two clearly knew that it was just a magic emanating from the whole unnamed lotus bank!

"It's time..." After all kinds of hard work and efforts, the two finally walked to the shore of the unknown lotus bank. Lin Fan sweated heavily and seemed to have no strength to speak. He gritted his teeth and reluctantly spit out two words, and then gasped.

Nangong Ling also looked sweaty, nodded slightly and did not say anything. The cultivation of the two of them is not deep, but they still feel great resistance. Even in the process, they feel that they will be crushed by the magical power of heaven and earth several times!

Lin Fan's body emitted a faint golden light, and Nangong Ling glowed with purple light. The two tried their best to resist the world's magic power, stared at the very divine eyes, and looked at everything around them.

"Look at the black bear!" Suddenly, Nangong Ling pointed to the left front, with surprise in his words, and his eyes were full of incredibleness.

Lin Fan looked in the direction of Nangong Ling's finger and was immediately shocked.

A huge stone tablet as dark as ink stands on the shore. Obviously, it is only ten feet high, but at this time, it looks like a hundred feet high. The thick fog rolls on it. Even if the surrounding magic is overflowing, it still can't resist its magic power. What's more frightening is that on the stone tablet is engraved with four big blood-red characters: the unnamed lotus side!

The blood seems to have flowed for ten thousand years, but it is still flowing, as if it is endless! The dazzling blood light on it is as daunting, like looking at a living demon!

"I remember that the words on the stone tablet are not so bloody at all, and the stone tablet, which is just an ordinary limestone, is not so evil at all!" Nangong Ling looked shocked. Her stay in Tiandi City was by no means short, and she was as familiar with Beihua College as any Beihua student.

"No!" Lin Fan was still staring at the stone tablet, and there was an inexplicable halo circulating in his eyes. It seemed that it could be expected to go through the ages and reach the essence. After Nangong Ling finished speaking for a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth, and the shock in his words scared Nangong Ling.

"What?" Nangong spirit subconsciously said.

"The four bloody characters are not unknown!" The colorful light in Lin Fan's eyes flowed repeatedly, and his face was extremely shocked. He stared at the stone tablet in an instant.

"Isn't it an unnamed bank? What is that?" Nangong Ling heard Lin Fan's words and looked up at the stone tablet again, but he still saw four blood-red characters on the unnamed lotus bank.

"The surface is written as an unnamed lotus bank, but that's just an appearance. What it hides is the other four words: Tongyou Magic Pool!" Lin Fan's voice trembled with a trace, as if trying to suppress his shock.

"What? Tongyou Magic Pool?" Nangong Ling's face has also changed, and even his voice has been slightly deformed.

"Have you heard of it?" The colorful light in Lin Fan's eyes faded, and Nangong Ling's voice was different, and he turned his head to look at her. At the same time, he is also trying to suppress the soul-chasing flags of the years that are constantly shaking in his body.

"Ancient rumor has it that Pangu opened the sky and finally slept for a long time. The Qing Dynasty rose to the sky, divided into thirty-three, and the turbid gas fell to the ground, casting a dark and secluded house, which is divided into 18 layers, that is, the legendary 18 layers of hell. The magic path is the legendary passageway to the dark mansion. Nangong Ling's voice was shocked, "The name of this place is Tongyou Magic Pool, but I don't know if it has anything to do with Tongyou Magic Path."

"So that's it..." Lin Fan heard Nangong Ling's words, frowned deeply, said to himself gently, and suddenly said, "Let's go down and have a look!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the unnamed lotus bank. Nangong Ling listened to Lin Fan's words and did not object and followed. When they come here, neither of them will be willing to retreat like this.

The bodies shook, and the two fell into the lake one by one. As soon as the two entered the lake, the blood-stained magic monument suddenly emitted a dazzling red light, like a demon god, opening his dust-sealed magic eyes for ten thousand years! At this moment, the whole unnamed lotus suddenly boiled! And it became more and more violent. In the end, the whole unnamed bank was a huge blister with a diameter of more than ten feet!

But at this time, Lin Fan and the two of them did not know anything. The lake is tumbling, but the bottom of the lake is not so violent. The two just felt a little shock, but they didn't care and still dived towards the bottom of the lake.

The lake was dark and dark. With the golden and purple light on their bodies, the two forced the river beside them away. At the same time, they could barely shine a few feet. What's more strange is that the unnamed lake is covered with lotus leaves, but at the bottom of the lake, it is dead and there is no sign of life!

"How deep have we dived?" The two couldn't help diving, but the bottom of the lake was like a bottomless hole, with no edge trace at all. Looking around, it was dark and desperate. Nangong Ling finally couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Lin Fan replied, "Do you feel it? The magic is getting more and more turbulent..."


Before Lin Fan finished his words, there was a huge wave at the bottom of the lake, and then a tall beast suddenly jumped out without warning and lifted the two dozens of feet away! At the critical moment, the two reached out to hold each other at the same time, which barely dispersed.

"What is that?" The two took a breath of cold air and looked at the giant undersea creature in front of them in surprise.

They can't see how long it is at all. Even if they try hard, all they can see is two huge eyes like copper bells, with cold green light, staring at the two people.

"Too strong! We can't beat it at all..." Nangong Ling's eyes showed anxiety, and the sound was transmitted.


Before Lin Fan answered, the warcraft suddenly set off a rapid flow and rushed to Lin Fan and the two of them. Dozens of feet away, the Warcraft came in the blink of an eye, making the two of them almost unable to hide!

The figure has not yet arrived, but the rapids that have rushed to Lin Fan and the two have rushed to the two. The great pressure suddenly dispersed the two!


A golden light and a purple light shot in both directions, but spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time. At the critical moment, if the two of them hadn't closed their breath urgently, they might have been swallowed up by the vast magical lake.


The whole seabed was like an earthquake, and suddenly shook violently. The Warcraft actually abandoned the Nangong Spirit and forced Lin Fan. The green light in his eyes was thicker, revealing a strong murder!

"Damn it! Why does everyone want to kill me? Even a beast doesn't want me to live!" Lin Fan cursed secretly and saw that the Warcraft had rushed forward and could not be avoided. In a hurry, he rushed to the belly of the Warcraft!

"Is it a python? Is there such a big python?" As soon as Lin Fan approached, he had noticed something strange, but before his mind changed, he felt a strong force coming!


Lin Fan was suddenly pumped away, but he stopped before flying far away!

"Bad! What's going on? Why is the resistance suddenly so great? After the appearance of this python, the resistance nearby suddenly increased several times out of thin air! It made him unable to move at all! At a glance, I saw Nangongling, surrounded by purple light, coming in his direction with an anxious face, but obviously encountered great resistance, and the speed was reduced to an unbearable level!

But the magic python did not give Lin Fan a chance to think more. He shook his tail and pumped Lin Fan away again!


Lin Fan couldn't stand it anymore. With a wow, he spit out a big mouthful of blood. At the same time, the soul-chasing flag that had been trying to suppress could no longer be suppressed and rushed out of his body all of a sudden!