Star Dragonkui

Chapter 53 Prehistoric Beast

Duan Fei browsed those pictures one by one, which was a very boring job. A small wooden box took more than 3,000 pictures, many of which are exactly the same in the eyes of ordinary people. Only masters like Duan Fei who can open the sky can see the extremely subtle differences.

He has seen these photos NN times. There are a small black wooden box, with a total of 12 patterns on the inside and outside sides. No matter how you look at it, you can't see a famous one. They are all very simple and thick lines. A total of eight patterns around the sides are almost exactly the same, that is, some simple decorative patterns. The kind that can be seen on many antiques, only the upper and lower lid and the four patterns on the bottom of the box are more valuable for research. He picked out four of them and put them together. He repeatedly stared at these thick lines, which were hidden on the black background picture, as if they were swimming softly.

Dragon, swimming in the clouds? Over the treetops... through the lake... scattering water mist...

Duan Fei shook his head, unlike, unlike!

What are the mysteries contained in the study of these patterns? What is the beginning of the book of destruction?

Duan Fei put away Eric's USB flash drive, meditated cross-legged, and began to practice too much. On the fifth floor, there has been no progress. The magical white snake tongue grass has not moved for a long time, but it seems to be a little strange tonight. He focused on the true spirit on the skin, and a cold abnormal feeling came from the dead grass in his chest. This time, he did not take off the leaf. With his current skills, he did not need to lift it. In front of you, you only need to inject some true qi into the epidermis. The nerve endings of the skin are like countless tentacles, walking downstream in the epidermis and quickly transmitting various information on the dead grass to Duan Fei's brain. Nerve free is a high level of internal skill cultivation. Rich nerve endings can actively sense and measure the surroundings. Environment, things, these complex information are quickly transmitted to the brain, and the central nervous system is needless to say, more developed, like a high-speed supercomputer, which quickly concluded that there is a summary of the shape and characteristics of the white snake tongue grass.

Yes, the information transmitted back from the nerve endings near the white-flowered snake tongue grass indicates that the dead grass has obvious vitality. In its center, a smaller white snake tongue grass is forming, like a hairline, swimming in the big grass leaves, colder than the big grass leaves outside, and the small silk line gradually swims out. Big leaves, swimming in Duan Fei's skin...

Is it to prevent it from forcing it back with internal force or leave it alone and let it be free?

Duan Fei can only mobilize more nerve endings to keep up with it and follow it. The skin of his chest is like a lake, like a sea, and a thin silk line moves and swims on the lake...

The cold feeling passed from the epidermis to the inside of the body. For a long time, the thin silk swam back to the big leaves and gradually moved, and the dead grass gradually faded away its aura. The dead grass was still dead grass without any vitality, but the cold breath of Duan Fei's body was still swimming away. Duan Fei carefully mobilized the true qi in his body. Trying to integrate with that breath is a very difficult and risky move. If this hairline is a poisonous, then... it is deeply buried in Duan Fei's body, which is very deep and integrated with the true qi that has been cultivated for a long time.

This is an extremely dangerous attempt, more terrible than taking any pest poison!

Duan Fei's attempt finally succeeded, and his true qi gradually blended with the cool breath. He has been able to drive this clear air to leave a note in the second vein circulation, which can be called out at any time and can be collected at any time.

Once Tai went through the fifth floor, he was actually opened up like this. Duan Fei didn't know whether to be happy or regret it. It is difficult to figure out whether it is a blessing or a curse to integrate the pure spirit of this evil family into his true qi.

Anyway, he can practice the sixth layer. After this layer, he may drive internal forces to protect his body. At that time, not to mention sniper bullets, even if it is a junior monster, in his condition of his work, it will not hurt him at all.

In the morning, the sun had just raised the quilt, and Duan Fei came to the seaside. There was no charming beach here, not even a grain of sand. There were piles of rocks and waves.

From afar, the waves beat against the huge black rock, and the snowflakes several meters high rolled violently. Duan Fei performed Lingyun's light skills and came to a rock 100 meters away. This is a quite huge rock, seven meters square, but as soon as the waves came, the whole stone was submerged into the surface. In the snowflakes, Duan Fei walked into the waves, meditated, condensed, and gathered his energy. In the storm of the tight waves, a true air set out from itself, as if countless hairs were flowing around...

The cold and strange air from the strange grass mixed into his true qi and has been fully integrated. He has been able to skillfully control the powerful airflow and constantly circulate in his body. The skin of his whole body is like hundreds of millions of machines, spitting out new things. A trace of weak airflow flows from hundreds of millions of machines into the body. This The bigger the stock torrent, the more majestic and mature it is.

About four hours later, Duan Fei, who sat in the snow wave, began to recover. The torrent of true qi returned to his breathing, slowly adjusted his breathing, opened his eyes, stretched his muscles and bones, and stood up gently. Now his sensory function is quite terrible. He can clearly see the mosquitoes flying 200 meters away and listen to the distance. The sound of fish swimming under the water.

In the distance, a gentle "da, da" sound came from ordinary people. This sound obviously did not exist, but Duan Fei was not an ordinary person. He turned his head and followed the sound. About 200 meters away, several small lizards ran around in the gravel. He smiled. How could these cute little things come out in broad daylight? Alas, I must be very hungry, but in broad daylight, where can I find food?

Lizards are typical night insects. They sleep during the day, touch them at night and make sneak attacks. Turtles that swim to the beach to lay eggs at night, and shells that climb up to rest are the targets of them. These little guys can't find any food when they run out in broad daylight, but from these little guys playing in the rocks. Come on, maybe they didn't come out for food, just come out to play. Duan Fei looked at them for a long time and suddenly came to his mind - yes, that picture, that pattern, yes, is a lizard. A pattern engraved on the top of the black wooden box is a lizard, a fierce and toothed lizard. Is there such a species of lizard in the world?

Duan Fei quickly came to the Internet cafe. He can't eat lunch. As an internal martial artist who has practiced to the sixth level, the demand for food has been greatly reduced. I believe everyone has heard that people who have practiced internal skills to a certain extent can live in the valley. What is What about Gu Changsheng? By the way, it is said that there was an old birthday star named Peng Zu in the Shang Dynasty, who was good at guiding. He often ate grass and trees to nourish his essence. Every time he traveled around the world, he did not eat rice for 100 days, only used morning dew to satisfy his hunger, and lived until more than 800 years. The so-called valley means that he did not eat. I don't eat fireworks in the world.

Duan Fei's internal strength cultivation is naturally a little worse than Peng Zu, but not eating for a day or two does not affect his health at all. Once he has reached the sixth level, the absorption and utilization of nutrients by all tissue cells in various organs and structures of the body have greatly improved. For example, in the past, he You have to eat two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. Now half a steamed bun is enough. In addition, due to the strengthening of organ functions, the body's ability to store nutrients has increased exponentially. It is really unharmful for Duan Fei not to eat for a few days.

He hurried to the Internet cafe and searched for a lot of pictures and materials. He didn't find the kind of lizard he was looking for, with fangs and a fierce face, more fierce than the most vicious wolf. What is it? Its body's tail floating in the clouds and its claws hidden in the clouds are clearly a lizard, perhaps a lizard that has died from the earth. Like dinosaurs, lizards are also prehistoric animals. The lizard species currently living on the earth are only a small part of the lizard family, most of which are lizard products. The species have disappeared, together with the prehistoric civilization they lived in, leaving only a few fragments and hidden in some mysterious ancient relics.

Duan Fei had to temporarily put down his reverie about the book of destruction, and the practice was more practical. Now he began to doubt whether the book of destruction of heaven really existed. This black wooden box could not be just a key to a mysterious ancient relic, and he was not interested in the mystery of those ghosts. , he never believes that there are rare treasures in those ghost places. There may be a lot of ghosts, and there may be zombies, vampires and so on. Now he is interested in peerless martial arts. He must admit that he is becoming more and more like a martial arts idiot and wants to become the legendary world first. He suddenly feels that this is ridiculous. Duan Fei's wish in his life is to be the number one chivalrous man in the world on the top of Hua Mountain? Can I be compared with a person like Ouyang Feng?

He shook his head. If one day, he really practiced the world's best martial arts, and then what? What should I do?

What about it? Let's practice the world's first martial arts first. Let's think about it after getting the world's first thing. What's the hurry?