Star Dragonkui

Chapter 48 Bat Monster

Continue to walk in. The depths of the cave are dark and wet. Everyone's hands can feel the water seeping from the stone wall. "Be careful! Put on a gas mask." After practicing too much, Duan Fei's facial features are far superior to ordinary people, and his ears and nose are quite keen. He has already smelled some strange smells floating in the air, and he can also hear the sound of "squeaking and creaking" from the depths of the cave.

"Bat! Yes, it's a bat." Duan Fei argued carefully and finally heard that it was a bat coming from the depths of the cave. He ordered everyone to wear masks and be ready to open the oxygen machine on his back at any time. This time, everyone came out with a small oxygen generator. The battery and clean water can provide about 6 hours of oxygen. Of course, Duan Fei doesn't need this thing. He has practiced The demand for oxygen of people with internal power has been greatly reduced. Of course, it is not that the body does not need oxygen, but that the utilization rate of oxygen by various organs of the body has doubled. For example, the ability of alveoli to attract oxygen has been doubled, and the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen has also been nearly doubled. Of course, the efficiency of tissue cells to use oxygen has been greatly improved. High, in general, when Duan Fei reaches the fifth layer of Taiyi, the utilization efficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere has increased by about 4 times, that is, he can tolerate an 80% reduction in oxygen concentration. For example, usually, the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, so the oxygen concentration acceptable to Duan Fei is 5%, in other words. It is said that as long as the oxygen content in the atmosphere is maintained at 5%, it is enough for Duan Fei to breathe normally. Of course, ordinary people can struggle to survive in an environment with an oxygen concentration of 15%, so if Duan Fei feels difficult to breathe, the oxygen concentration should be reduced to at least 3%.

The oxygen concentration in such a cave should be maintained at about 15%. Ordinary people can tolerate it but have difficulty breathing. Duan Fei doesn't care. This concentration is too high for him.

By the way, the oxygen concentration in natural pollution-free water is usually 0.8~0.9%, and the water sources that people often come into contact with are consumed about half of the oxygen due to different degrees of pollution, and the oxygen concentration is about 0.4~0.5%. At the current level, it is impossible to fly in the sea. The bottom is alive.

Murong Xian is more awesome than Duan Fei. Duan Fei at least wore a gas mask and a steel helmet. Murong Xian didn't want anything. He took a Monte sword and walked in front of the team as if nothing had happened. Obviously, he is not afraid of poison gas. It is difficult for him to beat this carbon monoxide. As a person with good internal skills, he naturally does not pay attention to this little poison.

Duan Fei doesn't want to waste internal power. There is really no need to waste internal power on something like carbon monoxide. I don't know what trouble he will encounter later. Who can guarantee that there are not a few fierce monsters hidden in this bat cave.

The group went deeper and deeper, and they could already step on the sparse bat feces under their feet. Duan Fei listened carefully. The "squeak, squeak" sounds were very close, and they would touch bats about 20 meters. He softly reminded his companions that there might be a large number of bats ahead.

Murong walked in the front, holding the Monte sword in his hand, and behind him were two flamethrowers. Then the others basically used automatic rifles. Duan Fei walked in the middle of the team, holding the Monte sword in his hand. Walking beside him were Ouyang and Ruili. Ouyang used a gun. Ruili's weapon was more special. Magic wand, a white stick, about 30 cm long, with a small purple star at the top. There are several red ribbons floating under the stars, which looks like a cute little toy. I don't know what kind of attack effect this thing can play. Duan Fei has always been interested in Western magic. I'll take a look at this little magic wand later. What tricks can you play?

After turning a corner, there are actually three lanes in front of it. There is another turn in front of a straight road, and there is a birch entrance on each side. This is troublesome. This place is still a maze. No wonder the NK team can't get out when they get in. Shouldn't they get lost inside? Right? It doesn't matter if you just get lost. Anyway, the headquarters will soon send people here. At that time, if there are more people and strength, there will naturally be a way to get out.

Murong is now the leader, and he is also worried. Which of these three roads to take? Duan Fei quickly walked to the front and drew a deep mark "A0" on the cave wall with a sword.

Now the question arises, whether the two groups should go together or act separately. After a quick consideration, he decided to divide the army into two ways. The Yangtian group continues to go straight. The mark along the road is headed by the letter "B". If it encounters another branch, continue to go straight and keep using the letter "B" to start.

The Blue Eagle group turned in from the entrance on the left and started with the letter "C". The two groups broke up at the "A0" point. The two captains agreed and finally gathered at the "A0" point.

Duan Fei led the blue eagle team into Area C and met some bats along the way with "C1, C2, C3..." along the way, but the number was not large. According to his instructions, try not to shoot when the situation can be controlled. As soon as the gun sounded, there will be an echo in the hole. At that time, all the flying insects in the bat cave will be shocked. Wake up, the scene will be difficult to control.

They didn't go far, and there was a gunshot not far away. It should be that the Yangtian team opened fire. With Murong's IQ, he would not order to fire if he met one or two small bats. He must have met a more difficult enemy over there. Duan Fei ordered the team to stop. He knew that a large number of bats would fly out soon. Come on, this burst of gunfire will definitely wake them up. He ordered everyone to gather some to squat down as much as possible and aim at the target before firing.

"Puff, poof, poof..." With the sound of scattered wings beating nearby, a large number of black flying objects rushed out. "Da, Da, Da" The big guy had something to do. As several automatic rifles roared, one black bat after another fell down, and the surviving flying insects came directly from you. The top of the head flew away, but this was not over yet, followed by a large number of flying insects coming. This batch came more and shouted louder. Among them, there were also several relatively large guys, several times larger than ordinary small bats. Fortunately, Duan Fei and the little tiger's eyes were fast. They let go of those small black spots and aimed at these big guys, sprayed with fire and took them. Knife cutting, one was cut by Duan Fei's wing and fell to the ground and tried to stand up. Greens immediately made a few shots at its head. Unexpectedly, the big guy was not killed and was still "bumping, fluttering" on the ground. Duan Fei ordered to stop the attack. He stared at the one on the ground while staring at Stop in front of a few big guys hanging on the wall of the cave.

"Please note that these little bats are ordinary bats. They don't hurt people. Let them go. These big guys are bat monsters. Everyone should be careful. Ordinary bullets can't beat them. Pay attention to protect yourself."

"Ruili," Duan Fei intended to see how powerful Ruili's little magic wand was, so he gave her the existing credit: "Come up and kill this injured one."

He himself was highly wary of the guys hanging on the wall of the cave. One of them tried to jump over and was sprayed back by a fire by the little tiger.

Ruili held a small magic wand, and changed her tricks like playing tricks in her hand. There were words in her mouth as if she was playing some spells. "Peng" her little magic wand flashed, and a small fireball shot at the bat monster that was still "bbling" on the ground. This big guy is really not small. Look at the wings are about one meter long. On the earth There should be no such big bat, Duan Fei had to carefully stare at the large flying insects in front of him.

Ruili's little magic wand firepower was so small that the monster was still "floping" on the ground five times. Duan Fei went up with a knife to end its pain, and then quickly waited for the other monsters to dive down at any time with a bloody sword, and the scene fell into a deadlock.

The more you go in, the more fierce the monster will be. Duan Fei ordered the whole group to keep the formation and retreat back. These monsters are too fierce to deal with. It's more reliable to go with the Yangtian group.

Fortunately, it was marked along the road just now, and the Blue Eagle group quickly returned to the "A0" point. As soon as they arrived, they saw bats flying out of the inside. Obviously, the front was quite hot. There were actually a few bats with a considerable physique, just like the wings just now, which should be about one meter. Junior bat monster, bat monster is not very aggressive. What is more annoying is its pair of wings. It is difficult for people to stand on the ground to attack things flying in the sky, but it is easier for things flying in the sky to attack targets on the ground, so Duan Fei feels that it is really a disadvantage to fight with these monsters. Although the special battle knife is very sharp, it can't get close to it, because these things fly too fast to rush too hard and get too close.

The Yangtian group should be in trouble. Although Murong Xian's martial arts skills are very powerful, he may have to sigh in the face of an amazing number of flying insects. No matter how powerful a sword is, he can't cut hundreds of flying insects. Duan Fei rushed forward eagerly with the blue eagle group and basically rushed to the bats along the way. It's a policy of non-aggression. Let's fly away. He doesn't bother to kill countless little flying insects. What are you trying to do?