Star Dragonkui

Chapter 34 Killing with a Knife

The next day, the tiger went out early. This was exactly what Duan Fei expected. The big guy didn't have enough to eat these two days, and he must have to go out to look for food early in the morning.

Duan Fei faintly watched the tiger go out of the door from the telescope. After calculating the time, he called a backup helicopter to quickly send his military supplies. Then he began to calculate the next step. This time, he must deal with Hong Kuan's group of people, otherwise this group of people will always cause trouble. In fact, Duan Fei's method has long been able to collect the mountain tiger. It costs so much for one purpose to kill that group of people with a knife.

As soon as the helicopter arrived, Duan Fei began to deploy their respective tasks: "Ferdinam's job is still to keep behind him. Little Tiger, Little Fat, and nails stay in the trench, and Ouyang went to work with him."

has reached the last moment. He doesn't want Xiaohu, Xiaopang and Nail to take risks. He already knows that Ferdinand killed an illegal militant. Of course, he knows who Ferdinand killed. Hong Kuan, who lost A Liang, is likely to jump over the wall and take risks. Duan Fei is not prepared. Give them any chance, even if this group of people take risks, as long as they enter the range of two or three kilometers, Ferdinand will at least fire a warning, and according to the general law of the battlefield, snipers usually do not develop the habit of firing gun warnings. Unlike ordinary law enforcement officers, they have to get a "police, please show your ID" first. Their approach is usually very simple, and all threats entering the range are killed.

Duan Fei made a fire in front of the tiger hole. A large amount of charcoal and solid alcohol were filled with ten high-energy electronic torches next to the fire. His idea was very simple: "If you seal the tiger hole with fire, you can't go home. If you can't go home, the tiger can only wander outside, and according to inertia, it will be more familiar. If you wander in the area, then this area is the west bank of the Yangtze River, because it often goes there to drink water, and other animals also need to go there to replenish water. That area should also be an important prey area for big guys.

There, Duan Fei has planned a good play.

Duan Fei's inference is completely correct. The tiger is basically walking according to his ideas and moving in the west bank of the Yangtze River, but unfortunately it is far from the C location he chose. In desperation, he can only lure it with the human atmosphere of the whole team and lead it to location C.

This site was carefully selected by Duan Fei. Only this point is more suitable for crossing the river. Other points are either rapid water or the terrain is not good, and it is basically difficult to cross the river without bridge tools. The river at this site is relatively gentle. Duan Fei ordered everyone to cross the river, and then he designated a commanding height. Handing it to Ferdinand, he will take on the most important role in the whole plan. Ouyang and Xiaopang still have to find a safe place to hide. Xiaohu and nails are responsible for guarding the river beach, while Duan Fei will use his own bait to lead the mountain tiger to the riverside, and then the key is to see Ferdinand's magical shot.

"It must hit one of its eyes." This is Duan Fei's death order.

Ferdinand is a very good sniper, with a distance of more than 100 meters and absolutely 100 rounds. The mountain tiger with injured eyes jumped like thunder. Duan Fei's group quickly moved to the lower reaches of the river according to the original plan.

The tiger is crazy, but it can't cross the river. It can only follow the human breath and rush downstream. That's enough. Duan Fei's wishes come true. The crazy mountain tiger rushed downstream at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour and soon came into contact with Hong Kuan's group.

Sure enough, as expected by Duan Fei, he received a distress signal of 802 in about a minute. He pretended to summon everyone and said anxiously, "I just received a distress signal from the 802 team. Can you tell me what to do?"

In fact, this is a big move. It's nothing more than delaying time. Give it ten minutes for the tiger to kill the six birds. Of course, Duan Fei can't say what he thinks so to anyone.

"We should go to the rescue immediately." Ferdinand blurted out.

"Save them, why?" Little fat doesn't want to move.

Duan Fei pretended to think for a moment and said, "Ferdinand is right. He should save them." Then Duan Fei called the headquarters. More than ten seconds later, the headquarters sent the real-time coordinates of 802. In fact, this is also a big move. Duan Fei's current position in 802 is clear. Of course, he just went through the motions.

After getting the coordinates, he hurried downstream.

"Wait," Ferdinand seemed to remember something and asked eagerly, "Are you sure there is a place downstream to cross the river?"

Isn't this ghost Ferdinand troublesome? Duan Fei originally had a good plan. He led everyone downstream. When he arrived near there, he couldn't cross the river for a long time, so he could only turn back. After running back to point C, he crossed the river from point C and then downstream. It took at least half an hour to make such a noise, and half an hour to fill his stomach.

Duan Fei looked at everyone. Everyone said nothing. Duan Fei had to lead everyone to point C, cross the river from there, and then go downstream.

"Everyone be careful not to meet that tiger. Now it must be crazy. We can't handle it at all."

As soon as Duan Fei reminded him, everyone naturally slowed down. In the past, Duan Fei was the boldest one. Now he hides behind him. Xiao Pang was more afraid than him and hid behind Duan Fei. Ouyang clung to Duan Fei and basically hugged Duan Fei. Xiaohu and nails were also afraid, and also flashed back. Ferdinand A man rushed to the front and turned his head to see where the people were?

I Ferdinand was ordered to support you. You hide back one by one and let me rush forward. I'm a sniper, not Wu Song. Is there any mistake? He simply stopped with a gun and pretended to be defensive.

This group of people slowly moved forward and walked for about two hours for three or four kilometers. By the time they arrived, the mountain tiger had already run away, and the scene was in a mess. The tiger was really hungry and ate quite cleanly. There were basically no internal organs left on the scene. Duan Fei simply cleaned up the scene and found Hong Kuan's boots, and the sniper gun was not at the scene.

Duan Fei immediately ordered everyone to be vigilant, especially Ferdinand. The task he received was to carefully scan the nearby areas to eliminate all possible threats.

No suspicious target was found. The speed of the mountain tiger was as high as hundreds of kilometers per hour. Now it has long run away. Hong Kuan should still be nearby. Ferdinand failed to find him, and Duan Fei could not feel him, indicating that he is likely to be in the area two kilometers away and within four kilometers. Duan Fei reminded everyone to be careful and waited for about one hour. More than an hour, three helicopter gunships arrived at the headquarters. The people who came to the headquarters briefly described the incident and led everyone away. The remnants here had their own headquarters to clean up.

Where will the injured tiger go? Where will Hong Kuan go again?

After careful analysis, Duan Fei thought that Hong Kuan would still follow the team and wait for the opportunity to retaliate. He adjusted the team. Xiaohu, Nail and Xiao Pang took the first batch, 500 meters apart, Duan Fei and Ouyang walked the second batch, and the last one was still Ferdinand, the same 500 meters apart.

Duan Fei's idea is that Hong Kuan can only bite the tail of the team, because the road of Savage Mountain is quite difficult to walk. There is no road at all. Even Duan Fei is not sure which direction he will go next. If Hong Kuan wants to go in front of the team, it is impossible, because the road in the mountain is not You can go as you want. Maybe you can confuse yourself, so in this primitive forest, he can only choose to follow the team, bite the last person, cross Ferdinand and Duan Fei, and shoot the people in the front. He believes that Hong Kuan doesn't have the ability. At this time, Hong Kuan may also be against Ou. Yang did it, but it didn't matter. He bit Ferdinand and couldn't follow him too closely. At least he had to ensure a distance of more than one kilometer, otherwise Ferdinand would kill him first. Bullets two kilometers away flew over, and Duan Fei had enough time to kill the bullets with his flying knife. So it's safe for him to take Ouyang with him.

This bastard Hong Kuan is really troublesome. He actually escaped a disaster. It's really an accident for the rest of his life. Duan Fei can only sigh that God doesn't have eyes.