Star Dragonkui

Chapter 143 Soul Attack

It was taken back in order to attack better. Duan missile went into the air to adjust a posture to launch its own attack. Recently, it has just been familiar with the first and second types of the Taiyi sword. Last time, it was a small try at Golmud's elite challenge. It seemed that the power was acceptable, and finally forced the beast Rehagel to suffer. To the point of hard support, this time I pulled it out to practice. Martial arts has been abandoned after a long time, and I have to take it out and dry it from time to time.

The one-eyed dragon straightened the mouth of the long knife in the position. Duan Fei also finished the preparations before the attack in the air. With the help of two shocks, one fell down and turned back, and his body was like a eagle. When his body floated down, the piercing sword drew a flash of lightning and came down.

The one-eyed dragon struggled to block, and the lightning suddenly stopped on the knife rod. After all, Duan Fei's Taiyi's magic sword was not enough. The sword blade failed to cross the alloy knife, and the sword spirit was still somewhat. The one-eyed dragon was also wearing a superior combat suit. Of course, a little sword spirit could not hurt him.

As soon as the sword touched, Duan Fei bounced back into mid-air, and the one-eyed dragon was depressed. This guy jumped down like a bird and bounced back and then bounced back. With such a repeated tossing, he will always be injured by him, which is really a dilemma.

This is not only the dilemma of the one-eyed dragon, but also the dilemma of Duan Fei. It's really beautiful to jump around in the air like this, but it's also tired. You have to find a way to deal with this guy. Is there any way to deal with him with a magic sword?

Duan Fei suddenly remembered the destruction of the spirit book. Although he has just touched the corner, he might as well pull it out and try it. The first layer of the destruction of the spirit heaven book is called the black wind. In fact, it has nothing to do with the wind. The destruction of the spirit book pays attention to soul attack power, the so-called soul attack power. In fact, Duan Fei is also understanding that human life is a It is a very complex concept. We can talk about the principle of life from three levels. Only when we understand this thing can we understand the soul attack.

The first level of life is the function of the body. The heart keeps beating at a certain frequency, and the lungs keep absorbing oxygen in the air. The weaving organs of the body perform their respective duties, and various departments coordinate and operate. This is the first level of life, and some people call it the body.

Above the body is God, that is, the second level of life. More specifically, it is the central nervous system. In particular, this is two concepts with human wisdom. Any animal has a nervous system, that is, cats and dogs are also gods.

The third level is the soul. In addition to gods, cats and dogs also have souls. To put it bluntly, gods are the central nervous system of the body, so the soul is the central control core, which is the central processing system of complex human machines. The most basic life information and memories are stored here. Usually, Ordinary people can't see their own souls. Only ordinary people with introspective functions can feel their own souls.

From the perspective of the basic theory of characteristics, the material basis of the soul is the nucleus of the nucleus of the nucleus. Everyone knows that human life originates from an egg cell, that is, the original shape of the human nucleus. All the original life information is stored in such a core cell. It is very small and its thin thoracic nucleus. Smaller, but the reason why people can grow into two eyes and one mouth is completely controlled by this small nucleus. The foundation of soul theory is established in the nucleus of this sperm and egg cell. In this nucleus that is impossible for the naked eye, there is a unit smaller than a microstructure, which is the secret habitat of the soul. Ground-nuclear, under the control of the soul, the essence/original/cell uses the resources of the mother, gradually grows from a single cell to a complex embryo with five internal organs, and then leaves the mother and grows up by constantly absorbing the nutrition of the outside world. So, where did the soul go?

Of course, the soul will also be hidden in the nucleus, which determines that human life goes according to the established procedure, life, old age, illness and death, and the nucleus nucleus controls the direction of human life. As you can see, the soul is usually not controlled by itself, because human consciousness is a lower level of objectivity than it. The divine consciousness cannot control the soul, and it cannot change the basic laws of life, old age, illness and death.

But what if we reach the level of controlling the soul? 70 ancient and century-old return to the earth, is it possible to modify such a law? Can you order the body to grow a third eye? Can you order the body to break through the limits of strength and speed?

Soul practice will be a new level, and Duan Fei has just touched a little corner.

The first style of the Book of Destroyed Spirits, after Duan Fei bounced back into the air, his left hand with five fingers like a f��, grabbing an invisible force in his hand and penetrating into the sword through the true air.

This is the first time in his life that the Book of Destroying Spirits has been used. For Duan Fei, this is an epoch-making project. When martial arts rises to the level of soul attack, Duan Fei has actually opened a window to the ethereal world.

"When," the bone-piercing sword stabbed the strong knife rod, and there was no other feeling except for a shock. The debut of the destruction of the Spirit Book ended in failure. Duan Fei was a little disappointed. Although the one-eyed dragon did not have the ability of an uncertain prophet, he did not know that Duan Fei was trying a new killing weapon, but the one-eyed dragon did not want to fight. In this state, this guy attacked with a sword, raised a knife, sent him back to mid-air, and then he made a comeback. This kind of blind play made him very uncomfortable. As a high-level general with decades of experience in the world, he certainly needed to find a way to solve the dilemma.

When the one-eyed dragon raised a knife to meet each other, it deliberately gave an angle. The left hand was on the top and the right hand was on the bottom, and the power of the grid was skewed to the right side of the body. He hoped to win a little space for his hands and feet through such a posture. Either Duan Fei was shaken to the right side of his body, or he had to spend a lot of effort to adjust his posture. State, you can't let him return comfortably.

The one-eyed dragon's judgment is correct. Without good rebound power, Duan Fei's serial attacks cannot be launched. Because the support given by the one-eyed dragon is not good enough, the difficulty of Duan Fei to complete the body adjustment in the air greatly increased, but he still did it, but it took a little more time.

Duan Fei had to spend more time adjusting himself in mid-air. At the same time, his left hand needed to grab more destructive power, almost exactly the same move. The bone-piercing sword stabbed in the air, and his left hand waved in the air, like the wings of a eagle. "Ding," the tip of the sword was on the knife shaft and shook again. Duan Fei stabbed it. In an instant, he pressed his left hand at the end of the sword body, and the seemingly powerful destructive power suddenly disappeared. It came and went more suddenly.

It failed again, and the mysterious soul destructive power is not so easy to grasp.

Because it took too much time just now, the one-eyed dragon has found a good counterattack strategy. At the moment the knife hit the blade, the one-eyed dragon pushed his left hand and turned his wrist with his right hand. Duan Fei's body was shaken to the right side of the one-eyed dragon, and was pressed to the right by the knife rod, and his body failed to bounce up. You can only float out with your feet a little bit.

Without waiting for Duan Fei to stand firm, the big knife of the one-eyed dragon split over. Once the guy gasped, he immediately launched a crazy counterattack.

The atmosphere at the scene is very lively. There has been no high-end moves in Happy City. It is actually quite difficult for everyone to see the battle of first-class masters. It can be said that the two people in the field have tried their best to fight to fight to the death. For this reason, either the fish must die or the net is broken. It is absolutely stupid not to play with their lives. .

The other party's knife is heavy, and there is no need to carry it hard. Duan Fei fought with the advantage of good light kung fu. The two of them fought in a sword and were indistructively. Duan Fei was thinking all the way. Just now, the two moves to destroy the Lingtian Book were useless. What's the problem?

While fighting, the one-eyed dragon thought that this boy was really a little thorn. After playing more than 30 rounds, he couldn't deal with him. Thinking that I went south and north, a big knife in my hand killed many heroes and scared many three Lisi. This one actually fought so hard. This little guy is still smelly. His skills are still quite good. I can't go on like this. I have to find a way to clean him up so that I can go home and enjoy it. Today, I just came back from a beautiful woman from the 100,000 forest. I haven't had time to enjoy it.