
340 completely destroyed

The speed of the three-legged Jinwu is extremely fast at this moment, but in the blink of an eye, he has arrived in front of Ji Yun and others and joined the battle group. Before the three-legged golden black body arrived, the golden light radiating all over his body had attracted the attention of everyone on both sides, and the surging true demon spirit around Lin Fan announced his identity. At the moment when they saw Lin Fan and his party, Ji Yun and the three people suddenly showed joy on their faces, and the faces of the other side suddenly became extremely ugly. At the same time, both sides chose to retreat temporarily.

stabilized, Lin Fan jumped to the ground from his three-legged golden black back, glanced at the seven or eight people coldly, without saying a word, and then walked to Ji Yun and said with concern, "How are you? Are you hurt?"

Ji Yun took a breath and took out some healing pills from his arms and gave them to Ji Yunzheng and Jiang Tai. Then he took it himself, and then shook his head and said, "We're fine, but a little tired. Some of these people are from the Huangfu clan, and some are scattered people. I don't know very well. I found Jiang Tai and my sister with Xuan Mingzhu, but I also met these people halfway. As soon as they met us, they began to kill without saying a word. They have been fighting for dozens of miles. Their cultivation is not low, and several people have strange practices that can consume our vitality in battle!" Ji Yun talked crazily and stopped talking here, but silently adjusted his breath.

Although it was said that it was okay, Lin Fan had also seen that Ji Yun and the three of them had been seriously injured, but it was not a big deal, but the vitality consumption was too serious. At this time, Ji Yunzheng's face was also extremely pale, but Jiang Tai still had a happy expression, as if there was no big deal. Thinking of his experience, Lin Fan couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Seeing that Ji Yun and the three of them sat down to adjust their breath, Lin Fan was also relieved, turned his head and looked at the eight people with a wary face, and said coldly, "I have an insoluble hatred with Huangfu. This reason is enough to kill you." Although the voice is flat, the murderous intention in it is cold, which makes people feel cold all over.

"Hmm! You are just a wedding dress for my imperial family. One day, your blood will flow out in my imperial family! All this was destined long before the endless years, and you can't change it at all!" As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, a handsome but extremely cold young man had opened his mouth, and as he opened his mouth, several others sneered together, but the three of them looked dull and seemed to care about everything in front of them, and the direction they stood was also separated from the five members of the Huangfu family. Section distance. Although it is not far away, it seems to mean that they are two people.

"Hmm! Is that right? But even so, what can we do?" Now, Lin Fan can be said to be extremely tired of the sentence "marrying clothes for others". Since he knew that he was calculated, his mood has been very bad. At this moment, although his face is still calm, his murderous intention in his heart is infinitely diffuse. At this moment, his eyes slowly turn to those years. Light man, his voice became colder and colder, "Even if I really make wedding clothes for others, you can't see it! Today, you will be destroyed!" Lin Fan's words were cold and murderous. When it came to the four words "extinable", he said them word for word. In fact, as his words came out, a powerful murderous thought suddenly rushed out of his head, forming a gray beam of light in the air, which looked extremely strange! And at the moment when this pillar of light completely formed by killing thoughts rushed out, the whole originally gloomy and strange space was even more gloomy and horrible, and the temperature seemed to drop several degrees, and a chilling coldness rose from the hearts of everyone. At this time, the five people of the Huangfu family finally changed color, and a deep uneasiness surged from the bottom of their hearts. At the same time, the three people who had always been indifferent expressions could not help but be moved. Looking at Lin Fan's eyes suddenly became dark. At this moment, it was not only them who were moved. Ji Yunkwang and Ji Yunzheng were also shocked by Lin Fan's killing idea. At this moment, Lin Fan is murderous all over his body, which makes people feel uneasy. For a while, only Jiang Tai still had a smiling expression, as if he didn't feel the strangeness around him at all.

"Kill him!" After a short silence in the field, several members of the Huangfu clan spoke in a low voice. Lin Fan's murderous intention was so strong that they felt very uneasy and wanted to kill him as soon as possible. With his words, the five members of the Huangfu clan did not hesitate at all and rushed to Lin Fan with a shout, and the three people with indifferent faces, after looking at each other, also rushed to Lin Fan with a slight hesitation.

"The demon appears!"

Facing the siege of eight people, Lin Fan did not hesitate at all. As soon as he took action, he was a thunderous demon! Obviously, he didn't want to fight with these people, so he was ready to kill them all with the strongest means as soon as he came up! With his shout, the demon spirit suddenly rushed out of his body. Suddenly, a thick magic cloud suddenly enveloped half of the void, and an extremely strong evil spirit filled the void. Under a roar, the demon spirit had rolled up the sky and covered the eight people.

And Lin Fan did not delay at all. He scolded gently. A long sword with blood red but wrapped in a black fog has been in his hand! This sword looks extremely strange. In the black fog, it has a little golden light and looks extremely evil. It emits boundless fierce power and begins to appear. , it seems to have caused a great magic movement! There is a magic roar all over the sky, and there are even countless heavy shadows! This sword is the blood-crying sword spirit! Previously, Lin Fan warmed his blood in the body of the blood god, but since then, it has been refined in the body of the real demon. At this moment, it has been a supreme magic soldier between the divine soldier and the murderer! When it first appeared, the blood crying sword spirit suddenly fell into it. Suddenly, the whole blood crying seemed to come alive in an instant, and a clear roar came from it. Then, the blood crying turned into a blood dragon and quickly cut at a young man of the Huangfu clan!


Blood sobbed like no man, and quickly cut in front of a man. A scream came out. Suddenly, the blood rain flew in the air, and the two bodies suddenly fell into the sky! At the same time, Lin Fan's figure retreated, turned his hand over, and the blood suddenly cut the head of another Huangfu man from a strange angle. The speed immediately shocked the man with a cold sweat, and just as he thought he was going to die, a measuring ruler suddenly crossed his head and blocked Lin Fan's must-kill sword. Lin Fan failed with a blow and retreated quickly. Between the dark and golden rolls, his body had escaped several rapid cold light towards him and stood in the distant air and looked at the crowd coldly.

"Hmm! The so-called royal family, but that's all!" Looking at the people with a bright blue face, Lin Fan was condescending, with naked chill and contempt in his voice. Then he turned his head and looked at the three young people with a cold voice: "You are not from the Huangfu clan, but it's only to blame you for being involved in this trouble!" As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the Morington, who had covered half of the sky but had not had time to show his power, roared crazily. His body quickly shrank to the size of ordinary people, and then roared and attacked the three people. Lin Fan did not neglect. When his body shook, he had arrived in front of the three people. The blood danced rapidly, and the awe-blooded light reflected blood red in the field.

The remaining seven people were furious. They didn't expect that Lin Fan would be so vigorous as soon as he took action, not even the most basic tentative action. As soon as it came up, it was a life-and-death battle. Because they didn't expect this situation at all, they were suddenly at a disadvantage and felt it. I feel extremely suffocated.

"Shining in the world!"

Gradually, both sides hit the real fire, and the whole void trembled. There was a burst of confusion in the space, and endless space rules raged here. If they are involved, if they are slightly weak, they may turn into dust, and the earth is even more devastated. Originally, they were still worried about each other for fear of causing unimaginable existence, but with the escalation of the battle, they could no longer care about this and just wanted to wipe out the other party. Suddenly, a cold sound sounded in the crowd, and with this sound, a dazzling light suddenly emitted in the regiment. This light was like a scorching sun in the crowd, making people's eyes hurt at a glance, and this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the scorching sun is very fast. The speed radiates around! The originally dark void suddenly began to be like daylight! Although it is as bright as the day, the breath in it is frightening!

Light is everywhere. Where there is light, there is shadow, but where there is shadow, there is also light. This light is the light of destruction. It continues to radiate around. Wherever it passes, the void quickly melts, and a sound of chirling comes out, which seems to have the supreme power to make everything empty! This kind of light seems to melt everything! This kind of great power is shocking! Even the void can melt. What else can't he refine? Even the whole earth, under this light, began to dissipate!

At the moment when the four words "Shining World" came out, Lin Fan felt wrong. At the first time, he stepped on seven steps to the sky and shot sharply towards the periphery. At the same time, Ji Yun and other three people, Dawei and three-legged Jinwu also retreated towards the periphery and withdrew for several miles. The light gradually weakened, but it contained Great power, but still shocking!

"I know, this is a disciple of the ancient Sun God Religion! Unexpectedly, they were also involved and united with the Huangfu clan!" Just as Lin Fan was shocked by the huge destructive power of the light, Ji Yun's crazy voice suddenly sounded, and there was also horror in his voice, "Sun God Religion is not a sect in our human world. It is said that it comes from outside the country. Now it seems that this Huangfu clan's plot is not small, and in this abandoned capital, there must be something they are eager to get. Xi!"

"Sun God Religion..." Lin Fan said, but his heart became cold. His eyes also became extremely cold in an instant. Extraterritorial, this noun made him very uncomfortable, and the Huangfu clan collusion with this foreign tribe was even more unforgivable. Although the thief is hateful, what is more hateful is the traitor, and the Huangfu clan undoubtedly played the role of the traitor.

"They must be eradicated!" There was a strong determination in Lin Fan's voice, and while speaking, he stepped out, and at the same time, four big words rushed out of his mouth!

"Real magic field!"

As soon as the four words came out, the heaven and earth changed color, and the whole void suddenly sounded countless ghost crying and howls. It seemed that the 18th floor of hell had been opened, and thousands of demons rushed out and wrapped around Lin Fan, setting him off like the Lord of the devil!


The real demon field expanded rapidly, but after only a few breaths, it collided with the divine light that was expanding towards the periphery, and suddenly burst into an earth-shaking explosion. The two were annihilated at the same time. Lin Fan took the real demon field and retreated sharply towards the rear, and suddenly flew ten miles before stopping. His There was aversion in his eyes, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his whole body trembled. Even the real magic field shook violently and showed signs of instability.

"This light of destruction is indeed extremely powerful!" Lin Fan wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and muttered to himself. His face flashed solemnity, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was stronger. Without any words, Lin Fan stepped forward again and attacked the front. In front of him, the demon had already fought with those people, and it was not until this that Lin Fan deeply realized how powerful the demon's combat power was!

He collapsed all over and turned into a rolling black fog, from which bursts of crazy whistling, wrapped everyone in it and entangled with those lights. At this moment, demons are everywhere and can't be destroyed at all! Because no one knows where his "spirit" exists! It seems that it is not in this space at all!

Lin Fan rushed back. At the same time, the monk who drank "Shining World" also stepped forward and rushed towards Lin Fan. In his hand, there was a golden ball, which emitted terrible fluctuations. Even Lin Fan was afraid, but he was not afraid. He shouted loudly. With seven steps out of the sky, his speed was extremely fast, as if he could really reach the sky in one step, and while his pace was fast to the extreme, his body suddenly disappeared! Yes! Lin Fan's body suddenly disappeared from the whole space! The monk was attacking Lin Fan with a cold face, but he didn't expect such a change to happen! At this moment, by instinct, he suddenly felt something wrong and hurriedly flashed to the side!

Just as he dodged, a dazzling red sword light suddenly stabbed out from his side! The whole body is surrounded by a black fog, and in the black fog, there is a little golden light. These three colors are combined together, giving people a feeling of thrilling! Although the monk avoided the key point at the critical moment, he was still fiercely scratched by the sword light on his shoulder, and suddenly an arm fell off it! Then, Lin Fan, who was holding blood and sobbing, appeared from the void with a cold face! But at the moment of his appearance, he suddenly smiled strangely at the monk whose face was deformed by severe pain, and then disappeared strangely again!

When he saw the strange smile on Lin Fan's face, the monk suddenly felt a deep uneasiness. He just wanted to remind everyone, but suddenly found that Lin Fan had rushed into the space covered by the collapsed demon spirit! In an instant, he understood what Lin Fan wanted to do! Attack and kill! Lin Fan actually wanted to attack and kill the people on the field with this strange spell! However, even if he could think of it, he could not inform everyone to beware of it at the first time, because in the void emanating to cover the broken demon spirit, it could actually isolate the spread of spiritual knowledge! This also made him particularly frightened. He didn't know what kind of anti-sky existence this demon spirit was, and it could isolate their divine consciousness from spreading! You know, they are all monks who have mastered the rules of space! However, if he knew that this was actually from the hands of the real demon emperor, I'm afraid he would not be so surprised. But at this time, he couldn't think so much. At the first time, he insisted on the golden ball and rushed into the dark fog that covered the sky. At the same time, he strongly destroyed the ball. Suddenly, the golden light emitted on it rushed out of a road in the whole ink fog rolling space, but he seemed It can't change anything. When he rushed into it, he only had time to see Lin Fan's whole body flashing like a demon. Then he escape from his eyes, followed by a scream, and then two bodies fell from the sky. As soon as he saw the face of the figure, the monk's eyes were suddenly cracked and his fierce anger rose from above his head! Obviously, the man Lin Fan just killed has a lot to do with this monk!

"I'm going to kill you!" The monk grabbed the two corpses and looked at the confused but no longer angry face. He finally shouted, and then roared away the two corpses. The momentum of his whole body soared, and with the momentum of his body, the golden ball in his hand was even better. As if he came back to life, in a trance, it seemed that it was really a scorching sun!

"Ah!" With a loud shout, he suddenly rushed in one direction! Then, Lin Fan's voice came from there.

"What? Does your heart hurt? But this is just the beginning, far from the end! Is the Sun God religion amazing? Even if you can see my whereabouts, so what? Today, you will all be destroyed here!" Lin Fan's voice was extremely cold, which made people cold from head to toe.