
213 Tianyuan

"Good boy, they want to mess up, then you will go to the sky!" Aokiko's voice is different from before. Although it is still calm and natural, it reveals a kind of domineering invisibly, which is a unique temperament of those who have been in the upper position for a long time, and others can't imitate it at all.

At this time, not only Yuan Jiyuan and others were shocked, but even Lin Fan was shocked! No matter how he imagined it, he couldn't imagine that he would see his master Aokiko again here and now. Although it was just a voice, it was still enough to make him excited and difficult to control himself.

"Master..." Lin Fan opened his mouth tremblingly, looked up to the sky, and tried to find the trace of Aoki, but the result was a great failure. There was no trace of Aoki around him, not even his breath, as if everything was an illusion, but the sound was so real. Lin Fan stared at the sky in a daze, as if he didn't want to believe that his master was not nearby.

"Ha ha, good disciple, come on. As a teacher, I just took your brothers and sisters to a place. If not, we can meet after a while." Aokiko's voice is extremely casual and modest, not stained with any dust in the world. Even if there is dust in the voice, it seems to be a high-level demeanor. In front of Aokiko's voice, the three people were lonely. Although they were not overwhelmed with breath, they also felt a lot of pressure. I don't know how much the shock in their hearts is. You know, when their cultivation reaches such a level, heaven and earth are almost omnipotent, and few people can make them feel frightened. But at this time, the pressure in Aokiko's casual words made their minds feel hard.

At this moment, Aokiko's attention finally turned to them. His voice is still modest, but with irresistible majesty.

"The mackerel emperor, tens of thousands of years ago, the mackerel clan fell for the heavens and the world. The sacrifices you made for the heavens and the worlds, the worlds will be remembered, but this time, you are really too reckless! The grinding disk ranks first among the taboo gods, which also leads to the intolerance of heaven and earth. Who can bear the boundless disaster caused by you rashly repairing it? What's more, there are some foreign clans and some thieves staring at them. If it hadn't been for the accidental luck of some of our old friends to blind the sky and send elites to encircle and suppress the foreign clans, how could you get to this point? I'm afraid that at the beginning, the body has been smashed and the soul has been scattered! Even so, he still put in a traitor from the beginning!"

Aokiko's words were flat, but what he said surprised everyone. In particular, the mackerel emperor and Yuan Ji, their foreheads were even more cold and sweaty. The whole process seemed unexpectedly smooth. Only at the last moment did Yuan Lonely come and stop the two, but even so, they have achieved great results. They had always been glad that the trip was going well, but they never thought that someone would help them, and they helped them unconsciously. Moreover, the cultivation of the faceless man in front of him is obviously higher than theirs. If he feels dangerous, the degree of danger can be imagined. Thinking of this, the sweat on their foreheads was more dense. At the same time, they deeply blamed themselves and went to the bottom. Because of everything before the endless years, they were a little angry and aggressive, so they were a little greedy, which almost set themselves on fire.

And just as the mackerel emperor and others were thinking about it, Aokiko had turned his eyes to a fearful and alert loneliness.

Yuan Mo was staring at the two emperors. He had just checked, and there was no outsider's atmosphere around him, but at this moment, he suddenly felt as if he had been stared at by a pair of eagle-like eyes. When he was stared at by these eyes, a very uncomfortable feeling suddenly surged up all over his body. He felt as if he was naked in the room, allowing others to look at everything about him. Under this kind of vision, all secrets are invisible. This feeling gave him a strong sense of humiliation, and at the same time, he had a deep anger. When? He was so humiliated!

Yuan lonely eyes turned red in an instant, and he opened his mouth and was about to roar. Suddenly, with a crack, a crisp sound sounded. Yuan lonely only felt a pain in his cheek and had been slapped firmly. His head was tilted by a fan in an instant. When he turned his head, half of his face was swollen and high, and even his originally bright eyes became a seam.

"The traitor tens of thousands of years ago still has the face to appear in this former homeland today? Don't you feel guilty?" Aoki's voice suddenly became as cold as frost, with the chill of the cold winter, which suddenly made the surrounding temperature seem to drop several times. Zhu Zhihu and others felt the cold air and suddenly shivered all over. Their eyes were brushed and all turned to the loneliness.

At this time, the lonely face was high and swollen, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of the mouth. But strangely, his blood is not the red blood of the human monks, but dark green. His eyes are full of fierce anger and undisguised shame and anger. Opening his mouth, he wanted to open his mouth, but after all, there was an opening in the cave, just staring at the void, as if he wanted to see through everything and see what kind of person was who humiliated him so much!

" Even the blood has been changed. It seems that you are really ready to completely abandon the place where you were born and raised! Haha! That ethnic group is really capable of cultivating such a loyal lackey for itself!" Aokiko's voice was as cold as ice, with a touch of ridiculing, but at the same time, there was also grief and indignation. With the words, everyone heard a crackling sound, and in an instant, it sounded hundreds of times. After the sound, everyone looked at it again and was stunned to find that the lonely face was so swollen that they could no longer see anything! Even some places begin to crack and bleed!

"Why am I still responsible for it when the heavens and the world are responsible for me?" Yuan Lone also fell into madness at this time. Regardless of the continuous bleeding cheeks, he looked up to the sky and roared, "Tell me! Is it fair for those races in the world what they have done to me? Am I born guilty? Why did they do that to me? If the sky abandons me, the sky can bully me, and if the earth abandons me, the earth should be killed! What's wrong with me? You tell me! What's wrong with me?"

The lonely voice, hissing and lungs, seemed to use all his strength to vent all his grievances since the endless years. Listening to his words, for some reason, Lin Fan and others felt a little Jiang Chu, and Yuan was lonely and shouted. Suddenly, two strings of blood and tears flowed out of his eyes, which was shocking.

"In those years, those ethnic groups were a great disaster. You were not the only one involved. After that, they have been destroyed. Why do you hate the whole world because of several races?" Yuan Lonely words also seemed to touch a nerve in the bottom of Aoki's heart. He hadn't spoken for a long time. For a while, there was only the roar of Yuan Loneliness like a wounded beast and the sound of choking, which made people sad. After a long time, Aokiko spoke slowly.

"I hate them! I hate the world even more because of them! Just because they were the rulers of the whole world at that time! They are the rulers of the heavens and the worlds!" Yuan's lonely words made people feel sad and sympathize with him for no reason.

"Yuan lonely, come with me..." At this moment, Yuan Ji's face showed an unbearable look, slowly walked towards him and said softly. He remembered all kinds of things in the past and couldn't help but feel a little heartache. Yuan Lone has experienced, but he finally survived, and Yuan Lonely, because of the arrogance in his bones, left here and walked to the enemy.

"I don't need mercy!" Yuan Lone did not appreciate it at all. His voice returned to the previous cold, and he decisively refused Yuan Ji's invitation. Then he looked at the void and said, "I don't know who you are. Your cultivation is higher than me. You can kill me and take my soul out of eternal purgatory, but you can't convince me! I can't forgive those who were in control in those years!"

After saying these words, Yuan was silent, waved his robe sleeves, and a space passage was in the void. Then, Yuan Lonely stepped out, and the purple and red boots stepped out, and it was about to disappear inside. But at this moment, a big hand suddenly leaned out and suddenly grabbed Yuan Lonely back.

Everyone just felt a big hand like the palm of the world in an instant and suddenly grabbed it towards the field. After a while, he grabbed out the silence that had already stepped into the space passage. The light and shadow flashed, and the lonely figure, together with the big hand that seemed to scratch the sky, had disappeared together. Zhu Zhihu and others felt like a dream and looked at the space passage in astony. They can't even think of the method of only transforming one palm, but grabging a third-step monk directly from the space passage.

At this time, Aokizi's voice sounded again: "That foreign monk has always thought that the place where he lives is supreme, and he still thinks that why Xiaotianting, Lin Fan, your cultivation has just been a familiar process. Now, I think you should be temporarily used to this body. Go ahead. , stir up a chicken and a dog, kill, set fire and grab food by the way, there is nothing wrong with..."

He grabbed the loneliness casually, but Aokizi did not mention it at this time. In his words, he returned to the previous calmness and nature. Everything was said so simple and casual, as if it was natural. But Ge Duojin and others looked at each other in conside. Even Zhu Zhihu and Situ Goblet opened their eyes wide and showed an unbelievable look. Killing, killing, setting fire and grabbing food? Are there any elders who teach the younger generation like this? But at the same time, they also had a strong curiosity in their hearts. They didn't know what was strange about the place that people there thought was the supreme place between heaven and earth. For a while, they were a little moved, but they didn't know how to open their mouth to Aoki.

"Oh, grandpa, I, I, I... I don't like killing people or set fire to it, but I like to grab food. Can I go?" Just as everyone was thinking, Dawei's milky voice sounded, and at the same time, he stared at a pair of eyes and looked back and forth, as if looking for the trace of Aoki.

Everyone was speechless for a while. Is there such a request? Do you like to grab grain? To put it bluntly, don't you just like it? But at the same time, they also secretly envied the great power. After all, at this time, it is estimated that only it has such audacity to make such a request. But then, Dawei's words sounded again, "Jinzi said that he likes to set fire, grabbing food, and kill people. Ask him if he can go with me?"

As soon as everyone heard this, they suddenly turned their heads and looked at the three-legged Jinwu, who was also staring at the void with a curious face. They were secretly happy. Fortunately, they did not offend them. Otherwise, something sad would happen! Shen Calculation is a lesson from the naked front car!

"Haha, little one, you are the inheritor of the two little guys, the Bull Demon King and the Ape Demon King, right? Well, it's really good! At the beginning, your ancestor, the ape demon king, hit the heavenly court! Don't humiliate him!" Aokiko's voice seemed to be extremely happy. He laughed and said, "The so-called Tianyuan, the strong among them, are sleeping in isolation. As far as we know, they will soon send people down the world to find the so-called reincarnated prodigy, hum! How can my disciples in the world be taken by them? Then you can go up together and make a scene!"

Aokiko's voice seemed extremely relaxed and didn't seem to care about the so-called Tianyuan, but as soon as the words came out, it surprised the mackerel emperor and Yuanji next to them. They looked at each other and then shouted together: "Senior..."

Huh? What's wrong? What's the matter?" Aokiko's voice replied flatly again, as if asking casually.

The mackerel and Yuan Ji looked at each other, and then took a deep breath and said, "The younger generation think it is not appropriate to send them to the heavenly garden. Compared with the human world, the heavenly garden has unique terrain conditions and is rich in aura, which is far from comparable to the human world. During this period, the degree of cultivation of monks is far faster than that of people in the human world. If you send them up recklessly... I'm afraid... the consequences will be worrying!" The mackerel emperor finished speaking in one breath, and then quietly did not speak again.

"Ha ha, I already know all this. I will keep their strength in a state of puzzlement within three hours, and their combat power will be greatly enhanced during that time. It is more than enough to deal with ordinary strong people in Tianyuan. Moreover, to let them go up is just to give them a downpocampus, not to fight for their lives. Aokiko's voice is full of casualness, and obviously doesn't care about it. Even if they explain it to the emperor and others, it is obvious that they really care about the fate of Lin Fan and others.

After saying that, Aokizi had no other words. The next moment, Zhu Zhihu and others only felt that there seemed to be something suddenly in their bodies, but they couldn't tell what it was. But in an instant, they felt that their strength seemed to be stronger than ever before. They felt that even if it was a real mountain. Feng, you can also punch yourself!

Then, everyone only felt a earth-shaking rumble sound, which suddenly sounded from the sky, and then a channel with a diameter of more than ten feet was instantly formed, during which thunder clouds were dense, flashing with deceptive purple light, as if conveying a dangerous signal to people in the outside world: stepping in People, die! A burst of dangerous breath came out of it, making Lin Fan and others feel a thrill.

"The power of thunder, I have controlled a range of your body's endurance. Crossing the past, your body, because of the transformation of the power of thunder, can also be further strengthened, which is beneficial and harmless. It seemed to "see" the worries of Zhu Zhihu and others, Aokiko explained.

Hearing this, Lin Fan stretched out his hand. Suddenly, Dawei and Jinzi's body quickly became one foot long, one left and one right, and flew over his shoulder. Then, Lin Fan was surrounded by the color of black gold and gold, like a combination of gods and demons, walking towards the shining thunderous space channel.

The tiger and others looked at each other and walked forward without hesitation.

As soon as he entered, Lin Fan felt a great pain all over his body. Countless thunder powers, like life, rushed into his body crazily, trying to destroy his vitality. Lin Fanqiang endured the pain. He had this experience of being attacked by the thunder, but that time, he borrowed the mysterious power to scold the thunder messenger and fled in a hurry, but this time, it seemed to be different from last time. There is no thunder messenger, but it is like a rootless thunder.

Lin Fan was trying his best to resist, but suddenly, he thought of Aokizi's words before. His heart moved and he no longer resisted the thunder into his body, but let them penetrate every inch of his body, while Lin Fan simply protected his heart and let thousands of thunder wash his body. The severe pain came, but Lin Fan did not hesitate at all, but summoned up all his strength to resist.

And in the rear, Zhu Zhihu and others are also suffering like purgatory. Moreover, because their physical strength was not very strong, the pain at this time suddenly increased several times more than Lin Fan. However, knowing that this kind of thunderous and quenching opportunity could not be found, no one hummed, but endured the pain and was baptized like Lin Fan.

I don't know how long they have traveled through the sea of thunder. All they know is that their bodies have collapsed several times and then reorganized several times, and each collapse and reorganization have to endure great pain. In this way, their bodies gradually emit precious light, and their hardness is many times higher than before.


With the last body reorganization, they suddenly felt a strong wind on their faces, and then the pain that made people feel pain into the bone marrow suddenly disappeared, replaced by strong aura fluctuations, overwhelmingly attacking them.

Before they reacted, they had set foot on a brand-new land. A group of five people and two beasts looked around together, and a magnificent scenery suddenly appeared in front of everyone.