Star Dragonkui

Chapter 145 Rob the Mayor

The sword attacked is the splashed water. It is difficult to collect, not to say that it cannot be collected at all. In today's highly developed science and technology and extreme progress in martial arts, many impossible things will become possible. Of course, I can't see the result. Duan Fei didn't think about collecting the sword before.

This time he changed his offensive strategy. It is reasonable that this is only a small change, changing the thorn into a split. In fact, no matter which offensive route, the defense difficulty is not much different for the one-eyed dragon, which means that there is a little difference.

is the difference, which has caused very serious consequences. Duan Fei regrets that although he has not reached the point of green intestines, there must be a degree of one or two big heads.

The one-eyed dragon's reaction was a little slow this time, just a little bit - what did you say? Speak louder...what? Did the piercing sword cut the brain of the one-eyed dragon? It can't be counted as right.

The martial arts skills of the one-eyed dragon are actually good. Although this one-thousand-th delay, his alloy knife still held Duan Fei's piercing sword, which did not hit his forehead, but the second-level sword spirit crossed his big knife and shot into his mind with a dark force.

This time it was not 39 seconds, but a few seconds. The one-eyed dragon looked ahead in a daze. One lonely eyes were empty like a breeze. More than 300 pounds of big knives fell to the ground again. Several poor bluestone bricks were once again suffered, and the majestic body of the one-eyed dragon was in The empty world is shaking.

"Ah-cut!" I don't know which buddy was worried about his hometown. A sneeze came and the mighty city lord fell down gently.

When he died, Duan Fei's head was big. On the one hand, such a good sword target was killed by himself, and he suffered heavy losses. On the other hand, he ran to Seth Star to kill a mayor. Now his arms were stabbed big. How should he end?

Do you still need to ask about this? Is Duan Fei's brain worse than that of the one-eyed dragon?

"Colonso!" Duan Fei thought for a moment and finally thought of a person's name. The guy was hiding behind a group of big-headed soldiers on the periphery. Hearing someone shouting, he quickly ran to him and bowed his body and asked, "What do you have any orders for this hero?"

"Find a few people immediately and bury all these dead people. Immediately, immediately!"

"Yes, the small one will go down and do it."

Duan Fei looked around and remembered another thing, "Black Panther, come here."

The dark-skinned young man ran to him, and Duan Fei also ordered him one thing. He believed that this person should be able to deal with this matter: "Tell the people of the city, the one-eyed dragon is out of here. This place is now under the management of Lord Duan, and everyone no longer have to worry about the big bastard running out to make trouble."

"Yes." The black panther answered and went down.

Duan Fei thought about it again. It seemed that there was nothing else to do, but he couldn't find anyone for a while. He casually thought of Urika. Anyway, this girl is a native. Let her come out and do something: "Urika!"

"To." The little girl ran to the hero. Since she first saw Duan Fei, the feeling was particularly intoxicating. He was simply the invincible hero in the little girl's heart.

"Urica, lead the way!"

"Where are you going?"

Duan Fei kicked the body of the one-eyed dragon, "Go to his house."

Yes, now the mayor has been killed. Of course, he went straight to the municipal government. Let's get the official seal of the municipal government first. I don't know if this planet has the official seal.

Although Urika is a Seth clan, it is also her first time to come to this happy city. She doesn't know where the consul's mansion is, but this little girl also has a good move. Looking at a big-headed soldier with a long gun beside her, she used to be afraid of this group of people, but now with Duan Fei's support, that's different. , she kicked the guy and shouted, "You, lead the way, go to the consul's office now."

The soldier smiled obediently, held a long gun in his right hand, stretched out his left hand, and walked in front of him to lead the way. Duan Fei still can't understand the habits of the bee ostor, so he can only walk 11 routes.

The one-eyed dragon is indeed a guy who knows how to enjoy it. This office is built like a garden, with several courtyards, more than a dozen small buildings, pavilions, and rockery pools, which are like a large family in the Song Dynasty. The difference is that all the reinforced concrete structures are strictly controlled in this country because communication products There are no electronic products in the consul's mansion, which is basically an electric telephone, and the living standard upstairs and downstairs. There are hundreds of people living in the house, married, robbed and stolen more than 40 wives, large and small, but there are not many children, only 3, and the others are domestic slaves except for the guards.

The first thing Duan Fei did was to walk around the house with the general manager Carlson and check the house's account books. This bastard one-eyed dragon, in addition to robbing women, has looted a lot of money. Cash deposits plus gold, silver and jewelry, total 3.6 billion yuan. If placed on the earth, this little mayor is also quite serious. A corrupt official.

The second thing Duan Fei did was to rectify his internal affairs. Why did the whole government need so many idle people? He immediately appointed Urika as the captain of the office to be responsible for the defense of the whole government office. But what about so many women?

"Urika, dismiss all the women of the one-eyed dragon. As for the servants and domestic servants in the family, more than a dozen of them were left with sharp hands and feet, and all the others were dismissed. Carlvinson stayed and continued to be in charge of finance."

"Are all the women sent away?" Urika looked at his master in shock.


"Wouldn't you leave any?" Uri still can't believe that this is true. There are no fishy cats in the world, and Duan Fei is not a standard good person: "Your Excellency, how many girls are really beautiful and have a good temper. It took a lot of effort to get them, especially the three mixed-race elves, even the governor has coveted Long time!"

Duan Fei thought about it and decided to demobilise them. Now he has all his energy on martial arts and has no time to deal with them at all. "All dismissed."

Urika pouted, shook her head and sighed, "Such a good girl is going to be dismissed. There is something wrong with his brain."

Now Duan Fei has to do a business. He found the old housekeeper Carlvinson. There is a very serious matter to listen to the old man's mouth.

"Carl, do you think I can just sit on the consul of Happy City?"

Calvinson's answer can be said to make Duan Fei overjoyed, "Your Excellency, of course you can."

Anyway, Duan Fei was very encouraged by this answer. An alien who came from a hostile planet killed the mayor here and even robbed the mayor's seat. To say, this planet also has its lovely side.

"Are you sure?"

Calvinson is an old world. Of course, his master's words mean that as a foreigner and an alien, of course, he does not know that Duan Fei is not only a foreigner, but also a tourist who comes from a hostile planet to spy on intelligence, but it doesn't matter. On this planet, money can really be divine.

"Do you understand the rules of the kingdom's officialdom?" The old man sat aside at the sign of his master and could sit side by side with his master, which is extremely rare in the city lord's mansion. This is a country with an extremely strict hierarchy.

Seeing the owner shaking his head, Carlson continued: "Actually speaking of which, His Majesty is not only a stranger, but also an alien. In fact, many people have known about this, but no one dares to say it. Five years ago, he brought his own people to our planet and killed it. The old king Gsan III, who called himself Hawk I, has been our king ever since.

Duan Fei was shocked by this speech. It turned out that this king of Set was not the original resident of the planet Set. Like himself, he was also an alien, the king of the murderer, and robbed his throne. This guy was really bold. Duan Fei tried his best to be calm, and he motioned Calvinson to continue.

"After Hawke became our king, he launched a series of wars to eliminate all the rebels in various places. Except for the seventh princes of the magic forest, Hawke's army went to Pimo. It only took him half a year to quell the resistance everywhere, and the whole country accepted his rule, except the seven princes."

"The seven princes are so powerful, alas," Duan Fei sighed and said, "I have always stayed in the mountains to learn from teachers. I don't know anything about things outside. The old man laughed."