Star Dragonkui

Chapter 89 Space 4

Duan Fei and Liu Qing broke through the stone house in the tunnel at the bottom of the lake without much effort. The room was empty. There was really nothing but the sarcophagus. Duan Fei and Liu Qing circled around the sarcophagus a few times. Did they open it here or find a way to get it ashore? Duan Fei began to think about this issue. If you open it here, the lake will soon enter, and the bones will soon be soaked in water. It doesn't feel good and is too disrespectful to the deceased. It's easy to put this thing on the shore. It's not easy to do this without large machinery and not attracting a bunch of construction teams.

Duan Fei is just a little second lieutenant and can't call the military police here. What should he do?

Duan Fei pulled Liu Qing to the stone house. He motioned Liu Qing to go up. He planned to open the 500-year-old sarcophagus alone. Fei An is a very personal vampire. This guy may become a monster after lying at the bottom of the lake for so many years. In case he wakes up, Duan Fei and Liu Qing are now Martial arts can't resist high-level monsters at all. Vampires must be more terrible than ordinary zombies!

Liu Qingliang got out of the daughter-mother hook. Obviously, it was impossible for this young woman to leave Duan Fei alone to take danger. Duan Fei regretted that she should not have brought her. This kind of risky errand will be done by herself. Alas, all kinds of mistakes are not good. What should I do now?

What I hold in my hand is the undead amulet that Fian refined himself. If he still has a trace of residual spiritual power in his body, then he should recognize this thing. As long as he can recognize this small card, there is room for discussion. If he can talk slowly, he can explain it clearly. If in another situation, his body has no remaining spiritual power, then the probability of corpse transformation is theoretically very low.

Duan Fei worshipped the sarcophagus three times, and was ready to do it. He held a small wooden card in his right hand and was really absorbed. He gently pressed his left hand on the lid of the sarcophagus and shook it hard, "Sneer!" The lid of the sarcophagus faded to one side, rolled into the water, and the lake splashed in. Duan Fei's use is relatively strong. As soon as the lid is opened, a large amount of water will enter. If there is any accident, he should at least ensure that he can see what is going on inside. If only part of it is opened, the lake will still enter, but his vision is not good and he can't control the overall situation. If something happens at this time, If there is a corpse change, it will be very passive. If you are attacked, it will be more troublesome to deal with it. Now the situation in the whole coffin is completely exposed, and no matter what happens, you can at least see it clearly.

A strange scene happened under his nose. Although the time left for Duan Fei was very short, that is, a few moments, for Duan Fei, one moment was enough. Duan Fei stood relatively close and could see very clearly. As soon as the sarcophagus was opened, the body lying inside was exposed. The whole body was quite well preserved and the facial expression was vivid, but it was only a few moments. Soon as the lake poured in, the body quickly dissolved into the water, not soaked in the lake. The whole body disappeared and dissolved into the lake. , gone! The whole body was gone, and finally it was his face that disappeared. Duan Fei also saw Fei An blinking before leaving.

Liu Qing was scared and trembled all over holding the mother hook. Fortunately, Duan Fei stood in front of him. He was not afraid. If the corpse turned into a sea thunder suit, the zombie may not be afraid of it when it comes. Can its claws beat the bat monster?

Although Duan Fei stood there and did not move, a pair of ears stood up to listen. There was no movement behind him except Liu Qing. He was sure that there was no threat in the coffin, so he took a step back and looked around. There was really no threat to appear. Fei An's body melted and hydrated in this way.

The coffin was full of water. A small wooden box lay in the coffin. The black wooden box lay quietly in the coffin. Duan Fei was trying to recall the scene just now. He wanted to figure out where the small wooden box was just now. Did it appear above Fei An's body or after the body disappeared. He finally fished it out. A little clip, just now this small wooden box was held in his arms. When the lake poured in, it still swings and quickly sinks to the bottom. The wooden box that can sink quickly must be very heavy. Duan Fei carefully looked at this small square box. It is too familiar. It belongs to the same style as the black wooden box that should have contained the book of destruction. In his hand There were protective gloves with sea thunder suits. Duan Fei raised his right hand and leaned into the water with his left hand. There was no accident. Duan Fei easily got the black wooden box.

The scene just now was so weird. How is it possible that a complete body disappeared out of thin air within a few seconds and melted by the lake? Liu Qing couldn't believe the scene in front of her. She asked tremblingly, "What happened just now? How could he disappear out of thin air?

Duan Fei looked around warily. This place was strange and could not stay for a long time. Duan Fei motioned Liu Qing to withdraw quickly. The two left quickly. The tunnel behind him began to collapse. The whole mine was shaking. Duan Fei pulled Liu Qing and quickly rose to the lake. Huge ripples came from the bottom of the lake, and the whole mine should have collapsed. He didn't know what happened just now. He looked at Liu Qing in shock and said, "Maybe this is the legendary fourth space!"

"Fourth Space?" Liu Qing asked back.

Duan Fei stood by the lake and looked at a series of huge ripples in the middle of the lake, shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened just now. All I know is that Feian Cardi carefully designed a huge plan. Eric said that he did not find a way to remove the blood-eating virus, but Fei An didn't think so. He found a It's a good way to remove the blood-eating virus from your body.

"What can I do?"

The ripples in the middle of the lake are getting shallower and smaller, and the lake is gradually calming down. If possible, Duan Fei really wants to get to get to the bottom of the lake and see if the stone house is still there. Are the bones of more than a dozen miners snuggling together, but this is not easy to do. The landslide just now should be very Seriously, the whole mine is seriously damaged, and it is almost impossible to enter again.

Duan Fei got another black wooden box. He scratched the pure black wooden box with a small steel knife, which could not be scratched at all. There were no knife marks at all. Authentic black wood of the dead, a noble sacred object of the undead clan. In the box was a sheepskin book, and Duan Fei did not spend much time deciphering these ancient Egyptian words: "I am a pure lotus flower, and the breath of God raised me and sprouted brilliantly. I rose from the dark ground, entered the world of sunshine, and blossomed in the fields..." This is the Book of the Dead in ancient Egypt, which is a hymn dedicated to the gods of the dead. The dead in ancient Egypt hope to get God's favor in this way. Yes, that'an's plan is like this.

Duan Fei and Liu Qing came to the Golden Lake again. The whole lake was quiet. Duan Fei did not go into the water in the end. He just stood by the lake and meditated. Liu Qing kept looking at him.

"I think Fian's method must be designed like this. First of all, he controlled the mine, recruited a large number of miners to work for him, and built a huge underground world for him. Here he may have completed his own practice. As Eric said, Fei An refined the undead amulet with his body and soul. This thing is an advanced magic weapon of ancient Egypt, with a powerful soul mark, which can be passed down directly from generation through blood, so that his descendants don't have to worry about the blood-eating virus in his body, which is the first half of the plan. What about the second half?" The first half of his plan went very smoothly, but the second half was completely miscalculated. Do you remember the more than ten-meter-long landslide? The landslide was a man-made accident and part of Fei'an's whole plan. He probably controlled several powerful confidants by magic and commanded them to create a landslide accident when he lay in the sarcophagus in order to hide his body.

"What's the use of hiding your body?"

"Of course it is useful. At least he believes that it is useful. Legend has it that in ancient Egypt, the resurrection of the dead was popular among pharaohs and nobles. It is said that the soul did not die after death. Only the permission of death is required. The soul will temporarily live in the fourth space. One day the soul can break through the fourth space and return to the body. Of course, two must be achieved. The first condition is that the body is intact, and that's how the pyramid came from. Those dead kings are eager to be resurrected. First of all, they must keep their bodies, otherwise there will be no chance at all.

"So what is the second important condition for resurrection?"

"Get God's guidance."