Star Dragonkui

Chapter 50 Hot-blooded Brothers

The road on the left is really relatively peaceful. Except for some small flying insects, there is basically no trouble until the next fork. There are too many forks in this damn place. No wonder the NK team will be trapped. The black lights are blind, and the ground is stinky rotten mud. There are no good birds flying in the sky. From time to time on the sky and on the wall At that time, some sticky things fell, which were dirty and smelly. Ouyang had been resisting and wanted to vomit. The blonde beauty Ruili had already vomited so much that her stomach was bitter. This bitterness, I really wanted to lie down like this.

This fork did not cost Duan Fei too much real anger. He slightly recognized the direction and chose his left hand. After walking forward for a while, he was able to reconfirm that they were going in the right direction. Other people in the team could not find subtle battle marks, but Duan Fei was not ordinary. The bullet shell on the ground and the wall The crater and the body of the bat buried in the dung mud could not escape his magic eyes. In a blink of an eye, they passed two fork. Now it was close, and even Murong could hear the sound of gunfire.

"It's right in front! It's almost there! Let's work harder." Murong shouted excitedly.

At this time, there were two more fork in the fork, and this really arrived.

The NK group was finally lucky enough to find a tunnel like a small room in this underground world. Four people, two automatic rifles and two flame sprayers. The monsters rushed up and shot a few shots to suppress them down. They kept them repeatedly and desperately and saved a team of people.

When the four people saw a comrade-in-arms coming, they were excited and cried. While holding weapons, they continued to defend, tears flowed down. It was not easy to escape from death!

Duan Fei ordered two groups of four flames, Blue Eagle and Yangtian, to help them disperse the monsters, and then quickly organize the retreat. After three flamethrowers and two war knives were broken, the three flamethrowers were adjusted to the front to open the way. Everyone did not even give time to say grateful words and immediately retreated.

Time is life. Just now, the road is still quite far away. As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night. It's more realistic to withdraw from the cave quickly. If you are grateful, let's talk about it later. Duan Fei took the initiative to play the role of a battlefield commander and directly commanded the three teams to retreat in an orderly manner.

The way to retreat is not a smooth road. The owner of this cave seems to be quite hospitable. Along the way, the large and small flying insects are desperately trying to keep this group of uninvited guests, and there are fierce battles one after another.

Everyone retreated and rectified the formation. Blue Eagle suffered the least casualties. Only three people were slightly injured. Yangtian's group suffered two serious injuries, and the others were all slightly injured. The NK group suffered heavy casualties. Three of the nine people left their lives in the dark cave, and two others were seriously injured, and the other four also died. Color.

It was not easy for everyone to grit their teeth and kill out of the cave. The group of people all fell into the grass. If they didn't rest for three or two, no one was willing to get up. The people at the headquarters had arrived a long time ago and were still discussing where to start the rescue operation.

The headquarters quickly issued an order, and all the teams immediately returned to the Casa base, and the field survival training ended ahead of schedule.

This is Duan Fei's first practical training in the Casa Islands. The result was tragic, and the results are not completely complete. The heroism and fearlessness shown by the Blue Eagle Group and the Yangtian Group in this operation were highly praised by the base. The two teams each recorded third-class merit once. In addition to the medal, each of them still had 5,000. The two captains were rewarded with yuan, and the two captains were also praised by the whole army.

"I only got a reward of 5,000 yuan. I thought it was a promotion? This base is too stingy. What a risk we took to get the NK team back. It's too much that we can't even give a sergeant. He Xiaohu complained to Duan Fei. Of course, Ouyang and Ruili don't care. Anyway, a third-class soldier is only a second-class soldier. It's boring. Belang and Greens are both second-class soldiers. They also feel that it's a loss that they can't be promoted to the first-class. They almost lost their lives. Why should they be given a first-class soldier? What is collective third-class merit?

If you want to upgrade to a higher level, that flight is the most cost-effective. All of a sudden, from a second lieutenant to a lieutenant, almost capable of being a company commander, a grassroots leader.

The 18-year-old leader is very awesome. It's a pity that it's not beneficial to reward such a lot of hard work. 5,000 yuan is really nothing for Duan Fei. Looking through the purchase list given by Fadiano, it's 50,000 yuan to kill a lizard monster and 40,000 yuan for a bat monster. Next time, prepare well and run a real bat cave and make him a dozen big flying insects. I won't get 500,000 yuan.

5 thousand yuan, it's really boring.

Duan Fei is studying the map of the Casa Islands. The base has revised the island 912 from a white natural area to a blue risk area. Duan Fei looked at the starry dots on the map of Casa. There is only one green area, that is, the Terror Lizard Island. The most is the question mark area. The security level is unknown, and most of them are unknown. In fact, it belongs to the natural area, at most it is a risky area. The most horrible is the black spot, which belongs to the forbidden area. There are only three, Poison Lizard Island, Snake Island and Misty Island. Among them, Misty Island is a heavy black spot and an absolute forbidden area. No one is allowed to enter at any time.

Blue risk area, you can still go to break through.

The unlucky NK team was disbanded at the Kasa base. The captain reported a criticism once. The other members, together with the original captain, were sent to another training camp, and several officers on the base were dismissed. It seems that there is still a great risk of being an officer. Frankly speaking, the accidental trap of the NK team was completely unexpected. It has nothing to do with the decision-making and command of the officers, but after the accident, the weak rescue of the headquarters is indeed a big problem.

Duan Fei said when chatting with his brothers that in the future, everyone will have to be careful. If there is an accident, they can't count on the rescue of the base. As for their efficiency, the NK group is lucky to meet our Blue Eagle and Yangtian group. If they count on the pigs of the base, the group of NK group would have been gone long ago.

Next, it is said that the headquarters has transferred several real masters, including no Fire Cloud Knight. It seems that this training camp has finally been valued by the coalition headquarters, and it is quite attentive to arrange Fire Cloud Knights to be an instructor.

The new chief instructor will not come until a week later. Before that, other instructors really dare not play any actual combat. The whole day training queue is also called special forces, and it can be changed to a guard of honor. The training plan of the base has basically been silenced by various groups*. Except for a few particularly obedient groups, the whole Casa In the camp, there are more than 30 teams, and almost 20 of them did not participate in the queue drill.

The base is not going to force it. Anyway, it will be watering this week. If the new chief instructor doesn't get it, let's fool around.

Of course, Duan Fei will not take his brothers to play any queue drills. They are special forces, emphasizing individual combat ability and team combat ability. Whether the team can stand neatly has nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

It's obviously against you if you don't make some good money to buy some equipment this week. Kill a dozen bat monsters every day, and it will be 3.5 million in a week, which can change some good equipment for the whole group.

But with the strength of the Blue Eagle Group alone, I really can't hold it. Two flamethrowers, a masked war knife, several automatic rifles and a small magic wand may not be able to withstand it? What should I do? Find Group 307 to cooperate with them. Blue Eagle saved their lives. Cooperation should not be a problem, but it seems that the strength of that group is not good, and they are inexplicably surrounded by several lizards. Can this group work?

Why don't you find Murong Xian? Murong Xian's strength is there. He has cooperated once in the bat cave. Two masked war knives and four fire extinguishers should not be a problem to pack up two dozen junior bat monsters. Frankly speaking, Duan Fei has always been very prejudified towards Murong Xian, just because he is of the Murong family, just because he is of Ouyang...

Who can you look for if you don't look for them? That fool Zhao Kai obviously can't. Other groups have never met and don't understand it. Ability is a problem, and reputation is also a problem.

What should I do?

Duan Fei really doesn't want to find Murong Xian, but after thinking about it, there is still no other candidate, so he has to find him.

Murong Xian is not interested in making money. The most important thing in their family is money. For him, money has never been a problem, but he still accepted Duan Fei's invitation and decided to take his own people to take risks.

Maybe he wants to create more opportunities to get close to Ouyang, maybe he wants to improve his ability through actual combat. Anyway, for whatever the reason, the Blue Eagle Group and the Yangtian Group decided to join hands again to kill back to the Bat Cave.

Duan Fei tried his best to dissuade Ouyang and Ruili, but the persuasion was ineffective and could only take them with him.