Star Dragonkui

Chapter 54 Good Strategies for Seduce the Enemy

After a day's rest, should we continue to run the bat cave on the fourth day? Duan Fei forced his scalp to pull Murong Xian. He was bluntly rejected by the proud Mr. Murong. He not only rejected Duan Fei, but also ridiculed him fiercely. Duan Fei now began to regret it. He vowed not to beg anyone, especially this Murong Xian. This person is really not angry enough. You should know that the Blue Eagle Group has merged with the Yangtian Group. There have been three tough battles on the shoulder. This kind of feeling of life and death is hard to buy, but Murong Xian certainly doesn't think so.

"Life and death? Who are you and who am I? I am the third son of the Tang Tang Murong family. I am proud of the world and talk about life and death with me. Are you a poor boy worthy?

"You change too fast. Turning your face is faster than turning over a book. Even if the vinegar altar is broken, as a man, as the captain of a special forces, you should be a little responsible! It's really humiliating for you to behave like this now. Where is your previous elegant and free?

Duan Fei replied to him rudely. As soon as he mentioned the vinegar jar, Murong's face turned into a pig liver color, "What are you talking about? What kind of vinegar jar? You are simply inexplicable!" Murong shouted loudly, with an extremely excited expression.

Duan Fei didn't like him and counterattacked, "I think it's your Murong Xian. You think I don't know what's thinking in your stomach!"

Murong Xian was already jealous. Today, he actually opened up the words, so just do it. Murong Xian simply didn't go around the corner. He pointed to Duan Fei's nose and shouted, "Duan Fei, let me tell you, Qianqian will see through your little means. Sooner or later, she will know who is the person who really loves her. I warn you Duan Fei that I will never let you go if I dare to hurt her.

Duan Fei gently pushed away his fingers and replied coldly, "True love? You don't deserve this word."

Angryly looking at Duan Fei's back, Murong Xian clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and scolded in his heart, "Don't fall into my hands next time, hum!"

The cooperation with Yangtian has been completely ruined. Duan Fei intends to do it alone. It's an adventure to take a group. It's also an adventure to go out alone. Unexpectedly, he is not sure. It's better to go alone. With his own light skills, at least it won't be a problem to escape for his life.

At night, he went back to his room early to go to bed.

Just after taking a shower, Xiaohu and nails came in.

" boss, I heard that we haven't talked with the Yangtian group. How about it? Let's do it ourselves tomorrow." The little tiger opened his mouth first.

"Forget it, let's take a few days off. When the new chief instructor comes, he may play something again. Let's save some energy."

"Big, this is nonsense," said the nail interface, "We know you too well. Take a few days off and lie to the ghost. Do you want to do it alone? Let me tell you, Afei, if you leave our two brothers behind, you are too unspeakable.

"Yes, boss, since our brothers came out, when they were born and died together? Why do you have this idea today? Lose us and go alone. Are you still our Afei?

Duan Fei looked at the two brothers sideways and shook his head with a wry smile, "It's just three of us who break into the bat cave. It's a question whether we can come back."

"If you want to die, boss, you can't put us down."

Almost arguing, Xiaohu and Nail almost quarreled with Duan Fei. Finally, the three reached an agreement. Early tomorrow morning, the three of them will take equipment to take risks. Three people, two flamethrowers, two submachine guns, two Monte knives, two pairs of Monte gloves, and three people wore bulletproof vests that could not stop the monster's claws and set off.

Duan Fei is more careful this time. Only three people will die once they fall into a siege. He still chose that route. After all, he has done it three times, and he already knows it well.

After three fork, they ushered in the first fierce battle. More than 100 small bats, 5 big bats, and three people crept forward. Duan Fei first stepped forward to clean up the little bats with a knife and knife. The nail was holding a spray gun in his right hand and a submachine gun under his left armpit. The little tiger sprayed * in his left hand and carried it in his right hand. With the Monte sword knife, he followed Duan Fei and walked forward with his feet.

Although Duan Fei was very careful, the big bats that were originally hung on the wall were still shocked. They flapped their one-meter-long wings and rushed over. The little tiger and nails gritted their teeth and sprayed * in one hand and pressed hard. The other hand had to control the second weapon to attack, so that the left and right bows were consumed by physical strength. When they were big, they couldn't stand it in less than five minutes, especially the little tiger. The Monte battle knife in his right hand frequently waved and slashed. The spray * in his left hand was not only heavy, but also very hot. He really couldn't take care of both ends. He had to drop the sword and held the flamethrower in his hands and aimed at the target in the air. The nail couldn't hold on. It is too difficult to control the submachine gun with one hand and the flamethrower with one hand. It can only last for five minutes, not even one more minute.

For good fortune, no more big bats came out. Duan Fei dodged and attacked. Five big wings were finally cut off by him, and the metal cotton of his bulletproof vest was torn to pieces, and his face, shoulders and arms were covered with blood.

"Big boss, why don't we stop here today?" The nail wiped Duan Fei's face with a white towel on his neck, which was both bloody and sweaty.

Xiao Hu also echoed, "Yes, boss, withdraw."

Duan Fei looked at the five monster bodies on the ground, and the collection team of the French-German company quickly dissected them. Duan Fei touched his face, looked at his bulletproof vest, and shook his head: "It's no big deal. Keep walking forward."

After another fork, I met three big bats, which took a little time to clean up.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the familiar alleyway. Turning forward was the small house that was easier to defend. The reason why the NK team survived that day was that the small house ran inside, guarding the door of the house, and persisted to survive, but Duan Fei couldn't do this. He couldn't expect it to be outside. Someone will come to the rescue, and the three people of Fadiano's company hid far away and didn't come at all.

"Let's go back, boss. There are bats on both sides of this place. Once we fight, we will be surrounded, and the three of us can't stand the attack at both ends anyway."

"Yes, the nail is right. This place is too dangerous. Let's go back."

This is a similar "T"-shaped roadway. As soon as you enter the tunnel, there are curved passages on the left and right sides. Walk forward on your left to the small house that the NK team once defended desperately. On the right hand side is an unknown area. Duan Fei looks at the two tunnels, and the walls are full of large and small bats. Bat.

"It's strange that this place has been killed three times. Why haven't the bats decreased?" Duan Fei was puzzled. Along the way, the number of bats in other places has decreased significantly after the first three fights. In this place, there are still so many dense black bats on the walls.

Of course, Duan Fei didn't want to give up. He only hit 7 monsters, more than 200,000 yuan. This trip was a little unfair.

What should I do now? If you keep walking forward, you will die, you will really die. Withdrawal, it's only more than 200,000 yuan, which is too far away from a suit and depressing.

It's too unwilling to go back like this. Duan Fei thought about it and finally came up with a high move. A curved flying knife broke through the air and flew directly to a big bat hanging on the wall. This big flying insect was quite agile. Before the flying knife came close, the big guy with black wings flew far away. The machete seemed to be long The eye-like hit immediately changed the line and drew a curved cut to the bat's head. This guy was obviously enraged, "squeaky" and stretched out his claws to fish it. The machete changed the line again in the air and quickly flew back to this side. The big guy couldn't resist such bullying and clapped his wings and chased after him. Not only did the guy chase him, but the other two big bats and more than a dozen small bats also followed him to join in the fun.

Good. Duan Fei secretly shouted. It was you who held the sword and waited for you. The big flying insect fluttered and fell to the ground. The little tiger and nails quickly came up and pressed the feet. Duan Fei pulled out and said, "Oh, sw" and the three big bats nestled on the ground and fluttered. Duan Fei and Xiaohu Hold the sword and end them rudely. The three staff of Fadiano seemed to have poor martial arts skills and dared not run to run in front of Duan Fei. They had their own tricks to clean up the mess. First, they hooked the body of the big bat and pulled it back. After dragging it over, they unloaded the valuable parts without saying a word.