Star Dragonkui

Chapter 91 Third-order Adventure

Just after wandering around the four-dimensional space for a long time, Liu Qing was a little confused. Now she finally returns to the problem itself. Don't care about the annoying four-dimensional space. Liu Qing's curiosity is attracted by this mysterious plan. At this time, Duan Fei suddenly changed the topic again.

"That's right," Duan Fei suddenly remembered another thing, that is, the tunnel he opened for which he turned the topic to the miners: "Those miners who died in the pit are likely to be the last group of people to help him seal the stone house. After they finished their final work, Fei An let them die and will After the body was secretly hidden in the landslide, he left a will for his descendants: find God's guidance, and then chisel the landslide to save him from birth.

"This is a pretty perfect plan." Liu Qing completely agreed with Duan Fei's view, "He almost succeeded, but it's a pity that people are not as good as God. He must not have thought that this mine would soon become the bottom of the lake, and the lake sealed the whole mine, and God's guidance could not be reached."

"God's guidance can't cross the lake?"



"God's guidance is usually conveyed by God's messengers. Feian's resurrection uses the book of the dead, so the god he found is the famous god of death. There is only one messenger of death on earth, that is, the bird of heaven, and some people call it a thorn bird."

"Birds can't be brought below the lake."

"Yes, the bird of paradise can't cross the lake, and the body that has planted the undead spell cannot be moved. Once the spell is moved, it will take effect, and the whole body will disappear. He will only have a lonely soul to wander in the fourth space."

"But will these ancient spells and legends be true?"

Duan Fei shook his head and could only return it with a wry smile: "It's unlikely."

"That--" Liu Qing stared at her with her little mouth: "So what you just said is all nonsense?"

"Yes." Duan Fei spread his hands and looked helpless: "Maybe not."

No one can tell if there are gods or ghosts in the world. Before Liu Qing left, he especially reminded Duan Fei not to lose his bank card. Because he was busy tracing the vampire case, Duan Fei had never taken care of this matter. If Liu Qing hadn't reminded him, he would have really forgotten this matter. His old classmates met again after a long separation, and Liu Qing directly sent Zhang. How much is the bank card? Duan Fei thinks it's strange. Is there anyone who gives him a gift like this?

Duan Fei returned to the Casa Base. Greta pointed to his nose and cursed rudely, "In such an important game, it's incredible to stand on the stage like a piece of wood, waste, stupid..." Greta scolded until her voice was a little hoarse.

"Why don't you leave Casa Base? There is really no future with this bastard Greta." Duan Fei began to waver. Will he continue to stay in the Casa Islands? The depressed young man was wandering around in the business district. There happened to be a small bank. Duan Fei went up and swiped the bank card given to him by Liu Qing. Good boy, no wonder she solemnly reminded him not to lose it. It was 200 million. Duan Fei carefully counted the eight 0,200000000 behind 2. He was a little dizzy and really ashamed. The first weapon of 5 million war knife was given by Ouyang. Now, I think it's not bad. How can I earn millions by going to the bat cave? Look at them. As soon as they take action, I will give you 200 million. Maybe this is all her property. How can this stupid girl be as moral as Ouyang? Well, alas, don't say anything, I'm really ashamed.

Of course, Liu Qing gave him 200 million, not to make him feel guilty, and Duan Fei is not the kind of person who can't think about it. He has to buy some decent equipment for himself. First of all, flying knives. Two high-level flying knives must be built. Moya-level can't afford it. It's Monte-level. Monte alloy with a purity of more than 90%, and the hardness is close to 10 times diamond, that is, 100 Mohmall units. Make two flying knives with a price of 6.5 million. It's really not authentic. Duan Fei quickly changed to another one. The price was negotiated at 4.2 million, what a huge difference.

At present, the combat suit and the sword are going to be replaced. The upper level of Hailei is called Neppoon. The price is 300 million, and the price is not easy to negotiate. Forget it. As for the sword, he has always liked the Wonderland series, which is jointly created by Chengdu Wusong and Kent, Germany. It has the charm of Chinese classical immortals. There are three levels in total, purple smoke, piercing, Moss, he chose the intermediate piercing, offered 230 million, and finally sold for 170 million.

With a good sword, he naturally has to go to the sea to demonstrate. His thirteen swordsmanship has been practiced to the point of boredom. Only those 13 old skills have been refined. Li Muyu just did not nod. In desperation, he had no choice but to grind time. In the repetition again and again, Duan Fei finally realized the fresh content and repeated It is not necessarily simple. In the thousands of repetitions, Duan Fei realized some changes. The thirteen swords can be freely combined. The moves themselves are dead, but people are alive. The results obtained by one more step and half a step are not the same. Maybe this is the reason why all kinds of changes come out of the end.

While Duan Fei was busy practicing the bone-piercing sword, Greta's third-stage training plan*. As the leader of the Casa training camp, Duan Fei will go to some nearby islands with 11 other excellent players to start their adventure.

12 students, two heavyweight instructors led the team in person, and Greta and Li Muyu led six people each. Casa Shuangxiong is particularly valued by Greta, and of course he has to take them away by himself. Duan Fei, Capov and Ruili are more appreciated by Li Muyu, so they naturally follow Lao Li.

Fortunately, I followed Lao Li. If I follow Greta, forget it.

Li Muyu's team target is Xiting Island, about 60 kilometers southwest of Terror Island. This is a desert island. There were no permanent residents before the war, not to mention after the war. It is so desolate that he can't even find a hut.

As soon as he got off the helicopter, Li Muyu began to arrange the task. Capov and Matsumoto Jiro were responsible for opening the road in the front. Li Muyu led Duan Fei and Ruili in the middle, and the last two Duan Fei were still dealing for the first time: the Frenchman Sainz and the Swedish De Cogalsai.

First of all, they have to walk around the island, get a general idea of the island, find the main mountains and water sources, and survive. In fact, Duan Fei is very experienced in finding water sources, but Lao Li handed over this job to Capov and Matsumoto Jiro, so it's up to them. Anyway, the island is not Big, all six students are good at martial arts, and there is a senior martial artist as the backing. What are you afraid of? When the monster comes, they will destroy it.

In Xiting Island, they soon encountered the first group of enemies, a group of fire-eyed short-tailed monkeys. These little monsters are not big and less than 1 meter long. This physique is not even a junior monster, but don't underestimate these small things. They are several times more flexible than ordinary monkeys. They run back and down on the branches. The speed is quite fast, flashing, and they can't be seen clearly. The claws are quite sharp, and they can be easily fished. It can be nailed into the trunk.

When you meet such a group of small monsters, everyone can only complain. These little things are very tactical and specialize in playing sneak attacks behind the team. The two people walking at the end of the team have a headache. These little things ran away with a few claws, running fast and swinging in the dense branches and leaves. Go, it's really hard to deal with. Li Muyu made up his mind to eradicate this group of little things several times, but these little guys were very thieves and ghostly. They got into the branches with a short tail and split them with a knife. The branches and leaves floated in a pile, and the monkey shadow was not fished. These little things are different from other monsters. They like to attack crazily. These short-tailed monkeys pay attention to attacks. When you walk, they will follow/scrat you twice. You stop to hit it and turn around and run away. Moreover, they don't run on the ground, climb branches, and run a few times to hide in the valley, which is very painful.

Li Muyu has no good idea how to deal with these annoying fire-eyed short-tailed monkeys. He can only gather everyone to sit down and discuss. There is no good idea to discuss it. Let's kill one by one and two to kill one pair, that's all.

Before hunting these short-tailed monkeys, you have to camp. If you don't tie the camp well, everyone will not feel at ease. After tying the camp, you can take the barracks as the center and gradually clean up the surroundings. Of course, at present, it is still necessary to find an effective way to clean up the short-tailed monkeys. An instructor and six students are all elites of Casa Camp. Casualties are unacceptable. Everyone has to sit down. Study how to deal with these fire-eyed short-tailed monkeys quickly and easily.

Collection, collection, brothers!