Star Dragonkui

Chapter 47 Strange Cave

As soon as Duan Fei and Murong rushed in, they fell into a difficult defense. Six small reptiles hit them without any backhand. Fortunately, after the eight people were released, they quickly adjusted their formation and began to attack from behind the lizards. In addition, four members of the two groups of Blue Eagle and Yangtian also arrived and immediately threw themselves into the battle. Seeing that these reptiles were surrounded, these guys were really very cunning. As soon as they turned their heads, they ran away on the sand.

Duan Fei was also a desperate life. He put away his sword and looked at the lizards that disappeared in the cracks in the rock. His forehead was sweating coldly. The leader of Group 307 was an American named Carlos. He led his team members to bow deeply to Duan Fei and Murong. Duan Fei wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled at them. Laughing, he led Beron and Greens back to the valley. Murong stayed there and chatted with Carlos for a while. Finally, Carlos decided to accept Murong Xian's suggestion to move the camp to the lake in the valley. This damn place is really unsafe. In case this group of lizards come out to play raids again late at night, it will be doomed.

Duan Fei returned to the tent and wandered around the vicinity. The island was not peaceful at all. He just looked at the whole island on the top of the mountain and thought that there was really no danger here. Now it seems that there are still some fierce enemies on this desert island, like lizards, which are typical day and night, hiding and sleeping during the day. It's quite unkind to come out to bite at night.

After looking around, Duan Fei did not find that there was an obvious threat nearby, but for the sake of safety, he still arranged to be on duty. The group of seven people, one large and one small, had two tents, and Ouyang and Ruili were exempted. Five men fell into vigil, and each of them was an hour and a half to the next morning.

Early morning, Ouyang and Ruili got up to fish. Xiaohu and Beilang went around to see if they could gain anything. Now five groups are stationed by the lake and there is almost no hope for them to get one or two rabbits. Greens and nails are moving near the tent and guarding the door. Duan Fei found a piece by the lake. Let's medit in the open space and practice. Anyway, there are five teams active around here, and safety is guaranteed.

Duan Fei had just sat down, and the communication watch rang again. It was from the base. He answered the phone and something went wrong again. This time, it was more troublesome. A team lost contact with the headquarters. According to the arrangement before departure, each team assigned two GPS locators, one of which must be carried by the captain. It is directly integrated into the captain's communication watch, and the other one is a spare one. Whoever carries the spare GPS locator of the Blue Eagle team is on Ouyang.

The two GPS locators of the assault team named N-K have lost their data. The headquarters did not explain the true meaning of the loss of data. It may be a machine failure, or the data may be seriously deviated from the island headquarters and cannot be adopted. In short, the base cannot provide the specific position of the NK team. If it deviates from it The direction is actually pointing to the sea outside the island. Either it accidentally fell into the sea, or... It has entered the belly of marine fish. NK has a total of 9 people and 9 communication watches, all of which have lost contact with the headquarters. This is quite a terrible thing. 9 special forces have disappeared at the same time. That's not good. Of course, the specific time of disappearance cannot be determined. According to the agreement, if the team does not take the initiative to contact the base, the base will call the captain once every 6 hours. The last successful call was at 2 a.m. At that time, the NK team was still resting and everything was normal. At 8 a.m., the call was blocked. I searched for the GPS locator, but there is no relevant data.

Now, all the other teams have to be dispatched to find the NK team as soon as possible, and then three helicopters and two reconnaissance aircraft sent by the headquarters will be dispatched.

This ghost island is really troublesome. I thought it was a very easy task. I found a water source, caught some fish and caught one or two small animals every day and then returned to the base for ten days. Who knew that it had only been two days of trouble.

All the groups chose the same path. No matter what happened, they first rushed to the correct position of the NK group for the last time, probably the place where they camped at night.

All six groups have arrived. The location is probably located near the northern coast in the middle point of the long axis of the island. Dozens of people surrounded the place carefully. That location was indeed the camp of the NK group, where everyone found the burned charcoal ash and the wooden stakes used for the tent, so everyone looked for NK separately. The footprints of the group going out, but it's a pity that there are either barren grass or rocks around here. Occasionally, human footprints can't prove anything at all. There's nothing they can do. After asking the headquarters, they decided to search in two ways. The Blue Eagle Group, the Yangtian Group and the Xiongfeng Group went west, and the other three groups went east and pulled a net search along the way.

To the west is to return to the place where they landed on the island. Seven people in the Blue Eagle Group lined up horizontally and walked at the northernmost end. Duan Fei was on the inner side. The Xiongfeng Group was responsible for the middle area. Zhao Kai did not want to get too close to Duan Fei. His team was also lined up. Zhao Kai chose the south side of the team, close to the Yangtian Group. Next to Zhao Kai is Murong Xian, the captain of the Yangtian team.

The three groups searched in a row and walked about a kilometer forward. The members of the Yangtian team found a deep-looking cave near the southern coast and found a large number of human footprints at the entrance of the cave. The team member counted the number of footprints. Judging from the number of footprints, it was probably Nine people entered the cave.

This is a very important discovery. The three groups immediately gathered in the cave and reported the situation to the headquarters. Duan Fei and Murong carefully checked the mouth of the cave and asked for the base's opinion. The base said that it would quickly send personnel to support. As for whether to wait for the people from the headquarters to come in or go in first, it was up to the three captains present to decide.

Duan Fei and Murong insisted on going in and have a look. Zhao Kai insisted on waiting for the people from the headquarters to come. So the two groups, Blue Eagle and Yangtian, went in, and the Xiongfeng group stayed at the entrance of the cave.

The cave was very deep. Duan Fei walked into the steel helmet with a flashlight. He raised his true spirit and stared at it. The cave was winding and winding, which was really unfathomable. He was carefully exploring forward by the two groups. "Dip, Di, Di" The communication watches of the two captains rang. Murong looked at Duan Fei, and Duan Fei connected the electricity from the headquarters. Words: "Captain Duan Fei, your radio signal is weakening. What's going on?"

Duan Fei whispered to Murong, "Our radio signal has inexplicably weakened." Then Duan Fei began to reply to the headquarters: "We are groping deep into the cave. At present, no abnormality has been found. Judging from the footprints left in the cave, the NK team may have entered this cave. Please quickly ask the technical department about what will weaken the radio signal."

"Okay, I'll get back to you later."

"What should we do now? If we continue to go deeper, we will also lose contact with the headquarters. There must be something strange about this place. The radio signal of the NK group should be completely blocked."

"What causes radio signal failure?" Several people asked in one voice.

But no one can answer. Duan Fei is not a researcher of radio technology. He can only say in frustration, "I have entrusted the headquarters operator to consult the technical department."

Murong Xian looked at the cave and said to everyone, "I think the NK group should have accidentally found this cave and then walked in. At first, they must not know that the radio signal in this damn place would not work. When they found this problem, maybe they were trapped for some special reason. So we have to go in and save them. Time is life.

"Yes, we have to get in quickly!" Ouyang and Ruili said in unison.

"But if we go a little further, we will lose contact with the headquarters." Beilang looked at the captain Duan Fei and said carefreely.

"Why don't we wait for the news from the technical department first? At least we need to know what kind of situation we may face. I believe the technical department will get a reply soon."

At this time, Duan Fei's communication watch rang again, and everyone looked at him intensively. This is the moment of life and death. As a group of young people who have just made their debut, in this monster-riding world, everyone is worried about the serious consequences of losing contact with the headquarters.

"Captain Duan Fei, this is the technical department of the terrorist base. We have consulted the coalition information center about the radio signal shielding. There are many reasons why the radio signal will be weakened or blocked, such as extreme weather, metal closed environment, professional signal shielding, etc."

"Will the radio signal disappear in the deep cave?"

"Sorry, I need to ask the consulting information center again."

"Forget, don't ask. You tell the people at the headquarters that our two groups will continue to walk towards the cave. If the people from the headquarters come, they will immediately go to the cave to rescue. Thank you!" Duan Fei is too lazy to talk to her. It is estimated that if they go a little further, their two groups will also lose contact with the headquarters and finish what they have to say.

Duan Fei's words have made it very clear. No one knows what the danger will be next if they continue to go in. The only thing that everyone knows is that they are about to lose contact with the headquarters and become missing people. This is not a good omen. Everyone will have some fear in their hearts. After all, they are 17 or 18 years old. Young people.