Star Dragonkui

Chapter 142 Entanglement

The one-eyed dragon looked at its useless men, repeatedly humiliated, and finally couldn't help hanging up in person. As soon as he came up, it was a killing move, and the lightning-like storm knife directly cut the bridge of Duan Fei's nose.

Duan Fei has always valued his nose, which is a very beautiful part, neither high nor low, neither wide nor narrow. No matter how you look at it, he thinks it is beautiful. As soon as he comes up, he starts at my beautiful nose. You are too black-hearted.

At a glance, the one-eyed dragon is coming too fiercely. Duan Fei did not dare to take this move. He tried his best to pull out his unparalled energy, but let you score three points first. Let's make a long-term plan. Duan Fei jumped back and drew a small circle in front of him with his right sword.

"Bang," more than 300 catties of alloy long knives were cut on small circles, with ice crystals and splashing.

One-eyed dragon was drenched by a water mist. He grinned angrily and couldn't wait to jump on it and swallow Duan Fei.

He was in a hurry, but Duan Fei was not in a hurry. His brother gently stroked his left hand on the body of the sword, and there was another water mist in front of the one-eyed dragon. Maybe this group of people was so angry that the water mist could not condense into ice. Duan Fei was also puzzled and looked at the long sword in his hand. It seemed that the temperature was not low enough. Wow, this guy was so angry that even the ice was broken by him. Duan Fei turned his wrist and pointed his sword at the one-eyed dragon. If it was not frozen, he would fight with you.

Okay, just waiting for your action, there is a burst of ecstasy in the heart of the one-eyed dragon. This one doesn't kill me.

The dozen big sword soldiers who had just been frozen were frozen fiercely for a while. They finally melted the ice by relying on their body temperature. Now life is not easy. They are soaked and colder than just now. Those guys really couldn't stand it. They quietly slipped aside and squeezed into the corner of the wall to warm each other. Not to mention their combat effectiveness, they can stand up straight. That's right. Those standard waist knives are all thrown to the ground. It's critical to save their lives. Who can take care of that waist knives?

These dozen are precedents. More than a dozen big knives rushed up, didn't even touch a corner of their clothes, and were beaten into frost by ice. The remaining half of their lives don't know if they can be warmed back. Few of them are willing to suffer this crime. Come out as a soldier to put it bluntly, they are a migrant worker. Some people pay and follow behind them. You say If this group of people really jump on and play with others, no one will commit that stupidity. Just now, I didn't expect that this flight would still have this move. What is this called? Magic? Frozen magic.

After suffering a loss, I knew that this young man was not easy to mess with. He often played with a frozen thing or something. In the cold weather, he could not suffer that crime. When Duan Fei came out, those big-headed soldiers were very interested and wanted to go up and do it. He accidentally made contributions or something. Maybe the city owner was happy and could reward a bowl of meat. Qian, that one-eyed dragon is not so kind. As for rewarding women, that's what I dream of in the next life. I'm looking forward to eating meat and drinking a big bowl in my life.

Wearing the uniform issued by the court and doing the work of mountain thieves, they couldn't eat meat, drink wine, let alone touch women. They were unlucky for eight lifetimes under this one-eyed dragon. You said that these big soldiers were actually very depressed.

When this group of people thought so, who rushed forward was a stupid 350, two or fifty more than 250. The one-eyed dragon was all focused on the battle, and they didn't care about his men. They hid far away one by one by one, and even the volunteered Cologne didn't know which corner to slip into.

These unjust guys.

The one-eyed dragon really didn't notice such a thing. With so many subordinates, none of them were more righteous. If he had found out this problem earlier, maybe things would have changed, but this guy's brain is not good. It's an IQ problem, but a structural problem. His head is fleshy structure, which is a nerve. Cells, his head is a concrete structure, which is born with a pile of waste materials, which is called congenital decisions and acquired, and materials determine spirit.

The one-eyed dragon thinks very well. Duan Fei is fighting with his own alloy with a long sword. This is a basic mechanical principle. The weight is not at the same energy level at all. Among other things, he can also hit your thin sword by hitting you with brute force. This guy is actually right. The truck hit QQ, and the result is obvious. But he still ignored the question: it is not certain which one will suffer when the steel ball meets the paper box.

The one-eyed dragon smashed Duan Fei's ice with one knife, and his body jumped directly by force. The big knife in his hand immediately arrived. This one was changed to another place and cut Duan Fei's shoulder.

This knife hangs down and can unload one of the prince's arms. The long alloy knife of more than 300 catties is powerful and fierce. It is really a question whether it can be blocked by raising a sword. The onlookers pinched a handful of sweat, and some people shouted loudly.

Speed, speed, it's not the best strategy to fight with this rough man. Duan Fei's advantage is speed. Seeing this big knife, Duan Fei's body ran away like a ghost. The one-eyed dragon is not a fuel-saving lamp. Although he hasn't fought hard for several years, he still has some experience in the world. He saw Duan Fei flashed away. He floated away and rolled his hand. Fortunately, the young master's body was smart and his body had not stopped. As soon as he took the opportunity to turn around, the tip of the knife pressed against his coat and went up - the one-eyed dragon was also a human spirit, and the strength in his hand was very measured. The tip of the knife passed, and the strength in his hand was immediately removed. If this move was old, it would be troublesome. On the one hand, it's a waste of physical strength and time, and on the other hand, it gives the opponent time to adjust his position. Of course, he can't give Duan Fei a leisurely time to fight. He lifted the tip of the knife halfway and pulled it diagonally--

This move is relatively vicious. After Duan Fei flashed twice in one breath, it is already difficult to flash again. Boy, Jiang is still old and spicy. It's strange that this one doesn't open a blood.

It is indeed too difficult to dodge again, and it is likely to lose the center of gravity of the body. Next, he will fall into a more passive dilemma. Although Duan Fei's combat experience is not enough, his brain is still clear. As soon as he turns his wrist, he swings the bone-piercing sword in his hand, stands up as his chest, holds the blade with his left hand, stabilizes the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and has a heavy blade from the sword. There are serrated teeth on his body.

The one-eyed dragon's consecutive attacks did not work. He was about to collect the knife and attack again. He was fast. Duan Fei was faster than him. The bone-piercing sword chased the alloy knife and stuck to it. One inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch dangerous. Short weapons fought with long weapons. Only by sticking them can Duan Fei understand this principle is not too late to understand.

The big knife of the one-eyed dragon is long and heavy. The speed of withdrawing and attacking is certainly not as fast as Duan Fei's. The piercing sword sticks to the big knife and keeps sliding over. After all, the one-eyed dragon is an old world, so that his sword slips to the handle of the knife and becomes passive. He puffed his cheeks, gives way to the sword blade with his left hand, holds the knife rod, and grasps the handle tightly in his right hand. With a violent shock, Duan Fei's bone-piercing sword floated away from the knife shaft. The one-eyed dragon took the opportunity to push forward with the knife rod. He wanted to use the advantage of his own power to suppress Duan Fei's bone-piercing sword. Duan Fei was not so stupid. Just now, his opponent suddenly shook, and he had already activated it. His right foot touched the ground, and the long sword against the big knife, and his whole body floated. Get up. The transportation power of the one-eyed dragon was pushed over. Duan Fei was not a little bean. He was not run down by the grinding disc, but floated to the grinding disc. He pressed the big knife of the one-eyed dragon with his sword, and his whole body rose in the air.

The experience of the one-eyed dragon is relatively old. When it is interrupted, it will suffer chaos. Once this situation evolves into a glue state, he immediately falls into a passive situation. Duan Fei's body is pressed on it, and the thousand pounds fall out. The physical consumption of the one-eyed dragon is very huge. Big, and with the help of his own knife rod as the fulcrum, he can calmly adjust the attack deployment, and he has been pressed down and can't move. Once the gap is exposed, the opponent's left palm or right sword can exert a fierce attack.

Experience is experience. Before the stalemate was formed, he had taken countermeasures. His hands shook violently, and his whole body retreated. After Duan Fei's sword was shaken away, he did not need at least a time to adjust to the ground. After the one-eyed dragon jumped back, he may naturally reorganize the deployment. As soon as the body swings, the long knife is directed to the sky, which can be attacked and defended.

In theory, it is such a process, but there is always a gap between theory and practice. Duan Fei's nerve cells are very efficient. He felt that after his opponent clenched the knife body, he had predicted his next action and shook him away. Before leaving the fulcrum of strength, Duan Fei had to do at least one thing. The thousand-jin fell suddenly unloaded, and the power shook gently, like a small explosion next to a big explosion, and Duan Fei's body floated into the air.