Star Dragonkui

Chapter 33 Mutual Calculation

A Liang touched his head again, "Yes, we waited for the tiger to fall asleep, let's go up together, kill it directly, and 1 million will be there."

"Idiot!" Hong Kuan slapped A Liang on the skull again.

"What's wrong, boss!" A Liang touched his head and frowned.

"When the tiger fell asleep, Duan Fei rushed to kill it, and it was your turn to get the 1 million bonus."

"What should we do?"

"Find the right opportunity to kill Duan Fei. Go quickly."

"But, boss, I'm not sure..."

"Don't be afraid of useless things. At worst, they will fight with them. Except for Duan Fei and Ferdinand, they are all waste. What are you afraid of? It's not the first time to kill!"

"Okay, boss, don't worry, I'll kill him this time."

If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. I believe that Duan Fei has a deep understanding of it at this moment. Those little hooligans are thinking about his head all the time, and he has to consider laws and responsibilities as a righteous party. It's depressing to think about it. Otherwise, he would have cleared this group of people long ago, so that he will not be ready to follow behind at any time. Shoot a cold gun.

Just as A Liang quietly touched forward, Duan Fei and the others set out to chase the tiger. The big guy narrowed for a while and then got up and walked around.

"We can't follow like this all the time. How can this be?" Xiaohu asked doubtfully.

"Why don't you destroy it and always follow it around?" Ouyang Qianqian is anxious.

Duan Fei looked behind him, and Ferdinand was still slowly walking backward with a sniper gun. "If we launch an attack now, we will all die in less than five minutes!"

"Oh." Ouyang stretched out his tongue and stopped talking.

The mountain tiger walked around a few times and finally returned to its nest. A huge cave in the hillside was its home. This huge thing had a poor record in the past two days. It only caught a few small things and stuffed its teeth at best. As soon as Duan Fei saw the cave, he basically had a bottom in his heart. He turned out the map and marked this place Point A, the tiger is still quite smart. This place is not far from the Mali Kaijiang River. Such a huge monster has a great demand for water in the subtropical rainforest. The Mali Kaijiang River is the most important water source in the wild mountains. This guy is really not stupid. He settled down by the river, which saves me a lot of trouble. Hong Kuan, you are in a disaster this time.

Duan Fei calculated his own plan and checked the terrain. At night, he could not give Hong Kuan's group of people the opportunity to take advantage of it. Duan Fei carefully checked the surrounding terrain and carefully checked various maps in this area. There were no ready-made trenches nearby. Duan Fei took a small place three or four kilometers away from the Tiger Cave. On the hill, he pointed to that place and ordered, "Little tiger, nails, little fat, go there to dig the trenches. You need to dig deeper. You can't cut corners. It must be completed before dark."

"No way, boss, what era is it? You still dig trenches." Xiaopang was the last one who was unwilling to contribute and was the first to stand up and complain.

"Execute the command!" Duan Fei's cold face didn't give face at all. You think I want to toss everyone. It's all forced by Hong Kuan. I can't help it. It's all to protect your own lives. You think I need a trench. As long as I have true anger on my body, this group of birds can't hurt me at all. Duan Fei's idea is impossible to say. Some secrets that let others know will only hurt him. He doesn't want to hurt his brother and hurt himself.

Ferdinand's task was still to defend backwards. He began to understand a little, although it did not affect his execution of orders, "Captain, why do you want to defend behind you? There is no enemy behind you?"

Duan Fei doesn't even have to think about it. He has been ready to deal with his words for a long time: "All kinds of illegal armed forces in this area are quite active. These bastards can't beat tigers. They are very good at killing and arson. We can't help but prevent it."

Illegal armed? Do you mean the drug cartels?

"Yes, in addition to drug cartels, there are also arms smuggling, human trafficking, and armed forces of various tribes. This area is very chaotic."

"Okay, I will keep an eye on them. As long as I'm here, these people can't get close."

"Then what am I doing?" Ouyang Qianqian jumped and suddenly found that everyone had work to do, but she was fine, so she came up and asked.

"Go and help them dig trenches."

"Oh." The little sister pouted and asked, "Then what are you doing?"

Duan Fei looked at the distance and said, "Before the trench was dug, I had to stare around. This area is very dangerous."

Ouyang didn't think there was any danger in this area, but it turned out that he was the commander and could only listen to him.

Duan Fei is a very cautious person. Although Ferdinand is an insurmountable wall of Hong Kuan's group, there is an exception to everything. In case A Liang shoots Ferdinand and Duan Fei is digging a pit with them, the consequences...

As the old saying goes, be careful to make a ten-thousand-year-old ship.

"Liang, go and have a look and find a chance to kill Duan Fei." Of course, Hong Kuan did not forget this.

A Liang crawled forward quietly with a sniper gun. Duan Fei stood there alone and didn't know what to do. Except for Duan Fei, A Liang cared about Ferdinand very much. This guy's shooting is too good, and now he doesn't know where he has gone. He can't find Ferdinand, so A Liang is not at ease.

"Bum." With a soft sound, A Liang didn't have to look for Ferdinand anymore. The boy was too close and entered Ferdinand's effective range. In the past, Ferdinand didn't pay much attention to it, but today Duan Fei told him about the complex situation in this area, and he was careful. Although A Liang's movements were soft enough, it was still difficult to escape Ferdinand's scope. There are really illegal militants approaching. As a sniper, he has the responsibility to kill these enemies.

His gun was also added*. Except for a fairly faint light smoke, the sound could not be transmitted to Hong Kuan, which was less than a kilometer away.

Hong Kuan waited until the sun set, but A Liang did not come back. He angrily pressed the multi-function watch, "Drip, drip..."

No one answered, A Liang, what the hell? After that, the boy must have been found by Ferdinand. Hong Kuan sat on the ground and quickly calmed himself down. What should he do next?

He thought for a moment and could only wait. If he crawls over now, there is only one result. Once he enters Ferdinand's range, he will die.

You can only wait until dark to climb over quietly, and you have to be very careful.

In fact, his worries are superfluous. Under the personal supervision of the beautiful woman, the three boys' shoes dried quite quickly. When it was almost dark, Ferdinand had climbed into the trench, but Hong Kuan could not think of this. Even if he thought of this, he did not dare to joke with his head. What is a professional sniper? The sniper was killed within three kilometers. There was no chance to escape or resist. You didn't even know where his opponent was hiding. The sniper lay down in the grass, just like a dead man. He coldly shot it and directly hit his head, which was quite horrible.

Duan Fei and others were safe all night, and Hong Kuan scared himself. He waited until the night was quiet and the moon was dark and the wind was high before he quietly crawling forward little by little. He finally climbed to A Liang's body and dared not say anything. He took his sniper rifle little by little. He retreated and tossed all night. In fact, it was all too much. Ferdinand hid back to sleep in the trench pit, and there was no spare time to guard a rotten body.