Star Dragonkui

Chapter 92 First acquaintance with the magic department

Li Muyu led his team to land on Cetin Island, and the training tasks assigned by the organization have three contents: first, establish a base; second, collect various information about the island and draw them into a book and hand them over to the headquarters; third, clean up the monsters on the island.

As soon as Li Muyu and others came to Xiting Island, they encountered a troublesome short-tailed monkey. Everyone opened their handheld computer and searched for relevant information, hoping to find an effective way to clean up the fire-eyed short-tailed monkey as soon as possible. Before that, everyone can only hide in the camp to rest.

The construction of the tent basically adopts Duan Fei's opinion: three tents are built back to back, and two small tents live with Ruili and instructors respectively. The large tent has to squeeze 5 students. The perimeter of the tent is a 5-meter high-high high-voltage power grid, double-row power grid, and the short-tailed monkey's bounce ability is quite strong, and the single-row high-voltage grid can't stop this at all. Some small things can jump directly on the 5-meter-high power grid after running. Of course, high-voltage electricity will hit it. If it jumps on the power grid and is hit by high-voltage electricity, it may fall outside or fall inside. 500 volts of high-voltage electricity is not enough to hit it seriously, so these little monsters can't have the opportunity to Think about it, several red-eyed monsters got into the tent in the middle of the night, and the consequences were terrible.

The single-row power grid is unreliable, and the double-row power grid is different. The spacing is 60 cm. These small things fall into the middle of the two-layer power grid and can't jump up again. They can only stay honestly and move around. They will be electrocuted as soon as they touch the grid. After all, these things are small in physique and are not enough to defeat the high-voltage power grid, so basically this The defense effect of the new double-row high-voltage power grid is still good.

With this double-layer high-voltage power grid, everyone can hide in the camp and have a good rest.

In terms of strength, Li Muyu is already the best among senior martial artists. He rushed out with a sword and can kill dozens of little monkeys a day. However, they didn't come to Xiting Island to earn extra money. At least not only, the main purpose is to improve the combat effectiveness of the students. Considering that everyone's strength is not bad, Li Mu The fish decided to let the students combine freely, in groups of two, three or alone. Anyway, according to the head, each person can eliminate 5 short-tailed monkeys per day for a week.

35 short-tailed monkeys a week, this task is not too difficult, at least Duan Fei thinks so, Fadiano's quotation, 60,000 yuan a fire-eyed short-tailed monkey, 100 is 6 million, after deducting the cost of dissection and picking, it is almost 5 million, 200 is 10 million.

10 million is actually not much, which is too far from the quotation of 300 million for the Neppoon combat suit. However, it comes back. If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles. If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. Wealth is accumulated little by little.

Duan Fei and Ruili are naturally in a group, a free combination. They used to be a group, but now it is logical. Duan Fei has been thinking about Ruili's demon pestle. How powerful the small cone is. This time, they have a chance to see it.

They chose a mountain forest in the southeast of Xiting Island. In addition to cleaning up the fire-eyed monkey, they also need to collect geographical data of this area. Duan Fei wears a sea mine combat suit, and the protection is easier to walk in front. Ruili only has an ordinary military bulletproof vest. Those ordinary military bulletproof metal cotton certainly can't resist the claws of the fire-eyed short-tailed monkey, so she has to be careful not to rush to the front or too far. She holds the pestle in her right hand and is careful. Wings followed Duan Fei.

"Pa." Ruili's right hand suddenly opened, and the palm-long King Kong pestle flew out of his hand and turned into a golden light. Duan Fei's eyes were good enough, but he still couldn't see what was going on with the golden light. The golden light hit the snake's head with a "pop" sound, and even Duan Fei's eyes did not react. How could the snake avoid such a speed?

The golden light flashed, and the snake's head tilted. When Duan Fei looked at it again, the demon king Kong pestle had returned to Ruili's palm. Good boy, this speed was too fierce. Not to mention the snake, even if Duan Fei's golden light hit him, there was really a saying whether he could dodge it. The demon king was really not blown out. He was indeed an awesome man. I don't know how much Ruili borrowed from him this time. With a layer of mana, a 2-inch-long bronze cone turned into an extremely fierce weapon, and Duan Fei was very knowledgeable.

Look at the big snake again. The snake's head was hit by the small cone. It was not dead. Its head was tilted to one side and its body was still twisting. Circles of snake patterns slid on the dead leaves. This guy must have been knocked unconscious. The snake's head could not be raised. He completely leaned against his body and pushed forward. He watched it tilted its head and arched his neck and slip on the ground. OK, Duan Fei really wanted to go up to help it free. At this time, Jinguang arrived again. This time, he still hit the snake's head. The incident just happened suddenly, and Duan Fei didn't see it clearly. This time, Duan Fei saw it clearly. Ruili had a tight movement in her right hand, and then suddenly opened her palm and shook forward. The small awl flew out at a very fast speed and knocked. The snake's head bounced back and was collected by Ruili's palm.

Duan Fei would play flying knives when he was very young. It's too easy to shake out the flying knives and take them back. He can even make the flying knives change lines in the air. In fact, he doesn't understand the principle. Of course, the methods used by Ruili are different. The way she launches weapons is not by internal force, but by mana, small The flight speed of the cone is several times faster than that of the flying knife. The speed and strength are closely related. The same weight, the attack power will be different after the speed is added. The speed of mana-driven flying weapons far exceeds that of internal forces. Duan Fei had to re-examine the subject of magic, which is a very interesting subject. What is its theoretical basis?