Star Dragonkui

Chapter 62 Keep playing with your life

Frankly speaking, climbing and falling with a weight of 90 kilograms is certainly not a problem for Duan Fei. His biggest headache at present is Ouyang and Ruili. Men are equals and women on this battlefield. It's really a little inhumane to let two weak women carry 90 kilograms of iron bricks on their backs. It is impossible for Duan Fei's character to go to Gretali for this matter. In terms, even the senior staff officer was pushed to the ground by him, and it was a dream to expect the old man to be gentle with his students.

Well, it's better to ask for it than to ask for it. Duan Fei directly stuffed the two 30 kilograms added behind the two beautiful women into his backpack. Isn't it enough to add 60 kilograms of load? Mr. Duan can afford it. Today, the most favorable thing in this subject is the Tomahawk group led by Bon Rick, which is all The big man carries dozens of kilograms of iron bricks on his back is nothing, but it's different when he changes to Ouyang's little sister. The 90kg load is carried by a 16-year-old girl. It's too exaggerated!

To reason with the wolf is to die. If you don't want to try your best, you can leave quickly. Greta doesn't care about walking a few more people. If all the students of the whole Casa base run away, everyone will be quiet. At a glance, five more people can't stand it. They have to rush to the top of the mountain with a weight of 90 kilograms. If you have to give up. Five people cursed and tore off the Flying Tiger badge, so they chose to leave sadly.

Duan Fei led his team to rush to the top of the mountain and then roped down to the valley. There, they could already hear the howls of wolves from the mountain. Greta, an old stubborn man, actually released the wild wolf. Looking at the hillside, it was terrible. Many students really had no strength to climb the ropeway, rolling and climbing straight. After that, it went down from above. The training team was not polite. Those unruly and wanted to be lazy were all escorted to one side, with more than 50 people. Fortunately, several members of the Blue Eagle Group all obediently climbed the ropeway step by step.

Those more than 50 people who steal and play tricks can't be squeezed. I heard that all of them have to go to the dungeon for at least three days. It's 11 a.m. It's time to enjoy some food. A cold steamed bread is also okay. Everyone looked pitifully at the awesome Lord Greta. Give up a little bit. If you continue to make trouble like this, you will definitely die.

Each person has a small glass of water, 50ml, and rest in place for half an hour. This is a little favor given by Lord Greta. Many people are furious in their eyes and can't wait to tear the old man to pieces, but there is nothing they can do. The orders on the battlefield are overwhelming. Let's continue to do it and be full of anger and ready to collect. Shiset people.

In the scorching sun, the sweat was dry, and their lips were dry, and they had to obey the command. In the afternoon, the work task came out. Each person was assigned two large buckets, with a calibration volume of 28 liters, and two buckets of water was more than 100 catties. Each person filled 2 buckets of seawater, poured them out 5 kilometers and then returned to the seaside to continue drying. 10 round trip The end of the work. You can stop and rest halfway at the cost of being directly locked in the dungeon.

It's really to die. People are so tired that they can't move their legs. If they don't give them food or drink, 50ml of water is not enough to moisten their throats. After this, it is estimated that dozens of them will have to enter the dungeon. There's nothing they can do. People can't overdraw their strength over and over again. In the end, they can only recognize it. Plant.

Duan Fei asked Xiaohu and Ouyang to get supplies. He had to seize the time to communicate with the captains. Under such difficult conditions, everyone twisted into a rope to live better, but don't let every captain think so. The two captains on the same flight with him didn't buy it. They set out with their own teams. Fortunately, two captains accepted Duan Fei's invitation and brought their own people together with Duan Fei's team. In this way, Duan Fei actually gathered four teams, but the number of people was not large. There were only three people in his own Blue Eagle team, and there were no captains of the Bobcat team, only two third-class Soldier, there are four people in the Storm Squad, Captain Delgar, Swede, Red Devil Squad, captain Schikov, from Russia.

There are only 12 people in total, but they received the equipment of four teams. This time, the base distributed diesel generators and high-voltage grid coils. The four teams have four diesel generators, four bundles of high-voltage grid coils, plus rifles, bullets, flashlights, tents, and too many military supplies. Twelve people moved at all. Without moving, Duan Fei proposed that four teams share equipment, with a total of only one rifle, a sniper rifle, six flamethrowers, and other firearms and mines. Those things are not necessary at all. Of course, the Monte dagger is a must for everyone, and this solve the problem when fighting with monsters.

Unfortunately, there is no Monte sword, not even one. In case you encounter a monster, it will be difficult to fight.

In any case, the safety factor of 12 people in four groups is still much higher. The primary task of the joint action team is to find a clean water source. This time, the base does not even match the water source processor, so it cannot desalinate seawater. It can only find fresh water to drink. Finding water is equivalent to finding animals and monsters. Hunting a few small animals or killing a big monster will solve the problem of eating. If you are lucky, you may still be able to eat delicious grilled fish.

Twelve people lined up and searched along the longitudinal axis of the island. Soon they came to the middle of the island and found no water source along the way. Duan Fei decided to adjust his strategy. According to his observation, the main mountain range of the island is east along the southeast of the island, so the main peak of the mountain range should be small. In the southwest of the island, and the main part of the mountain range is the southeast slope. Unexpectedly, there is no water source at the southeast foot of the mountain range, so the water should flow to the northeast. He began to look along the northeast of the mountain range and finally found several dry ditches. During the rainy season, these ditches should be full of water, so the water The end of the ditch should be the water source.