Star Dragonkui

Chapter 49 There is a universe in the cave

Duan Fei and others quickly found the Yangtian team along the marks left by Murong Xian. The battle had been quite fierce. Two were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Even Murong Xian hung up. There was a large area of blood on his left shoulder, and several people were surrounded by a pile. More than a dozen bat monsters seemed to have red eyes and made a series of screams and scratching, making it Yangtian's group is quite embarrassed, mainly relying on two nozzles to suppress the crazy attack of monsters with flames. Murong's sword also has a good record, and four big flying insects have been lying on the ground.

Duan Fei rushed up without saying that aiming at one claw was a knife. The monster rushed to Duan Fei with a scream, "Good luck!" Duan Fei went up with another knife and directly cut the monster's head. The big flying insect's wings and cut the one-meter-long black wings into two rags. The guy threw himself on the wall of the cave with the cut wings unbalanced, and then hung there and couldn't stop squeaking. The cry was quite sad. The young man present was furious. His companions seemed to be infected by the call. They seemed to be crazy and rushed over desperately. The little tiger quickly rushed up and raised the spray *, which was a fever. Other people had nothing to say, "Da, Da, Da, Da" a burst of sharp shot hit the big guys's wings. The position is fluttering.

After finally resisting this round of attack, those guys immediately launched a new round of wild attacks. With a burst of "squeaky", more than a dozen monsters rushed back and forth. Duan Fei pointed out that one of them was a knife and directly drew a large piece of its big wings. This guy He pounced to the ground. As long as this guy can't fly, it can't constitute a threat. Duan Fei doesn't look at their heads now. The wing target is big. As soon as he cuts it accurately, Murong saw that Duan Fei cut one down and learned to be obedient. He aimed at the wings and tore off a large piece of your cloth, leaving a big wing and With a small cloth head, bats can't grasp the balance for a while and can only fall to the ground and flutter blindly. In this way, two in one round and six in three rounds are eliminated. In a blink of an eye, Duan Fei began to gain the upper hand. There are only seven or eight bat monsters left. * As soon as they sprayed and the bullets were swept, these guys began to be busy defending. Duan Fei Murong's two sharp Monte war knives picked a large number of wings, and soon these bats also fell to the ground and fluttered blindly.

In order to save the flames, Duan Fei ordered not to fire the monsters on the ground. He and Murong fought side by side, one by one, and soon sent these bat monsters to Abi hell.

After solving these bat monsters, everyone is tired and afraid. Not to mention the two seriously injured, others are also frightened. Fortunately, Monte's knife is sharp enough to cut more than half of their wings with a knife. Otherwise, this battle can't be fought. Bullets don't work at all in front of these monsters, and I don't know how these monsters evolved. The wings are harder than steel, and bullets can't be hit at all.

"What should we do next?" Someone asked.

In fact, everyone knows that the NK group's chance of life is not good. It's not worth it to find them to put themselves in. Many people think so, but no one dares to say it. After all, everyone is now regular soldiers and can't leave their comrades-in-arms alone.

Duan Fei looked at Murong Xian. He is now injured. His man has two serious injuries. Next, it is better for him to decide whether to continue to move forward or retreat.

"Continue to move forward." Murong Xian looked at everyone's situation. Although there were two seriously injured, the team still has combat effectiveness.

"Wait," everyone just set up the formation and walked forward for a few minutes, and another group of flying insects appeared. Duan Fei stopped the team. "We can't walk forward blindly like this. Think about it. If the NK team is also on this road, should they also meet bat monsters here, but you can have a look. There is no trace of battle on the wall or on the ground in front of me. I don't think the NK team is taking this road.

This is a very critical issue. In the face of the previous group of flying insects, everyone is also a little frightening. If it is not necessary, I don't think anyone want to provoke those monsters. Every battle has to fight fiercely, and every time they go forward, they have to pay the price of bleeding.

"Well, what's your good idea?" Murong asked rhetorically.

"Let's go back to the fork point just now, that is, A0. I think everyone still remembers that there are three roads. On the left side of our group, you take a straight road, and there is an entrance on the right that we haven't tried. We should go there to have a look. If there are traces of fighting, then NK is small. That's the way the group went.

"Yes, Duan Fei is right." Several people agree with Duan Fei.

So this time, instead of walking over to compete with those flying insects, they carefully retreated until A0, and then left a few people to break off. After everyone walked into the entrance on the right side, Duan Fei made a "D" series mark along the way and walked almost ten meters. Duan Fei found traces of fighting. His eyes The eye has a perspective function. He can see the golden bullet shell from the thick rotten feces on the ground. He can see the bullet holes hit by the bullets from the wall in the distance, as well as the small flying insects lying in the feces.

He reached out and took out a bullet from the crater on the wall. Yes, it was the bullet issued by the Casa training camp. Yes, the NK team was in front.

This time, everyone has strengthened their confidence that they will be able to find the NK group, which is quite a good credit. Maybe everyone can be promoted to the first level. Needless to say, several members of the Yangtian Group have also begun to admire Duan Fei. This captain is not only good at martial arts, but also very smart in actual combat. It can indeed solve some problems.

As the battle continues to deepen, the traces of the battle are becoming more and more obvious. The bullet shells and the bodies of the flying insects buried in the dung mud may not be seen, but the hornet's nest-like craters on the wall and the corpses of small bats piled up like hills can still be seen, which should be very close.

Duan Fei's ears were close to the wall, and he was able to hear the sporadic gunfire and the sound of flamethrowers.

"They are still alive. Come on, everyone." Duan Fei shouted excitedly.

The team accelerated its pace and tried to let go of the flying insects flying around along the way without entangling them. The team soon came to another fork.

This damn place is really like a maze, with forked places everywhere. Murong didn't say anything this time. Let Duan Fei decide which way to go. Everyone looked at him with their eyes.

Duan Fei opened his eyes and broke down. There were traces of fighting on both roads. Did the NK team walk through these two roads? Duan Fei is also not sure which way to take. It doesn't matter. The divine eye can't solve the problem, and there are still ears?

He stuck to the wall again to distinguish carefully. Judging from the direction of the sound, it was in the middle of the two directions. Obviously, the two channels were not straight. In this underground, no one could figure out which road the sound came from.

Duan Fei had to open his eyes again and carefully check the craters on the wall and the insect corpses on the ground. If the NK team walked from this side, why did he return? Either the road ahead is blocked, or he meets a very powerful enemy. Duan Fei looked at the fork in the right hand side, and the battle was obviously more fierce. If there is a dead end in front of him, then the number of monsters should not increase. Unless there are high-level monsters in the alley, we can't get rid of high-level monsters with our current strength, so It can't be a dead end here. Will they continue to walk along this road with such fierce fighting?

Duan Fei looked at the left side again. The battle was obviously much easier, and the further forward the battle, the easier it became. If they entered from the left side and then returned from the right hand side, what is the reason? Because the enemy on the left hand is too weak and the enemy on the right hand is too strong, do they want to kill high-level monsters here? Impossible. If my group accidentally breaks in and encounters a strong enemy, the first thing I have to do is not to find high-level monsters, but to escape for their lives, so it is likely that they will first enter from their right hand to meet a strong enemy and then prepare to retreat. As a result, they will run to the left hand side, and the result will turn deeper. In the tunnel, I was trapped in a deep siege. If it were me, I should have dealt with it like this. Look at the hole wall along the road and you will know how careless the team leader of NK is!

Everyone is waiting for him to make a decision. Duan Fei does think a lot at this moment. The more he is like this, the more calm he should be. Although saving people is like fighting a fire, if he goes in the wrong direction, he will not only be in a desperate situation if he can't save himself.

Now it seems that this bat cave is quite deep and complex. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no high-level monsters or even king-level guys in it. Just these people, not to mention the king level, you don't have to fight when you meet a lord level. No one can escape. If you encounter middle and high-level monsters, maybe Duan Fei and Murong will still There is a chance to escape, others, one dead end.