Star Dragonkui

Chapter 61 Sea Practice

After practice, Duan Fei's body function has been improved by leaps, the functions of various organs of the whole body have been multiplied, the quantity and quality of hemoglobin have been improved, and the ability to store and transport oxygen has been greatly improved. A substance called oxygenation protein has gradually been produced in the body, which is large in the form of oxygenation. The amount of oxygen stored, coupled with the exponential efficiency of the use of oxygen by body organs, has greatly reduced his demand for oxygen. With the evolution of the skin and the change of organelles, the lungs are no longer the only respiratory organ. Three layers of oxygen needed by the body can be exchanged through the oxygen of skin organelles. The improvement of all these functions allows him to stay in the sea for a longer time.

After completing a large breath, the oxygen stored in his body after all mobilizing oxygen and hemoglobin can provide him with a basic supply. In other words, he can dive in seawater for 20 minutes without any discomfort. In addition, he can complete the oxygen he needs to complete effective breathing. The degree has dropped significantly. At present, it has reached about 5%. As long as the oxygen concentration in the surrounding environment is maintained at 5%, he can easily complete normal breathing. Everyone knows that the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, which is four times the effective concentration. It is enough for him to complete a large breath for half a minute. In the atmospheric environment, he only needs half a minute. It can absorb enough 20 minutes of oxygen to sustain the body.

Now let's calculate the time he can dive in the sea. First, complete a big breath, replenish the body's oxygen for 20 minutes, and then come to the sea. The sea near Lizard Island is basically polluted in natural waters, with a relatively high oxygen content of 0.7%, which is needed to complete normal breathing. The oxygen concentration is 5%, which is 7 times this number. In 20 minutes, he can replenish enough effective oxygen from seawater to maintain his body for 3 minutes. This is a parameter obtained under the condition of fully ensuring a normal and sufficient oxygen supply. If some of his organ cells enter a dormant state, then this time can be obtained. 50% extended, so under the condition of ensuring the body's basic oxygen needs, he can complete a large breath and easily stay in the sea for 25 minutes. If some body cells are allowed to enter a state of mild hypoxia, this time can reach 40 minutes.

Complete a big breath, and he can stay in the sea for 40 minutes. This is the theoretical basis of Duan's closed-door practice. He completely moved the practice place into the sea and dived to a depth of 5 to 10 meters below sea level, where he hovered, isolated from the world, low oxygen environment, quickly became quiet, and reached a wonderful primitive state. Sea water is the origin of life on earth. Here, Duan Fei faintly felt a primitive and powerful potential. In this wonderful environment, the functions of the body can be exerted extraorably and can quickly complete the upgrading and evolution of organ tissues.

No wonder Ouyang Qianqian couldn't find Duan Fei. He dived into the sea alone to practice. Who can find him? The immortals can't find him. In the vast sea, he hid 5 to 10 meters below the sea level alone, occasionally floated up to take a breath and then sink. Unless a warship and a merchant ship passed by and someone was watching the sea level very carefully, no one would find his existence at all. He turned into a marine creature and integrated into The infinitely wide Pacific Ocean.

Duan Fei's practice is not progressing smoothly. The empty box containing the destroyed spiritual book is still out of his mind. The sixth layer of the shell is quite stuck, like a hurdle that can't be bypassed. Duan Fei's practice has stopped at this level. Is it still the wrong way to practice? The ancients should not have invented this wonderful method of seabed practice. Taiyijing should have been figured out in the deep mountains and old forests. Do they have to go to the deep mountains and old forests to find feelings? Now that the strange old man Greta doesn't let it stop all day, how can he have time to run out to find a place to practice?

Deep mountains and old forests? Where is it near here? Unless it's those big islands, these small islands can't be big mountains and forests. You have to find a chance to climb the big islands, but those big islands, not to mention those big islands marked black, poisonous lizard islands, snake islands, fog islands, human forbidden areas, go up to death, the other four big islands, Samo Island, Garando Island, Papaya Island, Fudi On the island, only Samo Island is marked red, and the other three are all purple. If you rush up, you will die. Samo Island is very large and there is indeed a big forest, but it is a dangerous red area, and you can't rush up.

Well, let's talk about it later. It's not easy to find this closed-door practice at the bottom of the sea, but it's useless. I'm so happy.

Most of the students played quite happily this night. Duan Fei felt that it was too late to return to the dormitory. When he got home, it was 11 p.m., but the whole corridor was empty and few people came back. The dormitory building was basically empty. These guys were tortured by Greta for more than a week. Tonight, they were completely crazy. Huan went, and Xiaohu and nails didn't know where to go. Duan Fei was too lazy to care about them and fell asleep in **.

At three o'clock in the morning, Greta still felt pity for everyone, so that everyone could at least return to the dormitory before 1:00 a.m. At least most people returned to the dormitory. They could still sleep for an hour or two, which was enough.

The sharp alarm sounded over the island, "My God, don't let people live! I came out to toss again, and I just picked up half of my life and had to catch it.

Someone said the internal information firmly in advance, and there was absolutely no alarm tonight, so everyone played very hard. Well, now it's miserable. Greta actually came to his senses so quickly. When the alarm sounded, let's play with his life. I don't know what tricks this strange old man did to toss people.

Fortunately, Duan Fei is in good condition tonight. His physical strength and internal strength are all OK and full of spirit. As long as this old stubbornness is not aimed at him, it's okay. He believes in his own strength. Among these students, he can at least rank in the top three. Isn't it just training? Who is afraid of whom?

As soon as it came up, 30 kilograms of weight, 20 kilometers of cross-country, let's run. Many of these recruits have just fallen into ** without closing their eyes. They immediately have to carry 30 kilograms of iron and run around the island desperately. Not only the students are suffering, but also those instructors and supervised soldiers are also suffering. When they open their mouth in the middle of the night, it is 30 Kilometers, they all thought we were beaten by iron. We were too excited to play at night, and now we have just entered the inhibition period. Our whole body is quite tired. Not to mention carrying 30 kilograms, it is difficult for him to run barefoot.

I finally gritted my teeth and ran to the finish line. I didn't want to rest for a while. Those who ran fast can take a breath a little and fell to the worst behind the team. Seeing that they got to the end, the order immediately came down again. With a load of 60 kilograms and 50 kilometers of cross-country, do you still think we are human? Running like this will really kill people. The officer is also very helpless. No matter how hard he is and tired he is, he has to grit his teeth and insist. He can't hold two powerful pills into his mouth and then hold a piece of ginseng lozenges. Let's do it. Brothers are born to suffer. Don't say anything. Keep running. His grandmother's 60kg load is 120 Jin, it's really killing people.

This one runs down, no ordinary students. Even the top figures such as Duan Fei, Murong Xian and Bonn Rick are sweating. They are so tired. If they don't give them a mouthful of food, each person will be distributed 30ml of water. What's the concept of 30ml? Half two, it's like this. When everyone ran dry, they gave half a taels of clear water. There was nothing they could do. The officer's plead for mercy didn't work. Greta was a scolding guy. At a glance, there were more than 100 people lying on the ground. Only 60 of these two hundred people who came here could help each other and stand there and gasp. As for the others, more than 100 people fell to the ground. I guess I can't even climb up.

All the 90kg load rushed to the top of the mountain within half an hour and then fell down to the valley to gather, set off immediately, and released the wolf half an hour later.

Greta is the guy who did what he said. Hundreds of hungry wolves have been driven in eight trucks. In half an hour, this old guy must really release wolves. That's not a scare. Hundreds of hungry wolves, if they fall into their hands, they won't even have bones. You know, this group of hungry wolves are not a natural breed, all of them are classics. Biologically strengthened, one by one, their physique is comparable to that of a calf, and their attack power is quite strong.

"Fuck, this old bastard won't let people live." Several young men who fell to the ground got up in pain, and immediately someone came up to put iron bricks in their backpacks.

"Dog/Witch, I'm quit." A big black backpack was thrown to the ground and withdrew from the Casa training camp, and then two people raised their right hands and pulled the flying tiger badge on their arms, permanently withdrawing from the Superman training program.

Seeing that people quit one after another, senior staff officer Park Xiangzhong ran to Greta anxiously and shouted, "I strongly protest that we can't treat them as animals. We need humanized training."

Greta glanced at him, smiled contemptuously at him, and then slapped him directly to the mud, "You don't want to do it, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Run, the howling of the wolf in the truck over there is already higher than one wave. If you don't run, are you still waiting to feed the wolf?