

The war broke out

Lin Fan's voice was extremely cold and full of strong murderous intent. With his words, his figure flashed away, and then a sad voice sounded. Then, two bodies that had been cut off fell from the air. This sentence was a monk in the Huangfu clan. On his face, There was still panic, and obviously I didn't expect such a change.

"Even if you go to heaven and earth today, I will kill you here!" Seeing this, the sun god monk's face seemed to drip water, and his voice was even colder than Lin Fan.

"Hmm! It's already endless today, so why do you have to be pretentious here? Lin Fan's voice sounded from the unknown space, and then a loud shout suddenly exploded in the air: "Demon Gather!"

With his words, there was a roar that resounded through the sky and the sky, and then the strong rolling magic gas in the air that seemed to never melt quickly condensed. Just for a moment, the endless magic gas converge, and the magic gas converated rapidly while converging, just a few breathing skills. Husband, a monster full of darkness like a black hole appeared in the air, and beside him stood a figure with a blood-colored sword, who was Lin Fan.

"I don't know what means you used to tamper with it in the real demon hall, but today, I will show you how powerful the real demon emperor is! I will let you understand that you can't afford to offend the real demon emperor! Today, you guys are just temporarily withdrawing a little interest!" Lin Fan's voice rumbled in the void. At this moment, Lin Fan's body seemed to be extremely tall and unattainable, and around him, there were five people, all of whom looked at him with an angry face. They were the remaining four of the Huangfu clan and one of the Sun God Religion. A little farther away, the monk holding the sun's boldness was even more radiating all over his body. There was a golden light, and the sun in his hand swallowed the golden light, which seemed extremely horrible.

"Damn it!" Hearing his words, everyone's faces were extremely gloomy, and the five people's faces were even more horrible. Previously, in the endless magic cloud, they felt that they were going to lose, but they didn't expect Lin Fan to remove the magic cloud and recondensulate the demon spirit. Although they don't know what Lin Fan's idea is, they also know It must not be a good thing. Immediately, someone opened his mouth in a gloomy voice, and while talking, the remaining four people of the Huangfu clan and the monk of the Sun God Dynasty had already rushed towards Lin Fan.

"Magic move!" Facing the five monks who rushed over, Lin Fan's face was cold and motionless, but the two words rushed out of his mouth. At the moment when the two words were out, the demon around him suddenly let out a huge roar that seemed to shake the eternal blue sky. Then, he suddenly poked out a big hand, which was dark and kept Enlarged seems to cover the world. At the same time, the big hand seemed to rotate above the sky and quickly formed a domain door leading to endless space! The horrible breath came out of its interior, which was shocking. What's more terrible was that with the continuous amplification of this giant hand, the whole void seemed to collapse, and the endless space ripples spread towards the outer layers. At the same time, a cracking sound echoed in the space! In this moment, the whole field seems to have become a space turbulence!

"Ah?" Soon, the five monks felt strange. They felt as if they had been imprisoned by an inexplicable force and could not move at all! And the power of this confinement is far beyond their expectation! But soon, they found something more terrible. A strong devouring force was spreading from the palm of the demon's hand. Moreover, this power not only acts on their bodies, but more importantly, it has an extraordinary suction on the soul! Under this power, they feel that their souls are about to fly out of the body! Perceiving this situation, the faces of the five people on the field suddenly changed sharply, their bodies were damaged, and there was hope to be repaired, but if the soul is damaged, it is almost permanent and difficult to repair!

"Ah! Open it for me!"

At this moment, all five people in the field went crazy, and all of them radiated tinging eyes. At the same time, the same strange treasure immediately unfolded, trying to break the power of confinement and fighting against the devouring power. But I have to get that this power of confinement and devouring power is so domineering that it makes them feel like they are trapped in a quagmire! And that's not all. While showing amazing power, the demon spirit continues to make earth-shaking roars. Moreover, the roar continues to superimpose, like a big wave, covering layer by layer and accumulating layer by layer. This sound wave continues to superimpose, making the whole void like a heavenly sound. The roar constantly attacked everyone's souls and bodies. After a few breaths, they all drowned them in the sea of sound waves like a frenzy, making their souls roar and shake. While rushing out of the body, they seem to break into pieces at any time.

"Sunfire breaks through the air!"

At this moment, the monk standing in the distance holding the sun god gallbladder finally shouted. With his loud shout, the sun god gallbladder in his hand suddenly rushed out of his hand and quickly rose to mid-air. In the process of rising, it kept getting bigger and brighter. Finally, it was set in mid-air and made the whole faint. The dark waste capital lit up half of the sky. At this moment, it really became like a sun in the air, which made people awe!


Then, the endless blazing wind rushed out of the sun god's courage and spread rapidly to the surroundings. Suddenly, the whole cold void began to warm up sharply at this moment. The original void seemed to be a long-lasting cold breath, rapidly decayed, and then a golden shadow. Suddenly, he rushed out of the golden light, made a shrill roar, and rushed to Lin Fan. After seeing the appearance of this sudden rushing out, a strange color suddenly flashed on Ji Yun's crazy face. After that, he unconsciously looked at the three-legged golden black standing in the sky with bright eyes, but saw the three-legged golden black eyes also became particularly fierce at this moment, and the golden light all over it was even more It's dazzling and unbearable.

The golden shadow that rushed out of the sun god's gallbladder is exactly the same as the three-legged golden black! However, there is no divinity in its eyes, and it seems to have been refined!

Finally, the three-legged golden black made a sad long sound, and then the golden shadow flashed and flew out, brazenly rushing towards the flame-high golden black shadow! As soon as he saw the three-legged Jinwu rushing out, Dawei naturally did not want to fall behind. He made a milky sound of "Wait for me", and then rushed out immediately. In the process of rushing out, the cold corners of Dawei's forehead were silvery, and the hard eye in the middle seemed to be opened at any time, and the breath flashed in it. Shocking.

"Let's go together!" At this time, Ji Yun and other three others had finished healing. Ji Yun shouted wildly and rushed over immediately. While rushing out, a long sword was already in his hand while shaking. Behind him, Ji Yunzheng and Jiang Tai also rushed out. Ji Yunzheng held a long silver whip in his hand, while Jiang Tai was sinking in his hand. Heavy stone axe. The three joined the battle group and rushed towards the trapped five people without saying a word. But at this time, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the distant sky and perceived the fluctuation. The three of them were shocked, and their rapidly moving bodies stopped abruptly, turned their heads to look west, and saw more than ten at a glance. The Taoist figure is rushing towards here, and in front of him is a golden snake like a golden dragon! As soon as he saw the little golden snake, Ji Yun's crazy face suddenly became extremely ugly. It was clear that the Tianjimen dragon python arrived!

At the moment when Ji Yunman and other three people stayed, more than ten people led by the dragon python, the sacred object of the dragon python, had come to the scene, and when they saw those, Ji Yun's face was even more ugly. The leader was Qin Keer, the saint of Tianjimen, and stood side by side with a huge colorful giant ant crouching on his shoulder. When his eyes turned, it flashed with a terrible and fierce light. In addition, there were also some small sects. When they saw the situation in the field, their faces without exception showing cruelty. Smile.

"Kill them!" Soon, an old girl beside Qin Keer opened his mouth and looked at Lin Fan with a fierce anger in his eyes. Seeing these two old girls, Ji Yun suddenly felt a sense of shock. Although these two old couples are also second-step monks, they have obviously entered this field for endless years. In terms of their mastery of space, it must not be comparable to their monks who have not entered the second step for a long time.

With her words, the four monks have rushed to Ji Yun and other three people, among which there is another old woman!

"I'll fight you!" At this time, Jiang Tai, who had always been smiling innocently, suddenly shouted. At this moment, the smile on Jiang Tai's face disappeared and was replaced by an unprecedented solemnity. He was full of fighting spirit and kept climbing, but in an instant, he seemed to be possessed by the God of War, and his breath was like Wang. It's ordinary and creepy!

Seeing all this, Ji Yun's face flashed with surprise and ecstasy after a short pause. He thought of Jiang Tai's origin. Jiang Taitian's indulgence, but went crazy, so that although his cultivation was retained, his mind deteriorated sharply and stayed forever at about ten years old. However, looking at the situation at this time, Jiang Tai clearly has overcome this dead point, and his cultivation has reached a higher level than in the past!

And just as Ji Yun was thinking about it, Jiang Tai had already fought with the old man. Although Jiang Tai was young, there was quite a demeanor between his hands and feet. His fists danced, like Mount Tai, bombarding and shaking, and the void seemed to be collapsed by him. The old man originally despised Jiang Tai, but she didn't expect that Jiang Tai would be so powerful. For a moment, she was actually under the wind.

"The vertical is looking for death!" The old man was beaten by Jiang Tai. Suddenly, she was furious and shouted angrily. A cane in her hand hit Jiang Tai with her head! It is powerful and frightening. Around the cane, the space is quickly distorted, as if it is about to turn into deep and shallow. At the same time, the rules of the space there change rapidly, as if independent of the big world, emitting a chilling atmosphere.

"Hmm!" In the face of this walking stick that seemed to collapse the void, Jiang Tai's face did not change. His thick eyebrows stood up, and his young face was full of perseverance and decisiveness, as well as strong self-confidence. With this cold hum, a thunderous shout sound sounded: "Open the Sky Fist!"

As soon as the three words came out, the void around Jiang Tai suddenly atomized quickly, as if it was about to turn into chaos. The strong fog suddenly drowned him. At the same time, the whole void was full of crackling sounds, as if there was endless space crumbling, but the space around him was more confused and trance. It seems that it is going to return to the original! And in this endless chaos, there is a rumble of thunder, which makes people tremble!

"What? Impossible! You are so young that you have realized so much!" Jiang Tai's performance was really unexpected by the old woman, but before she finished speaking, a huge fist, like the top of Mount Tai, suddenly flew out of the endless chaos and hit her head-on!

At this time, the old girl was shocked by Jiang Tai's cultivation and happened to have a trace of trance. She didn't expect this at all. In a hurry, she had to cross the cane to resist, but he obviously underestimated the power of the fist. That heavy fist, as thick as Mount Tai, was really like Mount Tai at this moment, indestructible and unbreakable. With a loud shock, it directly collapsed the old man and her walking stick!

"Fist in a mess!"

Jiang Tai was unreasonable and shouted again. Suddenly, in the endless chaos, a huge fist rushed out again. This fist was better than the previous fist, and in the process of moving forward, it was like a huge beast with a big mouth, which suddenly punched the front of it. The head "eat" in! Yes! The second fist actually ate the first fist! After "swallowing" the first fist, the second fist is even bigger. If the previous fist is a Mount Tai, then this fist is like a 100,000 mountain! At this time, the 100,000 mountains were crashing towards the old girl!

The old girl's face changed miserably. He didn't expect that the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in front of him would be so horrible! He had no doubt that if she was really hit by these 100,000 mountains, she would immediately break her bones and even be removed from this world forever!

"Vertical rampant!"

An angry shout sounded, and then a figure suddenly flew into the entrance, and then a magic weapon like a grinding disc exploded towards the heavy fist like 100,000 mountains! It's another old girl!


The previous old man knew the great power contained in this fist. As soon as she saw her companion directly bombard him, her face suddenly changed greatly and she opened her mouth and shouted, but it was too late. The old man had brazenly bombarded the 100,000 mountains!


After a brief stalemate, the old man's magic weapon like a grinding disc in her hand collapsed, but the fist did not stop at all and still rushed forward! Then, with no suspense, it directly hit the first girl!

The old woman screamed, and then her body flew towards the distant sky like a broken kite, and then fell to the ground with a bang. She coughed up blood and tried to stand up, but she found that all the skeletal muscles all over her body were soft! Her whole body was completely ruined by that collision! Like mud, he collapsed to the ground! Looking at the physical condition internally, the old man's face suddenly looked like dead ashes, without a trace of brilliance! All the air machines around her have been smashed! This collision actually destroyed all the most important things of her as a monk - all her vitality was shaken away! Moreover, the whole body has been smashed and can no longer accommodate the slightest vitality!


The old woman raised her head, her eyes were like ashes, but there was a desperate light in it. She looked at Jiang Tai. The hatred in her eyes made people feel cold. After a long time, she suddenly let out a demon-like roar and struggled to fight with Jiang Tai, but she couldn't stand up at all.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, even including Ji Yun Kuang and Ji Yunzheng's brother and sister. They all looked at the seemingly honest young man in the field and were stunned for a moment. No one expected that Jiang Tai would have such a fighting power!


At this moment, a silver light suddenly appeared in the field, and everyone saw that it was a great power! At this moment, her eyes are staring at the golden dragon python, and the dragon python is also staring at it. The two beasts are like old enemies, looking at each other, and the upper void between their eyes seems to be infinitely squeezed, and sparks are everywhere!


Finally, the dragon python couldn't calm down and rushed towards Dawei. At the same time, Dawei also burst into trouble. In an instant, the two beasts had already fought together. A golden, a silver white, straight from the void not far from the ground, fought over the waste capital, and then, in the sight of everyone, the two beasts flashed and disappeared into the void out of thin air!

At this time, the three-legged Jinwu has also fought with the almost identical thing that flew out of the sun's gallbladder, and the field was full of fire and hot!