Star Dragonkui

Chapter 35 Collection

According to Duan Fei's judgment, the huge thing will definitely return to the tiger hole after filling his stomach, so he commanded the man and horse to go to the tiger cave, but did not take a shortcut, but ordered the little tiger to go around a few big circles in the deep mountains and forests. His purpose is that Xiaohu and the tigers can't understand. Duan Fei's idea is still out of safety reasons. If Walking in a straight line, it is easy for Hong Kuan to see the famous hall. Once the boy understands that Duan Fei is going back to the tiger hole, then the boy can rush to the tiger hole in advance to ambush them. The power of the sniper gun is very terrible. Duan Fei is not afraid, and Ouyang walking beside him is not afraid, but the three are miserable.

When Duan Fei and the others arrived at the tiger hole, it was not dark, and Duan Fei was not ready to wait. After he ordered Ferdinand to continue to cut off, He Xiaohu was responsible for the flamethrower, and others found a safe place to defend against the mountain tiger with one eye blind. He thought two people were enough.

The task of the little tiger is to wait for Duan Fei to defeat the mountain tiger with flames. Of course, the premise is that Duan Fei's first wave of attacks must be successful, which is the key to victory. If the attack fails, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It was easy not to take action, and as soon as it took action, it was about to attack its key points. Duan Fei started, sprinted, and soared into the air. The tiger ran back to the cave and was blocked by charcoal fire. When he was angry, Duan Fei had rushed over. The mountain tiger roared, and his huge body rolled up the dead leaves and dust to meet Duan Fei.

"Good luck!" Duan Fei shouted and struggled to swim in the air. The Monte sword he grabbed with his right hand plunged into the tiger's left eye with lightning speed.

The two blind monsters roared like thunder and crashed wildly.

"Little Tiger!" With Duan Fei's clear roar, He Xiaohu suddenly adjusted the flame tube to the maximum, and aimed at the tiger with a fierce spray. When the tiger saw the flame again, he instinctively paused back. This pause was only one second, and one second was only a few moments, but Duan Fei's completion of the second wave of attacks was enough.

His body soared into the air again and quickly rode on the tiger's neck. The tiger had no time to react, and Duan Fei's right palm patted down with a real "bang".

The whole blade of Monte's knife vibrating fiercely and disappeared into the tiger's brain. The four-meter-high mountain tiger swung around, but soon his whole body twitched and fell down. His four hoofs bounced straight. Duan Fei stepped forward, cheered up his palm, and suddenly patted it, which helped it end its pain.

The battle is over, but Duan Fei still ordered everyone to be in place without mistakes. The more busy he was, the more he had the opportunity to take advantage of Duan Fei calmly reported the results to the headquarters.

Three hours later, two helicopters came from the headquarters. After Duan Fei completed the handover procedures, he ordered everyone to board the plane. As for the huge body, the military will secretly transport it to Golmud, the Institute of Biology of the Star Alliance Academy of Military Sciences.

When Duan Fei returned to Tengchong, the regimental headquarters had received a confirmation document from the headquarters of the Golmud Star Alliance. Duan Fei was promoted to the third level, from a lower sergeant to a second lieutenant, He Xiaohu was promoted to two levels, from a second-class soldier to a lower level corps, Xiao Pang and a nail were promoted to the first level, and from a third-class soldier to a second-class soldier. Ouyang is just a tourist. Nothing, but she is the happiest, happier than Duan Fei. Following Duan Fei, it was undoubtedly a very happy to see Duan Fei's success. Of course, Duan Fei still gave her 20,000 yuan from the 1 million bonus. After all, she also made a little effort.

If Hong Kuan hadn't stirred up the situation, the battle would not have been complicated. Duan Fei had already thought about how to kill this monster. In order to eliminate Hong Kuan by the way, he had to make the problem so complicated. Of course, Hong Kuan was not dead, and Duan Fei was in a bad mood. Half because of Hong Kuan's reason, this boy is still a hidden danger in the world.

As soon as Duan Fei returned to Guangzhou, Juan was eager to find him. The company has arranged several important games for him. Whether he can win or not depends on his strength. Whether he will lose or not can be controlled. This time, Duan Fei is obedient. Let him lose the game he should lose. As for those games that must win, the boss does not dare to arrange. He went up. Practice is the top priority. Recently, his martial arts have indeed made rapid progress, quickly breaking through the second layer of Taiyi's pleasing to the eyes. Now he has been able to see through objects about ten centimeters of the ground and see a small mosquito flying 100 meters away, which is really a very interesting thing. In addition, his effectiveness The sensing range has been expanded to 1,500 meters. If bullets fly from 1,500 meters away, he will have enough time to deal with it.

But his approved level is still just a trivial junior warrior, and Hefeng's boss even regrets recruiting him under his command. Fortunately, the price is not too much, only 20,000 yuan in the drizzle. Now he is calculating a big deal in his mind, big enough to make him crazy.

The annual World Boxing Championship is about to begin. As the Rick family of the boxing champion family, it has been firmly holding the pure gold belt of the world boxing champion for nearly 20 years. Of course, the total prize of this year's competition has set a record high, with a total of 160 million planet coins. Two people will share, and the winner will take away 1 20 million, losers can also get 40 million, Harry, hundreds of games in his life, and win all. This "beast" has won the title of world boxing champion for five consecutive years. It is rumored that his annual income exceeds 2 billion planet coins. There is also a saying that his actual annual income should exceed 16 billion planet coins. Anyway, he is a legend from a legendary family on the east coast of the United States. His challenger is Lucas from Brazil.

Lucas is also a legendary figure. So far, there have been more than 60 official games. Most of the opponents' strength before the war is obviously superior, but the final victory belongs to Lucas. He is a typical giant killer who defeats those super boxing champions whose strength is obviously beyond his own until there is One day he can stand on the most important field in the world.

The golden castle boxing in Las Vegas, the most luxurious stadium in the world, spends 2.6 billion planet coins on the boxing ring alone. First of all, it should be explained that only a whole steel plate more than 50 centimeters thick can be used as the floor of professional boxing ring, otherwise these fierce earths are "fierce" The beast only needs three or two rounds to break the boxing ring, and the well-known ring guardrail can only be made of the best nano-high-strength carbon fibers. Other materials are either not elastic enough or lack tenacity. These beasts can tear the steel cable with thick wrists, so the cost of a professional ring will not be low. Of course, the Golden Castle Boxing Club doesn't care about spending more money, and the global live broadcast cost of this game will be as high as billions.

Of course, there will be many people betting on such an important competition. It is said that the total amount of global bets will not be less than 5 billion. Nearly 100 * companies around the world want to come in and get a piece of the pie, but unfortunately, only three companies are authorized to make the market publicly, namely Las Vegas. Sands* Company, Italian Century* Company and China's Ocean* Company.

This game seems to have nothing to do with Hefeng, but all kinds of gossip within the company are circulating. The market offered by the three * companies is almost exactly the same. They have been negotiated and signed a gentleman's agreement to inform each other of relevant information. It is said that Li Tianyi is responsible for leading the coordination of these three * companies. .

This boy really has some amazing ability. He dares to play such a big market, and this courage is quite powerful. You should know that these top * companies are not good men and women. His killers and professional killer groups have to fight with these units. If they don't make money, they can't make money. Yu Feiming.

About 80% of the internal buyers bet on Harry Rick. Everyone's reason couldn't be simpler. Harry's strength is there, 93,000 pounds with one punch and Lucas only 70,000 pounds with one punch. Second, the Rick family is a famous king family, which is more fiercer than the darkest underworld and has won gold for 20 years. The belt is by no means accidental. There are many comprehensive strengths in it, and the huge family strength is there, which can't be touched by ordinary underworld. The third, the annual income of Harry, the boxing champion, is astronomical. It is impossible to fight fake boxing for a few small money. Losing a game may also cost tens of billions of dollars, ha Li is not stupid enough to understand this truth, so it is obviously extremely correct for everyone to buy Harry to win.

Duan Fei bought Lucas to win, 1 for 1.2. This time he invested 50,000 yuan. His reason is very simple because if everyone buys him and loses, he will definitely win. He believes that Li Tianyi is so keen on this game not just because of hobbies.

Global live broadcast, in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, the giant killer Lucas once again showed his killer character and defeated Harry by a narrow margin. He Xiaohu lost 500 yuan and Duan Fei won 60,000 yuan. It's that simple. However, the matter of Hefeng is not so simple. Li Tianyi turned off his mobile phone and played with human evaporation. There are rumors that the three major * companies have sent senior killers to search for him everywhere. Of course, Interpol is also looking for him. He is suspected of embezzling more than 1 billion yuan by the three * giants. Hefeng closed down. Duan Fei lost his job for the first time in his life. But it was a very happy thing. A farce that had nothing to do with himself freed him from the dirty black boxing world.

Many people still feel sad about the whole Hefeng. For example, Juan, a former senior martial artist, lost his job with an annual salary of 100,000 yuan and had to go home to live in need.