Star Dragonkui

Chapter 88 Undead Amulet

Liu Qing nodded silently. No wonder Liu Qing, who has no martial arts foundation, can enter such a competition. It is no wonder that such a high-level personal coach does not make rapid progress. No one is qualified to doubt Ding Weiran's ability.

Duan Fei looked at Ding Weiran walking in front of the team and couldn't say whether it was respect or disgust. Some people said that the first impression was very important. The first impression she left Duan Fei was very bad. The arrogant appearance made Duan Fei still remember vivid, but after all, she was Liu Qing's teacher. Duan Fei tried his best to learn to respect. She should at least reach such a level of respect.

No one can stop what Ding Weiran wants to do in Iron City. She put Ai Ruiping on the big table and patted her right hand. Ai Rui screamed in pain. Duan Fei's eyesight was much stronger than Liu Qing. He basically saw what Ding Weiran had just done. He was unable to change anything and repel people like Duan Fei. Ding Weiran didn't even need to look at him, just wave his sleeves.

The star guard just slapped something like a silver needle or nail into Eric's body, on the right waist. The middle-aged woman rarely took a little time to explain what she had just done.

"Although your pupils have not turned red, I know you are a vampire with pure blood."

Duan Fei was not surprised by such a conclusion. At the beginning, he suspected that the girl was closely related to the vampire case, although he was still very uncomfortable when he really heard this sentence. Intuition told him that Eric was a good girl and that she should not bear evil debts.

"I don't care what you think," Ding Weiran's fierce eyes swept across Duan Fei and Liu Qing's faces, and finally stopped on Ai Rui. "I just want to save her. In this world, there is only one place that can save her, Golmud 3 Special Hospital. Only they in the world have a way to eliminate the blood-eating virus in the human body."

Duan Fei went up to comfort Eric and told her to be strong.

"I just injected a starry sky password hand copy into your body. It is a miniature bomb. After 72 hours, it will automatically detonate, and then the highly toxic drug will penetrate your blood and end your life within 5 minutes.

"Why did you do this? You just said you just wanted to save her?" Duan Fei came forward and questioned her loudly.

Ding Weiran turned his head and looked at the young compatriot and said coldly, "Within three days, she must report to the 3rd Special Hospital in Golmud." After saying this, she went away.

Duan Fei knew that it was a waste of time with her. Fortunately, as a second lieutenant of the Star Alliance special forces, he still has some privileges, such as applying for the electronic* of the emergency channel. This is set up by the Star Alliance to deal with emergencies. All kinds of fast vehicles, including civil aircraft, military passenger aircraft, underground high-speed rail and submarine high-speed rail, as long as you get the emergency channel electronics* of the planetary coalition and get the green light all the way. From the Iron City in South America to Golmud in northwest China, things will be cumbersome. First of all, you have to take a bus to the nearby big one. City Cari, then take a plane to Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, then transfer to an international flight to Shanghai or Beijing, China, then transfer to Urumqi, arrive in Urumqi and then transfer to a bus to Golmud. This trip, even if all the flights can be connected, all the buses just don't have to wait. It is estimated that it will take two or three days. How can it be so smooth to travel?

72 hours from Iron City, a small city in South America, to Golmud in northwest China on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is an almost impossible task. Some people will ask, Golmud, as the headquarters of the Star Alliance, is also the headquarters of the Star Alliance. Is there no airport?

Of course, there are more than one or two airports in Golmud. There are seven airports in Golmud, four of which are top-secret military use, two are for ordinary military use, and one is open for politicians of various countries. Ordinary civil flights are basically not available.

It's different with the emergency channel of the Star Alliance. Although Duan Fei can only get the white marked emergency channel electronics*, this is enough. From the Iron City, he came to the station of the military underground high-speed railway located in the northwest suburbs of the Iron City, and then took the military high-speed railway with a maximum speed of 1200 kilometers per hour to reach Rio directly. Generu Military Airport, where you can fly directly to Golmud by military passenger plane and arrive on the lucky day.

solved the electronic*, and Duan Fei's hanging heart was relieved. He personally drove Ai Rui to the entrance of the military underground high-speed railway, and Liu Qing also sat in the car enthusiastically to see her off.

The speed of the car is not fast, 60 kilometers per hour. Duan Fei has some questions to figure out. Fortunately, there are few people or cars on the haunted road in Iron City during this period. He drove a business car all the way while listening to the case about Stewey. At this time, there was no need for Eric to hide it. She decided to tell a story to two Chinese friends about their Cardi family.

About 500 years ago, there was a vampire family in the Iron City called Cardi. They were once very powerful and controlled many fields of the Iron City. In this powerful family, there was a very thoughtful vampire - Fean Cardi. He wanted to be an ordinary person and survive without killing people and sucking blood. Instead of hiding in the dark corner, he hopes to bathe in the sun and enjoy the free green and sky like others.

He had this idea and tried his best to do it. He visited many famous teachers, but the result was very disappointed. There is no practice method or any magic potion that can control the blood-eating virus in his body. The hateful blood-eating virus is a deeper soul mark than any brand. Once it hits someone's body, it cannot be erased. This person's fate can never be changed. A vampire is not an identity, but a kind of soul imprint. You have to accept this mark in one day of life. Vampires can only survive in one way: sucking human blood.

Fian is an outstanding vampire. He failed to change his fate, but brought mysterious weapons and undead amulets to his descendants. With his own life and soul, he refined the undead amulet with strong/manpower. Don't think of it as a black wood round card. It is a high-level magic weapon with soul imprints. This soul imprint can enter the body of every Faian's offspring and permanently suppress the blood-eating virus and make it no longer attack. . Although Fian's descendants are still lurking with blood-eating viruses, they have been able to live in the sun like ordinary people without having to rely on blood sucking to make a living.

In addition to the soul mark with a powerful suppression effect, the undead amulet is also a high-level magic weapon with powerful/mana power. It is said that this thing comes from ancient Egypt and is a luxury weapon of many high-ranking priest. Stewe is Eric's own brother. As a vampire, he can enjoy the sun and freedom like ordinary people from the moment of birth. He doesn't need to suck human blood or hide in the shadow of darkness, but he is not satisfied. He doesn't know how precious contentment is.

He is a qualityless person who completely destroyed his soul in the dirty underground black market. He is more evil than those evil vampires. Even Carls, a veteran vampire who has been in the underworld for hundreds of years, dares not face him. He is like a vicious wolf, in iron The city committed a crazy crime. Eric has been trying to stop his brother, but inadvertently exposed the secret of the undead amulet. In order to get the magic weapon handed down from the family, Stewe showed the evil and ferocity vividly, but there is only one thing he can't do. The undead amulet has a soul mark, and he can't get it in his own way. There is only one way to get it, Eric's designation.

Before he died, he finally got the undead amulet, but this legendary magic weapon that could be protected by death failed to block Ding Weiran's sword light. The owner died and did not appoint an heir before he died, so this black wooden card became a real wooden card, which was worthless.

After returning to the Iron City, Duan Fei tried it with a small steel knife. Yes, it was a very ordinary wooden card, leaving a trace with a slight stroke. Without magical power, this thing has become an authentic souvenir. Duan Fei does not intend to keep it for himself, but to return it to its owner. The man sacrificed his soul to refine this small wooden card. In order to enable his descendants to live the life of ordinary people, he has been well-intentioned.

With some tools, Duan Fei carried a high-pressure oxygen cylinder and a waterproof and high-energy battery to the front of Fei's stone house. Liu Qing also went into the water to help her illuminate. The electric drill connected the waterproof battery and quickly drilled into the stone house. The house is simply furnished, with only one gray sarcophagus.